439 words
Our country had a good long run at being a first world democracy, one in which White folks were pitted against one another in a battle of ideas. Now, for the first time in history, we’re pitted against the anti-White “Cosmic Coalition” in a battle of identities. After decades of being pushed and poked around in a stupor of ignorance and denial, we’re coming together as a people at the voting booth and pushing back. The thing about White people is that we do our voting with our feet and we do our rioting in the voting booth.
It didn’t have to happen this soon. After all, it’s nowhere near 2042, when we’ll actually be just another minority. And even then, we’ll still be a majority of the actual voters for a few decades after that. The diversity propaganda so effectively hypnotized us that the Cosmic Coalition was able to sneak all the way up to the top of every branch of the federal government without our awakening. But now, as if Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of the thieves tripped and knocked over the china cabinet, we’re awake.
The Democratic Party destroyed itself with one fatal error. That error was the decision in early 2009 to attack the nascent Tea Party revolt in the language of identity. This movement began as a relatively benign conservative reaction to Democratic dominance and fiscal irresponsibility. But they kept getting accused of being White. The thing is, if you’re accused of being a White man enough times, eventually you’re going to internalize that hurtful remark. You’re going to realize that you’re simply not welcome in the Diversicratic Party.
They, the left, created this monster. The Tea Parties, like reluctant werewolves, fought desperately to avoid the transformation that the Left was forcing on them. They raised up token minorities. They held a craven “Uni-Tea” rally. They handed control of the party over to an incompetent Black guy. They even briefly allowed that incompetent Black guy to replace the GOP website with a bizarro Black Reconstruction Republican history site.
The Democratic Party did this to themselves, and only one leader within the party, Senator Jim Webb, made a single effort to stop forcing the Tea Party movement to become a White identity movement. The shake-up that’s about to tear apart the Democratic Party will make the recent shake-up in the Republican Party look like . . . a tea party. The party simply can’t survive without a healthy subset of the White voting public, and the non-Whites within the party simply can’t tolerate what must be done to win back the White voting public. Game on.
Source: http://www.hoosiernation.us/blog/americas-first-third-world-election
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1 comment
Good article by Matt. Tonight, as I watched some election coverage on CNN (what little I could stomach), the spin was in full gear. Look at the black Republicans! Look at Tim Scott in South Carolina, who beat Thurmond’s son in the primary! How wonderful!
In other words, today is…a great day for diversity! Whites didn’t come together and push back, oh no. It was just another advance for the rainbow.
As disappointing as the Tea Party has been, I agree with Matt that something real is happening out there. Whites aren’t ready to proudly let the white banner fly, at least not yet. They can still be bamboozled by Beck and fairy tales of black founding fathers, or be proud that a stray black will deign to get on stage and preach to them at a rally. But, in the broad sweep of things, whites are beginning to push back, and in turn will be pushed around by growing non-white groups that seek to come into what they see as their inheritance. A resurgent white identity is bound to develop as a result of this back and forth.
The only real question is how soon we can get the idea of having our own white nation on the table, an idea that isn’t even on the radar at the present time. Until such a notion is seen as legitimate in the minds of a significant number of people. whites will continue to flounder about, grasping for solutions that are anything but.
The Republican and Tea Party victories of tonight will have a paradoxical result. On the one hand, the victories will convince many that working within the System can actually lead to real results. While bad for us on its face, I’m not too worried about this effect. The System in fact can’t be reformed, and people will be relieved of that particular illusion soon enough. It’s inevitable.
On the other hand, politics is inevitably polarizing along racial lines. Sure, there will be exceptions along the margins, whether it be a Scott in South Carolina, or the wannabe white hipsters at the Stewart rally. As the electorate inevitably polarizes, both will be reduced to sideshows, and then lose relevance altogther.
In short, the fundamentals are going the way we need them to go, even if the process can be disturbing at times. All in all, I’d say a good night.
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