It is a relatively easy proposition to send a car over the Grand Canyon: Just put the transmission into neutral and a small push will send the car careening over the edge. Once this process has begun, however, it is almost impossible to suspend.
The same principle obtains to history. It doesn’t take that much to set a historical process in motion. A single piece of mundane legislation, a single executive decision, or the results of a single election can alter history in a vast multitude of ways. Controlling the course of history, however, is almost impossible, since it is a calculus composed of an almost unlimited number of variables that are far beyond the comprehension of any human being.
As such, we err if we ascribe inevitability to the outcome of a historical process begun with malicious intent. The oligarchs of Davos, the despicable leaders of the anti-white Left, and the feckless and savagely ignorant political class of the Uni-Party have the power to initiate events, but they have almost no power to control the events that they have set in motion.
When the Covid-19 pandemic began and the public schools began to offer classes online, I wrote that our Leftist overlords would rue this day because it would finally allow parents the opportunity to see and hear what really goes on in American classrooms. The unintended consequences of online schooling have spectacularly backfired for the Left, as witness the recent Virginia elections. The vast majority of American parents would have never known about critical race theory had it not been for the Left’s insane desire to put the country under “house arrest.”
Many colleges and universities are experiencing existential losses in students and revenue. Numerous arts organization with marginal finances have gone out of business for good during the pandemic, and the draconian mask mandates and vaccine passport requirements have greatly reduced attendance (and revenues) at artistic events throughout the country. The woke oligarchs have managed to secure the greatest transfer of wealth upwards in recorded history while beggaring their pansy woke cheerleaders in the education and arts establishment.
Even genocidal population reduction proponents like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab have seen their dreams fall apart. Rather than providing a permanent platform for societal control, the vaccinations are proving not only ineffective, but also accelerants for the further and more deadly mutation of the Covid-19 virus. In many demographic categories, there are now more deaths from the vaccination than from Covid itself. There is also great concern that the long-term side effects of the vaccination will be quite deadly. Since a greater percentage of the woke have been vaccinated than the un-woke, this may turn out to be a case of the Left being hoist on its own petard.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
The Left, however, does not mind its own petard-hoisting inasmuch as it gives itself an opportunity to virtue-signal. Leftism is an escape from reality and is based on emotion, not reason. As such, the Left cannot control itself. The lawsuits against the organizers of the Charlottesville rally are a case in point. There are few political events that have been more ill-conceived as Unite the Right. Dissident politics of any sort tends to attract unbalanced characters, and the Dissident Right has not been immune from this tendency. By sidelining its fringe elements, the Left has unwittingly purged the Dissident Right of its most unsavory element; and make no mistake about it, the purging of this unsavory element eventually would have had to be done, anyway. It is in a much stronger position without Sieg-Heiling fratboys, off-their-meds lunatics, and Stahlhelm-wearing stormtroopers with mother-in-law fetishes.
The Left has done a favor to our movement by removing this unsavory element. This goes a long way toward explaining why the recent American Renaissance convention was so pleasant and why there were so few protesters present. It also demonstrates the significance of Michelle Malkin’s speech at AmRen. Normies are coming over to our side not because of street actions taken by the worst elements of the Dissident Right, but because traditional conservatives are beginning to realize that its reality-based politics as adumbrated by American Renaissance, VDare, and Counter-Currents are correct. Lacking the easy targets of the Dissident Right’s lunatic fringe, the Left has now begun to focus on the traditional normie-cons. Indeed, the Left makes no distinction between George Lincoln Rockwell wannabes and the normally apolitical soccer mom who never really liked Donald Trump but thinks that critical race theory is a bad idea and should be expunged from the public schools.
The Dissident Right has not and will never be large enough to effect radical political change by itself. It cannot impose its will on society at large; it can only offer an alternative to the madness of the anti-white postmodernist era in which we have the misfortune to live. We are not in control of history, but neither are our opponents. We are, however, in an enviable position, as the historical processes initiated by our opponents are ironically red-pilling the normie-cons and driving them into our bosom.
It is not yet the time for the Dissident Right to assume the vanguard in the coming political struggle. This is the normies’ fight. The wrath of the anti-white Left needs to be directed solely at the normies. The red-pilling of ordinary white Americans has to precede the creation of any ethnostate.
The Left never tires of pointing out the irony that Adolf Hitler did more than anyone for the creation of the State of Israel. I look forward to the day when we can point out to the Left that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Antifa, and BLM did more than anyone for the creation of the white ethnostate. History is, after all, chock full of ironies.
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Critical Pedagogy
Am I Still a Dissident?
Reborn in the USA: A Redcoat’s Election Diary
Are Normies the Real Extremists?
