Courtesy of Stonetoss
1,422 words
It is interesting that the Left considers the populist Right to be its ultimate enemy. While libertarians and bargain-bin conservatives are also seen as enemies, they are considered a secondary threat. If you believe the establishment narrative — as most Left-wingers do despite their claims to being unorthodox and outside the mainstream –, it should actually be the establishment conservatives who are their greatest threat. Unlike the Dissident Right, which wields little power by its very nature as a dissident movement, the neocons and normie-cons actually do have some institutional power, dwindling as it may be. They have billionaires funding their candidates; we don’t. Shouldn’t the far Left be focusing mainly on the mainstream Right’s elite? Here I will attempt to address this “socialist-nationalist paradox.”
It is well-known that today’s Left has allied itself with those they claimed to be the ultimate antagonists to their cause: Big Business. We saw this notably when the antifa Twitter account “Eyes on the Right” posted that they would never ally with the populist Right in taking down the hedge funds by inflating GameStop’s stock. Clearly, Goldman-Sachs is considered less of a threat to their status quo than anonymous far-Right Twitter accounts or Stormfront. Other than the Cathedral institutions, it is these fat cats who hold true power — and yet the far Left focuses on the Dissident Right sphere, despite the fact that ironically we agree with much of what the Left has to say on economic issues and the proletariat. I am of course referring to those of us who find ourselves fighting against two monstrosities: the leviathan of economic nationalism on the Right and the behemoth of social liberalism on the Left.
Many of us indeed find ourselves reading Karl Marx and largely agreeing with him — although mainly only with his critiques of capitalism. When one reads his private letters and other works, one may gain the impression that we on the Right are, in a way, closer to Marx than the “post-Marx Marxists” who, in a doublespeak dialectic which we are all familiar with, claim to be both Neo-Marxists and simultaneously that Neo-Marxism is a conspiracy theory. Consider how Italian Fascism itself stemmed from the Futurists and disenchanted socialists. Many upheld an ideology very reminiscent of the pre-Fascist Left even after the war. Fascism itself, an ideology that is difficult to define although not inaccurately described as “national corporatism,” is in large part a Rightist reinvention of the Left-wing ideology of syndicalism. I would certainly not claim that the far Left is in any way our brothers, or even our cousins. Rather, I am simply pointing out that we in large part agree with them on more things than we do compared with those in charge, whether they be the establishment Left or “Right.” This animosity seems to come from nowhere.

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It is nothing less than incredible how these atheists can operate with such religious zeal. Even the far Right, where most of us are guided by some sort of divine or metaphysical creed or sacred code, would be more willing to work with these apostles of the Great Adversary than against them. Why? I believe the answer to this grand question essentially boils down to potentiality, not power. I am reminded of Peter Hitchens, who would often go on tirades — and rightly so — concerning the fact that all the major parties in the United Kingdom are essentially elected bureaucrats. They agree on “progress,” but simply differ on the way to get there in terms of a few preselected issues which are largely inconsequential. The fact that any “conservative” Tory could possibly claim that “the best is ahead of us” boggles the mind, but paints a picture as to the naiveté at best and cynicism at worst of our so-called “representatives.”
It is no different in the United States, where the neocons, Israeli sycophants, yokel Right, big business simps, police simps, and libertarians have formed a completely unthreatening coalition and are represented by the GOP. The false dichotomy of the Reds on one side and the Blues on the other is no different than in Hitchens’ United Kingdom, where both sides agree on the vast majority of issues, while only “disagreeing” on a few choice issues which are designed to get their voters out. Of course, even those few areas where they disagree are rarely ever addressed in any real sense, and even when they are, the social Left and economic Right always find a way to come out on top while the economic Left and social Right invariably and miserably fail to achieve anything.
The far Left has clearly made their peace with this process, while the grassroots Right has not. Woe be to the grassroots Right. The truth is that the Left cares more about legalizing child rape and exterminating whites than “workers of the world unite” or any other economic platitudes. Indeed, they are Neo-Marxists and not Marxists (like Slavoj Žižek, for example) for a reason. When it comes to our so-called representatives, they care more about Israel and cheap plastic crap from China than they do about healthy families and the welfare of the middle class. Why should the Left care about their impossible communist utopia anymore? With capitalism and simultaneous state support, not only do they get an excuse to riot and have fun, but they get first-day Amazon delivery on sex toys and Soylent products. “Post-scarcity has been accomplished, comrades!” — and yet it was through late-stage capitalism that it was achieved. Oh, the irony.
