Today is the 100th birthday of Arthur Jensen, professor of educational psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the great pioneers in the science of human biological diversity. The author of over 400 refereed scientific journal articles, and a board member of the journals Intelligence and Personality and Individual Differences, Jensen was known for his work in psychometrics and the psychology of behavior differences. (more…)
Tag: IQ and race
On Friday, the Huffington Post exposed Substack writer Richard Hanania, a prominent media personality in mainstream conservative/center-Right circles, as a “white supremacist” who wrote for several dissident Right websites, including Counter-Currents, in the early 2010s under the pseudonym “Richard Hoste.” “Hoste” wrote about race realism and human biodiversity (HBD) and advocated for eugenics and immigration restriction. (more…)
Right-wingers are fascinated with IQ to the point that it’s a focal point of the ideological brand. It’s an unspoken credo that says, “We’re the smart ones.” And that’s fine. All movements have mantras. There’s certainly nothing unappealing about being “the smart ones.” But when was the last time you heard the Left discuss IQ? (more…)
Even though it’s widely acknowledged in the scientific community that all personality traits are heritable, studying racial differences in intelligence is still a controversial matter. Some people worry that unpalatable findings may be employed by racists to justify black inferiority. Such concerns are misplaced, however. Though important, intelligence is not a measure of self-worth, and racists are in the minority.
According to researchers, IQ is highly heritable and genetic; thus, if blacks and whites pass on traits to children, why would some think that genes fail to even partially explain the black-white IQ gap? (more…)
I have confidence in the Right as the political entity we know today largely because Right-wing extremism has proved to be less insidious, murderous, and destructive than Left-wing extremism. This has been the case for the last 250 years. Nothing can compare to the hideous wake left by the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet terror famines and gulags, the mass starvations of Mao’s China, and the crimes committed by the North Vietnamese, among other atrocities. The Nazis at least waited until wartime to commit their acts of barbarism. The worst of the Left had no such compunctions, and were deadlier to boot. (more…)
“The [scariest] shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” — Albert Allen Bartlett
To procreate, people need to be sociable enough to meet someone and decisive enough to choose them. Similarly, to make money they need to pick a career and shut out all other options. Such people excel in getting into power and then idiotically doing nothing as the world collapses around them. (more…)
Jeremy and Chet are two brothers who live in the Midwest in the suburb of Whitown, USA. Chet is a few years older than Jeremy and graduated from college a few years before, while Jeremy is in his junior year at a college on the East Coast. (more…)
June 29, 2022 Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Východní záštita Evropy
1,627 slov
English original here
Nedávno jsem s jedním ze svých přátel mluvil o rusko-ukrajinské válce, konkrétněji o jejích dopadech na západní nacionalistické milieu. Spousta lidí, kteří se donedávna bez váhání označovala za odpůrce imperialismu, nadšeně přijala za svůj imperiální projekt anexe Ukrajiny, likvidace její státnosti a pohlcení jejího lidu do širokého ruského imperiálního náručí. Jiní, kteří ještě „včera“ z plných plic brojili proti „bratrovražedným válkám“, momentálně s velkou chutí povzbuzují vzájemné krvavé pobíjení ruských a ukrajinských vojáků v bratrovražedné válce. (more…)
1,909 words
Czech version here
Recently, I was speaking to a friend about the Russo-Ukrainian War and specifically, the effect it has had on Western nationalists. Many people calling themselves anti-imperialists have enthusiastically embraced the imperial project to annex Ukraine and erase Ukrainian nationhood, absorbing this people into the broader Russian imperial body. More people who until recently called for “no more brother wars” are now enthusiastically cheering as Russian and Ukrainian soldiers kill each other in a bloody brother war. (more…)
Part 1 here
Richard Haier begins his fascinating 2017 work The Neuroscience of Intelligence with a question: Why are some people smarter than others? From this he brings the reader up to speed on what neuroscientists have discovered about the genetic and physiological underpinnings of intelligence. This seems like a vast topic, but it really isn’t given how many neuroscientists shy away from the “controversial” topic of intelligence. (more…)
Part 2 here
While doing a deep dive into Richard Haier’s illuminating textbook, The Neuroscience of Intelligence, I was reminded of something Academic Agent said during a particularly interesting episode of Millenniyule 2021: (more…)