Counter-Currents: Now More Than Ever
Why the Right Can’t Unite
Why Fictional Dystopias Do Not Prevent Real Ones, Part 1
The Decade of Truth, Reawakening the Old Trump, and the Future of White People in America
Some very keen observations. Your essay brightened my day. I’m feeling generous now and I’m going to put pen to checkbook and make a donation to Counter Currents University. I hope others will follow my lead.
Great essay, cheers.
The author mentions Bill Gates’ charity as being ‘genocidal’ in its distribution of birth control among primarily third world countries. I disagree about ‘genocidal’. It is a much-needed bulwark against the vast overpopulation problem in those countries, which is caused mostly by their religions — Catholicism/Evangelical Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, as well as a vast assortment of native-tribal cults in Africa — that all forbid birth control. The White countries of the West allow birth control to their educated populaces, and with our keen future-sense, we see the need for birth control ourselves, but now, with the burgeoning overpopulations everywhere else on Earth, we are signing our death warrants. It is a dramatic dilemma, of which most White people are unaware. This is a can-of-worms that needs to be explored by the Dissident Right, and of course, will put us at odds with the mostly-Christian Whites of North America and Europe. But I think we must begin at once to sort it. Counter Currents’ many authors and contributors have written about the need for us to marry earlier, and to put off fancy career-dreams for young women who really need to be marrying and creating families of at least 3 children to stop our demographic decline. But putting ourselves on stage as demanding birth control for some, but not for others, is a hornet’s nest — but it must be entered and met head-on.
You make some good points but first and foremost is that he young white people need to marry and have children with other young white people.
The levels of miscegenation in this country are jaw dropping. I live in a town where there is a large military base and I am shocked to see how much of this vile practise is seen among the military types. I’m sure it exists among the other races, although I seldom if ever see it, but it seems to me that these young white people seem determined to f**k anything so long as it is not a fellow white person. Disgusting.
In many demographic categories, there are now more deaths from the vaccination than from Covid itself.
What are the figures for this and where do they come from? To be honest, that sounds like dissident right wishful thinking but of course I’m just speculating.
[OK, hang on, now I’m getting conspiratorial myself, as I’m sure I wrote a response here.]
Quintilian has undermined his credibility with that statement. I wish he hadn’t made it, as I always valued his writings in the past. I wonder how tiny those “categories” he’s referring to actually are – a huge upsurge of deaths among vaxxed gay black construction workers (because 3 of the 7 nationwide died unexpectedly following vaccination?)
Please check out this report in The Gateway Pundit, HUGE: CDC and Big Pharma Data Confirm that More Children will Die from COVID Vaccine than from the COVID Virus
I think the recent report in The Gateway Pundit supports my assertion:
HUGE: CDC and Big Pharma Data Confirm that More Children will Die from COVID Vaccine than from the COVID Virus
Here are some highlights from the Gateway Pundit story:
“So, to put it simply, the Biden administration plan would kill 5,248 children via Pfizer mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus.
For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.
The Pfizer mRNA shot fails any honest risk-benefit analysis in children ages 5 to 11.”
But this is a bit of a bait and switch. I think vaccination for children is unwarranted. But the comments here are questioning its value in general, and for adults. I’m no scientist, but I am a supporter of science. One must be careful when leftists try to hijack science for their own purposes (eg, calling inner city gun violence a “public health issue”; talking about “racism” as a disease). But medicine has proven itself repeatedly. And most doctors are not especially ideological. They may not be morally perfect, but neither are they worse than others. If there exists an overwhelming medical consensus, it is generally best to abide by it.
Unfortunately, most young doctors are ideological, rather than scientifically oriented. Remember, medical school standards have drastically fallen along with college standards in general. Ideological orthodoxy is now as prevalent as race-based admissions in medical schools. As a friend of mine who teaches in a well-known medical school told me several years ago, if you need elective surgery get it done now because the latest cohort of medical students should not be allowed to practice medicine.
“The catch is there were 5 heart attack deaths in the vaccine group and only 1 in placebo group. So for every 1 life saved from Covid, the Pfizer vaccine kills 4 from heart attacks.”
A researcher shows a magician a box and says there are 10 red and 10 blue balls in it. The magician says he is blind. He takes a couple of balls out of the box. There are 5 blue balls and 1 red ball in his hand. Do you have reason to believe that the magician lied about his blindness?
Rhetorical question, as you have already failed this test.