The establishment Right and Left have already determined who are to constitute the New World Order, which can only be described as the worst ideas of the Left and Right fused together into a sandwich put together by the kosher Right and Left. Thus, the only real dissent is coming from the nationalist Right and, to some extent, the “scumbag Left.” It is no surprise, then, that the scumbag Left is already undergoing liquidation after being subjected to scrutiny from their own side. Perhaps Trotsky will be their patron saint. As for the Dissident Right, we are for a mixed economic system — ironically similar to the economic program that the far Left claims to endorse –, but combined with Rightist social policies. Because of this, we are by default persona non grata in the political world.
I doubt that these quite frankly moronic characters would have come to this conclusion on their own. If it weren’t for an establishment who stoked the flames of division against us, they would probably still be camping out on Wall Street in tents, protesting against their — or rather our — real enemies. Was it not the “woke” anti-philosophy that sprouted up in the Occupy Wall Street movement? This can be no coincidence. What is truly disappointing is that the Left who were actually over the target in the aftermath of 2008 were so easily swayed and their energy directed against the proletariat they believed they were, or at least pretended to be, fighting for. Despite all the talk of the elites pitting the lower classes against each other and thus against our class interests, the far Left is a far greater example of this phenomenon.
This is the true reason for the Left’s hatred of those who are closer to them on the important issues. Unlike the kosher establishment Right, we are actually serious about what we say and have legitimate beefs with the uniparty, which poses an actual threat to a potential alliance between the dissident Left and Right. The establishment Right is only a front to push the interests of capitalism, only pretending to support social conservatism — and less and less so at that, while the Left is precisely the opposite: only a front for economic populism that will never benefit those besides the hoodrats and the billionaire class through subsidies. The elite capitalists will always be happy to fund their shock troops for a small tax while getting their Wall Street “pizza parties” legalized. Meanwhile, the chump Left will always be happy to allow for billionaires to get subsidies as long as they themselves get a shred of artificial status and their funko-pops arrive on time. They only needed a “friendly” establishment to guide their thoughts for them to realize that being a Janissary of the system is much more rewarding than being a dissident. This betrays their actual materialist motives more than anything else.
It is only the grassroots Right which poses any meaningful opposition to the universal decadence offered by the establishment Left and Right’s kosher sandwich.
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‘What is truly disappointing is that the Left who were actually over the target in the aftermath of 2008 were so easily swayed and their energy directed against the proletariat they believed they were, or at least pretended to be, fighting for.’
This process was well on it’s way much earlier. In the late 1980s Noam Chomsky (!) noted that college leftists would show up in droves for Central American ‘solidarity’ drum-circles when non-one would show up to support the stRiki-Eiking Hormel workers.
There was an old labor Left still around in the 1980s, but the Judeo-Left and the Judeo-Right worked in tandem to crush worker solidarity. The Judeo-Left’s emphasis on ‘civil rights’ (race-mixing) and ‘equality’ (Affirmative Action) undermined the White solidarity that was essential to labor solidarity in the US. The Judeo-Right emphasized ‘right to work’ and legalized union-busting and union-formation interdiction.
When Obama was elected the first time, Big Labor had expected the Democrats to pass the ‘card check’ system to allow easier union-formation. As we know, that didn’t happen. And then, two years later, the Judeo-Right gained just enough seats in the House to thwart any just ‘labor reforms’.
Note how similar that situation was to Trump and his promises to curb immigration.
“It is interesting that the Left considers the populist Right to be its ultimate enemy.”
In one sense, why wouldn’t they? We’re competitors.
“If you believe the establishment narrative — as most Left-wingers do despite their claims to being unorthodox and outside the mainstream…”
It’s quite curious that when today’s Left achieves cultural power, or is power-adjacent, they insist on retaining outsider status as fewer and fewer Whites buy their posture. It says something about the psychology of resentment and the self-loathing, “born to lose” attitude of many Leftists.
“…it should actually be the establishment conservatives who are their [Leftist’s] greatest threat”
Establishment conservatives and Establishment Democrats, I would argue, are both of our shared enemies. But it depends on how far down the ladder one wishes to go to define a “true Leftist”. One or two Leftists are aware of this additional enemy, and they do call the likes of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, “Establishment Democrats”.
“It is well-known that today’s Left has allied itself with those they claimed to be the ultimate antagonists to their cause: Big Business.”
There’s no contradiction here and there should be no surprises. But there is heavy duplicity. The trust fund Antifa with a father working at Goldman Sachs is a thing. Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller, Harriman and Morgan all backed the Russian Revolution. “Corporate Leftism” is as old as the Gillette Corporation (today’s makers of men’s shaving razors), and needs to be understood as a primary driver of globalization.
