Search Engines Censor Viral Counter-Currents Article
Robert WallaceLast Friday, my article “America Is Ready for White Identity Politics” went viral. It was widely shared on social media, got a good discussion going at Counter-Currents, was translated into German, led to an interview on a radio show, and has now been reprinted at American Renaissance. Pretty good for my first article.
Naturally, I checked how the article was doing on various search engines.
By Monday, my article was crushing mainstream snake oil about white identity politics at CNN, Vox, The New Yorker, and FiveThirtyEight. Until Tuesday of this week, my article was the number one result for searches “white identity politics America” and “America is ready” on DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo:
It was no surprise, however, that Google does not bring up my article unless you type my name and the full title:
But around the middle of the week, I started noticing that my article was being buried even at DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo. America definitely is ready for white identity politics, but our elites don’t want the word to get out.
Powerful people don’t censor information unless they fear it. The establishment knows we are right when we say “America is ready for white identity politics.” They know we will win when Americans hear our peaceful, positive pro-white message. So they are trying to put a lid on the news. They want to hang on to power as long as they can and pray for a miracle to save them.
If the establishment were confident that they are right and we are wrong, they would welcome debate rather than stifle it. They resort to censorship and gatekeeping because they know damn well that any fair debate would lead them to a humiliating rout. As I said beginning at 26:15 in my radio interview on Monday, these people have “a crackpot worldview that is easily debunked and dismissible.”
Fortunately, censorship won’t prevent the truth from getting out. It just slows us down a bit.
It is easy for you to strike back by linking my article far and wide:
Your financial backing is also crucial to keeping us in the fight.
American patriots aren’t blind. We see that the Great Replacement is real and want to stop it. But we are not yet aware of our own political power. That’s why the establishment wants to suppress our message. White America is a sleeping giant. We are the wake-up call.
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May just be a fluke, but your article still appears high in the results at, another non-tracking search engine some prefer to DuckDuckGo.
I’ve been been paying close attention. By Tuesday it had been replaced on “white identity” searches by this: I’ll let the quality of that version versus ours speak for itself.
This article scares the anti-white elite for three reasons.
1.) It gives white identity politics a good reputation. This became the authoritative source on white identity over CNN, Vox, and FiveThirtyEight. They can’t have that.
2.) It proves we can win and therefore inspires people to donate. People are not inclined to support losing or needy causes. Our only internal barrier is a lack of resources. Period.
3.) They cannot have this article landing on pollsters’ desks. Outsider Republican candidates will be tempted to run a pro-white campaign. Reagan did this with communism and Trump did this with immigration. The rest is history. It is white identity’s turn.
This article threatens the anti-white elites like few others for the reasons I’ve listed above. Please spread it far and wide. Thank you.
I’m in the UK. Your article is coming top on Quant and DDG over here.
Good. The Amren and USSA News reposts allowed the article to recover… For now. Our version is discriminated against but I’m pleased with its ranking on those two websites… For now.
By the way, nice meeting you in November, Mr. Devlin. You’ve had an important influence on my thinking.
So, when exactly are we going to halt & repatriate the third-world from our homeland? Has anyone noticed the continuing invasion? There was no need for White Identity Politics when we were a European aka White nation, therefore, unless we repatriate the third world we will have to forever engage in this identity fight. Don’t give me that – oh we can’t send them back that would be mean! If people can move from ‘B’ to ‘A’, then, they can move from ‘A’ to ‘B’. “The Slow Cleanse aka Restoring White Homelands” by Greg Johnson explains how repatriation will be conducted.
Great stuff, and good for you, Robert Wallace! Love your spirit! Glad to hear the response. White persecution and oppression will NOT last forever!
Thank you, sir. I’m grateful for your support. Let’s strike fear into the heart of this rotten anti-white system by spreading this article far and wide.
I feel very pessimistic about the future. White America was slowly but steadily and surely, surely, surely, gradually waking up in the 2010’s. 2000-10 was the golden era of the chat room where (depending on mods), anything went. It was decentralized; it seemed every site on any subject had an active forum, and often the “other” discussions where issues of politics were alive with acrimonious debate so long as the mods were “hands off.” Facebook seems to have sunk those like Walmart sunk mom and pop stores, and then Reddit came in to finish them off. But it was a great thing because the “racists” always won the debates.
