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Say what you want about white nationalists, they play life on the highest difficulty.
— Some leftoid on twitter dot com
If you read Leftist and conservative treatments of why people join terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda or ISIS, you see a lot of hand-wringing about poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity, et cetera. If you look at what the CCP leadership say about the young Uyghur Muslims turning to radical Islam, you’ll notice the same screed about lack of opportunity, superstition, and poverty, only in Marxist rather than liberal packaging. Finally, while White Nationalism and the broader Dissident Right are not criminal or terrorist groups, you’ll notice that the authorities, conservatives, Leftists, centrists, et al assume the same about us: we believe what we believe because of poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity. Oh sure, they give us a negative moral valence — lack of education becomes “ignorance” and poverty and lack of opportunity signify that we’re “losers,” but it’s the same thing. If only we weren’t stupid, poor, uneducated, unsuccessful with women, etc., we’d join the rest of the world in the glorious multiculti gender-nonbinary fuckpile.
However, a review of the membership of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Uyghur radical groups, and the Dissident Right reveal the upper and upper-middle classes of their respective societies. People who were born with every privilege, who had access to the best education, and who would have wanted for nothing, if not for their seemingly irrational foray into politics inimical to the ruling regime. The radical must be crazy to throw away an opportunity to coast his way to high positions in society, all for what? For an Ummah that is becoming as degenerate as the infidel West? For a people that won’t fight to save themselves?
What do you give the man who has everything, or at least every comfort? Why, you give him want. You give him suffering. You take his comforts away and you punch him in the face. You drag him through the street covered in shit and blood and you call him a racist. You give him what he has never tasted: struggle.
Man, especially upper-class man, is a creature that craves struggle. Struggle is one of the few things that give life meaning. Conscientious and dutiful man has to defend his own existence before the harsh judgment of his own conscience. I think of all the food, water, heat, and clothing which have gone towards my upkeep, all the labor, all the ingenuity. What is the point of all this? Why do I live? Why not avoid the indignities of old age and put a bullet in my head before I reach the dreaded age of thirty? The answer is so simple that it stupefies most people: the cause.
I shudder to think what I’d be like without the cause. Probably an alcoholic by now, or maybe on harder drugs, maybe dead. On the other hand, I might be more comfortable, with nothing but the feeling of absolute meaninglessness and dread haunting me during the day. When we think of existential dread, we usually associate it with rainy days or inclement weather, but there’s no feeling quite like cold alienation under the scorching Mediterranean sun, when there’s no respite even in the shade and all the foul smells of a modern city are amplified. Many people who knew me from the period of my education discuss me with the hushed tones usually reserved for a dying man. They say that I threw my life away. That is one way of looking at it. Another way would be to say that I’m the only one of my old friends genuinely living.
The life of the White Nationalist is anything but boring, especially if you’re open about your commitment to white identitarianism. It’s certainly very fun at parties. Due to corona restrictions, I’ve not had many chances to test it out, but announcing myself as a racist YouTuber and content creator has garnered some very interesting moments. Because the government insists upon treating us like criminals, keeping your communications secure and your organizations free of infiltrators occupies a great percentage of your mental and physical resources. You’ve got to learn to read and judge people by their body language, their facial expressions, their behavior, and ultimately, their physiognomy. The sensation of being surrounded by enemies is hugely diverting from those old existential fears. So, it stands to reason that those who crave struggle would flock to our banner, right?
The West is so far removed from real struggle that a decadent Westerner can very easily deceive himself into believing that his fantasies of struggle are genuine struggle. Hence, Leftists, blacks, environmentalists, and Antifa who genuinely believe themselves to be fighting the system, all while financed by and protected by that very same system.
But wait, there’s more!
Say you’re not crazy enough to hallucinate imaginary white supremacists in the government. Why not take The Purple Pill™? Experience all the positive sensations of struggle from the safety of the Overton window.
So, it’s not about struggle, is it? Our society is structured in such a way that your will to struggle can be satisfied without threat to the system or even to yourself. All you really have to do is say a few magic words and let the vast human capacity for self-deception do the rest. You’ll be fighting phantoms and apparitions in no time. You might even have a few wounds on you to prove that the struggle is real. That you inflicted those wounds on yourself in your mad struggle against phantoms is irrelevant — if your pain is real, the struggle is real.
If it’s not about struggle, what is it about? What possesses otherwise rational, educated young men with prospects and options to join the Dissident Right? The option of the surrogate struggle is better than the real thing. What gives?
