We might be at a critical point in history. It is possible that the Left’s vilification of all things they dislike has reached its zenith, and will soon begin its downward arc towards a more realistic understanding of history. What’s driving it is the rise of transgenderism and its odious step-sibling, transgender identity politics.
Tag: Magnus Hirschfeld
1,918 words
A year or two ago, I received a large, unsolicited, and apparently self-published book in the mail: Who Is My Neighbor? An Anthology in Natural Relations, edited by Thomas Achord and Darrell Dow. Neither name was familiar to me. Since my available reading time is somewhat constrained, I did no more than leaf through it at first. But I kept it on my shelf because the idea of “an anthology in natural relations” sounded worthwhile. (more…)
July 29, 2022 Morris van de Camp
مأساة الأولاد المزيفين
English original here
موريس فان دي كامب
أبيجيل شرير
ضرر لا رجوع فيه: جنون التحول الجنسي يغوي بناتنا
نيويورك: دار ريجنيري للنشر، 2020انتشر وباء في الآونة الأخيرة للفتيات المراهقات اللائي يعلنن أنهن مصابات بخلل في الهوية الجنسية وأنهن يصبحن “متحولات”. من المنظور الليبرالي الأبيض اللطيف، قد يبدو أن هذا هو الحاجز الذي كسره جنود “الحقوق المدنية”، لكن أبيجيل شرير تقول في كتابها الممتاز، “ضرر لا رجوع فيه”، إنه ليس كذلك. وبدلاً من ذلك، تجادل بأن الفتيات المراهقات اللائي يصبن بخلل في الهوية الجنسية ما هو إلا تطور جديد لظاهرة قديمة ومعروفة. يمكن للمرء أن يطلق على هذه الظاهرة بدعة (more…)
July 22, 2022 Spencer J. Quinn
ماهية المرأة
Arabic version here
Abigail Shrier
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
New York: Regnery Publishing, 2020There has recently been an epidemic of teen girls declaring that they have gender dysphoria and becoming “trans.” From the nice, white liberal perspective, this may appear to be a barrier broken by the foot soldiers of “civil rights,” but Abigail Shrier says in her excellent book, Irreversible Damage, that it is not. She instead argues that teen girls getting gender dysphoria is only a new twist to an old, well-known phenomenon. (more…)
Arabic version here
In the documentary What is a Woman?, Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh and director Justin Folk have delivered a must-watch assessment of the transgender movement. This program should be viewed with great urgency by anyone concerned about the further disintegration of Western Civilization.
Over the past several years, transgenderism has opened up a new front in the ongoing war upon the traditional understanding of the human condition which had informed much of the public policy in the West until just over 50 years ago. (more…)