Comment sections on news sites were even better. I remember thinking to myself “they simply can’t allow this continue” because their deceptions were being completely exposed and destroyed in the comments sections, every time. Of course there were hundreds of ridiculous awful comments but the cream did rise to the top. I always thought about teenagers and young adults, ignorant yet curious, discovering the comments and it almost gave me goosebumps. Sure enough, mid 2020, simultaneously: “we are temporarily suspending user comments to better serve you.” Almost two years later, they’re still “temporarily suspended.”
I remember thinking “what took them so long?” And I honestly think it’s that in the whole universe of sites, none of the 29 year old mulatesses and fags working on the news ever read the comments. They’re incurious people. One day, someone did and spread the word to everyone, to their horror. They were coordinating. As I said, it was simultaneous across several sites, like the same week.
I also noticed that they got ten times worse right after that. They have gone beyond Pravda. Commenters would have a field day with all of it.
Your pessimism is simply not grounded in reality, my friend. I suggest you listen to my radio interview and refer to the original article and its comment section. No one has come up with a convincing case against Greg and I yet.
They are not winning, they are losing. The panicky scrambling to shut down our message is constant. They are on the defensive, we are on the offensive. We continue to gain ground and they continue to lose it.
Moreover, the surge in white identity is due primarily to replacement immigration policies. Replacement is not stopping. Therefore, white identity is not stopping either. It will continue to spread and it will continue to become more aggressive. That’s inevitable.
With the right strategy, we will smash through the censorship, and we will win.
Thank you for pointing this out, and the suggestion to link.
Interesting to see the “non-censoring” engines fall into line over time.
Also, did you notice that many of articles that did show up in these engines’ first result page were:
All antiwhite
Largely the same.
So its like they all got the same memo: What to hide, and what propaganda to push.
Thank you for supporting the article, Mr. Smith. I did notice and I suspect the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society gave the command to “shut it down.”
Amren and USSA News gave the article a second life for which I am extremely grateful. But I hope to see it spread much further for the reasons I gave Mr. Devlin.
I just listened to your radio interview with Patrick Ryan. Absolutely brilliant with well articulated points. The policy institute will be a great next step for the movement to gain steam. I am sure this is something that you and others are well aware of, but we need to spread the word in the big cities. For instance, California is a “red” state. Once you get 25-30 miles outside the bay area, people vote republican, conservative, whatever you want to call it. Pull up a map on how people vote in California and a solid 90% of the state is red. The left’s strongholds are the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. I live in The City and I do what I can to enlighten people I know and conversate with at the local pub. It is by far an arduous task. I think I have broken through to a few and even made a few others start to think more critically about certain subjects that they believe in just because they have been shoved down their throats for decades if not their whole life. Maybe we can try to form some kind of chapters so to speak, just as most formidable organizations have themselves. I know this isn’t a novel idea and I’m sure this has been talked about in numerous circles. I guess what I am trying to say is that I would like to be a part of forming something like this here in San Francisco. Anyway, thanks for your essays and look forward to reading more.
Are you a Frisco native? I can’t imagine there would be very many prowhites in SF – unless maybe among some of the old guard or multigenerational natives, people whose families were there before the hippie liberal (and 3rd world) invasions started in the 60s (although that city was known for being pretty red {commie, not conservative} even back in the 30s, when they had a legendary longshoreman’s local union filled with communists). I occasionally encounter stuff saying how some “former Obama Administration official” is now involved in a startup or nonprofit in SF. I think I saw recently that Ocasio-Cortez’s former campaign guru or chief of staff is out there now. Last time I was there myself (pre-Covid) it was Asians, commies, queers and, everywhere, bums. Strange place. Maybe you should write a post on life there as a prowhite. (I’d also love to read a post on what New York is like these days, at ground-level.)
Many thanks for your support, Matt. I deeply appreciate it.
As I said on Patrick’s show, the longterm ambition must be to build an “NRA for White people.” A membership institute that would pile pressure on Congress for pro-white policies. Much of the support for this institute would surely originate around cities that have been devastated by the Great Replacement. There’s a reason why California produces a disproportionate number of white advocates.
Remember, if they were winning, they wouldn’t have to censor us.
But now they are winning because they are censoring us
No, they’re not.
I hope you’re right, and I hate to argue the pessimist side, but…
I would dare say the Charles Lindbergh America firsters won every debate, but then Operation Snow and all that. I believe Trump won the election of 2020, or should I say “won.”