It’s not just the 50,000+ deaths in America and Europe caused by the Covid-19 death jabs. It’s also the several million injuries that are directly attributable to them. According to Dr. Peter McCullogh, one of the world’s leading vascular specialists, over 11,000 cases of myocarditis has resulted from the Covid “vaccines, with over 86% of these individuals having to be hospitalized.” Even those who survive myocarditis are faced with greatly reduced lifespans. Dr. McCullogh also says that there will be a huge increase in heart transplants within the next decade due to the exponential increase in Covid vaccine-related cases of myocarditis. As of last week, there were also 28,112 Americans who have been permanently disabled by the Fauci jabs. Dr. McCullogh also noted that the death jabs seem to greatly weaken the immune system, and there is great potential for cancer rates to skyrocket in the coming decade or two. That explains why the Biden regime wants to vaccinate Whites, but refuses to vaccinate illegal aliens. The vaccines are a slow-motion genocide.
Well, the average of a covid death is 80 (average life expectancy in the US is 78.5) and they have, on average, 2 comorbidities, with obesity being the most common. Statistically speaking, covid isn’t killing anyone that wasn’t already dying.
So, for anyone outside of those parameters, I’d say that taking an experimental medical treatment, with no long term study, made by the company that was hit with the largest criminal fine in history is an unnecessary risk.
I hope that the VAX death rates ARE higher than the Wuhanic Plague itself. That would scare the normies more than anything–the cure is worse than the disease!
Oh, if only those oligarchs of Davos had simply kept things moseying along on the slower road of social progress–emergencies are terrible times to force history into a particular corner you wish for–at least for their sake they would have slowly displaced the middle class; instead of nigh instantaneously in a little under two years.
Thanks for the read!
hahahahahaha! Everyone I know has been vaccinated (with two exceptions, one who had Covid and defeated it naturally; the other who’s a conspiratorial Trumpian rightist; of course, Trump himself has been vaccinated, after allegedly overcoming a Covid infection). Not one person has had any kind of negative reaction or subsequent problem.
Vaccinology is yet another of the West’s great triumphs.
Also, not sure if anyone peruses leftist articles, but a lot of them are hoping for the mirror opposite results – that all the rightist (and racist) yahoos who haven’t been vaccinated succumb to Covid. I’ve seen that opinion a number of times. Sadly, the vaccinated Left is more likely than the unvaccinated Right to emerge intact on the other side of Covid. Get your vaccines, people.
Why did everybody you know get ‘vaccinated’ if the risk from Covid is so low?
Where did I say the risk from Covid was “low”? I implied that the risk from being vaccinated against Covid was low. Quintilian’s suggesting otherwise massively harmed his credibility, at least in my eyes – which is sad, because I had hitherto regarded Quintilian as one of the saner voices out there, and had noticed and wondered about his absence from CC over the past year.
[I think I’m developing early-onset dementia (or something else alarming), because I was sure I responded to this statement.]
I never said the risk from Covid was low. Most people I know have gotten vaxxed precisely because we think the risk of adverse outcomes from Covid infection is unacceptably high, while the similar risks from vaccination itself are relatively low. The risk/reward trade-off for me and others lead us to getting vaxxed.
So we need to hear from you that the risk from Covid is low? My point is, even if you’re getting saline solution in these shots, ie. No danger at all, why would anybody do even that if the risk from disease is low?
The reality is the shots are experimental, they have been known to cause injury and death, and by most accounts the adverse effects grossly underreported, and given the experimental nature, we do not even know what problems they may cause down the road.
How much did you research the different shots before taking them. If you are like all the people I know who got the so called vaccine, you researched it less than the options when buying a toaster.
How is this:
November 21, 2021 at 6:27 am
So we need to hear from you that the risk from Covid is low? My point is, even if you’re getting saline solution in these shots, ie. No danger at all, why would anybody do even that if the risk from disease is low?
The reality is the shots are experimental, they have been known to cause injury and death, and by most accounts the adverse effects grossly underreported, and given the experimental nature, we do not even know what problems they may cause down the road.
How much did you research the different shots before taking them. If you are like all the people I know who got the so called vaccine, you researched it less than the options when buying a toaster.}
in response to anything I said? I don’t follow you. I never said the risk from Covid was low. By all accounts, it is, by my personal reckoning as a 60 year old, quite high, which is why I got vaccinated. I’m saying the risk from vaccination is low, low enough that I thought it worth it to defend against the higher risk of Covid.
Did Dementia Joe get injected with the vaxx or was there really saline solution in the vial marked Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine?
Even conceding that the so called vax protects older people and is less risky than the virus itself for that cohort, that is not what you said in your first post. You said ‘get your vax, people’. Ie. Everybody should get it.
My country has 900 ICU beds with sufficient staff.
Today there are 663 covid patients on ventillators.
Up 50% in the last 2 weeks.