A lot of our guys are former libertarians. Now, there are two big reasons for that. Firstly, libertarianism is about as close as you can get to the genuine Right without leaving the liberal paradigm. The second reason is the existence of transitional figures like Hans-Hermann Hoppe who have one foot in liberalism and one beyond the pale of liberal thinking. By exploring the thinking of these figures, libertarians cross over to the Dissident Right. But the deeper reason is that libertarianism is an example of a purple pill, a half-truth that gives you a semblance of struggle from the safety of the Overton window. It was also by far the best struggle surrogate on the market until the emergence of the alt-lite. There is a type of man who develops a tolerance for the purple pill after taking it for very long, one who comes to realize that struggle surrogate isn’t real struggle. As Tony Soprano would put it, if you can’t lose, what’s the point?
This is not to imply that conservatives, libertarians, or other practitioners of surrogate struggle can’t lose. They just have a reserve option: bend the knee, or flee the battlefield, and they’ll usually survive the clash with the system. The nature of the Dissident Right means that for us, there will be no quarter given, no mercy when the steamroller of the progressive Left comes for us, even if we do beg for mercy. It’s probably got something to do with the Jew thing.
So, the will to struggle is actually a will to death, because only the risk of death can affirm that yes, we are engaged in real struggle and only that can sate the great yearning. Problems solved, right? We are the movement that looks death in the eyes and doesn’t blink. With men like that, how can we lose?
Wrong again.
Imagine you’re a White Nationalist activist. You have a show on the internet where you discuss our issues. It’s going okay. You’re developing a small following. You hear from a friend that there’s a group of young guys who are your fans in another town. You’re elated and start talking to them over the internet. They seem okay, maybe a little on the rowdy side, but they’re young, it’s expected of them. You arrange an event in that town, ostensibly as part of a political maneuver, but in fact it’s because you want to meet those guys. You’re expecting a group of Ernst Jüngers to greet you.
You find a bunch of weirdos who can’t stop talking about starting a revolution.
One of them vibes like an actual schizophrenic. No, these guys aren’t agents, you double and triple checked them. You tell them that armed insurgency isn’t the path forward and furthermore, directly antagonizing policemen and soldiers will do damage to our cause. Their faces suddenly change — they declare you a cuck, a softie. They demand you call for a violent uprising on your show; otherwise, you’re a cuck. They feel so betrayed that they start an online campaign against you that lasts to this very day. Gradually you realize that these guys aren’t LARPers, or even stupid. These guys do not seek struggle, nor victory. They seek self-destruction. And as time goes by, you start seeing in yourself that same demonic will to self-destruction, and start wondering if your entire engagement with dissident politics isn’t just a long, dramatic, and roundabout suicide-by-cop. “No, it can’t be, I live for the struggle,” you say, and then you remember that you’re often suicidal and that you often have fantasies of dying heroically in struggle against the enemy.
Maybe it’s the old Mishima thing Andrew Joyce observed. He focuses too much on the homosexual aspect (although anyone who has read Confessions of a Mask cannot deny that Mishima seems sexually excited at the prospect of his own destruction), but what I’m more interested in is the yearning for self-destruction exhibited by many Dissident Rightists in a non-sexual sense. For many, being hated and hounded by the system is precisely what attracts them to the Dissident Right. They want to be Nazis precisely because the current morality deems it morally justified to punch, persecute, deplatform, fire, and ultimately kill Nazis. There’s a little bit of the sociopathic urge to be notorious and feared at play, but far stronger is the will to self-destruction. This will to self-destruction exists because it is the ultimate act of independence and self-actualization in the egotistic and thanatophobic modern world where a long life is the ultimate good. But this self-destruction cannot take the form of your bog-standard suicide, because suicide is destigmatized and excused and suicides are pitied. No, the destruction of the self must come at the tail end of a grand epic of self-denial so that the self may be actualized.
When I wrote my essay on the Jew thing, I opined that the anti- and counter-Semitism of the Dissident Right have kept us safe from Jewish infiltration and subversion, though we’ve yet to come up with a solution to the retard and psycho questions. I believe that this article can help resolve the psycho question. There’s no shame in loving the struggle, but the struggle must not be self-serving. It must not be driven by the ego. There has to be genuine self-denial, including denial of the urge to glorious and epic self-destruction that seems to fuel so much of our thing. Many claim to be ready to die. Instead, I ask you, are you ready to become an old man? Are you prepared to live for the cause? Are you prepared to foreswear your fantasy of the last stand? Are you prepared to win, even if the cost is gradual and Fabian wearing down of the enemy while denying him open combat?
