The Broad, Sunlit Uplands:
Year-End Reflections for 2022
Morris van de Camp
On November 24, 2022, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tweeted a Thanksgiving message starting with, ”This year has been tough in many ways . . .” I don’t understand the Anti-Defamation League. Jews in America live in a society that has been entirely welcoming to them, and yet their most prominent and well-funded institution is as hostile to white American culture as any can be. The descendants of Jamestown’s founders aren’t beating their chests against Israel, but Third World immigrants from the post-1965 waves are.
I also find their actions supporting sexual degeneracy puzzling. There was degeneracy in the Weimar Republic, and that led to . . . but I digress.
Solid Gains
Sometimes your enemies choose you. People aren’t always rational. While the ADL can look back upon 2022 with sadness, I can look back on the past year with optimism. White advocates made gains — not ephemeral gains, such as those in 2016, when the Alt Right appeared like a thundercloud and then dissipated just as quickly. We’ve made solid gains at a steady pace. The seeds planted year after year by dedicated activists are finally growing.
The 2022 election is illustrative of this. There was no Red Wave, but that hardly matters. The Republican party is only a pro-white party implicitly, at best. However, several officials did win on explicitly pro-white appeals. I can’t recall that occurring before. In the past, such things were normally veiled complaints about “welfare queens” or “drug dealers.” But given that politicians don’t make any appeals without careful consideration, the fact that pro-white ones were made at all means that white advocacy is a force that can no longer be ignored. This also includes immigration matters. Efforts to block increases in immigration are usually successful nowadays. Both before and during and the George W. Bush years, the entire establishment always pushed for more, more, more.
There are several structural forces in play. The first is the fact that the frontier is closed. Until 2016, “angry whites” fed up with the racial situation could go elsewhere. First, they went West, and then they went abroad, to America’s expansions in the Pacific and elsewhere. Most recently, Ronald Reagan employed angry Right-wing whites in fighting Communists in Central America. But today there is no reason for “angry whites” to go anywhere. They can use their energies to get to the root of the problem at home – hopefully, wisely.
Then, Roe v. Wade was overturned. Personally, I am of two minds about abortion. My heart finds the practice abhorrent, but my head knows that there are always unwanted pregnancies. Keeping abortion legal allows it to be safe and regulated when needed. Plus, the people doing the aborting aren’t usually our types of people. My preferences aside, the issue has now been thrown back to the states, where it should have stayed in the first place, and a compromise can now be worked out via the legislative process. Overturning Roe was also a good thing in that I believe, but cannot prove, that it was always used as a proxy issue for whites who were angry at the “civil rights” legislation of the 1960s. Now that Roe is off the table, it is time to focus on the real problem.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.
Kanye West, or Ye, recently going “Death Con 3” on the Jews was an exciting development. Ye has gone on to point out Jewish control of the music industry, met with white advocates and arranged meetings for others, and generally raised some serious awareness of the Jewish Question.
Ye isn’t saying anything that David Duke hasn’t said before, but Duke could always be framed as a Klan leader and a fringe character. Ye is not fringe, although some of his actions are a bit strange. He is a world-class musician with more than 30 million followers on Twitter. His sudden crusade against Jewish power cannot be easily brushed away. He is probably angry that he was put in a psych ward and drugged into a semi-coma by a Jewish quack after he made some pro-Trump statement at a concert in 2016. No doubt he went looking for answers and came across decades of work from luminaries like Kevin B. MacDonald and others.
Something like this development was predicted more than a decade ago. After John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s critique of the Israel Lobby was published by the London Review of Books in 2006, and subsequently as the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, I read commentary by a historian (whose name I don’t recall) on the situation who speculated about where developments in Jewish-Gentile relations in America were likely headed next. He argued that the White Paper was the first step in a known pattern:
- All societies eventually come into conflict with the Jews within them.
- This crisis starts at the top. Members of the gentile elites in the host society will point out some problem caused by Jews.