America First is not a good comparison to our movement. Its fate depended on intervention into the war. Life was very good for Americans after that war. That meant the end for the original America First movement.
The rise of white identity will not stop until The Great Replacement stops. Life is only getting worse for Americans until we intervene. Our enemies will not stop The Great Replacement for us. The hunger for white identity politics will become starvation. This progression is inevitable, according to the studies in my first article.
The final outcome depends on the virtues of our movement. The outcome is in our hands, not theirs.
They are on thin ice. Thanks for supporting the article, Oliwier.
That was a fun radio interview, Robert, and given Patrick Ryan’s bonafides in some mainstream circles, I am heartened to see how “out of the closet” he is on white identity. Which reminds me: I listened to your interview in my car as I was parked on a busy thoroughfare in the Wicker Park neighborhood of Chicago. In front of me was a large brick mural of a black woman flexing, a la Rosie the Riveter. Then, a black woman exited a store with an enormous handbag that read “Everything you love about America is because of Black People.”
Seeing this stolen image and risible assertion got me thinking about all this aggressive messaging in the public sphere and its possible unintended effects. I thought back to a recent trip to Iowa City, where the largest city-endorsed murals I have ever seen loom threatiningly over the town’s mostly white college students. The first one, maybe 100 feet tall, said “Black Joy Needs No Permission.” The other one next to it says “Weaponize your privilege to save black bodies.”
One has to believe that more and more Whites, who are forced daily to confront such explicit and implicit antiwhite rhetoric, are a few fortuitous mouse clicks away from finding places like Counter-Currents.
Powerful story. Thanks for sharing, brother. And yes, I believe you are absolutely right.
It takes a rare type of resourcefulness to find Counter-Currents for now. I think often of Thucydides’ timeless statement in The Peloponnesian War…
“Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.”
But that’s not to say it doesn’t ready them for the leadership we will someday provide. There are countless millions of Americans waiting for charismatic pro-white leadership. Once we have the opportunity to tell them “the first story,” they will join us. We will get there.
In the meantime, yes, people will find Counter-Currents out of the aggravation propaganda like this causes. This is how I came to find Counter-Currents.
It helped that Trump finally came out for “white people”.
Absolutely, Jeffrey. Pro-white rhetoric from Trump does us a great deal of good. Despite his failings, we can’t forget how instrumental he’s been in pushing attitudes where they are. He has made the vital task of gathering support to our institutions much easier.
Amusing that the Ashley Jardina book kept coming up on Bing. When I reviewed her book in 2019, noting that the author herself was chary of her proposition, commenters often said she had broken a taboo and there was no going back. Don’t worry about these rearguard reactions.
Grateful for your kind words of support, Margot. You are a force of nature and the supporters speak of you in glowing terms. The heroes at American Renaissance gave the article a second wind. I wrote it as a Thomas Paine Common Sense-type appeal for pro-white politics so let’s wish it a long and prosperous life.
Hello Mr. Wallace,
Thank you for your brilliant article. I did not know this website Counter-Currents until just now actually. I bumped into this article when I was searching American politics on Duckduckgo and I really glad that I found this wonderful website that can feed my mind. Google indeed censored this website as this website is explicitly pro-white but you can try searching “America is ready” on Duckduckgo which I just did, your previous article was the third result.
I’m an Icelandic secondary school student (and I am about to go to University this fall) but I’ve been closely following American politics for five years or so. Most major sources that I regularly get news from are American Renaissance, The Federalist, American Thinker, Occidental Observer and Vdare , plus this just-found-out website. So I would love to know if there are any other websites that you recommend too? Also, do you have any great books recommendations for me since I am about to go to university? I’d prefer books about western civilization/cultures. What should I do as an young univeristy man?
This is irrelevant about this article but I’m also extremely interested in KKK history. It is the most evil organization from mainstream point of view but I heard that the establishment of Klan was mainly to resist blacks monstrosity in the first place and to bring justice to southern poor whites. Is this true? I read KKK article on alleged wokeness-proof Infogalactic but KKK was a evil bastard there as well. Are there any articles, websites or books that can prove Klan actions were morally justified?
Like I mentioned before, I’m an Icelandic citizen, I suggest American white nationalists or those who are sympathetic to whites can move to Iceland and turn Iceland into an ethnostate, because Iceland has been very homogeneous for centuries. Though Icelandic politics seems quite leftist from a white nationalist perspective.
