Meme Magic is Real:
Neville Goddard’s Feeling is the Secret
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Neville Goddard
Feeling is the Secret
Edited by James J. O’Meara, Kindle, 2016
“This book is concerned with the art of realizing your desire. It gives you an account of the mechanism used in the production of the visible world. It is a small book but not slight. There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.”
Thus begins this remarkable booklet by Neville Lancelot Goddard, forgotten Master of America’s home-grown Hermeticism, native-born Neo-Platonism, and two-fisted Traditionalism: “New Thought.”
A self-taught mystic whose charismatic, British-accented presence thrived on the then-cutting-edge audio-visual lecture circuit, the man calling himself “Neville” (like Cher or Madonna) lectured every week on either coast to overflow crowds and even had his own TV show. Neville was post-war America’s own Alan Watts, only better; he distilled from Tradition something he modestly called “a simple method for changing the future” and taught it to everyone for free.
This Kindle edition includes an exclusive essay by James J. O’Meara which displays for the first time Neville’s roots in the hermetic magic expounded by René Guénon and Julius Evola.
Find out why Aleister Crowley’s private secretary, Israel Regardie, said that of all the so-called “self-help” systems he knew, “Neville’s is the most magical.”
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>Thus begins this remarkable booklet by Neville Lancelot Goddard, forgotten Master of America’s home-grown Hermeticism, native-born Neo-Platonism, and two-fisted Traditionalism: “New Thought.
>an exclusive essay by James J. O’Meara which displays for the first time Neville’s roots in the hermetic magic expounded by René Guénon and Julius Evola.
Interesting. Most Traditionalist would usually classify New Thought stuff as New Age pablum.
Au contriare it is unsurprising as this blog already reveres Evola.
As Adorno has shown in his critique of astrology, the dabblers in occultism and the dilettantes of fascism are cut from the same cloth.
Just as ‘the sleep of reason produces monsters’ so the decay of the ruling class creates the dandy, the dreamer and finally the fascist. This is a type that can be seen in all eras from Plato through Fichte and the Right Hegelians to these ‘alt-right’ / nouvelle droite cast of characters.
Far from heralding an atavistic restoration of a hidden or lost ‘Order’ they represent nowadays merely a fungiod excresence from the detritus of Late Capitalism.
Adorno once more (pace Bebel): ‘Occultism is the metaphysics of dunces’.
I’ll take Plato over some old commie slobbering over “negro jazz” who set up Atlantic Records as a CIA psy-op.
1.We can begin with the sociologist D. G. MacRae’s widely quoted recollection that, upon meeting Adorno for the first time, he found him “the most arrogant, self-indulgent (intellectually and culturally) man I had ever met.” Reflecting on his evaluation two decades later, he went on to observe, “I can think of additional claimants for that position, but I doubt if they are serious rivals.”2
2. Hannah Arendt described Adorno to Karl Jaspers as “one of the most repulsive human beings I know” (and, let us not forget, this comes from a woman who somehow managed to find Martin Heidegger fling-worthy). The immediate cause of Arendt’s outburst was her suspicion that Adorno and Horkheimer (“a really disgusting bunch”) had been behind a recent article in Der Spiegel that raised the issue of Heidegger’s Nazism.3
3. While Karl Jaspers responded to Arendt that he thought that Der Spiegel‘s interest in Heidegger’s National Socialist past “legitimate,” he was no kinder toward Adorno. He characterized him “a fraud” and declared “In what I have read of him, I find nothing worthy of serious consideration ….”4
4. In a letter to Kurt Weill, Lotte Lenya called Adorno a “paleface flaming asshole” — the occasion for this outburst was a letter from Adorno to Weill in support of Brecht’s proposal that Weill surrender his rights as composer of the Threepenny Opera in order that Brecht might mount a new production with different music. Adorno proposed that music for the play be supplied by a “Negro jazz ensemble” playing with “the greatest and most radical improvisatory freedom,” a suggestion that Weill described to Lenya as “completely idiotic.”5
5. Siegfried Kracauer described an article Adorno had written on him as “emotionally laden” and “slanderous” and wrote that Adorno himself “does not shrink from telling falsehoods.”6
6. The Leo Lowenthal papers at Harvard contain a letter from Lowenthal to Horkheimer dating from the summer of 1941 that begins with the words “I hate Teddy” and proceeds to explain, at some length, why. Subsequent letters charged that Adorno’s “boundless narcissism” and “vanity” regularly undermined his relationships with other colleagues. Horkheimer, as far as I can tell, sensibly opted not to respond. After all, he had work to do (and so do I).
Are you really citing Adorno, this Jewish pseudo-philosopher, the one who knew nothing at all about metaphysics and the occult, the one who said the following?
“May all the German Horst, and Guenter roll in their blood and all the Inge girls be put into the Polish Bordellos, given preferences to Jewish men.”
“Everything happened the way we have hoped for for years, the land [*Germany] is a garbage dump, Millions of Hansjuergen and Ute [*popular names] are dead.”
(Theodor W. Adorno: “Briefe an die Eltern” 1939 bis 1951. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 2003.)
I searched for the Kindle edition, but it seems it is not available yet? I only found an edition from 2014, and I guess that one does not contain the annotations by the esteemed James J. O’Meara. Please add the link to the article as soon as the Kindle becomes available!
Try again.
Now I have found it on Amazon:
But the page says: “This title is not currently available for purchase”. So something may be wrong.
I was able to use the link to purchase one yesterday.
Are you outside the USA? Amazon seems unwilling to sell public domain texts outside the USA unless one can provide all kinds of “evidence’ that I haven’t bothered with. I think it has something to do with all those globalist treaties and things Trump is always talking about. Sorry, all our foreign friends!
I do like how Neville distills magical laws to their very essense. It is too bad that many people do not see that politicians and priests use them all the time too. Knowing them is one way to protect yourself from those who would like to deceive you and take your personal identity away. Ad men use your feelings against you all the time too to create confusion and conformity. So it is not just becoming what you want to be, it is also recognizing when others are devious. Most of these ideas were re-discovered during the renaissance, but they had to use coded language to avoid persecution by the church. People disparage the new age stuff of hippies etc. but it was again a rediscovery albeit quite naive and then corrupted by the left and I might add evangelical Christians on the right. I wonder who got to them?
“So it is not just becoming what you want to be, it is also recognizing when others are devious.”
Yes, if you don’t control your own self-talking, someone else will.
I’m very grateful for this article and for Mr. O’Meara’s excellent commentary. This kind of “intersectionality” is why I enjoy Counter-Currents a great deal. Where else would I have stumbled across an author like this?
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