- These first objections are either ignored or shut down. Often, those who made them are targeted for reprisals, but ordinary people take notice, since the problem they have described is real.
- The Jew-Gentile conflict then spreads across all segments of society, finally becoming impossible to contain.
In fifteenth-century Spain, the loyalties of Jewish converts who were working in high-level government positions were challenged by a Roman Catholic priest. He was hanged afterwards. A few decades later, Spanish friars led regiments of counter-Semites into action, and the government was forced to change its policy to better align with the interests of its people.
Although Ye is saying truthful things about the Jews, he is still not one of us. American whites are stuck in an intractable conflict with sub-Saharans. Nowhere is this more evident than in the US Department of Defense. This cruel, ineffective leviathan is heavily sub-Saharan and has endorsed anti-white training and attitudes since the 1970s — if not earlier.
Internal reform at the Pentagon is unlikely, but there are some interesting reactions occurring at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) that could start to unwind the whole mess. VMI is a prestigious military academy in the Old Dominion that is nearly 200 years old. Virginia’s former woke Governor, Ralph Northam, instituted a series of reforms that amounted to staffing the institution with woke sub-Saharan diversity hires, and its current leader is a retired general officer named Cedric Wins, who is both an alumnus and a sub-Saharan.
Under this new anti-white leadership, VMI removed statues of prominent Southern graduates of the institution, as well as a statue of Stonewall Jackson, the school’s most famous instructor. The ethos of the school has changed from “duty” and “valor” to the usual garbage about diversity. Enrollment has since fallen by 25%. Many of the school’s alumni and wealthy donors are angry, and thus an implicitly white reaction is occurring. This reaction is an outstanding development, and we should support it.
One suggested method for removing troublesome non-whites is to strike with a “you’re fired/doing poorly” declaration when they or their white enablers are tired and at the end of their shift, tour, and so on. If Wins retires while this criticism is still ongoing, it can be counted as a win even if he retires on schedule. Otherwise, not helping at all is another method, such as by not enrolling at VMI or enlisting in the military at all. At a minimum, this will give the Deep State pause before starting the next war for Israel.
In North Dakota, there is another outstanding example of white advocacy taking place. Sometime in the past decade and a half, the refugee racket dumped a bunch of Liberians fleeing a Brutal Civil WarTM on Fargo. In June 2021, a 14-year-old girl named Daisy “Jupiter” Paulsen was murdered by a sub-Saharan refugee from Liberia while riding her skateboard. White advocacy organizations such as the National Justice Party went there and raised awareness of the problem through demonstrations and leaflets.
The only good outcome of this tragedy is that Jupiter’s father, Robert Paulsen, accepted the help of white advocates and lodged a hate crime complaint. The fact that a bereaved parent did this is a sign of the movement’s solid growth. Grieving people naturally fall back on an existing community to help them to get through their crisis. In the past, when a young white woman was murdered by sub-Saharans or other non-whites, the parents usually reaffirmed Negro Worship in some way — such as the family of the hapless Amy Biel. In this case, white advocates offered a community for the bereaved to fall back on. This was a real victory.
Arrivals and Departures
In other good news, within my wider circle of friends and family, there were more births than deaths in 2022. I’ll describe one death and one birth. The man who died was past his biblical three score and ten, but not by much. When he was in his 50s, he suffered an appalling sports injury from which he never really recovered. The injury finally caught up with him, and he died sooner than he should have. When one has seen a half-century of summers, it isn’t a good idea to go skydiving, snowboarding, or rodeo roping like one is 18. The reflexes aren’t as quick, and the body doesn’t heal as fast. It might not even heal at all.
A cousin of mine delivered a healthy baby this year, and everyone is overjoyed. The new mother is highly educated and an heiress to a considerable amount of property. She didn’t make the mistake of waiting for a billionaire prince with two doctorates to come along. She found a man who was from a similar background, albeit poorer, two-by-foured him to the altar, and had a child less than a year later.
