Fundraiser Update & this Weekend’s LivestreamThe State of the Movement
Greg JohnsonThree readers have asked me to comment on the current state of “the movement.” As Counter-Currents enters our twelfth year, I think it is an appropriate time for such a discussion. In fact, I’ll make it an annual tradition, since I intend to be around for many years to come.
All three readers think the movement is in a malaise. I want to argue that this is not the case. Censorship and deplatforming can slow us down, but they can’t stop us. The Biden administration is dangerous, but it is also a golden opportunity for white identity politics. It is an opportunity in part because it is dangerous.
The first reader fears that social media censorship, particularly on Twitter, has interfered with “productive interactions between different people in the movement.” I don’t think that is true at all.
Twitter has been massively purging Rightist and populist accounts since the beginning of the year. This made Twitter quite boring, so I generally stopped visiting it. Recently, the Counter-Currents account was purged. But I paid so little attention to Twitter that I found out about it on Gab.
Here’s the thing: Losing Twitter and Facebook has not made it impossible for me to keep in touch with others and collaborate with them. Both platforms had some entertainment value. But that was always outweighed by drama, pointless infighting, and constant exposure to obnoxious and repulsive people. I don’t miss any of that. We will win through productive work, not online drama and goofing around. Frankly, some forms of deplatforming are doing us a favor.
The second reader who wrote in is worried that the movement is shrinking because various movement voices have gone silent or disappeared altogether, again due to censorship and deplatforming.
I think this impression is largely based on the reader’s point of view. He’s out in the audience, looking at the stage, and he sees fewer performers up here. Thus he concludes that the movement is shrinking. But the movement is not just the people on the stage, it is also you people out there in the audience. I’m on stage, looking out at the audience, and I can see it growing.
Recently, Frodi Midjord did a poll in his Telegram group. He asked when his followers became “red-pilled,” as we like to put it. Fully 70% became red-pilled after 2013, and 25% became red-pilled since 2018.
That is tremendously encouraging, because 2017 was the beginning of the end for the “Alt Right.” Due to doxing, deplatforming, censorship, legal harassment, and burnout, many leading voices of the Alt Right have gone silent. Others have retreated into inward-facing, cultlike groups. But the Alt Right wasn’t “the movement.” It was just a “brand.” The brand has failed. Some of its standard-bearers have failed. But the broader movement of white identity politics has continued to grow.
The third reader is also worried that censorship and deplatforming are working:
YouTube and Twitter channels with large followings have been banned. When their owners move to other platforms, they retain only a small slice of their former audiences. More alarming, though, is the complete disappearance of some voices. Is the establishment within reach of suppressing our movement and our message altogether?
The short answer is “No.” The system can slow down the spread of our ideas. They can wear down our morale. They can pick off the weak and vulnerable. But they can’t stop our message altogether, for three basic reasons.
First, the only way the system can prevent our ideas from spreading on the Internet is to shut the whole web down, which they can’t do because the system has become dependent upon the web for its own survival. But even if the web went offline tomorrow, we somehow managed without it for most of human history. Its absence did not prevent the rise of Rightist and populist social movements in the past. So we would muddle through.
Second, even if the system silences particular voices, ideas have lives of their own. Bob Whitaker is dead, but now normie Republicans are talking about how anti-racism is a code word for being anti-white. The system can silence me today, but they can’t undo the work that I’ve already done. The White Nationalist Manifesto is already out there. White Identity Politics is already out there. As the Norwegian secret police discovered to their chagrin by arresting me, open persecution just brings more attention to our ideas.
Third, our movement is not the primary cause of the rise of white identity politics. The system itself is driving people to white identity politics. Only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of whites who voted for Donald Trump ever heard of Counter-Currents or American Renaissance. They voted for Trump because they see the results of multiculturalism, globalization, and out-of-control nonwhite immigration.
Now that the Democrats are in control in Washington, they are doubling down on these policies, which will only accelerate the rise of white identity politics. The Biden regime creates more White Nationalists in a day than I have in the last twenty years. The system can shut me up, but they can’t shut themselves up. They can’t control themselves at all. So white identity politics will continue to rise.
Although I am quite confident that our ideas are spreading and our movement is growing, I’d be a fool not to worry about my personal safety and the personal safety of other white advocates. America is now a lawless country in which blacks and Leftists are given full freedom to destroy. The US government is simply ignoring the fact that during the last year, the Left has been responsible for political violence that has cost dozens of lives and inflicted billions in property damage. Instead, they are promoting the idea that the number one threat of political violence comes from racially aware white people like you and me. Many innocent people will be harassed, entrapped, and framed by the system before this is all over.
But it will all be in vain, because our ideas are already out there, and with each passing day, the system provides new evidence that we speak the truth: multiracial societies are cauldrons of hatred and violence. The only solution is a racial divorce.
1. This Weekend’s Livestream
On Sunday, June 20th, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET, Greg Johnson will be joined by fellow Counter-Currents Brain Trust members Millennial Woes and Frodi Midjord to talk about current events and YOUR QUESTIONS, on DLive and Odysee.
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Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.
