1,148 words
I’m going to go ahead and assume that the basic narrative the mainstream media is piecing together is correct: that Wade Michael Page is a white supremacist skinhead who burst into a Sikh temple and slaughtered a bunch of foreigners for being foreigners.
It’s all very early and new information could radically change the narrative, but I’m going to plow forward with my hunch that it’s pretty much true. I know he has a background in military “PsyOps.” I know the media is being biased against us in its coverage of the event and exploiting the tragedy for all it’s worth . . . and that water is wet. I know there are pieces missing from the puzzle, but for the sake of this piece, I’m going to assume the rest of the pieces will pretty much add up to the aforementioned narrative.
According to an interview, Mr. Page declared that he named his skinhead band “End Apathy” because he wanted to “figure out how to end people’s apathetic ways” and start “moving forward.” I’m going to balance some conjecture and projection atop these preliminary reports and offer the preliminary conclusion that he slaughtered these unfortunate people out of a driving need to “do something!”
After all, Western Civilization hangs in the balance. Our entire race and all of our nations and folkways are being systematically targeted for oblivion. If nothing is done, Europe will fall to Islam and America will fall to a surge of Third World invaders within my lifetime. The prospect for both ourselves and for our future generations is decidedly bleak, as the natural impulse our own forefathers indulged to exploit and oppress the weak will be amplified by the resentment these groups openly and strongly harbor for our people.
Surely, given the stakes, something must be done, right?
No. Mr. Page’s rampage was worse than doing nothing. Breivik’s rampage, while decidedly more polished than this one, was worse than doing nothing. Even my Hoosier Nation project, which incidentally didn’t involve anybody being slaughtered, was at best a waste of time and money. The blog posts, the meetings, the campaigns, the organizations, and the comments (especially the comments) are a big distracting waste of time and money . . . at best. The projects of yesteryear were a waste of time, as well. That’s not to say that the men and women involved were anything less than honorable or that their sacrifices were unappreciated, but an honest appraisal of the “White Nationalist” movement’s successes and failures is a decidedly one-sided appraisal of cascading failures.
Buffoons who think that the Confederate States of America are a model to emulate, frothing Jew-haters hellbent on persecuting those who aren’t as venomous and monomaniacal as they are, and historical hobbyists jockey to offer “the way” to a large and growing audience of sincere and intelligent people who are desperate for leadership.
I was one of those “leaders.” My leadership consisted of wandering around in circles through various doomed schemes to effectively engage mainstream politics. But to debate about whether the something to be done should be “mainstream” or “radical” relies on the the false assumption that something must be done.
A couple weeks ago, I happened upon a car that was idled at a busy intersection. I pulled into a nearby parking lot and jogged over to see if I could assist the driver. He was cursing and yelling like a madman, slamming his fists against the steering wheel and beating his foot on the accelerator . . . revving the engine without moving forward.
“Excuse me, sir. Would you like me to help push your car over to that parking lot where you won’t get rear-ended?”
“No! I’m fucking late for work again because of this goddamn car!”
I stared blankly, unsure what to say next.
“Just go!” he spat.
So I just went.
As I drove away, he was descending further into his pathetic tantrum, with billows of smoke rolling out of the grill. For whatever reason, he had a mental block against taking a step back from the problem, looking at the big picture, and calmly settling on the best possible solution. Paradoxically, his intense desire to get where he needed to go compelled him to accomplish the opposite . . . further damaging a car which was already in disrepair. He was already going to miss his appointment, but he was in denial. He couldn’t bear to face what he had already lost and soberly plan for the best possible outcome in light of his unfortunate circumstance.
Within our movement, both mainstreamers and radicals alike find themselves in a similar state of denial. “If we could just persuade enough people with a mantra or a book or something, we could restore the American system and way of life! If we could just muster up enough votes, we could turn this ship around!” Conversely, radicals often see through that charade, concluding that it’s merely a matter of going berserk on enough traitors and invaders. But even Breivik’s well-planned act and effective follow-up has almost surely failed to accomplish its intended goal. Unless Wade Michael Page has a manifesto even more carefully and thoughtfully planned than Anders Breivik or Ted Kaczynski (a rather unlikely proposition), his episode will have absolutely no other effect for us than to further alienate the general public from our movement.
Counter-Currents occupies a unique niche in the habitat of radical right organizations and publications, emphasizing education over activism. Metaphorically, reading and supporting Counter-Currents is the equivalent of the stranger with car problems accepting my offer to push him out of immediate danger, then sitting and reading some manuals on car maintenance and repair. It doesn’t fall into the “mainstreamer” error of allowing our opponents and audiences to define the parameters of our discussion and debate. It doesn’t fall into the “radical” error of setting a false timetable and ending up doing something when doing nothing would have been strategically preferable.
That’s not to say that inaction and resignation is the solution. It’s not. At some point, leadership and action will be necessary. But that leadership and action must be informed, enlightened, and inspired. That leadership must be aware of the countless detours and dead-ends that await those whose aim is to rescue our people from oblivion. It must be positive rather than reactive, philosophically grounded, spiritually healthy, politically savvy, and socially viral. It needn’t be perfect, of course, but it needs to be superior to anything currently extant. To get to that point will require stepping back from “taking action” and engaging in “activism” long enough to survey the entire situation — which necessarily entails “esoteric” and “philosophical” considerations — and approach the problem from a more promising angle.
Until then, my advice for those who ask what should be done — aside from educating yourself and those with ears to hear — is to do nothing.
See also: Greg Johnson, “First, Do no Harm”
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“The blog posts, the meetings, the campaigns, the organizations, and the comments (especially the comments) are a big distracting waste of time and money . . . at best.”
I wonder what they are at worst?
At worst, they are counterproductive.
Matt Parrott in blockquote:
At long last, enough of us are beginning to see the “actions” that were “suggested” to us have led only to a track record that does not inspire confidence. From joining “organizations” that considered a bedsheet and a pillowcase with eyeholes in it to be formal attire, to flyers, to newspapers, all to no good effect whatsoever.
Quite the contrary, until Harold Covington realized the only Answer was not to play Lucy’s Rules Football by Lucy’s Rules. With counter-currents developing the metapolitical focus, and the Northwest Republic as the temporal bridge and analytical model, and Bob Whitaker’s painfully gained political expertise, we might actually get somewhere WE want to go.
