Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 558
Has Jewish Power Peaked?
Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson was joined by Endeavour (Substack, Telegram, YouTube), Karl Thorburn (Telegram), Morgoth (Substack, Odysee), and Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio for a roundtable discussion on the question of whether or not Jewish power has peaked, as well as related issues. It is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:04:07 Is Jewish power peaking?
00:14:50 The hyper-objectivity of Twitter/X
00:18:06 It’s been a bad year for the Zionists
00:22:05 Enter Pox Populi
00:27:57 Zionists vs. woke
00:32:57 Power as a zero-sum game
00:35:39 Can we get some deportations out of this?
00:39:30 Why do we only care about Muslims when they hurt Jews?
00:41:04 On Muslim grooming gangs
00:45:33 Why do Jewish feelings matter more than white lives?
00:53:09 How to play Jews and Muslims against each other
00:55:17 For once, let’s be Machiavellian
01:06:58 Enter Karl Thorburn
01:07:25 Thorburn’s theory of white/Jewish relations
01:10:12 We’re the counter-jihadists, right?
01:13:17 The Palestinian conflict is an imported problem
01:16:46 Could this lead to World War III?
01:25:22 On the post-war truth regime
01:28:24 Stateless people are easily subjected to genocide
01:30:33 Israel as an ethnostate
01:33:55 Would Morgoth deport all anti-Semites?
01:37:07 What about Jews who fight in gentile armies?
01:40:11 How’s Twitter/X going? Is it like 2015 again?
01:48:15 Artificial intelligence-generated art and the Right
01:52:56 The state of the Counter-Currents Twitter/X account
01:55:18 Question on Jewish IQ
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Great discussion as always. I think that may be the key to what’s happening, with the discussion about the Zionists getting slaughtered in the comments sections. The canny political minds see what is happening with the political climate of the younger generations, that they strongly favor woke over Zionism. They understand that these people that they’re keeping in power, the Pelosi‘s, the Bidens, etc. etc. are all almost over 75 years old, and can’t live forever. (Its a tired joke that maybe they’ll try to keep their mummies in power like on the movie psycho!). Those are the relics of the Zionist power structure. When the younger generations assume power, particularly on the left, there will be a sea change regarding Palestine. Thus, the things that “need to be done”, ie completing the ethnic cleansing, have to be done quickly and soon, before it’s too late. This has the conspiracy idea that it was some sort of false flag or intentionally provoked thing.
Implicit Jewish power has peaked. Explicit Jewish power is potentially just beginning.
I want to pivot the conversation to AI art, though. AI art is the death of the soul of man, it is the peak of Silicon Valley technocratic dehumanization of the most essential human values, and I believe that the twitter-right’s embrace of AI art just because it quickly lets them make offensive memes is a bit like cutting off one’s nose to spite the face. There is a lot on the line here. AI art is in a sense a huge lurch away from exceptionalism and towards egalitarianism. At the press of a button, even little Jamal with a birth defect, an IQ of 75 and an inability to even hold a pencil, can suddenly become the next Michelangelo! And you know the System would award him for it. The System, in fact, loves AI, and plans to use it only to further de-industrialize and lay off and render useless the white Western working class. And what’s more: it leeches off people with actual individual talent, it simply takes the work of gifted individuals that the Right traditionally lauds, and simply creates Frankenstein’s creations out of them. I think the short-sightedness of twitter trolls like Thorburn here is truly a disservice to the Right, and that the so-called Left, same as in their anti-Zionism, are accidentally on the right side of this argument. AI art is a soulless distraction and Thorburn is horribly incorrect in flippantly stating that art is a leftist thing.
I can’t believe that the person holding the discourse at minute 12, saying that the INTERNET disadvantages Jews without mentioning that it disadvantages decent and worthy non-Jews even MORE than it disadvantages Jews, should meditate more on the world he wants to live in. Using such a weighty point for trivial propaganda is worse than wanking… why do you think the INTERNET was proposed and accepted at the time it was?
I am expecting more insight and maturity than I can get from some off-the-shelf Jewish rag.
Wow, the paranoid style in a nutshell.
Good discussion, enjoyed listening. The cracks are showing. Let us make sure we keep the thing, the thing, which is what’s good for Whites is what’s good for me and you.
My 10,000 foot perspective is that peak Zionism was in 1991. Iraq’s takeover of Q8 became a tempting pretext to initiate the Oded Yinon Plan, Israel’s “let’s you and him fight” game. The problem was that doing so expended a massive amount of moral capital. (Moral capital, in this case, means pity over their past sufferings being used as a “Get Out Of Criticism Free” card.) Tens of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers later, and trillions spent for nothing, everyone knows these Zio-wars are getting tiresome.
Even so, these guys have been acting as haughty as ever, failing to realize that people were catching on and getting sick of it. This latest development is simply the moment of clarity, realizing that the “Get Out Of Criticism Free” card is getting pretty tattered. Now they’re in full-blown panic mode. So be it.
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