I finally met Greg Johnson and several other Counter-Currents notables at a secret gathering in Johnson’s underground lair. I met a few people who had read my work, and that was enjoyable. It wasn’t a love fest, though. Everyone gathered there was focused on the daunting task ahead. I was impressed by the attendees; they were well-dressed and highly intelligent. A great many were quite tall. I kept looking up and up and up while talking to the others.
This year was personally productive as well. I was able to write more articles this year than any other. There were some translations that helped to increase the number, but I’ll still count them. I mostly do book reviews, but occasionally I write about some person or thing that goes beyond a mere review. I feel my best article this year was about Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote the Little House series of books.
If there is an article I wrote this past year that you liked, please let me know in the comments. It is nice to get some feedback. Occasionally I am asked to review a specific book, but I usually end up reviewing something else. It’s not personal; I go where my muse takes me.
In my humble opinion, the top Counter-Currents articles for 2022 are:
“Who is Not Going to Save the Nation?” by Beau Albrecht. It won’t be the Republicans, but it can be you.
“The Fable of Darya Dugina: A Trumpetess of Empire” by Nicholas R. Jeelvy. Yes, we are saying things that can get us killed. At minimum, should a Counter-Currents writer get doxed, he’ll likely be out of a job.
“Robert Ruark’s Uhuru” by Spencer J. Quinn. A great review of a book about the disaster of decolonizing Africa.
“Remembering Hinton Rowan Helper” by Spencer J. Quinn. I wish I’d written this myself.
“Transgenderism as Gnostic Heresy” by Spencer J. Quinn. In a just world, this would be read in every theology department in America.
“Parting Ways” by Cade Riddick. This is an outstanding series of suggestions on how to increase white political power in the United States.
“Johnny Whistletrigger: Music of the Civil War in Missouri” by Steven Clark. It would have been so much better had the Civil War not happened, had the Wilmot Proviso been adopted, or had a compromise been reached ending slavery at the east bank of the Rio Grande and south of Santa Fe. But it did happen, and the American people received a terrible wound that isn’t healing. Nonetheless that dreadful calamity is America’s Iliad, and some great cultural works came out of it.
“’Fortune of the Field Shall Cast Forth His Chariot’: Elements of Catastrophe & the Bronze Age Collapse” by Kathryn S. Kathryn is the best writer on Counter-Currents.
The best book I read this year is Fighting the Last War: Confusion, Partisanship, and Alarmism in the Literature on the Radical Right by Jeffry M. Bale and Tamir Bar-On.
A Notable Vacation

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s Solzhenitsyn and the Right here.
My finances have improved enough recently that I can take my family on more vacations. This year I had the opportunity to visit two towns founded by my resting forefathers. There are cities on the East Coast that my ancestors founded, but since 100 million or more people can make the same claim, those cities aren’t so special to me. These two towns are out west, small and out of the way, and many of the people living there are my cousins. Traveling there gives one a real sense of personal connection to his people’s history.
In both towns’ history museums, there were pictures of my however many greats- grandfather(s), alongside the other pioneer founders. Showing that to your children is a rewarding experience; better than waiting in line at Disney World for the teacup ride. It made an impact. The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV).
Launching & Failure to Launch
My oldest is out of the house (sort of). Young adulthood is a touchy time; many fail to launch. I can’t complain about that personally, but I’ve seen some of my eldest child’s friends fail to launch. One fellow has dropped out of college to be a “roadie” or something. This is in spite of the fact that his parents are wealthy and can afford to support his tuition. It is a risky move, in my book.
Two girls have been destroyed by their mental health issues. One suffered from depression and died by suicide. It was quite sad. Another had an eating disorder and was sent home from university after she didn’t eat for four days straight. I noticed that these girls’ friends were all morose or eating poorly for a time, but when these two particular girls left the scene, the others in their social circle started doing so much better. The two girls in question were probably dragging everyone else down. Regardless, all young adults are in real danger from the time they get a driver’s permit until at least their first frost in the autumn after they graduate high school.