Ergo, the importance of sending money to counter-currents, each and every month.
This is an excellent article, with excellent advice.
One cannot attend racially-aware or white-nationalist functions, without hearing a myriad of opinions of what needs to be done.
I do agree that “education” is a step in the right direction, but the question naturally arises, education along what lines?
It’s here that I’d interject a strong conviction: until whites (as a whole) regain a unifying philosophical outlook – a “religion” – we’ll never have the ability to act as a unit.
Anti-religion is the cancer of the West.
Anti-religion is a healthy and appropriate response to “religion” as it’s been manifesting in the West for a long time, now, in my opinion. I believe a good share of people who see themselves as “atheists” or “skeptics” would be open to reconsidering if they saw faith and transcendence for what it could be rather than the mockery it’s become.
“Counter-Currents occupies a unique niche in the habitat of radical right organizations and publications, emphasizing education over activism.” I think there is a place for different media and organizational enterprises, methods, and priorities in this context. These things can and should be complementary. Counter-Currents can emphasize education over activism. Other enterprises can engage in education for activism or education through activism.
I’ve heard that Lenin once said that among socialists there was a short distance between economism on one hand and terrorism on the other. The equivalents of these deviations among White nationalists are mainstreaming and extremism. At first glance, these things may appear to have nothing in common, but they do. To put it crudely, the mainstreamer believes that they are one election away from victory, while the extremist believes that they are one bombing or shooting away from victory. Both the mainstreamer and the extremist practice magical thinking; both think in terms of quick fixes; both fail to adequately consider their actions and the consequences of their actions.
Guillaume Faye distinguishes radicalism from extremism. Radicalism means going to the root of things. Radicalism means working creatively, comprehensively, systematically, persistently. Radicalism is not a middle of the road position between mainstreaming and extremism. Radicalism builds new roads to new destinations. If mainstreaming and extremism effectively define themselves in relation to the existing system, radicalism effectively defines itself in relation to a new system.
Matt writes, “my advice for those who ask what should be done — aside from educating yourself and those with ears to hear — is to do nothing.”
I disagree strongly with this idea and have done so for several years. I have written that 15 years ago many intelligent, thoughtful WNs’ inclinations were more activist in nature, but that was squelched when powerfully magnetic Kevin MacDonald’s CMS group, unnoticed until then, became active to the extent of its members withdrawing into a secret salon (so to speak). The value of Kevin’s output, extraordinary both in quality and quantity, is completely beyond question in my opinion; it stands virtually alone.
I have said, though, that at that time the direction of the WN dynamic changed from horizontal to vertical, resulting in a shift of focus from “what can we do” to “what can we read” – and “what can we write.” Educating ourselves and others is necessary, of course. But I believe there has always been a range of actions that, with some degree of organization and targeting, WN’s could have been engaging in, neither at the extreme of violence nor at the extreme of philosophical stagnancy.
It’s my guess that potential activists of quality have eventually wandered away; there’s just so much time that a person can continue walking in place. It is in working together toward a common goal, not reading together for common enlightenment, that living relationships, teams (armies?), and the all-important sense of investment are built. And yet . . . the Scandinavians appear to be coming to save us, one by one.
This is way beside the point, but if any of you saw “Take Shelter,” in the last few seconds of this truly gripping film, as the husband, wife, and child gaze out across the ocean to the wall to wall approaching “storm,” did the name Raspail enter your head, as it did mine?
“It is in working together toward a common goal, not reading together for common enlightenment, that living relationships, teams (armies?), and the all-important sense of investment are built.”
Actually, you’ve described a host of group traits and offered no biological basis for it; working toward a common goal is something already coherent groups do to prosper, not to cohere. Consider beaver dams. They don’t build dams to become beaver groups. They are groups, so they build dams.
For this suite of traits there are two possible grounds:
– family / relatedness
– direct, team-based competition
Under family (1) & (3) of your list, under team competition (2) [cf. Robbers Cave Experiment].
Given that, it’s perfectly in order that white nationalism 2.0 has settled into “what we can read”. There really was and is no “what we can do” otherwise, and it was idealism to think so. Sorry to tell you that. Everything has drifted internetward; it isn’t unique to white nationalism, but it has provided a unique refuge to white nationalism, and the content is suiting the medium more and more.
MOB, I know you like to wag your finger and gripe about Kevin MacDonald’s talking club. You attribute to malice what is better, I should say more sanely, attributed to what I have just described — the social limits to white activism.
Moreover I have never seen you prescribe any sort of action, nor seen you take part in any; it is no surprise to me that you don’t understand the proper origins of real group coherence, and hold it against white nationalist writers when they don’t do what you want them to do.
And worse, here’s Matt Parrott calmly suggesting that do-something mania is feverish and useless, and it’s better to not blow one’s lid over nothing. And yet it wasn’t MOB who gave talks and stood on icy street corners for some vain point of real-world activism; it was Matt Parrott.
In the end, the limits of this thing were revealed long ago, but the idealism of its adherents has been tireless in denying them — haranguing themselves and each other with an immoderate yet paradoxically empty narrative of “action”. All this has really achieved is to further subdivide whites into groups (a) and (b), in this case, WNs who “believe in action”, and those who do not.
What those who do not believe have going for them is that belief is wish-fulfillment fantasy, something done to counteract the leaden facts of an unsatisfying reality, so disbelief serves to “center” one in a life which was never going to be perfect, and contained no secret series of actions which would result in the mundane apotheosis cherished by all believers.
What those who believe have going for them is pretty much only the constant, and negative, transfiguring effect of belief — that the world could be what they desire if others could be made to play along. The origin of this mindset in a woman is quite easy to deduce.
The more you tell yourself “our situation is desperate”, the more desperate you will feel, and the more you will believe that “action is necessary”. It may well be that Matt’s quietism — which I have also been mocked for prescribing — is a better strategy than symbol-induced private psychosis.
The most anyone can do is to secure oneself against the age. These white men going wild with guns are predictable symptoms of this age, they are not insane, they are lonely white men who became sick of it all and lashed out at some small part of the human landscape of dispossession. It really shouldn’t be scandalous or labeled “defeatism” to counsel one’s fellows to keep their cool and acknowledge the limits upon their individual existence. It doesn’t deserve castigation coded in the rhetoric of group action.
MOB is correct, as she often is. Loading up the old blunderbuss with tawdry ad hominem insults won’t change that.
