Jeremy and Chet are two brothers who live in the Midwest in the suburb of Whitown, USA. Chet is a few years older than Jeremy and graduated from college a few years before, while Jeremy is in his junior year at a college on the East Coast. Their parents are conservative, though only in a surface-level fashion, and have half-heartedly attempted to instill these values in their two sons. Unbeknownst to them, their two children have abandoned their FOX News upbringing, with Chet going down the libertarian-to-Dissident Right pipeline and Jeremy falling down the apolitical-to-“current thing” tree.
It is Thanksgiving and the family are together for the holiday. Jeremy has been given an assignment for the break by his Race and Ethnicities professor on having an “honest conversation about race,” probably with the intention of hurting the white solidarity within his students’ families (only white students were assigned this project, while the other students were given an automatic score of 100%).
As the evening is winding down and Jeremy sees that his family is about to leave the dinner table, he pipes up.
Jeremy: Guys, I think it’s time we had an honest and uncomfortable conversation about race in this family. We live so far away from people of color in this state that we never get to intimately see the repression that continues in this country. The racism is endemic in the system, and just sitting idly by is allowing this oppressive and exploitative system to perpetuate. What are your thoughts?
Father: I don’t think that’s right, son. While blacks may have had a hard time in the past, things have changed since I was a kid. Sure, blacks might be poorer than us, but it’s up to them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.
Jeremy rolls his eyes and looks at Chet, who is chuckling.
Jeremy: Ugh, you are both part of the problem. You can’t see it because you’re steeped in whiteness and your white privilege. Just because you can’t see the oppression doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And you have the nerve to laugh at such an important issue.
Chet: What are you even talking about with all this talk of oppression and white privilege and all this nonsense? How are white people like us oppressing anybody?
Jeremy: Black people are poorer and are always killed by the police. And there are way more black prisoners than there should be. How is that not oppression?
Chet: Well, I can’t prove a negative. You need to explain how that is oppression. Have you ruled out any other possible reason there could be other than oppression?
Jeremy: Oh, my God. Don’t tell me you’re a racist.
Chet: I just asked a question and you immediately resort to name-calling. Is this what they teach you in school?
Jeremy: You’re implying that blacks are inferior than whites. You’re clearly being racist.
Chet: I didn’t imply anything. Maybe a Freudian slip on your part, little brother?
Jeremy: Okay, fine. According to you, what could cause these disparities?
Chet: Well, as for the prison thing, they commit way more crime. That’s just obvious. As for being poor, maybe it has something to do with their culture of consumerism and low IQ?
Jeremy: See, I knew it. You are a racist.
Chet: Are you seriously denying that blacks are less intelligent than whites?
Jeremy: Of course. I’m not a racist piece of shit like you, man!
Chet: So you deny every IQ study ever?
Jeremy: IQ isn’t even real, idiot! It’s a metric created by straight white males to create a scientific basis for white supremacy.
Chet: Then why do the Chinese score better than whites?
Jeremy: Huh?
Chet: Why do the Chinese score better than whites?
Jeremy: Uh, well, the Chinese have a culture of studying and getting good grades, of course. Everyone knows that.
Chet: And black people don’t, right?
Jeremy, for the first time in a long time, was forced to think about his line of reasoning. He knew that the Chinese had an academic-centric culture. He’d heard all about the “Tiger Mom” and why Asians, along with whites, needed to step aside in the admissions process to make way for a more diverse student body. However, he also knew that claiming that blacks don’t have this culture would be a faux pas, even if it were true. He therefore chose not to retort, a defense mechanism against being “canceled” he learned early in his university career after witnessing a white friend of his being destroyed by a similar comment.
Chet: Let my spell it out, bro. Blacks have a lower IQ than whites on average. No serious person denies this. The only question is why this is the case.
Jeremy: Well, that doesn’t even matter, anyways. What even is IQ or intelligence? No one has a good definition for it, and I know plenty of smart black people.
Chet: We don’t know what intelligence is? Seriously? So, you think your hero Noam Chomsky would score low on an IQ test and you think a homeless drug addict could likely score high? Give me a break. Intelligence is the ability to reason and solve problems. Everyone knows that. IQ is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, psychological metric in the field. These studies have been around for over a hundred years. Anyways, wow, you know some smart black people at a frickin’ university. What a shocker, man! Apparently your poli-sci major doesn’t require stats anymore.
