Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 482 It Was a Very Good Year on The Writers’ Bloc
Counter-Currents RadioThe latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc was a celebration of Nick Jeelvy‘s first anniversary since his move to Counter-Currents, where he offered a show retrospective and did an Ask Me Anything, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:00:30 The Writers’ Bloc celebrates one year at Counter-Currents
00:10:00 Nick Jeelvy has the best audience and he’s proud of it. Follow Nick on Telegram:
00:12:00 Macedonia’s national dishes, pickled peppers, and how Swedes use ajvar
00:14:00 The origins of The Writers’ Bloc at Counter-Currents and its relaunch
00:20:00 The Writers’ Bloc and Counter-Currents are constructing the culture of the future elite
00:22:30 People are inherent polemists and white men are the greatest warriors
00:24:30 Blood supersedes merit; the debut episode of The Writers’ Bloc; Kathryn S. discusses George Fitzhugh’s Sociology for the South
00:26:30 The spoken word has greater weight
00:31:30 The value of Kathryn S. and her appearances on The Writers’ Bloc, discussing Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges’ The Ancient City and Mircea Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane
00:32:30 Nick Jeelvy, “Literal Human Garbage”
00:35:00 Muhammad Izadi (Muhammad Aryan) on The Writers’ Bloc
00:39:00 The Writers’ Bloc has replay value and the advantage of having a smaller audience
00:45:30 What two contemporary writers and two historical figures would Nick like to have on The Writers’ Bloc?
00:49:00 Nick Jeelvy, “Tim Marshall’s, Prisoners of Geography”
00:52:00 George Fitzhugh as a proto-fascist, protectionist, and Hamiltonian with an egalitarian streak
00:54:00 Oscar Wilde and aesthetics, and his value to the Dissident Right
00:55:00 A museum is where we go to remember, but we dream somewhere else
00:56:00 Civilizations are disposable, but our people are not
00:58:30 Many of us used to be fans of Stefan Molyneux and his philosophy on “peaceful parenting”
01:01:30 Every little bit helps with donations and surviving on the Dissident Right
01:04:30 Nick Jeelvy, “Mind-Controlled Opposition” and Nick Jeelvy reviews Ghost in the Shell on Fróði Midjord’s Decameron Film Festival
01:07:30 How the enemy bombards us with imagery to attain mind control regarding “all men are created equal”
01:11:30 The openness, legality, and majority approval of The Great Replacement
01:15:00 The secret of The Writers’ Bloc
01:16:00 Josh Neal on The Writers’ Bloc reviews both his book American Extremist and Andrzej Łobaczewski’s Political Ponerology
01:18:30 We have a psycho problem on the Dissident Right
01:22:30 Andrzej Łobaczewski was right, the pathological personality, and one day we will heal from it
01:25:00 Josh Neal’s episodes affected Nick personally the most, and Nick Jeelvy, “The Struggle is Real”
01:30:00 How important it is to use our mouths to communicate and how dependent our world is on typing
01:32:30 Covid and its lockdowns have injured us physically
01:34:00 Breaking complacency and inertia
01:34:30 The body is the harbinger of the mind’s health
01:36:00 Love is a superpower, and how it allows us to exist in each others’ minds as a solution to solipsism
01:38:00 Nick Jeelvy, “In Defense of Dysfunction” and his disagreement with Fróði Midjord
01:42:00 The moral code of the Christian faith and mental illness
01:44:30 Our struggle as White Nationalists is the most important thing any group of white men can do
01:46:30 “Greg Johnson, Imperium Press, & Nick Jeelvy on the Bronze-Bond Blowup” on The Writers’ Bloc and the importance of Imperium Press
01:49:00 How the opposition tries to lure radicals back to mainstream appeal; Nick Jeelvy, “Avoiding the Trap of Deradicalization”
01:51:30 “Any dissident who seeks to gain a little popularity by dropping a little radicalism will deserve neither and lose both”
01:53:00 Stephen Paul Foster, Tomislav Sunić, Mark Gullick, James J. O’Meara, Mark Weber, and Jim Goad as revered elders and phenomenal conversationalists; the demographics of the dissident right audience.
01:55:00 How much damage the typed word has done, and writers versus typers
01:57:00 Zoomers’ halting communication skills, and reviving salon culture on The Writers’ Bloc
01:58:00 Closing remarks
To listen in a player, click here. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”
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1 comment
Related to my question, extended format.
“Influence, the psychology of persuasion”, by Robert B. Cialdini. It can be seen applied in establishment media everywhere. Could the technological (and surveillance) infrastructure in big cities also be used for mass programming /brainwashing ? Sound waves in water pipes (sonics), laser radio (to glass windows), electric networks, 24/7 background applications in smart phones, connected and real time synchronized instigators, etc (many other ways possible here, the “how” is important ), like the Chinese water torture, drop by drop every second (about 31 million seconds in one year).
Related to my question asked. There is such a thing as unconscious perception to refer to situations when subjects report not seeing or hearing a given stimulus, but their behavior or brain activity suggests that specific information about the unperceived stimulus was indeed processed by the brain. And then there is a lot of research into hypnosis and hypnotic dreams, starting in ancient times (see Franz Mesmer or Abbe Faria just to start your research in the 19th century ). In both cases there is no conscious processing of information, yet the brain and behavior of the individual are affected over time.
The “in your face” aggression pushed by the Marxists indeed targets innocent people that have no clue, or young people with brains that are still developing. That’s the purpose of the establishment education system and media, you are correct Nick.
But for people like us, already leaning towards the far right, or full altright dissidents , or even just red pilled people (lost causes from their perspective), our Marxist “palls ” have something else in store. And keep in mind, higher IQ people are not their priority, they work statistically on the IQ Gaussian bell shaped curve.
In my question I was referring to subliminal stimuli, things that are barely perceptible (if at all with normal senses), yet if an individual is bombarded with these subliminal stimuli every second over decades (because I suspect the system is fully automatic 24/7), I assure you that something will change in the behavior of the individual (and not for the good of our cause). Note that this paranoid schizophrenic “conspiracy theory” is falsifiable , if you have the right instruments (highly sensitive recording devices capable of filtering noise, but the methodology must be statistical, multiple sites over extended periods of time ). I don’t and I don’t really care that much, I must confess.
How do you think they could induce suicidal behavior globally to a whole f@#$&!g race, culture and civilization, using only standard propaganda, over only a few decades ? The official establishment media, education system and propaganda are just the tip of the iceberg (but they are all financed, official and hidden , by the same tribe).
Have you wondered why these Marxists talk so much about the “unconscious bias” ? As East Europeans, we are used to a certain type of old school direct oppression (specially the older ones among us who grew up under communism). There is another type of oppression, much more subtle but as insidious (or more actually, since it’s hard to identify the aggressors).
That’s my opinion, to clarify my question. Do not underestimate those Marxist, that’s a grave mistake. They don’t just want you incapable of acting on your convictions (only if they are opposing theirs), they want you incapable of acquiring the right convictions.
I emphasize , this is just an opinion, but based on experience and observation over an extended period of time. The good news is that cracks started to show up in their system, they will eventually lose control, and they know it. What’s their plan B ? Anyone’s guess.
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