This “movement” has essentially shriveled away to nothing over the past decade. That’s what she’s referring to, and it is glaringly obvious.
The Internet, and reading, or writing, do not represent progress, and I don’t think anyone seriously believes they do. Let’s face it, most people in the movement don’t really care even about the survival of the white race.
In terms of white nationalism, the Internet is much deader today than it was ten years ago, and will be deader five years from now than it is today. It’s a coffin, not a refuge.
We have seen all this before in a slightly different social context: Buckleyism. Anyone who grasps the essentials of power in this society—which is intellectually, though apparently not psychologically or emotionally, easy to do—can readily understand the forces that led to this dead end.
We live in a totalitarian (in terms of white activism) society, which means that there are concrete reasons why little can be done. Writers could at least analyze or acknowledge such facts, however—i.e., discuss the concrete aspects of power. That would at least be positive.
If it was so very clear that whites aren’t, and can’t be, a group for genetic or psychological reasons (I guess William Pierce and other dense people overlooked that), then the counsel to lie down and die, or do nothing, might be appropriate, though not moral. Otherwise, it’s a murder-suicide pact with our Jewish/government overlords.
I do acknowledge, however, that most whites, including most white nationalists, have signed onto it.
You are right about the individuals who go on shooting sprees. What is remarkable isn’t that they pop up, but how few of them do. The Jews and government have to date paid no price for genocide. They could care less about the tiny collateral damage the population experiences, which simply serves as more grist for their “Hate Whites, Suppress Whites, Kill Whites” propaganda mill.
They’re already moving full-throttle, though, so such acts can’t accelerate the process.
I am certain that each day the rulers are absolutely amazed at the colossal crimes they get away with, scot-free. They are historically unprecedented, except for Communism.
The rulers are guilty, and they know it. They are clearly convinced that there is no just God, indeed no just order in the universe whatsoever.
All right, my personal affront aside — for which sorry, MOB — is she right? has “the movement” shriveled up? was there a movement to begin with? is the notion of movements itself valid, a solid fact of history or a modern buzzword? what if it isn’t? does it become silly or wrong or immoral to chastise a man who suddenly sees the futility of a bad attitude and reminds us to not violate the golden rule for no good reason?
If there was never a movement, the ability to level the word ‘defeatism’ disappears. Suddenly there is one less weapon in the ideologue’s arsenal.
If the notion of ‘movement’ is even questionable, meaning that it does not presuppose any ultimate valence in the direction of society but only reflects the possibly very narrow interests of one segment thereof, it becomes impossible to deride those who question the utility of mostly pathetic attempts at activism.
It also brings into view the most uncomfortable possibility of all: that nothing can be done, and that, that above all, must not be allowed. For then what are we doing, right? We might as well kill ourselves. A “murder/suicide pact”, you called it.
I call that melodramatic hogwash. Here Matt has actually broken with the entire crowd of do-somethingers. He did a while ago in fact, but no one seems to have noticed. But here in particular he’s essentially wiped his hands of all victory-or-death pretense. It is a declaration of independence, of which the sole signatory is Matt Parott.
And what of the activists who wandered of? From what I’ve seen, a bunch of eccentrics with some money who became half-interested, then through some vagary or another, went back to their own lives. This happens because we aren’t related. No one is someone else’s nephew or cousin, or even a nephew’s neighbor. No one’s father worked with someone else’s half-brother on a project out west. It is all just a bunch of totally unrelated particles drifting into each other’s orbit, hanging together very loosely compared to other groups, and finally repelling each other by the action of their own idiosyncratic patterns.
It’s entirely possible an egghead like William Pierce might miss this critical fact. From what I’ve read of his writings, I can’t tell that he was reading W.D. Hamilton, for example, so already I don’t know that he was privy to what we are by virtue of having survived him and ordering books from Amazon.
For me, the coefficient of relationship and its cultural ramifications is the most important angle in human psychology since …. whatever. It demands of an informal bunch of people who aspire to group politics nothing less than a total reordering of the house with it as centerpiece. For too long white nationalists have been seeing the matter backward or inverted — we’re white, so let’s band together. But evolutionary biology turns out to be somewhat as uncomfortable for WNs as for feminists, for it states that the advantage is by and large with consanguineous breeding groups, not of course with diffuse social networks.
And think of this — of what are whites most afraid? what are their greatest taboos, apart from using a hard ‘j’ when saying Jewish? Precisely the mechanisms of tribal cohesion elsewhere — young brides, arranged marriage, cousin marriage, dowry, chauvinism, sexual segregation, patriarchy; in short, the blood-based morality which forms the bedrock of speciation. Whites have turned their backs on the human norm and are paying the price in their cultural obsessions.
I’m only trying to defend Matt’s piece, though. It’s very probable that “do something” is a sort of mania which drives us a little mad like mice in a smooth plastic bucket. No? Aren’t those two quoting authors to that effect below? They’re speaking of themselves.
Who are you and what is your track record of success? In short why does your opinion matter? You have said everything you have done has failed, so really that is reason not to take your advice. If I want good advice, do I ask a winner or a loser?
As for your criticism of “mantras”, the left has used them and they have worked amazingly well for the anti-white cause. Calling white people racist, over and over, is a mantra is it not? It has worked has it not?
As for political violence, if only Al Gore had shot up a Sikh temple, he would have made President for sure. DUH…
Terrorism as a rule is stupid and counter productive. It worked for the Jews, but that was an exception as they owned the media and had big money behind them.
I didn’t say to give up, fail, or enter a “suicide pact”. I said not to do anything until you have a lucid and credible plan. Until then, you do the things which will empower you to devise the plan and successfully execute it.
While I don’t have any more success to point to than anybody else, I’ve definitely put in enough time and effort to warrant my reporting what I feel that I’ve learned from my experience.
I don’t believe the mantra is especially useful beyond a relatively narrow scope. The problem runs deeper than exposing some logical contradictions, inconsistencies, and double-standards in our opponents’ rhetoric.
Highlighting those things adds value, and we all had to start somewhere. As for it amounting to something more than that, that’s where I think it starts to sound like NLP pseudoscience and new-agey hypnosis shenanigans I’m not down with.
The opposition rarely, if ever, ‘denies their extremists’, and patiently visit upon the public the laundry list of issues responsible for acts of intolerance and revolution – this tactic has succeeded.