The third wave in the spring peaked at 1,300 covid patients on ventillators.
A few blocks from where I live there’s a massive army hospital, which normally also serves millions of civilians. Today it only takes emergency cases in life-threatening conditions and covid patients.
65% of the general population are vaccinated. 85% of covid patients on ventillators at this hospital are not vaccinated.
In Slovakia today there’s a grand total of 4 free ICU beds.
In Slovenia today there are zero free ICU beds.
Last month Romania (!) asked my government to help and take a few patients over. There was a run on their hospitals, people were dying on chairs in ER waiting rooms. This went on for weeks.
(Recognize that the whole crisis would be over in a minute if those who reject the vaccine wouldn’t show up at the hospital when they get sick.)
Incidentally, I’m on the waiting list of the above mentioned hospital for a banal surgery.
Normally the Hungarian health care system performs thousands of such surgeries each year.
Without surgery there’s a 1% chance of developing an untreatable, fatal condition.
My surgery has been postponed to May 2022.
Maybe there’s evolutionary advantage in having part of the population unvaccinated. If the medical establishment is wrong, some of us will survive.
But the remaining white race will be a rather sorry bunch, with pretty bad attitudes.
Anti-vaxxers have a very simplified understanding of human nature. I could say more on this, but really lack the time. They are impervious to rationality and empiricism – rather like the l’antiraciste left, come to think of it.
Personally I’m against mandatory vaccination and the vaccination of children. But I do recognize that my arguments are not rock solid, they’re emotional and aesthetical. I hate the idea of inserting needles and injecting stuff into beautiful young people just to save fat/sick/old people.
But that’s not what the anti-vaxxers say. They say thing like “For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot” etc. They can’t spot logic errors in an argument, they can’t make sense of the world around them. They live without bullshit detectors. And now all the right-wing parties started to pursue their votes by adopting the dumb and dishonest anti-vaxx talking points. Baudet, AfD, the Austrian Freedom Party, Toroczkai… This is a true disaster.
The political landscape is changing rapidly. In a few weeks we will have European mainstream parties with reasonable positions on covid and unreasonable positions on anything else, and, in the best case, far right parties with lunatic positions on covid and reasonable positions on anything else. But the most likely scenario is that current far right parties will become single issue parties and drop everything else from their priority list.
The vaccine is a bio weapon
You trust Bill Gates and Fauci? You are deluded
Show me scientifically credible data for your contention. Anyone can say anything. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I’m open to the possibility of, say, UFO kidnappings. Show me minimally valid empirical evidence that such has occurred, and I would consider, and perhaps even assent to, that claim. But until such is provided, I must remain sceptical.
Conspiracism, which is sometimes accurate (see, eg, the Bolshevik Revolution and the decades preceding it), is often the product of simple minds unable to grasp the fact of reality’s complexities. It arises out of a fear of epistemic nihilism – that much cannot be known with any certainty – though it also exacerbates it, as well as a personal need for a sense of greater control over one’s life.
I do tend to trust the fact that virtually the entirety of the world’s public health establishments have regarded Covid as a public health menace, and the vaccines as valid preventative measures. To suggest that all such agencies, and the millions of people working for them, are in some kind of conspiratorial cahoots to harm the plain people of the earth shows a lack of understanding of psychology and motivations, and even the human condition itself.
FWIW, however, when I first heard about Covid’s outbreak in Wuhan, and the existence of a “Wuhan Virology Institute” (or whatever that lab is called), I instantly assumed that the virus was the result of nasty ChiCom germ warfare research gone wrong. That was long viewed as a “conspiracy theory”, but it increasingly looks correct. I instantly reached that conclusion, however, not to due to any wild beliefs about human malevolence, but to a) my knowledge of the evil of the Chinese communist regime, and b) the simple proximity of the lab to the center of the outbreak. Lab leakage was an empirically reasonable hypothesis.
Homicidal claims about Bill Gates, whatever his ugly globalism, or Fauci, whatever his lies to cover up his past incompetence, are less so.
I don’t think you understand what I mean by “the cure is worse than the disease”. I will emphasize this yet again–you can see with societal infrastructures and the US government at large, that a problem is most often created by the overlords and becomes so terrible they have to cover it up with placebos and snake oil.
The cure IS worse than the disease. The Wuhanic Plague/COVID-19/Coronavirus has a death rate of . . . 0.01%. Fatal car accidents have killed more people than a fictitious virus engineered SPECIFICALLY to act as catalyst of death in people over the age of 75 with health conditions. This thing kills the weakest of the weak–why is that not a sign of engineering and malevolent intent?
