Herman Cain is Black. He’s not merely racially Black. He’s truly, completely, chromatically black. He knows it, his supporters know it, the media know it, and—presuming you haven’t been hiding under a rock—you know it, too. It’s the core of his shtick and a primary reason for his surge in popularity. In an ironic inversion of the biblical story, this particular inherited mark of Cain is a blessing for him and his campaign.
It’s a shame that the derogatory term “Uncle Tom” has been overused within the Black community to bludgeon Blacks who defy the leftist party line of its mulatto elite, because it now rings hollow, despite being correct in this case. Cain clearly and directly exploits his Black identity to triangulate against the multicult left on behalf of the White conservative middle class. The insecure and self-conscious Whites fear that their own animosity towards Obama might be racist—but Cain’s animosity can’t be . . . because he’s Black! The Tea Party’s cardinal agenda is to thwart ongoing efforts by Cosmic America to redistribute White America’s wealth and privilege: It’s integrally racist and pro-White. Cain absolves White America of the dissonance they’ve been trained to experience when taking their own side in a fight . . . because he’s Black!
There’s been some superficial confusion in some superficial circles about how a movement which is supposedly White and racist could support a Black candidate. There’s really no mystery here, as there are two discreet types of White racist: ideologues and deniers. I’m a pro-White ideologue. I knowingly, consciously, proudly care about my ethnic extended family. I’m versed in and supportive of the arguments for embracing my racial identity and pursuing self-determination for my people. But folks like myself are merely the tip of an iceberg of White racists in America, with the overwhelming majority being deniers.
Deniers deny not only to others but to themselves that they’re racist. They flee to the suburbs in pursuit of “good schools.” They couple their angry outbursts against illegal immigrants with pious paeans to the virtues of legal immigrants. They have a visceral contempt for “thugs,” but insist that it’s cultural and not racial. They understand on an instinctive level that there’s an alien “them” encroaching upon “us” from whom we must “take it back,” but that perfectly healthy sentiment is passed through a powerful filter of brainwashing and taboo enforcement finding its expression in support for balancing budgets, lowering taxes, building a fence, and enforcing drug laws.
There was a viral video a while back, Pants on the Ground, which went viral because a Black man offered Whites a kosher opportunity to vent their frustration with Black behavior.
Had a White man performed that routine, he would have been racist. When White men attempt to pass laws demanding that Black men pull their pants up, those laws are racist. White Americans laughed a little too hard and a little too long [11:55] at this comedy skit because it offered a safe release to a frustration which is becoming dangerously pressurized. Cain’s campaign, boiled down to its essence, is the childish and pathetic “Pants on the Ground” catharsis applied on an epic nationwide political scale.
Cain’s campaign is little more than a comedy routine, but it’s one which may well propel him to capturing the GOP nomination. White Republicans are so hooked on the relief from the charge of racism Cain provides them that they’ve overlooked the obvious fact that the guy’s entirely unfit for the office. His “9-9-9” tax plan is a pathetic joke. He didn’t even know that China has nuclear weaponry, and he doesn’t even have the geopolitical savoir faire to know that you don’t demagogue against China. This is reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s meteoric rise, one in which a local career politician had to pretend to be a global statesman . . . and hilarity ensued. Not to be a geography snob, but a person who doesn’t know which Korea is the dictatorship is unfit to pour a presidential candidate’s coffee, much less split the ticket with one in poor health. Likewise, a candidate who doesn’t realize why you don’t negotiate with hostage-takers is unfit for office. Period.
The problem with this isn’t so much that the candidate needs to subject himself to a rigorous process of geographical and historical flash cards while on the trail; the problem is that the men flashing the cards will indubitably be the Zionist weasels who swarm these sorts of campaigns. As groan-inducing as Mitt’s policies and practices are, one can be relatively confident that Mitt stands alongside Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul in being competent and knowledgeable on a level that Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and Herman Cain simply are not. Even if Bachmann is more or less with us in terms of identity and spirit, her presidency would go the way of George W. Bush’s, with the Zionist weasels hijacking her administration to pursue their nefarious anti-American agenda.
I do believe that Cain could potentially win the GOP nomination. It’s his to lose. He could very well lose it by unleashing enough gaffes that his supporters are forced to come to terms with his lack of fitness, but it would need to be an extraordinary number of extraordinary gaffes to destroy the powerful sensation of relief and righteousness that racist Whites in denial experience from supporting him. In the coming months, the race will narrow down to the big three: Cain, Paul, and Romney. This means that debates will be less crowded with sound bites (Cain’s forte) and he’ll be increasingly pinned between America’s most serpent-tongued system politician (Romney), and America’s most well-informed and brutally honest politician (Paul).