Jeremy: Dude, you think I don’t know my stuff, but I do. IQ tests are inaccurate because they use cultural and linguistic bias. Verbal IQ tests will use words like “regatta,” which blacks won’t know, as regatta is a rich white sport.
Chet: Well, if you knew your stuff, you’d know that modern IQ tests can now use only universal symbols, and these culturally neutral tests actually exacerbate the differences between races.
Jeremy: Whatever, man. All I know is you’re racist and you’re using racial pseudoscience to rationalize your white privilege in this oppressive system.
Chet: How am I oppressing anyone? Unlike you, I don’t really think about black people all day, let alone about oppressing them.
Jeremy: I already told you, they are arrested more, get killed by the police more, and have less money.
Chet: Well, they commit more crimes.
Jeremy: That’s probably not even true. It’s probably unconscious bias that makes us associate people of color with criminality.
Chet: So the FBI and Department of Justice are lying? And before you say yes, don’t forget to put on your clown shoes.
Jeremy: All right, well, maybe they do commit a bit more cri —
Chet: The majority of violent crime is blacks alone, let alone Hispanics.
Jeremy: Okay, okay. But that’s obviously because they’re poorer.
Chet: Which we already established was a result of lower IQ. Once you control for IQ, there is virtually no difference in income between races. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. And criminality controlled for income doesn’t go away, by the way. The poorest white communities in Appalachia are less violent than rich black communities.
Jeremy: I don’t believe that.
Chet: You don’t have to. It’s still the truth.
Jeremy: Well, you haven’t factored in subconscious bias.
Chet: Which you can measure how?
Jeremy: By disparities.
Chet: Which, again, we have established to have other causes than just your “racist” copout. But let’s just say everything I said was a lie. How do you intend to erase these prejudices which are so subtle that even the supposed racists are unaware that they are themselves racist?
Once again, Jeremy had not thought too hard about the actual feasibility of policing the minds of every person in the country. It was always more of a “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” sort of thing for him. He assumed that the experts and professors had that all sorted out, and he was content to simply be an “ally.”
Chet: Don’t you think it’s a little suspicious that all of your social issues coincidentally have no possibility of actually being implemented simply by virtue of human nature? Isn’t it curious that all of these lowlifes are benefitting from your increasingly ridiculous mental gymnastics, gaining important positions in society, and grifting money off these invincible golden goose issues? They invent impossible issues and then sell a solution which coincidentally always involves them getting more power.
Jeremy: Hmm… I guess. I mean, I can’t just trust you on these things.
Chet: Look, there’s all these issues where people who look like us are demonized. We’re responsible for slavery, for genociding the Indians, for colonialism, all of these things —
Jeremy: Which is all true!
Chet: Yes, technically that’s all true. But as I was saying, can you name some evil things that non-white groups are responsible for, for example?
Jeremy: Huh?
Jeremy thought long and hard in good faith for a “sins of the father” that applied to a people of color group and honestly couldn’t think of a single one.
Chet: Genghis Khan killed 77 million people, the Native Americans tortured captives to death, the Aztecs practiced industrialized mass human sacrifice, the West Africans — who are the ancestors of African-Americans — genocided the majority of Africans of rival ethnic groups like the Pygmies, the Haitians exterminated every white person on their island after their revolution, and everyone participated in slavery until those accursed “straight white males” you harp on about banned it worldwide, like in Ethiopia and the Barbary pirate states. They didn’t teach you any of that, Mr. History Minor?
Jeremy: No, they didn’t . . .
Chet: You began this little episode by telling us – well, I don’t know where Dad went — that we need to have an honest conversation about race, or something like that. But how can we have an honest conversation if you are only willing to trash your own people while you literally aren’t even aware of the brutal history of other groups? Your approach wasn’t to have an honest conversation, but to regurgitate the bile of your professors, who clearly have an anti-white agenda. You’re free to do your own research.
