Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “How to Divide White People,” on all the ways that white people are divided among themselves as non-whites unite against them. (more…)
Tag: whites
White people have always been a global minority, but in the past that didn’t impede them from ruling the globe. Not so long ago, it was astounding what whites — despite their national, religious, and ideological differences — were able to achieve merely by viewing themselves as a unique racial group that was distinct from the world’s other races. (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
In a 2015 article, John Derbyshire drew a distinction between “Goodwhites” and “Badwhites.” The “Goodwhites” were the well-meaning anti-racist white liberals, whereas the “Badwhites” were those who dared to differ with modern egalitarian orthodoxies. (more…)
3,168 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
There is something of a critical mass effect with much of the information we take in on a day-to-day basis. We can read or hear the same sort of thing 99 times without thinking much about it, but on the hundredth time it suddenly registers as if it is something new, and we then act on it. (more…)
1,869 words
In times of crisis, it seems that there are always people prone to engage in pointless discussions, like those sons of Byzantium who debated about the sex of angels while they were besieged by the Ottoman invaders — an encirclement that would result in the suppression of their millenary empire. (more…)
Perhaps the greatest challenge facing us is that whites are the only race that isn’t taking its own side. In a very competitive world, decades of this nonsense have led us to the brink of a crisis.
Readers are surely familiar with the unprecedentedly massive propaganda campaign that got this started long ago, the forces behind it, and the social pressures maintaining the march to self-destruction. (more…)
5,048 words
What we in America call multiculturalism the French call vivre ensemble, or “living together.” If that sounds like a euphemism to cover up a genocide, it’s because it is. As French author Renaud Camus dryly notes, “Between living together and living, one must choose.”
And so one must. (more…)