“We saw this notably when the antifa Twitter account “Eyes on the Right” posted that they would never ally with the populist Right in taking down the hedge funds by inflating GameStop’s stock.”
Why would they? It’s hurts Daddy’s (and one day, their) portfolio.
“…the far Left focuses on the Dissident Right sphere, despite the fact that ironically we agree with much of what the Left has to say on economic issues and the proletariat.”
Again, it depends on where anyone draws the line on who is considered a Leftist. There are pozz Leftists and economic Leftists (and the 2, while fairly definable, are not always mutually exclusive).
“…the leviathan of economic nationalism on the Right and the behemoth of social liberalism on the Left.”
On social liberalism being a problem, we’re all in agreement here. So let’s put that off to the side. But “economic nationalism”? Careful. A certain German leader was a staunch economic nationalist. As is Pat Buchanan. I just wish for further clarification here, before I go any further. Why is economic nationalism a problem, and what do you mean by this?
“Many of us indeed find ourselves reading Karl Marx and largely agreeing with him — although mainly only with his critiques of capitalism.”
Yes. I’ve said the exact same thing for years. On his critiques of that time, you won’t find anything better.
“Fascism itself, an ideology that is difficult to define although not inaccurately described as “national corporatism,” is in large part a Rightist reinvention of the Left-wing ideology of syndicalism.”
That is an insightful and useful remark. Thank you and well done.
“Rather, I am simply pointing out that we in large part agree with them on more things than we do compared with those in charge, whether they be the establishment Left or “Right.” This animosity seems to come from nowhere.”
Yes, but also no. The animosity comes from competition and our irreconcilable conflict over equality vs. hierarchy.
“It is no different in the United States, where the neocons, Israeli sycophants, yokel Right, big business simps, police simps, and libertarians have formed a completely unthreatening coalition and are represented by the GOP.”
Yes, you’ve pretty much nailed it. Couldn’t have come up with a better description myself.
“…the social Left and economic Right always find a way to come out on top while the economic Left and social Right invariably and miserably fail to achieve anything.”
Yes, yes, and yes.
“The truth is that the Left cares more about legalizing child rape and exterminating whites than “workers of the world unite” or any other economic platitudes.”
The pozz Left does. The older economic Left minority does not.
“Post-scarcity has been accomplished, comrades!” — and yet it was through late-stage capitalism that it was achieved. Oh, the irony.”
You’ve nailed it. Again.
“The establishment Right and Left have already determined who are to constitute the New World Order, which can only be described as the worst ideas of the Left and Right fused together into a sandwich put together by the kosher Right and Left.”
That’s pretty much the definition of modern “centrism” and a misappropriated use of the term, “Third Way” which combines the reverse: socially liberalism with economic rightism. As opposed to what we do: social conservatism combined with some old economic leftism.
“…while the Left is precisely the opposite: only a front for economic populism that will never benefit those besides the hoodrats and the billionaire class through subsidies.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
“They only needed a “friendly” establishment to guide their thoughts for them to realize that being a Janissary of the system is much more rewarding than being a dissident. “
This strikes me as original. Haven’t seen that said anywhere else.
In Leviathan And His Enemies, Samuel Francis attempted to write the book he believed the conservative movement desperately needed but scarcely knew it lacked. In the book, he describes the historical process by which American liberalism captured the institutions of government, education, and media, (even during GOP’s healthiest period, and the Reagan years) rendering itself invulnerable to conventional conservatism—but exposed to nationalist populism.
I said before, even if the prediction of the historic “flip” in 2022 materialize, the Center-right (what the GOP is) won’t do anything of the consequence to advance the interest of the Conservatism. What Rush Limbaugh once said “Republicans are Conservatives only when I minority” and another Right-Wing gentleman from Britain who’s the name I forgot, “Conservatives in Great Britain, haven’t moved a clock back one second”
So why would anyone consider the Modern Day establishment Conservatives a threat at all!
Yeah. And yet..
“We find that a surprisingly large share of those who identify as far left do express extremely xenophobic attitudes, and we profile them in contrast to far right xenophobes.”
Having read Counter Currents for many years I note with dismay an increasing disdain for, or potentially even fear of, any kind of cooperation with nationalistic economic socialists. I don’t understand this at all.
There are a good proportion of the ‘dirtbag left’ who’d agree with most of what you guys say. Go on Reddit and look at subs like Stupidpol or ConservativeSocialist.
In an environment where our situation is really dire, is it sensible to alienate people who agree with you on borders, mass immigration and ethnicity? And for what. Muh free enterprise system? Do you value it that much?
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