The war in Ukraine is a vast ongoing and unnecessary tragedy. Russia-haters in the United States — often Jews — at high levels of government thought they were avenging the Cossack attack on the wedding in Fiddler on the Roof, and led the Ukraine to believe they shouldn’t compromise with Russia at all. The Biden regime showed considerable weakness in doing so. This invited a Russian attack on the very heart of the Ukrainian ethnostate.
After a great deal of soul-searching, I determined that the Russian capture of Crimea and other areas was mainly just, but the full-bore attack on Kiev was not. Americans should continue to support the Ukrainians despite all the ugliness that is coming out of this war. Whatever war crimes the Ukrainians are committing pale in comparison to Russian war crimes, given that Russian military policy since time immemorial has encouraged rape, murder, and pillaging, and they are employing savages from Chechnya and Siberia to do some of the fighting.
There have been some setbacks; these happen in war. A Jewish crypto-grifter was syphoning funds sent to Ukraine; he needs to be punished and his Jewishness needs to be emphasized. The Russian Air Force made a rare appearance and knocked the Ukrainian power grid out, plunging millions into darkness and cold just as winter started. There are thousands dead.
I am skeptical of claims about Russian casualties coming from Ukraine. The Ukrainian government’s method of counting enemy dead seems to be like the American body counts during the Vietnam War. Expect a shakeup in the Ukrainian government, too. The pressure is on for Zelensky. Not only are there many Ukrainian casualties, but the Republicans are starting to use the phrase “blank check” in reference to Ukrainian aid. I don’t know if Zelensky’s government caught the veiled threat in the use of those two words, but it is uncertain how much money Americans can tolerate going to Ukraine while the North American Woke War continues to rage.
Shakeups in high-casualty wars are not unusual. In 1916 the British Prime Minister, Lord Asquith, was ousted, and he was replaced by David Lloyd George. In 1917 elements of the French army mutinied, and the French government went through several changes before finally settling on Georges Clemenceau. Ukraine is likewise under considerable internal pressure. Something will break.
I don’t advise any American to volunteer to fight for Ukraine. Moral and material aid is acceptable, but don’t fight for a foreign country. We should be looking for opportunities to find an end to this war, although I don’t know how this could be possible at present. Wars are easy to start and hard to end.
The Russians still have considerable resources to win the conflict at their disposal. To compare this to the US Civil War, the Confederacy — which, like Ukraine, was smaller — won great victories in the East but lost critical strategic territory in the West. After 1863, it started to go downhill for them as the Union Army — larger, like Russia’s — became more experienced and their greater industrial might and numbers came into play. This conflict still has a very large chance of ending in a Russian victory.
The wheat crop is a factor, too. There is another famine occurring in the Horn of Africa. It isn’t due to “climate change”; it is the result of disruption in gathering and transporting wheat from Ukraine and southern Russia. This happened during the world wars as well. There are two great wheat-growing regions in the Northern Hemisphere; one is in the warzone, and the other is the American Great Plains. During the world wars, American wheat farmers accumulated debt, put every acre under the plow, and produced valuable piles of grain in abundance. This was profitable until wheat in Ukraine and southern Russia started to be grown and shipped once again, causing prices to collapse. The ecology collapsed, too: the soil dried up in a drought and started to blow in the 1930s. So, if you’re in the wheat-growing or futures trading business, you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.
There is a Counter-Currents writer in Ukraine right now, Olena Semenyaka. Should you wish to support her, you can send Bitcoin to the address below:
Her life is at risk. If you send money, you won’t get it back.
Ukraine suffers, yet we still need to remember the January 6ers. Some of the big players in the event are getting sentenced at this time, but the smaller ones will be getting out of prison soon, and you can help them get back on their feet. The election of 2020 was fraudulent. They were not in the wrong.