THE CURE. Does that not make you paranoid? I mean, come on, if you had any sense (many people don’t, so do feel sorry), you might realize that when the lamestream media (untrustworthy for a planet’s worth of infractions and lies) is all talking about only ONE thing and only in ONE way, it might have you start to question the narrative and official numbers.
What does it do? Also, if the VAX is so necessary and life-saving, why is it not mandatory to include the flu vaccine (common cold)? Why not HIV/AIDS? STDs? Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? Scarlet Fever? Chicken Pox? All of these diseases could be eliminated if all just took the shot . . . oh. Wait. That VAX only works ONCE!!!! And then you have to go and get a second shot. Good sheeple, good sheeple–*chop*
You have proven my point when it comes to being unaware of reality. These people play by no rules, by no chivalric standards, nor by a common morality. If you support a “Just the facts, ma’am” attitude, you lack the thing that makes you a worthy human being–wisdom. Facts versus Wisdom–one is read and the other is learned. Wisdom is augmented and honed with facts, but not relied upon.
Facts EXIST. They are not subjective nor irrelevant. Wisdom is the subjective component and allows flexibility of the mind. A wrote set of rules and if-then equations do not get you out of a life-threatening situation or prevent your body from wasting away by ingesting chemicals not fit for a land-fill.
COVID has a 99% (approximate) survival rate. A FACT.
Donald Trump is not president (2021). A FACT.
The Earth is round. A FACT.
Try writing in a less breathless and more focused and disciplined fashion. I find it difficult to decipher your comment. You’ve made a bunch of mostly unconnected statements with little evidentiary support.
I’m both surprised and incredibly disappointed to find a vax shill here at CC. You honestly believe that Pfizer has your best interests at heart?
Really? I have a lot of different doctors, some of whom are extremely elite educated (having gone to one of the academically best schools myself, I know what that means). Every one of my doctors has been vaccinated. I just saw one (an MD + PhD) yesterday, and when I mentioned that I would be getting my booster in a few weeks, he mentioned that was when he would be obtaining his, too. He had been hoping for a somewhat better ‘tailored’ booster, but had concluded that he shouldn’t wait any longer, as it’s been nearly 11 months since his second shot.
But hey, what does he know, with his advanced degrees, over 35 years in ENT practice, and more than 5000 surgeries performed? I mean, compared to website readers like you.
As I have stated here at CC at least a dozen times, the Racial Right is heavily intellectually invested in the life sciences – certainly more so than Christian conservatives or libertarians or pro-business corporatists. For us of all people to then question the widely corroborated findings of medical and scientific establishments the world over that vaccination reduces hospitalizations and deaths from Covid makes us look, at best, like narrow ideologues who exalt theories over facts, and at worst, intellectually schizophrenic.
Well, that was quite a word salad. In all of that nonsense you failed to answer my question so I’ll ask you again. Do you honestly believe that Pfizer (the company hit with the largest criminal fine in history) has our best interest at heart. Read that as slowly as you need to.
Once you’ve evaded that one, again, would you please link the 5 and 10 year studies for the covid vaccine? I can’t seem to find them anywhere. You cultists keep screeching to “trust The Science™” so, show me the science. I’d like to know what the long term effects may be.
The primary patent holder of mRNA technology is a Hungarian woman. Half the research team are Hungarian country boys. They’re good people.
And if the anti-vax position had anything to do with concerns about the safety of vaccines, my country would be 100% vaccinated.
Our Dear Leader procured 6 different kinds of products, including the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, which is made with traditional technology. It contains the inactivated virus and some aluminium booster. Basically it’s like encountering the natural virus + using deodorant. It has been given to a billion people, with no side effects. We’ve been injecting babies with his kind of stuff since the 1950s.
And every shipment is checked by the top state laboratory.
But anti-vaxxers still won’t take it.
Actually, the American Dr. Robert Malone invented mRNA technology. Since he has come out against the use of mRNA technology for the Covid death jabs, references to his invention of the technology have been systematically removed from online sources by the leftist tech oligarchs. Dr. Malone is a real hero of the effort to save us from the CCP virus and the Pfizer et al. vaccines.
“Actually, the American Dr. Robert Malone invented mRNA technology”… according to Dr. Robert Malone.
Everyone else in the field believes it was a collaborative effort of hundreds of scientists.
“Everyone just incrementally added something — including me,” says Karikó.
Well, the average of a covid death is 80 (average life expectancy in the US is 78.5) and they have, on average, 2 comorbidities, with obesity being the most common. Statistically speaking, covid isn’t killing anyone that wasn’t already dying. But let me guess, actually looking at the numbers is an anti- The Science ™ right wing conspiracy theory…
So, sell it to me man. Why should I take it? It doesn’t prevent me from catching it or spreading it and I’m not in any elevated risk category. From what I can tell, the only benefit being pushed now is that it’ll keep me from dying from a disease with a <1% fatality rate.