Chet then walked away to finish washing his dishes and set up Monopoly in the living room. Chet often had these types of conversations with individuals, usually with people he felt were savable, though he liked messing with the freak-show crowd from time to time, too. There were a few issues like gun control and tonight’s topic that were enjoyable because they were so objective and one-sided. He knew that Jeremy’s disagreement would only be heightened in the short term. He knew this well from personal experience, including how he himself had reacted to debating Leftists. It was for that reason that being gung-ho about debating pathological liberals was losing its appeal. He just hoped he had planted a seed in his kid brother’s mind that would break him out of his current pathological, self-hating state.
Jeremy left the conversation privately seething. He knew he had utterly “lost” the conversation, though he knew he shouldn’t see it is a competition. This was one of his least favorite feelings, one he rarely ever felt, as all his friends at university generally agreed with him. Yet he couldn’t deny that there were some questions that, left unanswered, didn’t sit right with him. The fact that he was uneducated about the brutality of Bantus in their expansion through Africa, and that he later learned of some African tribes’ propensity to mass-sacrifice their slaves, particularly disturbed him.
The following week he went to his professor’s office hours, an activity he wouldn’t miss for the world, and asked him about these issues his brother had raised which were bothering him. To his dismay, the African-American professor, a man who he once looked up to, lashed out at him simply for asking questions.
Before, his professors’ gobbledygook jargon had seemed intelligent and enlightening. Now that he was himself the object of derision, he could more clearly see it for what it was: pseudo-intellectuality.
* * *
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A very true to life depiction, except that it reached a conclusion without devolving into a shouting match.
Well, at least Jeremy listened and tried to respond. Of course, his brother was right. My 3 brothers would never even listen to me. They are just mindless herd animals. It is unfortunate, but many whites, even college educated whites, are like my brothers. Sorry, I don’t have a statistical breakdown. In fact, I think, remembering high school, it was the blue collar guys who went to work in the steel mills who had a much more accurate view of race than the College Prep guys who later became white collar workers.
Bourgeois conformity to status and respectability games often eclipse reality itself, especially if the reality is unfashionable. In 1984, George Orwell wrote “If there is hope it lies in the proles….”
How many White college students are named “Chet”?
It’s a false name (his real name is Chad).
I asked a pro life proponent the Jim Goad question: “Do you want 20 million more George Floyds in the world”? That stopped him dead in his tracks.
There does seem to be a correlation between “inner city” abortions and lower crime rates:
The IQ question is radioactive. I broached it to an old (White) girlfriend (PhD) a few months ago, and she was so threatened by this implication that she said we could remain friends but she would be disavowing any professional relationship we have. She didn’t talk to me for weeks. Then after a while I heard from her again and she kinda pretended it never happened. I think the seed’s in her brain. The image of Charles Murray’s ‘Facing Reality’ probably still haunts (taunts?) her. All of us can play Chet and Jeremy in our own lives to varying degrees of success. Now get on it.
I will agree with your experience that the vast majority of our white women have been brainwashed with the anti-White baloney that has been flowing out of the white race hating rectums of jewish Hollywood and these pathetic wastes of White skin have zero clue, or zero willingness to set aside their brainwashing, and listen to race realism and race reason when presented to them by racially healthy White men.
This is why our jewish enemy has directed so much of their energy and anti-white propaganda at White females; they understood two very important things. First, White women were weaker, less intelligent or savvy, and more susceptible to being influenced to become enemies of their own racial survival. And, secondly, turning White females against White males was the key to reducing or completely eliminating the birth of White children.
White Nationalists who heap scorn and enormous amounts of blame and criticism on White females for their role in helping the jews destroy White Western Civilization and our White European race due to their falling for the jewish anti-White brainwashing are 100 percent correct.
This is an opinion shared by a White male who has had a personal experience with being dumped by a White female who supposedly felt uncomfortable with my pro-White, perfectly normal, and perfectly rational and reasonable views that Whites deserve to be concerned about their racial survival and should take whatever steps are needed to ensure that survival.
BTW: I did some online research on this White female who dumped me, and discovered that she is now a 3 time divorcee, two of her divorces were before we met, once since she dumped me, and is now living with her daughter and her husband. Basically, she is now a cat lady. So, essentially, this White female who was brainwashed into erasing any shred she might have ever had with regards to being proud of, and loyal to, her race – has now shown herself to be incapable of forming a bonding relationship with any White man.
I can only wonder and feel enormous grief over the millions of other White female cat ladies who bought into the same anti-white jewish bull manure.