Now, I understand that the urge to die is not merely pathological, but representative of honor culture that still survives in fits and starts among Europeans, more often in the Dissident Right than in other places. But we must understand that there is a sin of excess corresponding to the virtues of honor and selflessness, which is the urge to self-destruction. So, to help us solve the psycho problem, start with yourself and purge yourself of this sin. Run through those questions. To give the right answers to the questions posed is to be a genuine warrior for good rather than a narcissist seeking glorious self-destruction.
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Remembering Yukio Mishima
Preserving the White Majority in the United States: My 10-Point Plan
Concentrating White Identity at the Point of Impact
Home Is Where the Hate Is
A Place of Our Own
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Notes on Plato’s Gorgias, Part 7: Crime and Punishment
Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
For all the young men, your thirties will be pretty damned good fun. If you have a bit of clout and stay in shape, you’ll have women in their early to mid twenties chucking their knickers at you. You will have a good time trust me on that. As your thirties wind down get married though. Your forties won’t be so much of laugh. By that time make sure you’ve got the built in sandwich maker.
what does this have to do with anything? its the aging joe rogaine gen xers with their hedonistic value system that is ultimately just nihilist utilitarianism that created the modern nightmare relationship dynamic. women is not an end, having fun is not an end. all the old men of today have a fundamentally feminine outlook on life. you missed the point of the article completely. on one end when does hiding from ones own death (wings over the abyss in nietzsches zarathustra) just a coping device for inaction. I really think it is especially when old men trot out the magical fleshpot trope as if some clam is going to assuage the decades of humiliation the anglo saxon race has sustained being chained to “equality” with the lowest forms of human life. perhaps the will to annihilation is really just when men find something more potent in life than ejaculation. I am in my 30s now and nothing has changed, in fact it has gotten MUCH worse, old men tell lies.
Right now things count t be much worse.
The writer talked about suicide at 30. Do it at 40-45 if you must but roll dice in your 30s, that’s when men generally start becoming interesting individuals.
Oh I’m thinking attitude is the most likely problem here. I can tell you’re utterly joyless from one comment. Life in your 30’s is pretty good if you have your shit together. Get out there, embrace the suck and enjoy your life. You aren’t getting a younger.
Any idea why this is the case? This totally happened to me. I had way more sex appeal when I was in my late twenties and early thirties than in my teens. I eventually met my wife who’s almost ten years my junior during this time. I was working at a bar in a restaurant when I was engaged and had female coworkers hardcore flirt with me. Maybe it’s the whole social engineering thing that men in their 30’s are ready to settle down? Maybe it’s slight taboo of dating someone a lot older?
Women are attracted to male status. Men in their thirties tend to be higher status than men in their 20s. Sinple as.
You are still in shape, you are making some money. You’ve accomplished a few things and women between 20-25 notice that. If you’ve got your shit together or even appear to have it together you are set.
Don’t commit suicide before 45.
Good piece! Leftoids also like to boast that “you’re just looking for meaning,” like it explains something and doesn’t describe every human on the planet.
A list of motives should include obsessive truth seeking. For some people it really is as simple as “holy shit, these guys are right,” and that mattering more than anything.
Bravo, Mr. Jeelvy. This is an out of the park home run.
“Life is never so great, as when it’s up for debate.”-me
Sgt. Badgoy, out.
Speaking for myself, the reason why I can’t abide racial egalitarianism (now quickly evolving into negrophilia/White hatred) and all the other ideas that make up the prevailing American ideology is that those things are lies.
With all their suicidal will-to-power wasted on incel shootings, they really let the enemy write the script.
Mr. Jeelvy, as is so often the case, raises issues that are necessary, subtle and uncomfortable for the movement.
Only the most mature person can model heroic self-restraint instead of dramatic sacrifice. But it’s what our leaders need to present as the standard of conduct.
There’s a whole wing of the Dissident Right that thinks that being rude and obnoxious is the essence of radicalism.
Others think that snobbery is equally essential.
Both of these are simply different kinds of hedonism.
There must be pleasure in the revolution, but it must come from the joy of doing the work, not from bold, dramatic gestures.
Less Rambo. More Hagakure.
I think it was Che Guevara, when asked why he was leaving Cuba after the revolution and carrying the fight to South America, that stated “because it’s easier to blow trains up than it is to make them run on time”. I think we see a lot of that same mentality on the right.
I love this writing and the thoughtful concepts. This is worth the new subscription. You may count me in.
