Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 172
Space: A Dream Deferred
Greg Johnson & Paul Kersey on Hidden Figures
Counter-Currents Radio
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Since John Morgan is on vacation, Paul Kersey joins Greg Johnson this week for a film discussion on Hidden Figures, Interstellar, and black hostility to the space program:
- Trevor Lynch reviews Hidden Figures
- Paul Kersey on Hidden Figures (with picture of Katherine Johnson)
- Paul Kersey on Black opposition to the space program
- Paul Kersey’s Whitey on the Moon: Race, Politics, and the Death of the US Space Program, 1958-1972
- Paul’s blog, Stuff Black People Don’t Like
- Gil Scott Heron’s “Whitey on the Moon“
- Langston Hughes’ “Harlem“
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 172 Space: A Dream DeferredGreg Johnson & Paul Kersey on Hidden Figures
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Aside from the excellent content, it’s a rare pleasure to hear two clear-minded and articulate men have a discussion that is not littered with likes, y’knows, kinda, sorta, and the rising terminal interrogative tone.
And it’s still true that while Blacks endlessly complain that The Man is keeping them down, in fact he is the only thing holding them up.
excellent job. i will never see this movie but i can now discuss it intelligently. flying cars to flaming cars – the dream deferred. we want out $22 trillion back! also awesome to learn Greg is Trevor:)
I would suggest you look at Frank Raymond for an interview .
He has a very interesting non-white perspective on White Genocide and the agenda of political elites.
He has written a novel about it.
Very interesting. Frank Raymond – The Caucasian Mind: Transcending Biological Needs
Great meeting of great minds! Trying to build a civilization on the assumption of racial egalitarianism is akin to trying to derive Euclidean geometry inserting the postulate that a triangles angles sum to 300°. You can go some distance but it will ultimately breakdown to cacophony. You’ll end up in the alternate reality of nonEuclidean geometry.
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