Its very telling that the father wanders off halfway through, probably to go watch Sean Hannity or sportsball.
The father left because the conversation might have brought up difficult questions about why his generation allowed these things to happen, not that they could have done anything, as we all well know, but try exlaining that to somebody without a huge investment in investigating the 20th century, at least. Anyway excellent article just that in real life discussions like this one usually devolve into hysterical shrieks of racist, nazi, etc., in my experience.
“difficult questions…”
I never asked my elders those kinds of questions directly, but I hinted at them. The subsequent change of topic was lightning fast. Of course, this is personal experience and a very small sample, but still. Well, I guess it is what it is, we’ll persevere and win in the end.
Jeremy is quite open-minded and cultured for a liberal.
I wish leftists would voluntarily offer to debate me about race. Most of the people with whom I interact regularly, including my parents and siblings, are not leftists, but merely conservative normies. When I try to convince them of the importance of race, they don’t argue back, but rather shrug it off and try to change the subject. I would rather they argue with me. I know how to defeat all the leftist counter-arguments. I don’t know how to overcome apathy.
Is anyone else’s experience more like this?
@thomas Apathy is the worst. Whenever there is another step down the ladder of societal madness I usually get way more mad at my docile people than about the actual perpetrators. But what to do about it? When I have enough exposure to someone I take my time (weeks, months) to point out things that could have been if it wasn’t for [Insert leftist policies] until they start to feel the loss and the anger. In Germany for example the annual cost of easily 60 Billion US$ for the recent migrants plus the impossible rents and house prices due to the influx of foreigners could be used to pay for any dream project we ever had. Be it the Transrapid, minimum-pensions, a real space program, any local thing like swimming pools, better universities, army, lower taxes, and so on. There will be something that will get anyone’s blood to boil. Once they start to get mad, apathy is gone and teaching time has arrived
I find it to be more resignation than apathy. It’s not that they don’t care. Most of them do. It’s that they see no realistic path to change what is happening. A political solution seems more and more unrealistic and the alternatives are simply too unpleasant for most to stomach.
The pathology of white self hatred is among the most vexing and nerve wracking challenges. Talking with family members and friends is very difficult if they’re afflicted by this disease. I’ve found it’s more productive to steer sympathizers our way than to “convert” die hard opposition.
That isn’t how these conversations would go. Virtually any white person is petrified to imply there is a difference between whites and blacks. Even a purely behavioral difference. We are severely punished for such a thing. To objectively discuss race has become an almost total impossibility in our homes and neighborhoods.
This was a fun article. I can only dream of having such a restrained and thought provoking discussion with my sisters. With a niece married to a low IQ black from England and Jamaica this would be a very sensitive topic. Statistics are on our side but when they’re coming from the government there’s always a hint of taint these days. They would rather move the goalposts and call it even. I can still dream of a white homeland in the Dakotas and Montana and Wyoming .
“‘Jeremy has been given an assignment for the break by his Race and Ethnicities professor on having an “honest conversation about race,’… (only white students were assigned this project, while the other students were given an automatic score of 100%).”
How is this stuff even legal? How is this not blatant discrimination? My Goodness, I know I shouldn’t be shocked, but it still makes my blood boil when I hear about stuff like this.
Also, I’m surprised his “professor” isn’t a Jew.
This is a story. But yes, some stuff like that does actually happen nowadays.
Back in the day when the language portion of such tests were ‘culturally biased’ the gap between blacks and whites was bigger on the bias-free math test than the language test. I supposed if a math question is phrased as 5 regattas have 10 contestants each, how many total contestants, a black can use the bias excuse?
Back in 2016-2017, I would start conversations like this with people. I felt like most were at least somewhat receptive, and either agreed with me or gave some thought to what I’d say. At worst, they’d allude to the risks of fascism or something, but it was never a very hostile response. It seemed like people were generally open to different ideas.
That has all changed. Some kind of switch flipped from 2018-2020, and average people have a complete shutdown of all rational thought at even the slightest hint that you aren’t a self-hating White. Mention crime stats or IQ, and it’s already over – those are just “racist dogwhistles” now. Endless complaining about racists and nazis is now the default; if you talk to people long enough it almost inevitably comes up in some form. Having an honest conversation about race is essentially impossible.
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