The fear and reaction that is always followed by the denizens of racial-nationalism after tragedies like this is common fare, yet the fact remains that today, days after this event, the life of the West continues its decline, denying even more [white] ‘youth’ their ability to define their future, and share the Traditions of their parents and grandparents with them in their later years – in other words, to share a peaceful existence with family and friends, without the ‘tragedy’ of murder, rape, economic chaos, environmental destruction and the like, brought here by denizens of foreign lands, and the Treason of our own kind.
Do nothing? There was a Party with this name.
Sometimes, the Abyss looks back.
Again, the historical process has to play itself out. The next few decades are not going to be pretty for White folks, as their position in life deteriorates. As a matter of fact, it’s going to get very ugly, especially for the clueless in White la-la land. While the fatally flawed system self destructs, our duty is to help it along, and build up an ideologically committed White cadre to replace it.
As usual, not one poster – or the author Matt Parrott – bothers to address the #1 most serious problem facing our people. That problem is white race treason by our supposed white elites.
Assuming we ever do manage to get ourselves an exclusively White Ethnostate, we can most certainly enact laws that make race treason a capital offense, punishable by swift and certain execution. In fact, this is a non-negotiable issue as far as I am concerned.
But we are dealing with the present. And, unless and until we can physically remove White race traitors from every position of influence and leadership – nothing is going to change and our race will be genocided by our jewish enemies.
Luke, I am just back from visiting an old neighbor and from the conversion this morning I would have to disagree that the #1 most serious problem facing our people. That problem is white race treason by our supposed white elites. The most serious problem that we have is our children. Too many of them are rude and hostile and calling the grandmother a f….. b…… and not helping the 78 year old grandfather carry the groceries is not a good omen for our future. And yes they went to “good” schools and yes, economically they are middle class and yes there are many wonderful White children out there but, alas, more and more of them are not a credit to “the race.”
In short, if the latest “lone gunman” wasn’t a “pschyo-op” then it was merely an extension of the bad behavior of so many of our children. Not only is there the “race problem” but also there is the internal race problem. On the bright side my money is not being wasted supporting this site and I hope it benefits all the decent children out there.
Actually, I did reference traitors in my piece.
What’s your plan of action?
Let’s go ahead and accept your rather sensible claim that White elites are playing a central role in our dispossession. How do we (define: we) stop (force? persuasion? influence? …?) them (define: them)?
I’m not being deliberately dense, here. The only thing “pro-White” can possibly be is anti-Other, because to move forward requires defining what “forward” is. It requires more than merely identifying some opponents (not that you’ve actually done that).
Okay, Matt. I understand both your frustration and your point. I share them both.
One thing that Whites can do is to STOP allowing our White elites to betray us over and over and over and yet we still vote for these backstabbing rats. I shouldn’t need to tell anyone who’s a White racially awake man or woman what kind of message that sort of behavior sends to guys like the despicably evil Bush family or to Mitt Romney and the rest of these RINO, Neo-Con, globalist, open borders supporting anti-white rats. They laugh at us, Matt. They sip their cocktails or snort their lines of Columbian coke at their establishment GOP parties and take turns cracking jokes about brain dead, tree-stump STUPID and easy to snooker their ‘conservative’ White base has been for the last 50 or 60 years.
I remember Dr. Pierce’s analogy to a fawning dog, who the harder it got kicked, the faster it wagged its tail. That is a perfect analogy for the behavior of our fellow White European kinsmen and women, Matt.
I was out today, mowing the grass and I was remembering Mitt Romney at one of the GOP debates when one of the court jews on the interrogation panel asked him about the Confederate Flag and Mittens got a practiced and rehearsed scowl on his face and started taking a major bowel movement all over that sacred flag and everything it represented. He said it had ‘no place’ in our society. That debate was on national TV, Matt. And, I would bet a big sum of cash that there are very few homes in the South that are without a TV. So, what’s my point?
A few short months later, Mitt Romney was down South and campaigning in the Southern state primaries and he was on stage, wearing good old boy clothes and swearing to all his audiences how much he loved grits and Southern cooking. And, those stupid white numbskulls were hooping and hollering and lapping this lying donkey manure up, Matt. I didn’t see even one video clip of any of my fellow Southerners carrying tar and feathers to one of Romney’s rallies.
This Yankee, anti-White, carpet bagging elitist WORM insults the entire Old South on national television, and disrespects the ancestors of those Southerners who fought in the War Between the States – and who died or got horribly wounded for a cause that was right then and which is still right today, and yet those White Southerners pulled out their handkerchiefs and pretended the moisture on their faces wasn’t really Romney’s spit, but merely the morning dew – and CHEERED and voted for that piece of scum?
You understand now, why I laugh whenever I hear anyone spew the term ‘White Supremacist’ at any member of our race?
Whites need to learn how to hold grudges, Matt. We need to make sure that there is a penalty to pay for betraying us or for insulting our people. Right now, there aren’t any penalties and these race treasonous white elites are laughing at us for our willingness to be crapped upon.
Unless and until our white leaders begin to fear our wrath, nothing is going to change.
Saw the front page of NY Times today and thought to my self “what an extraordinarily ugly untermensch we have here.”
I don’t know what your movement should do. Certainly you can analyize and advocate in sane, reasonable, moral terms. However your education efforts involve persuading people that the present is utterly grim, and the future, absent revolutionary changes is worse. Mr. Parrot talks about “oblivion,” others call it “genocide.” And the revolutionary changes proposed here require the dissolution of a nation and its constitution and the involuntary geographic transfer of tens of millions of peoples across a huge geographic area — something that has never happened before on any scale absent catastrophic full scale war (Germany after WWII) or impending civil war (Indian subconteint in late forties). A grim and in my opinion insane cure for a grim disease of which literally only a few thousand people are currently persuaded is the correct diagnosis.
Despair and anger is the natural outcome of believing in this cause. Anger, especially, that so few whties understand the problem and proposed solution. And violent ugly souls filled with that despair and anger will have a greater propensity towards criminality and violence.
Alternative would be to become more moderate and reasonable in both diagnosis and suggested cure, and behave like civilized whites with the single minded focus of maintaining and improving the white genetic stream as it progresses through the centuries to come. Which does not necessitate separation, unless the white race is so weak as to not to be worth preserving. to my mind preserving and furthering the spiritual and cultural legacy of white civilization is much simpler and more doable: live in overwhelmingly white areas (like most white Americans do), have children if you and mate are intelligent and mentally healthy and productive, send those children to mostly white schools (like most Americans do).
