This is a response to Asier Abadroa’s “Is Ethnonationalism Compatible with Genetic Interests in Practice?” His answer is, on balance, no. He argues that ethnonationalism is often connected with romantic ideas about faraway oppressed peoples that are not based on fact, that peoplehood is hard to define, that ethnonationalism is often connected to bad ideas such as chauvinism and Marxism, (more…)
Tag: the white imperium
October 23, 2023 Greg Johnson
Un Etat Blanc unique ou plusieurs?
This is a continuation of the debate on one white state or many between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood. Greg Johnson’s opening statement is here. Gregory Hood’s is here.
Dear Greg,
I decided to collect into a single document my responses to your debate statement together with some afterthoughts and treatments of issues we did not have time to deal with during the debate itself. (more…)
The following is the text of Gregory Hood’s opening statement in the “Ethnonationalism vs. Imperialism” debate with Greg Johnson that was held at the recent Counter-Currents Spring Retreat. Dr. Johnson’s opening statement, which preceded this one, can be read here.
It’s not a question of whether you want to live in an imperium or not. You’re going to live under an imperial rule of some kind. The only question is whose it’s going to be. (more…)
2,257 words
The following is the text of Greg Johnson’s opening statement in the “Ethnonationalism vs. Imperialism” debate with Gregory Hood that was held at the recent Counter-Currents Spring Retreat. Gregory Hood’s opening statement , which came after this one, can be read here.
By my count, there are 52 historically white sovereign states in the world today. That’s not a lot. That’s one for every card in a standard deck. (more…)