If he makes it to the general election, he’ll lose, as his shtick is useless in a direct face-off with another Black candidate. There’s this presumption among the Tea Party crowd that Cain will be especially effective in a match-up with Obama because he’s Black, but it won’t play out like they’re thinking. In a Black-on-Black contest, race will cease to be a prevailing factor, and the two men will match wits and ideas. As devoid of ideas as Obama is, he’s eminently more poised, presidential, knowledgeable, and clever than Cain. The GOP will have taken an election which is theirs to lose and lost it on purpose. For the second presidential election in a row, they will throw an entire election in their futile and contemptible effort to demonstrate symbolically that they’re not racist.
Herman Cain’s been taking the exploitation of the race card to ridiculous heights, describing the media’s investigation of his (admittedly specious) sexual harassment allegations as a “high-tech lynching.” He directly accuses the Democrats of opposing him because they’re racist. Rather than “transcending” race, he’s exploiting the fact that his identity is definitively more Black than Obama’s. Obama’s spent his entire adult life desperately trying to deny his global cosmopolitan roots in favor of his mythic Roots™. Cain could probably hurt Obama’s feelings with this angle, but that’s beside the point. Cain’s comedy routine will wither on impact with Obama’s scowl of disapproval. His amateurish sound bites on the issues will wither on impact with Obama’s “articulate” grasp of the complex global and economic issues in a one-on-one debate. Moderates will accurately surmise that while Obama is undesirable and unsuccessful, he’s still preferable to Cain’s vacuous White Guilt-propelled minstrel show.
Cain’s a shrewd businessman who has identified a market opportunity in America’s moral panic about White racism and is effectively capitalizing on it. Whether he’ll manage to ride his winning formula into the general election or perhaps even the Oval Office remains to be seen. One thing is already certain for me: the Herman Cain phenomenon demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that the American experiment in popular democracy is an irredeemable failure. Those who predicted American democracy would degenerate into the lowest common denominator of “bread and circuses” lacked Cain’s visionary realization that there’s an even lower common denominator than myopic self-interest: hysterical self-flagellation and self-destruction in response to accusations of “racism.”
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Great article and analysis, but in some sense you may be missing the biggest sham here. What is clear is that Cain is the Jewish establishment choice. No wonder the media has been trying to water down the sexual harassment subject. The main stream media spent the weekend on the Pen state pedophile case in order to relatively diminish the Cain event in typical psycho war strategy. On top of that there is much to believe that the pols that put Cain in advance have 0% in margin of good faith, something now typical in campaign coverage.
The Jewish establishment loves Obama and want him for another 4 years. Obama has proven the perfect puppet, thanks to his overwhelming narcissism, and due to his neo-conservative values. The Jewish leadership know that Cain is the only candidate he can beat with certainty; and if he was the republican candidate; this would effectively give a definitive blow to little that remains of White conscientiousness and identity, a double whammy!
What is regrettable is that all that republican candidates do to avoid this defeat is befriend Cain and being twice as much Zionist zealots. And here, my opinion differ with one held by yourself, I believe, and it is that too much proximity with Jewish community and interests does not work wonders on White group IQ.
What is the backdrop for this? Well, here is where everyone will disagree with me. Obama’s win is not a certainty, even with all the Jewish establishment efforts; Jews know this better than we can guess, and that is why they are working hard on both side of the isle.
Israel and the Zionists want to destroy Iran. They are not going to make it easy for Obama to win a second term by giving him a good economy. Instead, they are making it clear that the only thing that can have Obama win is a new War, a big one, one where the electors will have no choice but to re-elect Obama. Unemployment won’t budge, making joining the forces to feed your family a very interesting proposition.
Now, many Republicans understand this very well, and this is why you can feel that many are sabotaging the election of a Republican at the White House; for example, look at Kantor’s actions for the past 2 months, not to talk about the candidates efforts themselves in this fashion. So, effectively, to quote you, they have already thrown in the towel. I mean, it is so clear that Neo-Conservatives all over the spectrum are so happy with Obama and never sincere when attempting to demonstrate empathy for the American people, they could not care less. For them, we are no more than a burden, a bunch of retards that stand in the way of their perfect ambitions.
Your last line (hysterical self-flagellation) made me laugh so hard I almost spit out my coffee.
The question is: what can we do?
Nationalists have pointed out for years that the enemy controls the entire system and political continuum. The enemy has worked very hard to control the system in order to counter exactly the situation we are in now. There is currently major dissatisfaction with America’s elites combined with serious wealth inequality and economic distress. Historically, those are fertile conditions for change, but, because the enemy controls the system, people have no outlet for change. Beyond that, they don’t even perceive the fundamental problems (race, traitorous White elites, and Jewish influence).