Leftists often claim that a western Muslim who joined Islamic State had been “groomed” so is, to that extent, a passive victim. No Leftist would use the same excuse about a right-wing terrorist like Anders Breivik.
Re “Are you prepared to foreswear your fantasy of the last stand?” :
It’s a young man’s game. When, living in Berlin as a boy, a young German woman (a friend of the family) recounted how, during the Battle of Berlin, Wehrmacht soldiers had come around asking for volunteers for a last stand at Tempelhof Airport. Days later, Russian officers turned up insisting the women go to the site to clear away the dead. As she said, the dead were mostly teenage boys. As a 12-year-old listening to her, it struck me as being as romantic as the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae.
We have gone from feeling it’s okay to sneeze on or near people to hiding under a desk if anyone approaches. It’s a revelation to the extreme unreasonableness. All in or nothing.
I think that my tendencies towards radical politics is driven by paranoia. I’ve always felt controlled and monitored. Being part of a radical movement gives substance to my fears. If madness is a disconnect between the world and what you expect from it, subjecting myself to persecution makes me feel sane.
I want to tell my doctor, but I’m afraid of the consequences if I do.
The article struck a familiar tune. We’ve known of this suicidal syndrome in Poland for a long time. XIXth century uprisings, WWII young resistance fighters, there has been too much national blood spilled without any care for young posterity. Gross casualties became fetishised as “moral victories” (gloria victis), the waterfalls of blood as end goals themselves.
The worst thing is that in the national discourse, opposing and condemning this madness will often earn you remarks like: “coward”, “leftie” or (my favourite) “realism of sell-outs” from the “true patriots”. I can no longer count how many times, in vain, I tried to persuade people that defending rubble and puddles of blood is not “honorable” nor “patriotic”. Similarly, fighting communists when the war was already over and allies had accepted the soviet-backed government, was futile.
This one became infectious for young nationalists who came to identify with the “Cursed Soldiers” (T-shirts with wolves and reconstruction events) as many of those partisans belonged to nationalist formations.
It so tiresome to watch your compatriots torn between opportunistic careerism or euroliberal fads on one side and mindless anti-communism with suicidal fighting ethos on the other. It’s an uphill battle for right-wing realists and conservative dissidents. I hope Americans won’t fall into the same trap. Never present the “nationalism of corpses” as a viable alternative to liberal rot or ConInc grift.
Motivation for our words and actions must come from sources deeper than personal catharsis alone.
If personal catharsis is ones’ only motivation, stop.
This “self-destruction” is an ideologically-induced “self-annihilation” which derives from a diabolical pact between mother, child and demonic society. Namely, all libertarians, MRAs, MGTOWs, alt-rite/alt-lite and the rest of them are true believers in the fundamental efficacy of “abortion.” But digging deeper, what one recognizes is that this penchant for “self-destruction” is inculcated and nurtured starting from conception. And so, the modern “soft-lite right” are true believers in their mother’s “right” to have terminated them at conception. Such individuals, individuals who believe in their mothers’ “right” to have killed them at conception are, in fact, self-annihilators living out a chaotic life of “unprincipled exception.”
Lol, seriously? MRA’s and mgtow are the problem? There more concerned with self preservation, if anything. Can’t say I disagree, I saw what happened to my dad and I have zero interest in going through that myself. As for abortion, I’d put a planned parenthood on every inner city corner if I was in charge. Might as well make it work for us.
Honestly, having children changes a lot of this. For one it make you less of a self obsessed douche. Children are the real reason for the ‘struggle’. The most radical form of resistance a white person can perform in today’s society is having children.
Having white children, of course … But you are correct. People will make sacrifices, including political dissidence (is that the correct word?), because they fear for their children’s future well-being – a highly rational fear these days. Doing something for our race is really doing something towards your children’s future, properly understood.
But it must be about more than that, too, as these days the best that many people think they can do for their kids is precisely to avoid teaching them “wrongthink”. I know a race-realist father in a very progressive city who diligently avoided ever discussing politics with his children, except in the vaguest and most anodyne ways, precisely because he did not want to awaken them, feeling that doing so would hurt their chances to be happy in life. He now experiences tremendous joy at the fact that his kids were able to awaken themselves with only the slightest parental nudges in the right direction.
But what if they hadn’t turned out OK? The parental incentive is to prepare their white children to meet the challenges to happiness they will likely face. Does Awakening them do so? Or does teaching “wrongthink” pose too great a risk that the children might then inadvertently commit “wrongspeak”?