Anyway, thanks again for this article and enjoy your weekends
Greetings Emil,
Well, my Icelandic friend, speaking highly of the Klan in any context down here is just about the ultimate crime against optics. But it was a popular resistance movement to the longstanding post Civil War military occupation of the South by the North.
Klan history is honestly not something I’m all that aware of. However, I heard from someone long ago that this is quite an interesting book:
Here is a pleasantly unapologetic and well-researched biography of Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Disclaimer: If the Klan even exists today (???) it has nothing whatsoever to do with Counter-Currents. We disavow.
Thanks for the note, brother. has an excellent collection of anti-pc books not necessarily on the West but from within it. Also, all the speeches of the greatest orator of our time, the late great Jonathan Bowden.
The establishment censors all White Advocates because it’s a winning move for them.
Access to the mainstream masses is true power, particularly over television and youtube platforms.
The article was buried beneath many American Renaissance columns and cheap reproductions of the article itself (ALOR, USSA News). They took exception to the original. The original never recovered and the reproductions never performed as as well as the original. I’ve proven this. It’s not a question.
On Friday night, I saw it was impossible to make a full push for the potential of the article on social media as a newcomer. I couldn’t do so without raising reasonable suspicions about my character. So I did not.
But I also did not leave a 2022 of German cars and Italian suits and put myself at risk by working in this movement to engage in schoolchild behavior on the Internet. I revived the article Friday for its political usefulness alone, full stop. As I said on Political Cesspool, it was Greg who fashioned a stone into a gem.
All of my friends in this movement will attest to my selfless dedication to it. Everyone else who gives me a chance will see what I’m about in time.
Your article basically said 80% of Republicans could become White Separatists, but that would depend on pro-Whites having regular access to Republican normies through television or youtube. Without such mainstream access, Republicans won’t become White Nationalists, they won’t become racialized.
Oddly, you found us, so I guess the censorship isn’t airtight.
Maybe the biggest white pill yet, Greg…
Hello, the studies prove Republicans are racialized. Immigration is the main concern of 80%+ of Republicans because they are racialized. The overwhelming demand for pro-white politics is already here. That demand makes defeating censorship possible. If the enemy thought my optimism was “wildly inappropriate” (your words) they wouldn’t feel the need to shut down the article or “censor all White Advocates” (your words).
Your negative comments display a mental laziness that is totally disqualifying.
Listened to your interview with James Edwards. Your level of articulateness is matched only by Dr Johnson’s. Very glad to have you on our side.
Why thank you, Doctor! Your endorsement means a great deal to me. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Great to hear about this, and good luck with the Institute project!
You maybe already thought about it, but would you also consider adding somewhere information on important concepts from psychology, such as the guilt complex and the inferiority complex?
My random thoughts about this right now. The guilt complex can be induced by interested manipulators. The natural reaction of the unsuspecting victim is to justify oneself, at which point the manipulators immediately try to push the guilt envelope. I think that the guilt complex is well studied, and a classic remedy is to become aware of your behaviour and to stop justifying yourself unless it is really needed. Stop apologizing for every trivia, and in general man up (please include chapters about manning up). This breaks up the negative feedback that you must be guilty since you are apologizing and justifying.
The inferiority complex makes you feel hurt and makes you want to prove your importance and value. However the harder you try this the more obvious it becomes to others; you notice their noticing and this creates a negative feedback. The cure would be to stop trying to prove your importance, and instead to stop caring about how you look to others.
I am mentioning these ones because it strikes me that the so prevalent racist anxiety was carefully constructed based on the guilt and inferiority theory. The victim always tries very hard to prove that he is not a racist. As soon as he does that, the manipulators push harder with ever more nuances of guilt.
Thanks, friend. Rest assured, you will be very proud of what we achieve with the institute. We will be at the tip of the spear.
Psych policy hadn’t crossed my mind but it is an intriguing idea. Since they’ve been in an abusive relationship with the anti-white system their whole lives, many whites do need psych rehab. But I believe our limited time and resources are better served on the Middle American Radicals.
Instead of this Swedish psychological defense agency , we need a task force to defend against anti-white Stockholm Syndrome 😉
“Psy-ops are a crucial weapon in the war against disinformation”
You can’t make this stuff up.
Thanks again for your support and thoughtful commentary.
Robert wallace,
I admire and appreciate your level of engagement with the comments section! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, comrade. I promise to keep it up.
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