The History of the American Right
As mentioned above, I met Greg Johnson in his underground lair. I considered giving a speech at the event, but grew dissatisfied with my draft and backed out. It had too much biblical imagery. Bible quotes aside, the thrust of it was a history of the American Right and how knowledge of what came before can help us. The CliffsNotes version follows.
The history of the political Right and Left goes back to the French Revolution. The Left believes in progress because they view humanity as rational, and because they believe in cosmopolitanism (humans are interchangeable) and that everyone is equal — not in the eyes of God or the law, but in an absolute sense. The Right believes that humanity can be irrational, and therefore “progress” can end in disaster. In their view, some form of elitism is required to maintain order, and humans are not interchangeable.
Leftist activism can work when applied to concrete goals, such as child labor laws. Otherwise, Left-wing utopias always collapse in blood and tears when applied to the real world. America’s big Leftist during its founding years was Thomas Jefferson. His career is illustrative of Leftism’s problems. Jefferson talked about “all men being equal,” but kept slaves and displaced Indians. He was also a hard-nosed politician who leaked things to the press in order to make his rivals look bad. Why such hypocrisy? Leftism doesn’t work. Jefferson’s high-flown ideas were just theories that Jefferson knew wouldn’t work, and he didn’t apply his own principles to himself.

You can buy Greg Hood’s Waking Up From the American Dream here.
In the American context, the Right can be summed up in the idea that the United States is a nation with an Anglo-European core ethnicity, and that the government should align with that ethnicity’s interests. Additionally, hierarchy in the form of good government and law and order are needed. Progress in America works best with natural growth. Thus, for example, the Ford Model T was built to be driven the dirt roads of early twentieth-century America. In response, the various governments (local, state, and federal) sought to make travel faster and safer by improving the roads.
The American Right as it has been since the Civil War is more applicable to today’s struggles. American history can be bifurcated into two periods: the period before the Depression and the Second World War, and the period after. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the yin and yang of American politics. During his crisis years, the political scene was jumbled enough that the political Right and Left were able to operate within the same administration.
The Depression and the Second World War are unique, though. Before FDR, the American Right’s base was in the North. It was Yankee veterans of the Civil War who pushed for immigration restrictions and who fought against the Jewish community’s support for pornography. Madison Grant, a conservationist, was the son of a Union Army hero. He worked against the Bolsheviks and crafted good immigration reforms. Lothrop Stoddard was likewise from an old Boston family.
The anarchist movement of the late nineteenth century was often filled with immigrants — middle-class Germans and Italians in particular. At the time, the South in general was not Right-wing apart from its racial policies. Indeed, an anarchist plot to bomb the Chicago Board of Trade was led by a former Confederate soldier. The Chicago Board of Trade had fielded an artillery battery during the Civil War, so those involved on both sides of the plot would have seen the affair partially through the lens of the War Between the States. Much later, Lee Harvey Oswald, a Southerner, was self-radicalized into an antifa partisan.
After the Second World War, the torch of the American Right passed to the South, though this process was not complete until after John F. Kennedy was killed and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, an illicit second constitution, was passed. After the Civil War, Southerners looked upon Yankee economic domination with hostility, and the Left’s economic proposals seemed a worthy response. But after “civil rights” in the 1960s, Southerners recognized that their very lives and homes were being threatened. Being anti-Communist and cool on civil rights, the Republican Party became a refuge for them.
A big problem with advancing Right-wing goals boils down to the fact that the torch of our ideas gets passed between the United States’ two super-regions. All the bad blood stemming from the Civil War is still around. The issue of the Confederate flag can be a distraction, and the League of the South can’t really communicate with the working-class whites of Greater New England.
