I am communing in my office with a sufficiency of Wild Turkey, the whiskey of the great Hunter Thompson. With its help I think curmudgeonly thoughts about America, which is over, done, surrounded by feeding leeches, ticks, hag fish, lampreys, and corporations. And Joe Biden. I find this deeply satisfying. (more…)
Tag: American sham democracy
December 28, 2010 D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence on Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Novels
5,821 words
Chapter 5 of Studies in Classic American Literature
In his Leatherstocking books, Fenimore is off on another track. He is no longer concerned with social white Americans that buzz with pins through them, buzz loudly against every mortal thing except the pin itself. The pin of the Great Ideal.
December 27, 2010 D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence on Fenimore Cooper’s White Novels
3,806 words
Chapter 4 of Studies in Classic American Literature
Benjamin Franklin had a specious little equation in providential mathematics:
Rum + Savage = 0. Awfully nice! You might add up the universe to nought, if you kept on.
November 20, 2010 Jan von Flocken
The Tyrant Who is Obama’s Role Model
Translated by Greg Johnson
When Barack Obama was officially inaugurated as President of the United States, the ceremony was charged with symbolism. (more…)
1,085 words
As I write, it looks like the Democratic party will retain control of the US Senate by a narrowed margin and the Republican party will gain control of the US House of Representatives by a narrow margin. The likely result: gridlock, centrism, pervasive dissatisfaction, and ever-increasing polarization. In short: This has been a good election viewed in terms of the long-term interests of white Americans.
439 words
Our country had a good long run at being a first world democracy, one in which White folks were pitted against one another in a battle of ideas. Now, for the first time in history, we’re pitted against the anti-White “Cosmic Coalition” in a battle of identities. After decades of being pushed and poked around in a stupor of ignorance and denial, we’re coming together as a people at the voting booth and pushing back. The thing about White people is that we do our voting with our feet and we do our rioting in the voting booth.
The relation of white to nonwhite is a pervasive and often obsessive theme of our national literature, running from our earliest writers through Cooper, Melville, Twain, and Faulkner down to the racial mea culpas of contemporary American literature.–“The Sense and Nonsense of Jung,” Instauration (Sept. 1976), 15.
August 29, 2010 Matt Parrott
The American Revolutionary Cargo Cult
694 words
Thousands of primitive islanders scattered across dozens of remote islands in the South Pacific belong to “cargo cults.” These tribes participate in religious rituals that have been warped to one degree or another by their contact with “the White man” . . .
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
On the Brink:
Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System
New York: Business Plus, 2010Most people, including most members of the elite, are unaware that the financial system of the United States—and through it the global economy—nearly collapsed in 2008. (more…)