Ultimately, the concern for children must go beyond their material and to their moral well-being. It is not good for the soul, whether understood metaphysically or psychologically, to live in the Matrix.
Lord Shang…
Yes… It is not “good” enough to teach one’s children to reject ALL acts of “self-annihilation” (including those acts, ostensibly, for the reason of “salvation”). One must also inspire a desire for Perfection (in preparation for “resurrected eternal life”), or, what can be properly understood as objective (S)upremacy.
Yet, having “killed” God and brought Christ down to the level of mythical egalitarian legend, high IQ “whites” simply possess NO DRIVING FORCE within. High IQ “whites” DENY the Reality of Perfection, thus, are totally assimilated to the cyst-STEM. Our high IQ “whites” are almost, to a man, externally driven by the cyst-STEM whether they prophet for “it” or simply attack “it” to MAKE IT STRONGER.
The “game” is, now, ensuring that the cyst-STEM is NOT infected with white (S)upremacy and HIGH IQ “whites” are on the front line, but on the WRONG SIDE in this face-off.
Very good article Mr. Jeelvy
I cared nothing for the struggle until a combination of things came together.
I lived on an Indian reservation in a remote part of Canada for several years, realized that they hate us and all their problems are due to pathological childishness. My wife became pregnant with our first child. Lastly, the reaction to Trump’s election showed me how they hated us.
It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I stopped being an alcoholic, got in shape, began mma, became a better husband, rejected degeneracy, had two more kids (more to come), found out what the fake Israelites (Khazars) were up to, found the power of Jesus Christ (sorry all you uppity atheist and intolerant Norse-types), I make more money, I make better decision, I found Counter-Currents, and realized how precious and glorious us white people are. To put it more succinctly, I am free.
I refuse to leave my kids to a world like the one that is crumbling before our eyes without fighting. I love the fight. And I know that we are going to win in the end. We will come out stronger than ever.
Most of our people will degenerate and perish during the fight (weak fags), but one in one thousand will awaken as I have. That’s all we need to win and prosper. We have so much power coursing through our bodies, millenniums of struggle and victory that just need to be harnessed through discipline. The potential thrills me. Just look at this website, it makes other websites with one hundreds times the budget look like garbage because it is created and maintained by inspired white people. We won’t win through noble deaths, but by outsmarting the enemy and staying alive to see their ruin.
I aim to grow old while enjoying my beautiful pure white grandchildren and die surrounded by my large white family with a smile on my face because I know I fought for them and my people. The death of a proper white man.
Oh to live to see such dark days, this fight, this struggle. Truly, we are blessed.
Now, the next step is resolving the phony schism between Christ and white (S)upremacy.
True Christians are (S)upremacists. And true (S)upremacists are racial. Ergo, the white (S)upremacist is a racist/racial Christian.
As long as you run from this reality, all gains are lost.
Interesting essay, as always. Jeelvy obviously spends a lot of time reflecting upon what he’s doing as a white preservationist. He seems vaguely unsure about it all, however. I suggest this is a problem of atheists, something I recognized a long time ago, when I struggled with some of these same issues in the 80s. Our enemies have somehow managed to take control over our societies. [As someone not far from 60, I still find this “slow boil” astounding, but I must acknowledge what has happened.] Given this, why be a dissident, when it’s so much easier for smart white guys to sell out and still (though perhaps not for too much longer …) reasonably enjoy life? Ultimately, the only possible answers are a) religious ethics (it’s the right thing to do and be, and this is pleasing to God); b) arational, totally inner-directed love, in this case for truth, and one’s children and/or threatened people; or c) rational, totally inner-directed and innately satisfying hate for our enemies (and their cuckish minions).
I think Jeelvy is suffering from a hard dilemma. He wants to believe that what’s he’s doing is meaningful because he feels deeply that it is, and he knows that mentally and morally healthier past generations would have concurred (especially if they could have seen the rot we see). But he is either an atheist or an agnostic, and thus doesn’t believe or isn’t sure God will reward his noble sacrifice (ie, of the life of normal Western affluence that presumably would have been his absent his dissidence).
Worse – and this really is the worst – white nationalists are hounded, insulted, harassed, assaulted by the very people – the INGRATES – they’re trying to Awaken so as to save from future harms. As Jeelvy pointed out (here or elsewhere, I forget), in the past, white nationalists would have been correctly seen as the BEST of their race or generation. They would have been appreciated, especially by women, as a people’s defenders always were and should be. But now even this psychic prop has been removed.