Greg Johnson
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It cannot be stopped. Victory for Whites is only a matter of time.
Where does the ‘we stand united against white supremacy’ image come from?
Almost certainly from 4chan, they were doing “globohomo art” threads for awhile that were full of this sort of stuff, since people see the blobby, ugly forms and instantly think the left must’ve made it.
Very interesting overview of the state of the movement. The part abt Mr. Johnson’s arrest in Norway was particularly enlightening.
I myself became aware of white issues probably around 2014 after reading Murray & Hernsteins book: The Bell Curve, which I found on the shelves at Barnes & Noble.
From there I went on to read many of the “classics” of Identitarianism; Camp of the Saints, End the Day, the Turner Diaries, and of course the pentology starting with “A Distant Thunder” and including the famous “The Brigade”. I wish C-C would provide some options for readers to sort their book lists to show some of the foundational readings: including those by other authors.
The Camp of the Saints. I could barely get through that novel because it was so horribly written. I bet it was just as bad in the original French. Is there a review of it on Counter Currents? (I suppose I should do a search myself, before typing that question, but I have to go get my hair done.)
As I get my hair done, I will ponder the horrors of invasion by 3rd Worlders. Oh wait, I don’t need to. The lady who cuts my hair is from Mexico. And the owner of the salon is also from Mexico. Most the parts of South Cal I can afford are from Mexico.
“Camp of the Saints” is noteworthy for being one of the 1st books of it’s kind. It is difficult to get thru and by today’s standards is quite dated.
I forgot to add “From Her Eyes a Doctrine” by Ash Donaldson. Also a correction: a book title should be “Hold Back the Day” by Kendall Ward: but I recommend none of his later works. Also a new book: “Fateful Destiny” by Marshall Anders.
I thought I could continue being able to live in Southern California, as a single person in a decent 1-bed apartment in a decent suburb — Whittier — but then a Mexican ‘real estate cartel’ bought the apartment building and nearly doubled the rents, while promising to ‘refurbish everything’. I didn’t wait to see the results of that idea, but moved even further out of the center of Los Angeles, and rented a home with another couple friends, to make ends meet. This is happening all over LA, as I’m sure it happening everywhere. There is now a family of 4 ‘Hispanics’ — mom and dad and 2 kids — living in my 500 sq. ft., 1-bedroom apartment, the neighbors there have told me. This is the future, unless we get laws changed fast in this country!
Sorry to hear of your troubles. SoCal seems to be Mexico with Anglo infrastructure (though not for long).
Really? You thought Camp of the Saints was horribly written? I wonder, what do you mean by that? That its word choice (or perhaps, that of its translator) was inartful and its grammar poor? That the plot was ridiculous? That its conceptualization scene by scene was ineffective? I only ask because I thought, when I first read it around 30 years ago, that it was brilliant, not only in conception, but execution. Perhaps the technical construction of its sentences does not rise to the level of Flaubert or Proust, but I found it deeply moving, as I’ve found Chekhov’s stories, as well as resonant in terms of its theme. I still recall entreating many different friends at the time to read it, so revelatory did I think it was, and would be for them. It’s been a while since I reread it; maybe I should do so this summer (although I find doing so a painful experience: it brings back memories of a more hopeful time in my own life, personally and racially).
I wonder if others here believe Camp was badly written?
I thought it was excellent. I should do a review one of these days.
“The Biden regime creates more White Nationalists in a day than I have in the last twenty years. The system can shut me up, but they can’t shut themselves up. They can’t control themselves at all. So white identity politics will continue to rise.”
Yes, exactly. This is why I have confidence even in the face of despair and fear. Whites will not go quietly into the dark night. Oh hell, no.
Keep up the excellent work, Counter Currents community.
Happy JUNETEENTH! to everyone at Counter-Currents!
And remember the stirring words of Thomas Jefferson in his autobiography:
“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.”
Pronounced “Jumeteemfh.”
I celebrated by playing Dixie and reading the heartwarming story of the executionof Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on June 19th.
Question for discussion: Should we relaunch Judeo-Bolshevism Awareness Month on Jumeteemfh?
Yes, please do. Let’s never shy away from facts, and there are a lot of facts about bolshevism people don’t know or just don’t want to know.
I’d say yes, the topic of Judeo-Bolshevism is a sore spot for our enemies, with many claiming that there are absolutely no ties between Marxism and Judaism. The ties between Jewish ultra-wealth and Communist enterprises of the past is a well-established fact and a great embarrassment to modern tankies who need to believe above all else that Marxism is the faith of the underdog and the disprivileged, and any stories of trust fund Commies like Lenin being bankrolled by the international wealthy puts a big dent in their credibility. There can’t be too many spotlights shone on this topic.
I might have read the same MSM story yesterday that you did about the Rosenbergs — how Ethel was an “innocent, doting mother” and Julius was really only providing the Soviets with “garbage,” not US nuclear secrets. Somehow, those dastardly prosecutors got them convicted and killed despite “not having a solid case.” It’s annuda shoah!