I believe you’ll see some promising developments in the coming months.
Is the enemy in control, or is the enemy losing control? Perhaps the latter, in which case it is time to act upon Friedrich Nietzsche’s maxim: “That which is falling should also be pushed.”
‘I do believe that Cain could potentially win the GOP nomination. It’s his to lose.’
Does the Rockefeller Republican Establishment really want Cain? Personally I doubt it, they would prefer someone with Romneys proven track-record of middle-of-the-road mushiness more.
Cain and Marco Rubio seem to angling for the Vice Presidential slot.
‘In a Black-on-Black contest, race will cease to be a prevailing factor, and the two men will match wits and ideas. As devoid of ideas as Obama is, he’s eminently more poised, presidential, knowledgeable, and clever than Cain. ‘
Yes in a perfect world that would be the case, however we are talking about the American electorate here. There are a large number of ignoramuses (remember we stopped eugenics back in the 1970s/ 1980s!) who would favor Cains ‘shucking and jiving’ over the articulate Obama just as a few years ago they favored W. Bushes ‘aw shucks, nuthin’s bigger then Texas’ routine over the ‘Eddie Haskall incarnate’ Al Gore.
I don’t believe Obama can be accurately compared with the wooden and decidedly un-cool Al Gore. While the ignoramuses are decidedly displeased with him, he is charming and will have that charm at his disposal come election time.
Hardly. While Cain may have a lead in many of the recent GOP primary polls, his chances of actually winning the nomination are slim to none (the same is the case with Congressman Paul, whom you mentioned briefly). The potential voters who constitute the polling popularity spikes we’ve seen for Herman Cain and for Rick Perry before him are a very fickle bunch and their preferences will not carry the day when the actual votes are held. At this point, anything other than a Romney victory would be immensely surprising and if he were to lose it would not be to either Herman Cain or Ron Paul.
That’s an interesting line of thought that a Black activist here in Indianapolis is also following. Did I miss out on some article somewhere outlining this or did both of you arrive at similar analyses by coincidence?
It’s indeed a fickle bunch, but there appears to be a method to their madness. They’re feeling for an anti-Romney consensus and I suspect they’ve settled on their man in Herman Cain. Dr. Paul is unlikely to win, but his solid core (perhaps corps would be more accurate) of supporters are far from fickle and will assure that he remains a major contender up until the final primary vote. I agree with your prediction that he’ll lose, but he’ll remain relevant and present long after the anti-Romneys (Bachmann, Cain, and Perry) have folded up shop or spiraled into irrelevance.
In my analysis, the two major things which could decisively shake up this race would be Cain throwing his coalition into disarray with a series of humiliating policy gaffes or Romney becoming so confident about his odds that he begins running for the general election too soon and stoking a revolt within his own ranks. In theory, if both were to come about, Paul might actually have a shot at winning a brokered convention.
Oh, I agree that there is some method to their madness, but the Republican anti-Romney brigade is grasping at straws and Cain is simply the flavor of the month. You can tell that the end is nigh for any anti-Romney coalition when Newt Gingrich finds himself in third place and rising in the polls. The problem is that there isn’t a non-Romney candidate that is durable and can find a significant base of support among those who are not already backing Romney. I believe that time will show this article to be written at about the peak of Republican support for Herman Cain. If he’s doing just as well or better a month from now, I may have to eat my words here, but if my judgement is correct, the kind of support we’ve seen for Herman Cain isn’t the type of support that has the stamina to make it through the actual contests in January.
I also agree that the Ron Paul corps will not dissolve, but dissolution isn’t their problem and it wasn’t their problem in 2008 either. Dr. Paul’s problem is that while he has a pretty firm floor of support, the ceiling’s not far away. His supporters may be fervent, but the rest of the Republican primary electorate don’t find them convincing, so he may pull delegates, and perhaps even a state or two, but to the mainstream candidates, he is more of a nuisance than a threat. Romney probably has more to fear from Rick Santorum than he does from Ron Paul.
Good article. I like the title, “Mark of Cain.”
The 2 main components as I see it with respect to Cain as a ‘viable’ candidate are the following:
1. The Jew-controlled media brought Cain into the limelight. Otherwise NO ONE would even know who he is. And Jewish Koch Brothers’ $$$ is reportedly behind Cain.
2. Yet another Negro is displayed by the Jewish-controlled media as an appropriate candidate for the White House…as if it were a given.
BOTTOM LINE – The implicit destruction of WHITE leadership is the Jewish-controlled media’s message and AIM. It’s both subliminal and IN OUR FACES.
With the Judaic Ruling System now FULLY in place in JewMerica, the Jews will have in Cain yet another “schwartza” puppet in the White House.