Your last paragraph is a passive aggressive justification for white genocide.
No one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… “have more babies, send them to whites only schools (which are force integrated)” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.
No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and telling them… “have more babies, send them to whites only schools (which are force integrated)” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Japan.
Only white countries are doing this, only Anti-whites like you are pushing it. Its GeNOcide.
Brother Derry? Robert Stark of the Voice of Reason Network did a show recently with some guest who was named Richard Smith. This Smith character was supposedly a former ‘liberal’ who had decided to ‘see the light on racial issues’ , and about half or three quarters into the show, the Smith fellow confesses to being part jewish. Alarm bells immediately went off in my head, but even before that – listening to this guy’s diatribe, I had already begun to have a few suspicions, because I could recognize very familiar catch-phrases and sensed that this fellow was a mole who was trying to worm his way into our movement and ‘steer’ it into directions which benefit jews and not Whites.
Just like your observation: “@Markus ;
Your last paragraph is a passive aggressive justification for white genocide.”
This Richard Smith fellow was also preaching how White Nationalists needed to become more ‘moderate’, to reach out so they could appeal to the mainstream. Where have we heard this suicidal bull manure before? Our own enemy controlled media, if the GOP picks a candidate who has been running as a right wing conservative in order to snooker the base into voting for him – no sooner than the primaries are over, the enemy controlled media will immediately start editorializing and spewing ‘advice’ to the GOP candidate about how he has to move to the ‘middle’, to moderate his positions in order to win the election. This pattern and this tactic is so repetitive that you can set your watch by it – it happens over and over and over. End result? GOP candidate loses, because the conservative base gets disgusted with him spewing liberal sounding baloney after he had promised them red meat conservatism – and they stay home on election day. Or, if by some miracle the GOP candidate wins – then the enemy media will immediately start editorializing about how he needs to ‘reach out’ to the parasites who didn’t vote for him and to mend fences and build bridges and be bi-partisan and even appoint liberals to his cabinet and let them be his advisers. Does the left do that when they win?
Hell no, they don’t. The left plays hardball – and they’re willing to get 40,000 or more innocent people along our border killed in cold blood with weapons that they GAVE to the drug cartels – all so they can use their deaths as a fabricated justification to confiscate the firearms of a law-abiding White Americans.
You can’t defeat Evil by being a goody-two-shoes. You defeat evil by being more ruthless and calculated and determined than the enemy is. Moderation is a loser’s cup of hemlock. Moderation means (a) never naming the jew, (b) letting jews flood into our movement and elbow our White leaders aside and take over the movement, (c) allowing jews to control or be inside our movement spells a continuation of status quo, which includes White Genocide.
I’ve got a hunch that Richard Smith and ‘Markus’ share the same genetics. Oh, and in the Stark interview – to cite an example of unbelievable jewish chutzpah – the subject of the BNP came up briefly, and as we all know – the BNP has just about disappeared down into the memory hole over in the UK. The reason the BNP is dead on the vine and is losing the promising support that it initally attacted – is BECAUSE Nick Griffin listened to the Jared Taylors and to the Richard Smiths and to the Markus’s and ‘moderated’ his tone and positions. This immediately lead to our enemies flooding into the party and watering down its message and steering it into directions that, once again, benefited jews and not Whites. How many times is our enemy going to sucker punch us like this before we finally WISE UP?
Bingo. Markus is a Jew who knows how to play political chess, thinking many moves ahead. I posted his comments because I wanted to see if any of our readers are astute enough to spot him. Good work.
If memory serves, there was someone who posted here under the name “Charles Martel.” One of the points he made was for “moderation,” and tacit support for Israel as :that’s a pretty rough part of the world.” Is there a strong similarity between their writing styles?
Incidentally, I think someone of Bob Whitaker’s site speculated his writing style might resemble the writing style of someone called “Yggdrasil.” Not that they’re one and the same person, or anything.
There is also a “Charles Martel” commenting from time to time on the Men’s Movement website “the-spearhed.” The Men’s Movement has been described here as having common ground with White Nationalists.
Just saying.
Not only do we need to be on guard against agents provocateurs, we also need to be on guard against agents conformistes. In his article “Agents Provocateurs as a Type of Faux Activist,” Gary T. Marx uses the term “agents conformistes” to refer to agents who seek to redirect movements away from illegal actions; I think this term can and should be used more broadly to refer to agents who seek to redirect movements by promoting “moderation” and “mainstreaming.” We need to educate people on our side so that they are vigilant against both forms of agents and the traps they use.
With the current “voluntary” association system you speak of, and mass legal third world immigration, it is only a matter of time before the left will eliminate my race, the white race.
Don’t underestimate the power of the totally left controlled mainstream media. Not only can the average white be persuaded to stand silent in the face of our racial suicide, some people can be persuaded through propaganda to commit individual suicide in mass.
See “The Jonestown Massacre.”
If you want a moderate form of action to participate in go to whitakeronline.org and whiterabittradio.net
Until the political situation improves more among the general white population in the U.S. we will have to concentrate on just building fully racially conscious white communities and leave the secession idea for the next generation. That and continue our out reach to the general white population.
For starters, the national security state will not allow a Northwest secessionist movement to get started, at least not one organized on the internet (that is in the open) like Covington’s.
Even then it will have to forego any talk in its private meetings of preparing for a revolution.
Any such movement will be infiltrated, monitored and sabotaged.
I made four trips to the Northwest between fall 2008 and summer 2011. I met individuals and tiny groups in about four areas. I even met Covington a couple of times. I liked the man and he has a great and useful talent, but I can guarantee you NSA has the technology to find the address of everyone who has clicked Covington’s web site, probably even from a pubic library.
The larger and more open the groups in the Northwest were the more they were infiltrated. One young “White Nationalist” who bragged in our meetings in public restaurants the he was a “two time loser felon” was clearly a fed plant. I suspect there were fed or in one case Jewish plants in most of the locations. And I only met about two dozen people total. This is our movement?
The two time loser felon had a federal mental disability stipend (favorite way for feds to pass money under the table to infiltrators) and he and his apparently half Jewish wife propositioned me to “marry” temporarily an East European for purposes of obtaining said lady a green card. That would mean I’d end up before a federal jury.