Fine by me. Just stick to your guns, and if you get sick, solve your problems in the comfort of your home.
Forgive my lack of insight or perspicacity, but I simply don’t understand the point of the article.
The Charlottesville civil trial is somehow weeding the garden of White Nationalism?
I am no big fan of boneheaded Anglin-tier trolling, or especially “Manosphere” ‘spergitute.
I was born in the year of Mr. Goad. Since a wee school kid, I have been concerned about the decline of the West and the fate of my country, and I even made friends with people (now long gone) who marched with George Lincoln Rockwell. I have been a Holocaust Revisionist sympathizer since 1980 and actually have a degree in History for what it’s worth.
I do agree that our ideas need to be NORMALIZED. Likewise, that is one of the chief goals of the Left.
That is why your kids don’t see it as weird that some of their friends are “transitioning,” and why the conversation around the water cooler at the office does not even dare drift into the direction of whether the new person in the stall next to you with the spike heels and skirt wipes or shakes.
We have had this conversation ─ or maybe not ─ already long ago about whether it is okay that Suzy Black & Blue eyes wants to burn coal.
“But he’s a good guy, Daddy.”
In short, the Left has succeeded to a great degree in NORMALIZING DEVIANCE.
I can’t say that I was surprised the other day when social media claimed to have finally identified “Drop Kick Man,” the Negro who kicked Kyle Rittenhouse in the head and dodged two shots fired from his AR-15 (and thankfully missed, otherwise the teenaged White Boy likely would be going to prison for the rest of his life).
When it comes right down to it, no Jews really want to claim “Antifa Anthony” Huber, let alone convicted pedophile JoJo Rosenbaum ─ but any Magic Negro will do for the backstage pass.
It seems notable also that Drop Kick Man was identified by a woman scorned who happens not to be of his melanated race.
So NORMALIZATION is important.
I would be the first to agree that OPTICS is important to marketing as well. But marketing to “Big Normie,” not so much. This is not the same thing as Normalization.
And playing by the “Marquess of Kosher Rules,” as George Lincoln Rockwell called it? Absolutely not. That is how Conservatives lose.
As Rockwell noted over six decades ago, Conservatism is trying to “conserve” what is ALREADY gone.
If one has to demonstrate that a teenager is not White Supremacist to be endowed with the right to self-defense, then the law is already irreparably dysfunctional, and no slick amount of presentation will ever change that.
Before his death, GLR was already thinking of modifying his approach ─ an approach which in spite of a total news blackout got him speaking for fees at college campuses, not something that we can seem to do any longer.
One of the Commander’s last acts was to change the name of the American Nazi Party to the National Socialist White People’s Party. Contrary to Alex Haley documentaries, Commander Rockwell never used German uniforms. He wore normal U.S. military khakis with an armband at most.
Rockwell was already keenly aware that whether they used Dennis Hopper, or later Henry Gibson and the Blues Brothers, that Hollywood would popularize the parody of what we would today know as “Illinois Nazis.”
A decade or so after Rockwell’s death, I had no problem with the idea of moving the party headquarters from Washington, DC to the Midwest ─ but I never liked the idea of turning a political movement into some kind of religion or other form of esoterica.
And I liked the optics of tattooed skinheads and borderline anti-socials with bombs even less.
I read William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries for entertainment purposes about four decades ago, but I found the ideas good for very little else than fun.
So what can and should be done?
I certainly do not have all the answers. But it is more important than ever that we all talk bluntly.
So, for one thing the Charlottesville civil trial ─ it seems to me ─ is actually about whether White people do or do not have the right to advocate in their interests, or if this is only ipso facto Violence. That dialectic should be taken with the utmost of seriousness.
I predicted a very long time ago that Confederate memorials would be considered Hate Speech just as the swastika or Holocaust Revisionism is banned in Europe and elsewhere. Everyone scoffed.
The whole point of Antifa and Leftist movements is that their LITERAL violence is their sacred freedom-of-speech, and the “Kosher” path to the one-true side of History.
The Leftist foot soldiers are usually too stupid to understand the Jewish teleology in this, but that will not stop them from braining you with their skateboards or pieces of concrete in their book bags or grocery bag.
The White Nationalists, on the other hand ─ they are on the “wrong” side of history. This means that their free-speech is deemed to literally be “Violence.”
That is what Charlottesville is REALLY about.
It is not about some goofballs who are left by default arguing the case with some dodgy Jewish gender activist law firms.