The message that slop gave off was quite a rush — Communism is totally fine for chosenites to practice given their history and we shouldn’t be too hasty to prosecute political opinions different from our own. Apparently, Julius was a good comrade for not “ratting out” his fellow co-conspirator “friends” in order to save Ethel’s life. But also, he was a terrible man to let a woman take the fall with him.
Don’t be too hasty to judge your friendly, neighborhood communists that want your country destroyed! All bets are off though when it comes to any white person who wants to preserve their people or have pride in their history/culture.
I’ve noticed how every time blacks get “a win” — either by celebrating MLK day, Junewhatever, black history month, or the Chauvin verdict — I always see articles in MSM about how the chosenites are really the ultimate victims of oppression. It’s like clockwork. Don’t forget the real victims of the world, goy!
I did a caption for a picture once: “Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: America’s Hottest Couple, 6/19/1953”
Excited about this discussion, gentlemen. We can be realistic while still being forward-looking. One of the best qualities of the New/Dissident Right is its élan. Wouldn’t want to lose it.
I agree, Dr. Johnson, that the movement is quietly growing, even if it is happening on a subconscious level for a lot of whites.
I’ve continued to have hushed discussions with white friends and coworkers who feel the need to “vent” about how unfairly they feel treated. How they’ve put their best foot forward in trying to be as open and inclusive as possible, despite not really enjoying the company of “POC.” They’re starting to feel really uncomfortable.
Juneteenth has been a great tool to use because blacks have been gloating all over social media about how it’s America’s real Independence Day. I’ve seen post after post of how bland, dull, and racist July 4th is and how it shouldn’t even be celebrated. When you forward a post like that by a “POC” to a white person who is questioning the diversity narrative, they get heated. When it’s a “POC” that you and that white person both know, reality hits closer to home for them. These posts are a goldmine to show that the blacks around us, even the ones we know and might think are decent, hold these anti-white views.
I agree. Juneteenth: even the name is a joke. What next? Kwanzaa? The President already sends out Kwanzaa greetings and the Post Office prints Kwanzaa stamps. All this pandering to morons hasn’t brought us social peace though.
Now there will be demands for a new flag.
How about a new country with that?
It’s an appalling idea but if we are stuck with it then it should always bear the label “The day the Republicans forced the Democrats to free their slaves.”
Thin gruel but it’s something.
I’d like a new country with a side of fries, please.
I am thankful for the new holiday of Juneteenth. More and more white nationalists seem elitist and mean spirited to me. I have come to believe I am of the negroes.
We should ENCOURAGE expressions of separation from the left. Anything on the symbolic plane like them burning American flags is beneficial in waking up our people.
It is true that the system wakes up more and more of our people every day. However, we need to make sure we channel that energy into productive activities.
The problem with seeing ‘the movement’ is thinking we know what ‘the movement’ will look like. What we think a ‘movement’ is tends to be colored by what came before and most of the ‘movements’ were the product of Jewish activists backed by Jewish money. Not a single ‘movement’ in the US since the 1840s has been an honest grass-roots movement of White people for White people. They’ve all been heavily inflected towards Jewish interests and Jewish modes of organization and influence.
When was the last time White people actually had their own politics? Surely it was the politics of segregation and secession. And, after a long hiatus where every political question was simply different aspects of Jewish interests, White folks are back exactly where they were in the 1860s.
Real White politics is separatist politics. It’s what Whites have continuously wanted for over a century. Maybe that’s really what ‘the movement’ is: The long historical expression of White separatism. It’s what ties together so many strands of pro-White White consciousness.
Is it that simple, I wonder?
I think this criticism goes back too far. What about the Klan, both in the 1870s, and then again in the 1920s? What about the 19th century Populists? Or the 1930s-40s America Firsters? Jewish influence reached its present peak as early as the New Deal, and has pretty much stayed on top, even increasing in power in tandem with the white nation’s decline in both Christian traditionalism and racial identity. But there were some prowhite movements in the 1950s and 60s (including McCarthyism, which enjoyed a lot of popular support). It was only with the rise of the neocons and the Zionist evangelicals concurrently in the 1970s that white interests became thoroughly enmeshed with and controlled by Jews. That could change quickly now, however, as the Trump phenomenon was not at all Jewish-originated and most Jews opposed him, even though his inner circle was Jewish, and he mostly served Jewish interests. He could have pursued a less Jewish agenda, and been no less popular among his base for it. A Middle America-based, Zionist-indifferent movement remains a very distinct potentiality.
Personally, I think a real prowhite movement could and will arise out of a burgeoning sense of white victimhood, which we would be wise to cultivate. BLM, skyrocketing {black} crime, “Critical” Race Theory, antifa political violence, illegal alienism – the whole panoply of antiwhite, anti-Western, anti-American (and even LGBTQist anti-Christian) positions adopted by the disgusting Democrats right now plays into our hands. Few whites will ever be genuine extremists until their backs are literally (not metaphorically) against the wall. But a lot more whites will become attracted to the racial facticity of Jared Taylor, and the reasonable and (in ideologically absolute terms) moderate rhetoric of Greg Johnson’s “racial divorce” theme.
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