It has become an important part of Right-wing lore to mock liberals for framing current events in terms of Harry Potter. Donald Trump restricts entry to persons from a number of Muslim countries? That’s just like Voldemort persecuting Muggles! A court refuses to convict a white person for defending himself against black crime? (more…)
Tag: Bosnia
August 3, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 472 Hwitgeard on The Writers’ Bloc
The Writers’ Bloc had their good friend Hwitegeard over for a friendly, low-intensity chinwag with host Nick Jeelvy, where they also answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:07:00 How does one speak Anglo-Saxon and what does it sound like? (more…)
Orbán. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Orbán. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
9,635 words
The following is the text of the speech that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered at the 31st Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp in Tusványos (Băile Tuşnad in Romanian), Transylvania, Romania last Saturday, July 23. The text is reprinted, with some added annotations, from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s official website. The title is editorial. A video including the English text in subtitles is also linked below. (more…)
Muhammad Izadi, sometimes known as Muhammad Aryan, was host Nick Jeelvy‘s special guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc. They discussed what the Muslim faith and its associated philosophy can offer to White Nationalists and dissidents in the West, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Barbara F. Walter
How Civil Wars Start: and How to Stop Them
New York: Random House, 2022Barbara F. Walter is a Professor of Political Science at the School of Global Policy and Strategy as well as an Adjunct Professor at UC San Diego. She is also an expert in civil wars and how they start. In her recently-published book, How Civil Wars Start, she makes the case that the United States is headed towards civil war. (more…)
May 18, 2021 Charles Krafft
Robert Stark Interviews Charles Krafft
Editor’s note: This is a transcript of Robert Stark’s July 4, 2016 interview with Charles Krafft. We would like to thank Hyacinth Bouquet for this transcript.
Robert Stark: This is Robert Stark. I am joined here with Charles Krafft. Charles, it is great having you on the show.
Charles Krafft: Well, thank you; and nice to talk to you again, Robert. (more…)