Rockwell defined the Kosher play zone as 1) the Jewish Question, and 2) the Race Question ─ and he made a big split with Buckleyite Conservatism in the process. He predicted Goldwater and Reagan going aground long before they were even a thing.
Any policy talk about “taxes” and “government” was moot if you could not at least talk about the JQ and whether is was morally decent for your bonnie blue-eyed daughter to pair up with Jump Kick Man.
I am not sure what more can be said here.
I may have misunderstood the article.
I would note that the Charlottesville plaintiffs brought in Jewish Holocaust theologian Deborah Lipstadt to somehow bolster their case ─ a rare opportunity to publicly challenge her about anything. Cantrell got her to say on the stand that even telling a joke about her tribe is de facto Genocide.
So that is where we are.
Some people can’t commit crimes because they are racially entitled to get Whitey ─ and even to overdose while resisting arrest is the fault of the White police officer who must absolutely forfeit his freedom if not his life.
Others are chosen by God (even the atheists are) and cannot even be criticized by Gentiles, let alone honestly debated.
Rockwell correctly understood the ideological battle lines and the political issues DECADES ago. Somehow we have to do better.
Cantrell = Cantwell
(I wish there were an edit feature.)
A very good post. Intelligent and well reasoned.
Yes, insightful and wise, but it could have been written more cogently and logically.
Excellent post! Would very much like to read an entire article by this writer.
I thought it was well reasoned. With the confederate monuments…I’m surprised it took so long for this to happen. Do you know, in many southern states, particularly Mississippi, Robert e lee and Jeff Davis’s birthdays are still holidays! I can’t believe the federal government hasn’t invaded them yet over this!
When the Martin Luther King holiday was signed into law by Reagan in 1983, I wrote in an essay in a college English class that I intended to celebrate Robert E. Lee’s birthday (Jan. 19) and fly the Confederate flag instead. The professor singled out the best essays and made me read mine to the class, and nearly everyone cheered!
I can’t imagine such a thing happening now ─ where “studying while White” in a University study hall is sufficient to trigger a full-blown chimpout.
After fulfilling his campaign promise to repeal the MLK holiday executive order left by his predecessor, they basically impeached the Arizona Governor in vengeance. Celebrities boycotted the state, just as they would do later when the SB 1070 restrictive immigration law was passed (2010). Bono from U2 raised funds for impeachment and rappers actually called for Governor Evan Mecham to be assassinated with a bomb.
Ultimately the Governor was impeached in 1988 and Arizona became the last state in the union to formally adopt the MLK holiday in 1992.
Today the MLK holiday in Arizona is interesting because the weather is mild in January and it is one of the few places where Blacks will riot in the Winter.
So the learned Civil Rights city-Negroes have to be very careful how they honor the good Reverend Doctah in Phoenix nowadays because rioting is very bad optics ─ and every year in January it is very hard for them to avoid getting just that.
‘We are, however, in an enviable position, as the historical processes initiated by our opponents are ironically red-pilling the normie-cons and driving them into our bosom.’
We’re not in an ‘enviable position’ when members of our movement refer to the everyday decent people whom we need – and who need us – in a derogatory way (‘normie’).
The problem with insular communities (most of the Racial Right and Dissident Right) is that they become unable to communicate effectively with those in their (current) out-group.
Right-wing politics, with its elitism and unmitigated nostalgia does not actually held ‘White-wing’ politics.
Read Calhoun.
White Identity Nationalists (WIN) need to support everyday folks in their aspirations to be free of arrogant remote power, to support nullification and secession movements and to work to help those movements avoid co-optation and re-orientation toward ‘civic nationalism’ in which Whites are tenth-class citizens by default.
There’s a natural progression from the politics of nullification to the politics of virtual secession to the creation of genuine ethnic ‘stans and White Autonomous Zones.
‘Normie’ doesn’t need to come to us as much as WINs need to come to folks we claim to care about.
I thought this was a great essay, but I agree with you. It’s not the best term to use, and really only serves to potentially alienate future allies. I read something similar on another site as people still refer to ‘fly-over’ country in the same derogatory manner. This is leftist elitist talk.
I would much rather live in the ‘heartland’ of the US with honest Whites, than some large degenerate Pacific Northwest city like Seattle or Portland.
Good observations. But this is also why I’m so vehemently opposed to WN anti-Christian posturing. If WIN cannot appeal to American Christian conservative whites, then we will forever remain nothing but a metapolitical discussion club. Them’s the facts on the ground. Our basic positions (having zeroed out references to Evola, etc) are totally compatible with justice as modal Christians conceive it (and especially, pre-PC brainwashing days, used to conceive it, and could be made to conceive it again).