I’ve always found inspiration in the Apostle Paul and his ministry, and his story might help with the above problem. He also lived in an empire comprised of two super-regions: the Greek East and the Latin West. Like today, Paul’s society was negatively influenced by Jews. He brought a new message which was hated by the Jews but which was compatible with the societies of the Greeks and Romans, who were themselves somewhat at odds within the same empire. As Paul wrote in his Letter to the Corinthians, “. . . I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”
The Broad Sunlit Uplands
All American white advocates must recognize that they live in a country with serious splits between the various white factions. The Republican Party is not a “white” party in the strictest sense, but since it is accused of racism in the media, it can be seen as a sort of proxy for white advocacy. That party’s biggest problem is winning in Greater New England — from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. It does win in some areas — the Dakotas, Montana, eastern Oregon, and so on — but the big prizes of Minnesota, Michigan, and New England are hard for that party to reach. This is because those of the North are of a slightly different tribe than those in the South.
Part of the reason for this is the fact that there are sub-Saharan vote-counters in the ruins of Detroit, but it is also certain that Republican messaging is not able to get through to working-class whites. In my personal ministry as a white advocate, I find that people from the Dakotas are easy to reach, but those in Minnesota are impervious to our message despite the George Floyd riots and all the other evidence unfolding in front of their own eyes. I cannot explain why this is.
Regardless, I take comfort in the fact that many Rightist white advocates have triumphed in the past. The American West would be an outpost of Asia but for the work of anti-Chinese activists during the California Gold Rush. Had John Beaty not written The Iron Curtain Over America, the Soviets might have won the Cold War. Had Trump not won in 2016, immigration would be worse, and there would have been World War III with the Russians over who controls Damascus.
The greatest ethnonationalists of the past — those who kept Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom, got the rest of Ireland out of the UK, or pushed the Israelis out of Lebanon — were all spiritual men. They looked at the great moral issues from an early age, reading the Bible and other moral texts. They carefully and wisely applied ancient scriptures to current problems. They worked hard in their ordinary careers and weren’t carrying on affairs on the side. They were seeking the broad, sunlit uplands.
This is what I hope to do next year: continue to work hard and seek the broad, sunlit uplands of a moral society while trying my hardest to lay the foundation for the white ethnostate, and to help create a society that my descendants will look upon with pride.

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John/Jane Q Normie expected the 2022 midterms to produce the much anticipated Red Wave. After two+ years of rioting, lockdowns and a stolen election, the Normies were looking forward to inflicting some mighty fine payback on “The Democrats.”
And now that the Wave has failed to appear, they are starting to wake up to alternatives. This is the biggest deal, to break the Normies out of the belief that politics is something which occurs only every second year on election day. Activism is vital, as noted with the NJP action in Fargo.
It’s vital to sit down with White people and determine what they believe and what it will take to get them onboard with the White Nationalist program. Basic marketing surveys. It’d be good to see interviews with your average White person here on C-C to get a better idea of the political environment. And develop tactics from there.
I find that people from the Dakotas are easy to reach, but those in Minnesota are impervious to our message despite the George Floyd riots and all the other evidence unfolding in front of their own eyes. I cannot explain why this is.
It probably makes sense to concentrate on the people who are already open to White Nationalism (the Dakotas). As for the Minnesotans. this can be a tough one. It may be that they have been True Believers in the egalitarian delusion since the get-go. Or it could be that they are going with the flow, conforming to whoever has the upper hand in their state.
Again, it would be useful to survey these people. What are they saying? What would it take to win them over?
Let’s see more on this.
I’m somewhat familiar with that, though at a loss for explanations. The cultures of MN and the Dakotas are remarkably similar. Regarding both, there’s a lot of Lutheran influence, which harbors some latent do-gooder ultracalvinist tendencies. (That surely inspired the parents who dim-wittedly forgave the lonelyhearted jogger at the Minneapolis mall who threw their kid over a railing, who did so because he was mad that the White women were rejecting him.) Then there’s the Scandinavian “Jante Law”, which may latently bolster hyper-egalitarianism. Finally, there’s the famous liberal tendency toward race among people who have no experience with diversity … except that the Minnesotans had quite a bit of diversity rubbed in their noses pretty recently. So what’s up with that? Maybe it wasn’t quite enough to overcome the mental guilt shield, but I’d hate to think what it would then take to breach it.