The reasons the feds infiltrate and disrupts the Northwest movement I think is because they know it is the most dangerous potential rebellion locale. But we are dead in the water.
They have even started politically correct survivalist/f the feds groups out there that are aimed at attracting conservative Christians and Jews; so white nationalist couldn’t recruit them. They have covered all their bases.
Oh, and the restaurant we were at was a half block from the local FBI office. And the meeting place for the new “Freedom /Conservative Christian” movement was a block the other side of the FBI office.
I meet some sincere people out there but apparently the feds have put the fear of God into at least one parent, maybe under threat of taking their children away from them. One such parent almost panicked when I mentioned Covington’s movement.
Now this could radically change in even four or five years, given the awakening white populace in all the states, but as of today any movement anywhere that is openly secessionist (and that means if any more than four leaders at the top know secession is the ultimate goal) will be infiltrated and sabotaged.
As far back as 1995 Chittum wrote that white militias shouldn’t form and that in future white militia leaders would probably be killed on detection. I think ditto now for any serious potentially violent secessionist leaders. Even Britebart was apparently too dangerous for someone’s taste.
I don’t think the Feds worry about the L.O.S. because of the 20 million Blacks in the Southeast, not to mention the millions of Mexicans that have poured into Old Dixie.
What we need for probably the next half generation are not revolutionaries but community organizers. We are ruled by a community organizer.
And oh, the best propaganda tactics we have for spreading among the general white population IS the mantra. I just ran one anti-white off sodahead.com yesterday. He called himself Excalibur. After a half dozen exchanges he posted “This conversation if over” and blocked the response key so I couldn’t answer. The Mantra and whiterabbitradio.net practical politics work.
“What we need for probably the next half generation are not revolutionaries but community organizers.”
I think you are right about this. When I drive through a near-by black area I see a number of businesses started by blacks to build up their community. They likely get government help that a white business wouldn’t, and preferences for government contracts (but white women might be able to get that, too). A white would have to keep a low profile. You can’t put up signs about white empowerment or something. But if you you have a trade and hire a helper or two I expect you would be under the radar of the forces of pc. And you could influence a couple of young men, and perhaps enable them to marry and raise a family.
Sevral years back one good writer suggested we start simple business like cleaning gutters and hire a couple of politically sound white boys right out of highschool.
As to ideologically cleansing your selected neighborhood, it can start with something as simple as a couple of cars parked on the neighborhood street with rebel vanity tags. White liberals and others will stop buying houses there and pre-existing libtards will choose sooner to leave.
philwhite’s basic points are all excellent, and right on the money.
Harold Covington has made it clear from Day One that his novels are FICTION, and he does not advocate the illegal use of force. Period.
That having been said, I have said from Day One that anything the Government wants to know, the Government will know. It’s the job of certain agencies to know, and that is that.
I have also said, as has Covington, that all we wish to accomplish can be done in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Covington was the first to notice how many people would join nominally self-defined White Nationalist organizations, and start talking about how “we” – always the plural – “we” are going to “show them what it is all about.”
Come to think of it, wasn’t the offensive, inappropriate, and damn foolish use of force a theme of Pierce’s novels? I think capping parking mudsharks and their paramours qualifies. Yes, I’m pretty sure it does. What was Pierce’s Purpose in writing with approval of such stunningly useless activities?
I ASSUME I am always talking to someone who is recording what I have to say on a wide range of issues, particularly when they start the conversations by discussing w wide range of acts. I would ASSUME I am talking to someone who will testify against me if they speak approvingly of anything repeat ANYTHING other than acting in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
I also assume that, in such cases, I am dealing with a Fool, someone who can not conceptualize how certain people took over our major Institutions without a shot being fired, much less learn from their example.
To those who argue political power comes from the barrel of a gun, I would argue it does so as long as the gun is pointed at someone. This requires a lot of manpower, and creates a visible presence, a living Symbol, of how you are controlled by the man with the gun. Why do you think Constantine made his peace with what he made of Christianity?
Of much more substantial importance is the nature and essence of political effectiveness.
Covington addresses that as well, as do the writers at counter-currents. Bob Whitaker has addressed this numerous times, as has VNN/F’s “Hugh.”
Covington is not challenging governance head-on. He is outlining, in works of fiction, pure damn fiction, some ideas of how a future government could emerge and be effective in the Northwest.
And as for those who were “convinced” into using the inappropriate use of force, can anyone imagine what might have been if Bob Mathews, David Eden Lane, and their associates, worked within an “apple pie, strictly legal,” organizational model suggested by Covington?
Let’s assume that David Eden Lane, after having formed local businesses based on ecological economics, including cooperatives and credit unions instead of banks, and organic partnerships instead of conventional loans for financing projects, heard and answered The Call.
Lane formed The Church of The Cosmotheistic Community, and all members of the Church tithed from the top of their income. Average income of, say, $30,000/yr., twelve founding members (these men and their associates would Inspire membership!) as the core of the First Order of Priesthood. Gross income, minimum, $36,000. Donation of in-kind services – building the Church building and the Parsonage – lowers the cost of operation. More join; let’s assume a membership growth rate of twenty percent for thirty years. Compound the investment at, say, the long-term growth rate of the US economy, say, three percent.
How much is available after thirty years?
Enough to make a difference, a meaningful difference, and THAT is the kind of thinking Harold Covington inspires. You will recognize the example of the early Mormon Church, of course; then, as now, “apple pie, strict legality.”
And, the “infiltrators” will probably move on after a few (mandatory) Saturday barn buildings with The Community! In time, they will want to retire and join this Community, where “apple pie, and strictly legal” are the watchwords of all activities.
Just for fun, do the math and calculate what Pastor Lane and The Twelve would have as an endowment for the Church after thirty years. Work it again for a century. Take the long view of things, like the people who so easily defeat us.
By the way, is there anyone who doubts Bob Mathews would have made an excellent US Senator under this scenario?
“Apple pie, and strictly legal.”
Worked for Brigham Young, and will work for us.
The special benefit of this is us acting like Men, taking responsibility, not acting like victims, and blaming others for our foolish choices.
That is the Mindset Covington inspires, and that is how we WIN.