I don’t see how we can go back there even if we wanted to.
I am an atheist who was raised Mormon. Unless you don’t think they are Christian, they are the few still living the dream ─ and having lots of White Anglo-Saxon babies in places like Idaho that everybody on the Left coast, Jew and Gentile, desperately wants to take their money and relocate to. You rarely see a Negro in those parts ─ but when you see nice-looking young, tall, blond White girls, the ones without the skanky tattoos are probably LDS.
Rockwell was an agnostic who believed in supporting Christians as good White people with decent values for as long as they wanted to remain Christian. I am not opposed to that. In fact, the friends I mentioned who marched with Rockwell that I knew from my formative years were usually Identity Christians. I learned a lot from them.
However, I can’t give Christians a pass either. The United States and the West in general is on its knees servicing Joos unspeakably and kissing bare Black feet for precisely this reason. This is exactly what Christians want to be. That is how we got to where we are.
The only way for this not to have ultimately become an issue is to go back to the Dark Ages before White people invented the sail and the compass, let alone printed books and the cathode ray tube ─ or even just going back to when Lord Chancellor Thomas More could have you burned at the stake as a heretic for “Lollarding” your tongue too much. His king was once the Defender of the Faith, after all.
To be concise and blunt ─ which we can now with modern technology that did not exist sixty years ago ─ we do need to be talking about these problems. Bigly. And it may already be too late.
I am not a professional writer, but I am open to facts and logic.
There are only three issues, which then need to be approached in different ways. First, is Christianity true? Second, is Christianity, if true, necessarily opposed to patriotism, including that form of patriotism which is racial preservationism? Third, if Christianity is false (either because another religion is true, or because all forms of supernatural belief are false), can it still be made useful to the cause of white preservation?
WRT the truth of Christianity, I don’t know. I’m a pure philosophical agnostic. I’m open to (re-)conversion, but equally to philosophical materialism.
But many whites – and disproportionately higher quality whites (morally, reproductively, and ideologically) – do believe in the Christian god. This seems to be even more the case in the US than Europe (I haven’t traveled much, and was last in Europe 40 years ago, so I’m basing this on what I’ve read). And while this makes no intuitive sense to me, most white American atheists are liberal. And of even greater importance, most serious white American conservatives are Christian. Almost all of those Christian white conservatives will put God above racial loyalty. I see this with my own very (politically/behaviorally) conservative Middle American family. They dislike the racial changes that have been imposed upon them across their lives, but if they think opposition to diversity is “racist” (ie, evil), they will throw up their hands, say “Thy will be done”, and continue to be apathetic in the face of the trends leading to white extinction.
So even if I were to shift from agnosticism to atheism, I would still assert it to be the merest commonsense that WNs had better not antagonize Christianity. I recognize that the modern churches are racially brainwashed if not intentionally evil (ie, conquered by evil forces; I don’t mean supernatural demons, but human ones associated with the likes of Soros). But must they be so? Is Christianity inherently hostile to white preservationism? I don’t think so. I think anti-Christian WNs, by buying into the leftist/diversitist idea that Christianity is colorblind (which is true, but only salvationally, in the sense that all men are “called to Christ”; this tenet pertains to individual souls in relation to God, and has nothing to do with maintaining earthly borders and boundaries between ’embodied’ human groups), are playing into the hands of our racial enemies.
They can change though. Normies can become abnormie any time they want!
The woke oligarchs have managed to secure the greatest transfer of wealth upwards in recorded history.
I’ve heard this a few times, but I don’t know what it means. Can anyone give a brief outline?
Trillions added to the wealth of the top percent in 12 months.
The ball was dropped in this article about how arts organization have been decimated.
That would be a fascinating angle to write about.
Long story short
The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer than ever
This was achieved via massive fed money printing, bailouts, and wealth consolidation through government fiat
It is apparent that this author has no clue what world we live because he still falsely believes it’s a “Left” against “Right” issue.
“As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.” — Robert Gore, April 23, 2020
The most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to RE-learn is that psychopaths typically are not physically violent crazies but always stealth predators (exploitative deceivers, which explains why the public has been fed a MISLEADING understanding of psychopaths). And then… the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a network of manipulating psychopaths ARE governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE — you and I. But that’s only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition.
It is NOT just a matter of “draining the swamp” at the top and we’re back to our former (sick) “normal.”
The true, WHOLE, but “politically inconvenient” and “culturally forbidden” reality is more encompassing because “the swamp that needs draining” on a psychological and behavioral level is over 90% of people anywhere. Study (NOT briefly scan) “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at
Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” — George Orwell
Damn, even the comments section has awesome writers, even people I don’t agree with (totally) are great to read!
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