I think this is a core dilemma for Western man today. It is one reason why I strongly favor a return to traditional Christianity, but a faith ethically reformulated or perhaps merely updated to take into account the threats to whites and thus the moral case for white preservationist action (and this despite my own agnosticism). The only other options (to Christianity, for whites) are atheism or Europaganism. The former imo leads (or logically should) directly to nihilistic hedonism; the latter might be fun, but cannot be taken seriously philosophically or scientifically.
When the white man was strongest, he was far more Christian than today, when he is at his weakest. I don’t think this correlation is accidental.
For the record, I am an Orthodox Christian, but I recognize that I write for a religiously diverse audience so I necessarily take on the perspective of other faiths. It isn’t enough to solve problems only for white Christians.
So then you do perceive a meaning in your white nationalist advocacy that is extrinsic to yourself? If so, and if you are correct in your faith in this, then the white justice advocate is, perhaps ironically, the most Christ-like of men today. For your struggle is not lonely and certainly not meaningless when one walks with the Lord.
Mr. Jeelvy outlines and delineates the main problems undermining and underlining any dissident group. This auto-suicide attitude is based in pre-existing defeatism and belief that victory and goals cannot be achieved.
Alt Right sites and expositions are full of explanations, generalizations, advocacy (“We need to…, We must…., We should…”). All approach uselessness as time grinds away.
Consequently, I believe that Alt Right expositions should concentrate more on propositions. Concretely, discretely, and specifically on strategy, self-criticism to be rid of circular, non-actionable thinking and speculation.
Moreover, Christianity needs to be discarded for the Indo-European (a more apt and empirically complete description of peoples from Eurasia westward). Furthermore, the West must incorporate more of the thinking framework of the Orient, its great achievements, and contributions to MEANING. The Greek Philosophical tradition, Western Philosophy, Heidegger fetishes, etc, etc, will no longer work for us anymore.
I encourage thinking more-much more-by analogy and parallel. This is for greater depth of understanding, brevity, and clarity. That way, the shift to a concrete action of salvation can advance. Here is an example:
What the Chosen represent to the Gentile-and indeed non-Tribal, i.e., the other 99% of the planet:
Christianity is the device, from which toxins, parasites, viruses and any pathogen can be inserted into Corpus Whitus, flowing directly to vital organs and essential tissue. Chewry is the inserter.
Christianity, with its universal egalitarian sub-text, is a massive obstruction f0r white nationalists. It is a slave’s religion, as Nietzsche noted, that inculcates weakness, returning evil with sweetness, and wars against the ego. Jesus, if he actually existed, was a hallucinatory peripatetic Jewish hippy promoting feminine values along with a really kooky metaphysics.
What a tragedy that the classical pagan civilization of Greece and Rome, (Greece especially) wasn’t able to withstand the appeal of a semitic Near Eastern religion
birthed by Judaism. Had classical civilization endured, Aryans might have colonized the sun by now.
Jesus is a literary construct created by a Greek author satirising Jews.
It fits.
The most heroic thing any man can do, especially in this day and age, is to get a job, get married and raise 3 or 4 little squalling brats to adulthood. Working 8 to 5 is the most difficult thing you can do, because finding a ‘fulfilling’ job is a pipe dream. Day-to-day drudgery is your heroism. It’s the same for White women as well. And they have the double duty of ‘Careerism’ and raising kids to confront.
Furthermore, it is OUR taxes that we pay while working, usually 10% to 20% of our wages, that keep the danged ‘baby-mamas’ and ‘welfare queens’ fed and sheltered. Not to mention the homeless. So, anytime anyone calls you an “Oppressor of the Downtrodden” — which the Left is doing with a frenzy right now — try to keep a civil tongue so you don’t lose your job, and get back to work evenings on supporting White Nationalism any way you can. By doing so, YOU’RE A HERO, and don’t ever forget it.
I’m English, and I live in London (for my sins). If I wanted to suffer for my nationalist beliefs, I could very easily do so. Were I to publicly give vent to them, life would become a great deal more than interesting. But I am sincerely glad to hear that the this is not so for the author.
Get in on the Everard protests. It’s an intersectipnal flash point.
Enjoyed the article, Nick. But I’ll say this: if law and order goes to pieces, before seeking the safety that will allow me to fight another day, I’m going to have to undertake a mission of honor first — seize Santa Anna’s wooden leg from the Illinois State museum (no offense, Illinois), and then deliver it to the white martyrs of Texas. Remember the Alamo.
“Killed while stealing Saint Anna’s wooden leg” as an epitaph excites my postmodern fancies.
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