I too believe, along with John Joytree over at storm front, that having our own churches will be a vital requirement for our communities. Joytree recommended your initial group of founders hire a young graduate right out of a seminary, and make plain to him what your goals are. Remember how Pastor Butler convinced 200 whites IN THE 1970’s to move hundreds of miles to settle in Idaho? We need preachers.
The Christian religion has proven to be very flexible over the centuries, from Luther’s comments on the Jews to John Hagees Judophilia.
When I first became acquainted with Covington’s writing he was of the opinion that white’s had very little future in the near future unless they established a solid basis in the Northwest.
In my retirement travels and adventures I’ve come to the conclusion that Covington’s dire predictions are not quite true. I will admit he might be expected to exaggerate the severity of the general situation over the breadth of the U.S. That could be just his way of goading couch potatoes into action.
Covington first came up on my radar in the spring of 2007. Obama wasn’t even a threat at that point, the Tea Party that formed in reaction hadn’t organized, nor had Storm Front and other White Nationalist sites exploded.
At Tea Party meetings I began to hear more and more barely coded racial remarks. When I said we needed to stop legal as well as illegal immigration and that “These people don’t even look like us.” etc. I was given a spontaneous round of applause. Traffic at my vendor table picked up dramatically that evening.
So my take is, no matter what Covington may have actually thought about the general nation wide situation five years ago, things are changing. At a bare minimum we will be allowed by the state security organs to form our own white exclusive communities, at least as long as all we use to eject aliens and white traitors is social pressure.
Ultimately, although the national security state apparatchiks will have to be dragged there kicking and screaming, my guess is the U.S. most likely will be racially partitioned, because the closest analog to our situation is what happened to the USSR and Yugoslavia.
Both these collapsed states also incorporated racial diversity ideology, generated by the same people I might add, and they enforced it far more harshly.
So I see three general possibilities, likely hood in the following order:
1. The U.S. is partitioned, more or less. (Remember Chittum wrote that the Russian Federation is still only 80% Russian.)
2. We are forced by circumstances to begin the social organizing process that will eventually lead to a separate white homeland in the Northwest because event 1 didn’t happen.
3. Event 1 didn’t happen and event 2 was disallowed by the political constraints of our situation. As a result we have to make due with what will basically be white controlled counties scattered around the U.S., all the while working over generations to make event 2 a reality.
And, looking ahead, I think we need to establish a white organization something like
The Catholic Churches Jesuits. Remember the Vatican was instrumental in bringing down the Soviet Block. The Vatican has engaged in intrigue for millennia. We can learn from this. It’s not for nothing that the master statesman Machiavelli considered the Church his major political competitor.
I was married to a Catholic.
Kathy told me about the Catholic initiation educational procedures for converts, it was called The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA for short,
The joke among her very Catholic friends was that RCIA secretly stood for The Roman Catholic Intelligence Agency, which I have no doubt really exist. J
The acronym can be pronounced our see eye a.
Long story short, I would like to see us, in ten or twenty years, after the dust has cleared, to establish an organization capable of intelligently studying all potential threats political, military, economic, social, environmental, bird flu, asteroids, space aliens, or what have you. I suggest we call it the Christendom Intelligence Agency, CIA for short.
Some may prefer Caucasian in lieu of Christendom, but that would mean including Israel Iraq and India obviously. Or hey, maybe Confederate Intelligence Agency.
Sister was married to a good ole’ Alabama boy-one time C(entral)IA field agent. He flew the battle flag off his front porch.
phil white in blockquote:
Gary North has written at how seminaries were undermined at the Institutional level. Seeking a seminary graduate just wastes the time of all. Remember the singular advantage of a church: it stands separate from the State in almost all things, if it chooses to do so. Starting with the Christian Separatist’s New Anointed Version allows the right young man to start with good, clean seedstock. Why not our own, why not the best?
Why not preachers who act as community organizers, which is they are supposed to be doing, anyway?
Look how quickly Detroit and Atlanta turned into Hell. Obama has said his goal is “regionalization,” merging the cities and the surrounding counties. How many county public school systems, the big expense of county budgets, have Black leaders? Guess who gets to play sacrificial lamb for these projects?
Tipping points crystallize unexpectedly, and do not revert.
None of this sentiment has been echoed by anyone who has the most remote chance to put it into action. The (Executive Ordered!) DREAM Act guarantees their demographic demise.
Impossible. Why do you think Westchester has been targeted for public housing? The historically effective economic barriers are easily overrun by the invading hordes.
The equivalent of ten dollars a gallon for gasoline accomplishes the same end, with no obvious political overtones.
There were two collapsed states. Yugoslavia was always an artificial creation, and could no ne held together after Tito. The opportunity to create a permanent Muslim nation-state so close to the heart of Europe, while transiting major strategic choke points, was too tempting an opportunity. Russia organized correctly, taking the Implosion hit and, thanks to the breathtakingly brilliant leadership of Putin and his allies, has a good chance of pulling off their new role, and fulfilling the destiny almost a century of Judeo-Bolshevik control worked to destroy.
The last sentenced summed up what must be done in terms of the ultimate Goal. If we define all of our activities in THAT context, then we are moving from defense to effectiveness. Everything else is a footnote.
NOW, we are getting serious.
You can do so many thing things with a Church, and there are so many wonderful examples before us.
The Jesuits? What an amazing little Order, and so astutely trained.
Now think on what David Eden Lane COULD have done if he had used his Creative Gifts in the furtherance of such a Church.
THAT is why Covington is so singularly important. The possibilities extend to the stars.
And isn’t that so much more effective than dreaming of capping parking mudsharks, and their paramours?
“Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” – Edward Abbey
Great to see you writing again, and hope to see lots more of it. Frankly, when you aren’t writing, the white nationalist blogosphere is noticeably the poorer for it.
But I have to ask, to the extent that you care to share, what brought about this transformation? Like it or not, you have been our top street activist for some time now. Could you be more specific in the “lessons learned” department? You’ve put in years on the pavement, so presumably there is quite a bit worth talking about.
From my own experience as a former – and now very much penitent – libertarian, I’ve seen firsthand how a movement can go from Space Alien Weird to more or less acceptable, and then on to somewhat hip and cool. The quiet and often unrewarded work of spreading the core libertarian ideas was happening in the background, as libertarians labored long in the vineyards. During that phase, it was all work and absolutely no visible sign of progress.
