Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 186
AmRen Wrapup & Dunkirk Review
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and Michael Polignano reconvene for a new weekly Counter-Currents Radio podcast. This week Greg Johnson shares his experience at the 2017 American Renaissance Conference and the three of us discuss Christopher Nolan’s most recent film, Dunkirk.
Topics include:
- Opening Remarks & Donor Recognition: 0:00
- The 2017 American Renaissance Conference: 3:25
- Dunkirk movie discussion: 23:41
- Shop talk discussion about our upcoming book The Counter-Currents Interviews, vol. 1: 51:07
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 186AmRen Wrapup & Dunkirk Review
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Regarding John Morgan’s observation that Dunkirk did not possess historical context, I would say that that would run counter to the main point of the movie which, I believe, is a call to battle in the present. It is not fundamentally a narrative concerning a specific historical event but rather the construction of history itself. The last scene (when the soldier looks up towards the audience after the Churchill speech) seems to make this message clear.
I had my heart in my throat and tears in my eyes through virtually all of “Dunkirk.” Greg’s take on it is exactly right: it is a celebration of the humanity and the heroism of a once great nation –mostly of its men–and it was a powerful decision on Nolan’s part to exclude all the usual anti-German morality play elements. I can see why, by contrast to today’s UK, it provoked the normally calm Peter Brimelow to “lethal rage.”
Han Zimmer’s unusual score (constant low-level energy of a train and a siren) certainly amped up the sense of anxiety and chaos. Nolan also managed to communicate something of the terror and uncertainty of war without resorting to gore; quite a feat.
The victim of the Antifa attack at Amren had his head held under water. Assuming he does not have gills, this is clearly attempted murder, not just assault and battery, and should be prosecuted as such. Just as clearly, Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization engaged in a criminal conspiracy to deprive (White) Americans of their rights of free assembly. It is not just Amren meetings of course; consider all the Trump supporters attacked at political rallies and marches, and consider Coulter’s cancelled speech (and other such incidents). An energetic and patriotic Justice Department would utilize RICO prosecutions to target this criminal conspiracy; however, Trump/Sessions are so useless in this regard we may as well have Obama/Holder/Lynch still in charge.
Oddly enough a great aunt of mine was evacuated during that campaign as a nurse. She felt deeply ashamed that the army had been chased off so easily.
We are watching in this film how an Empire ended. It’s very very powerful.
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