Brother Nathanael Kapner
Real Jew News
Former Jew – NOW an Orthodox Christian
A Sympathizer of the White Nationalist Movement
The Koch brothers aren’t Jewish. Their surname reflects their Dutch ancestry.
They have funded libertarian organizations, including the Cato Institute.
Their father, the founder of the family oil company, was an anti-Communist and member of the John Birch Society.
However, the Kochs are not pro-white. They boost people like Cain, give money to assist “at risk youth” (a euphemism for non-whites), and so on.
I also can’t imagine that they aren’t philo-Semites. Everybody is.
It’s an interesting subject that Matt has opened here, especially the racial guilt, and racial denial aspects of White credulity. It is almost surreal how terribly conflicted, and gimped-up most Whites are about racial matters. The truth is, however, the much ballyhooed American political circus is really for the emotional edification, nay, beguilement, of a public that has no idea that they are but pawns in a manipulated game. It is, indeed, the ‘best democracy that money can buy’. And, guess who controls the money spigots?
But, I think that Kapner has pretty well summed it up, to wit: the magic Negroes are the creation of the cunning Jewish power elites. It is part of their relentless, low level race war that they are waging against their flummoxed “host”. They really seem to love smearing us with humiliating, in-your-face, racial defilement. Their hatred of us clearly runs very deep. In conclusion, it is truly amazing how totally these subversive, ruling usurpers have bilked and befuddled the clueless Anglo milk herd.
Hrm, perhaps those sexual harassment charges aren’t so specious after all.
This latest one from Sharon Bialek appears pretty credible.
A good article, Matt, although I suspect that by January, Cain will be little more than a memory. This sexual harassment scandal continues to grow and he can’t seem to shake it. The fact that the first woman to actually come forward publicly is a member of the tribe adds an interesting extra dimension to the whole thing, however.
What is clear is that Cain is the Jewish establishment choice. No wonder the media has been trying to water down the sexual harassment subject. The main stream media spent the weekend on the Pen state pedophile case in order to relatively diminish the Cain event in typical psycho war strategy. On top of that there is much to believe that the pols that put Cain in advance have 0% in margin of good faith, something now typical in campaign coverage.
The weekend pedophile coverage was psycho war to help Herman Cain? Do you have any credible evidence for these claims? To me, they read like something off of an Alex Jones Web site, and my view of Jews and the JQ is in line with those of Kevin MacDonald and William Pierce.
Yes, it’s a Jewess…in the direct line of succcession: Judith (lopped of Holofernes head), another one (poisoned Mohammed), another one (shot Lenin), then Monica and Bill, Rachel Uchitel and so on and on. At least w/in the Tribe, the female really is deadier than the male. As far as Cain goes, no, Jews in general aren’t happy with him…any black man who gets off the welfare/illfare state plantation is going to get the Clarence Thomas treatment, and so it has happened again. But since Clinton, people are also pretty immunized to this stuff and, if anything, it’ll prolly increase his support among males…both white and black. In any case it’ll be Romney for the Republicrat nomination – he is, after all a Lifetime Member of the NatRifleAssoc (since August, 2011) – and I expect Ron Paul to take the TP to 3P. That’ll set up Obama to win in the EC w not much more than 40% of the popular vote, thus combining an existential political crisis with an economic collapse. Add in a disasterous ZOG attack on Iran, chopping the world’s oil supply by 40%, and we’ve got all the ingredients of a Perfect Storm. First Tuesday in November, 2012. Then: 60 days to Ft. Sumter.
‘Yes, it’s a Jewess…in the direct line of succcession: Judith (lopped of Holofernes head), another one (poisoned Mohammed), another one (shot Lenin), then Monica and Bill, Rachel Uchitel and so on and on. At least w/in the Tribe, the female really is deadier than the male.’
Have often thought that the Old Testament book ‘Esther’ reads more like a primitive Mossad hand-book for Jewish females then an actual religious text. This trend of subversive Jewish females goes back hundreds of years!
As for Cain, with all the allegations coming out now, it appears he is headed for Gary Hart-ville. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Hart#1988_presidential_campaign_and_the_Donna_Rice_affair )
A question for Matt Parrott: where are you at with your Simple White Advocacy Guide? I’d greatly like to see it, even in a rough and incomplete form.
Who is behind this nefarious plot? Could it be the same sinister “power elite” that dismantled the European empires in Africa?
No, I don’t subscribe to TOQ.
I hope he gets the nomination so that I can make a million on my bipartisan ” Vote For the Nigger” bumper stickers.
Way to hedge your bets!
Advertisements for the film “Aliens vs. Predator” featured a motto that perfectly summarizes elections: “Whoever wins . . . we lose.”
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