In my vague estimation, the Minnesotans seem a little more steeped in all that, and a little closer to Yankee culture. The Jante Law actually might turn out to be a saving grace. In practice, there’s a lot of pettiness involved, and heavy expectations of reciprocity. (It makes Christmas shopping difficult, since you run the risk of making friends and family jealous if someone else got more than they should according to their status with you.) Also, being demanding and in-your-face is a big no-no; doing so doesn’t result in immediate censure, though passive aggressiveness is on the table. Putting it together, patience eventually might wear thin for the antics of obnoxious, truculent, underperforming joggers.
America’s conflict with its Jews will intensify in the coming years, and once again the Jews will have only themselves to blame for it (though it’s a blame the majority of them will never accept). They are implacable in their demand for blind loyalty (or rather, blind ignorance) and indefatigable in their assault on white people and the deconstruction of white morals. Their endless crusade to protect themselves from persecution, which always results in cronyism and anti-gentilism, could very well bring that persecution into being. The bigger the problems they inevitably create, the more the general populace will look on them with suspicion, white, black and asian alike. And I do worry for the Jews, the regular Jews, the same way I worry for those gentiles who are hurt by and in danger of the overbearing Jewish machine. We don’t discuss the fact that ordinary, powerless Jews are trapped in an ancient cult that makes Scientology look like child’s play, which reserves its worst punishments for those of its own kind who dare go against the tribe. We know of the Dov Bechhofers of the world, the ones who know what’s going on and are very displeased with it, yet are utterly powerless to stop it. When push comes to shove, these people will be caught between a rock and a hard place. I hope it’s these Jews who can become empowered within the Jewish system, but I understand the sad reality that prevents this from ever happening.
God help America.
I think the definitions of ‘left’ and ‘right’ while historically accurate are utterly irrelevant at this point. If you want to know why you’ll find few takers for a right-wing version of White Nationalism, it’s because the Right has a bad reputation. Decades of groveling to capitalism while economic policies destroyed the White working class, moaning on and on about ‘merit’ while supporting nullities and charlatans like Ronald Reagan and Mitt Romney. Everything fell apart for White people and the Right cheered it on. The Right is represented by people whose idea of ‘national socialism’ is giving out-of-work Whites low-interest loans to help them move to ‘where the work is’.
Let me propose that the chief characteristic of a genuine (versus imported) American Populist Right is staying in one place. Anything that allows people to stay close to the place of their birth and the place where their family has been for generations is ‘right-wing’. The American Populist Right is the place where territorial occupation creates ‘parochial’ culture and parochial culture creates a politics resistant to interference from strangers.
To the extent that ‘the Right’ supports displacement of persons or facilitates the ‘free movement’ of people, goods, media and money, it is, essentially, liberal and undermining of the very fabric of relations and history required for a stable political, economic and emotional order.
‘The Left’ has been – and will always be – morally about ‘the underdog’ which drives the Left’s schizoid behavior. One the Left has enabled ‘the underdog’ to rise to the top of the heap, ‘the underdog’ become ‘the top dog’ and the Left is obligated to turn on them.
As long as Liberals and Leftists believe that Whites are ‘the top dog’, they will have no sympathy for Whites whatsoever. It doesn’t matter how much Whites are suffering due to the relentless attack on their lives and livelihoods, the Left will not see this attack for what it is.
This is probably why a more humble and less ostentatious White Nationalism is more likely to work with peeling some sympathy from the Left, perhaps enough to blunt their attacks. There is a moral ambiguity around the plight of working class Whites that the Left runs away from as quickly as it can because it forms a real contradiction in their politics.
Morris, one favorite of mine was your “Love Drinking Less.” You made some insightful points that I’ve not thought about before: only imbibe when you’re enjoying the drink(s).
Your series of Bible studies are also enjoyable.
And by the way, so nice to meet you!
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