As the ideas spread, the receptivity to street activism improved, and ultimately resulted in a vibrant movement. It was weird going from blank stares in the beginning, to later feeling like you had the wind at your back. Again, I’ve seen it happen firsthand. Of course, white nationalism is a far more sanctioned and punished position than libertarianism ever was, so I’m not suggesting that it’s a perfect analogy, but historically other suppressed viewpoints have in fact managed to spread.
I think that the libertarian movement is now or soon will have peaked, largely because it is committed to working within a system that will not allow it to succeed, not to mention a demographic transformation that makes it increasingly impossible, but that is rather beside the point. The point is that ideas must spread before the street activist can get anywhere. And then, as if out of nowhere, you start getting good results. But it wasn’t really out of nowhere, but rather out of the hard and often thankless work of those, laboring in obscurity, who were preparing the foundation years before.
That’s the theory, anyway. But you’ve done real white advocacy, and whatever specifics you can offer would be appreciated. It’s a shame that Hoosier Nation is gone, but it won’t have been for nought if we’re able to learn something from it. I hope what we learn will not just be a vague defeatism, but rather something that will help us go forward and sharpen our focus.
My own view is that we need to promote the idea of the ethnostate, recognizing that as the ultimate goal. We need that as a guiding star.
We also need to focus on self-sufficiency a la Kievsky. The next step, before street activism, would be developing small groups that can offer social and perhaps economic support to the members, and then to local communities as capabilities increase. Think mini fraternity/mutual aid/community welfare societies. It would be nice if there was a name brand for these groups, and a central resource website, but it wouldn’t be necessary. No dues or membership lists. No street activism per se, just whites helping whites. Only once we’ve reached at least that stage of development can I see any direct activism bearing fruit, but you might have a different take on it.
The good news is that we could literally reach that stage within a few short years.
Agreed re Kievsky. The self-important sots at MajorityRights mock the guy, but he has the right ideas. Self-sufficiency all the way. Disconnecting. Back to the land.
Well ok, that’s my thing, but for people of goodwill, there’s a lot of room behind the scenes to form supporting relationships. That, as far as I can see, is all there is to do beyond the essay mill.
“I hope what we learn will not just be a vague defeatism, but rather something that will help us go forward and sharpen our focus.”
It’s time to expunge the word ‘defeatism’ from your vocabulary. Nothing but a self-imposed scare word arising from a presupposition — that, again, there are things “to be done” which will result in a reversal of fortune for white people. If that was an error, what would that make the fear of “defeatism”?
I could say the same thing to you as you’ve said to Matt Parrott: “Great to see you writing again, and hope to see lots more of it. Frankly, when you aren’t writing, the white nationalist blogosphere is noticeably the poorer for it.” I don’t think I’m alone in this. You’re a penetrating observer and thinker, and your comments are always worth reading.
White Republican, thank you. I appreciate it.
I’m flattered. Perhaps my dearth of blogging will leave you and uh with no choice but to step up to fill the void!
Imagine you’re in a cafeteria shouting “Soylent Green is people!” Instead of being drug off by the guards or blown off by all the patrons, a large and growing subset of them started agreeing with you. “Indeed…”, they would whisper. “It’s pretty gross that I’m eating a ground-up human right now *munch* *munch*…”
I believe the Internet, BUGS, and other projects are reaching a much wider audience with the “simple message” that Whites have a right to exist which is being systematically denied. I believe I’ve done my share to help with that, too. But what next? How do we translate the fact that we happen to be correct into victory? Convincing more people that the thing on their neck is indeed a boot is a good start, but that’s all it is.
As for your own experience with libertarianism, I see a movement which went viral, took off, and was summarily compromised, corrupted, and co-opted into the system…with nothing to show for all their hard work and effective outreach. In parallel: I believe pro-White opinions could very well go viral within the next few years, and that would be great. But we’re lacking the infastructure (both abstract and concrete) to translate that support into an effective vehicle for advancing our interests…even if a large subset of White Americans did turn to us for leadership and guidance.
Perhaps if libertarians in the 90’s and early 00’s had stepped back a bit from the work of reaching people with their ideas and invested more effort in their organizational infrastructure, they would have more progress to show for it, now?
Matt, you wrote:
But we’re lacking the infastructure (both abstract and concrete) to translate that support into an effective vehicle for advancing our interests…even if a large subset of White Americans did turn to us for leadership and guidance.
Can you please explain what infrastructure (both abstract & concrete) are you talking about? Please give examples of infrastructure you refer to.
Matt, thanks for the response.
“Perhaps if libertarians in the 90′s and early 00′s had stepped back a bit from the work of reaching people with their ideas and invested more effort in their organizational infrastructure, they would have more progress to show for it, now?”
Actually, they did build up a decent infrastructure. At the high end there was the Cato Institute, not to mention other academically oriented entities such as IHS and, though I’m not particularly familiar with it, the Von Mises Institute. At the grassroots level, you had the Libertarian Party which was organized in pretty much all fifty states, with many states having numerous localized party organizations. Then there were any number of nonpartisan local groups. In central Virginia, for example, there was the Patrick Henry Supper Club. It may still be going on today, I’m not sure. On top of this, there were numerous college libertarian groups, operating either independently or under various umbrellas. Libertarianism has plenty of real world infrastructure.
Libertarianism is not failing for want of organizational infrastructure. It is failing for a host of other reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it insists upon working within a system that will not allow it to succeed. Another of its many problems is that it is universalist, seeking to make the entire nation, indeed the entire world, libertarian. Most people ain’t buying, and ain’t ever gonna buy.
In other words, it tries for too much.
Our cause suffers from comparable problems, and as an added bonus is actively sanctioned and suppressed. But we’ve got the internet, some fine writers, and some innovative folks such as you find over at BUGS. That’s something. We’re getting our message out, and that’s vital. But as to real world organization? I don’t really see that happening on a meaningful scale until we define exactly what we want. The ethnostate? Where? And at least roughly, how? Legal today, possible extra legal means down the road? How to navigate that in the here and now? While our ideas are spreading, have they spread far enough to give us sufficient raw material to work with? Are we still Space Aliens from Mars?
These are real questions. At this point, white nationalists don’t even agree on basic objectives. Until one school of thought develops sufficiently to be credible and clearly wins out over the rest, education will likely trump organizational efforts – and probably should. Large numbers of people will not “activate” until they see a clear path, or at least a leader who they believe sees a clear path.
That’s my take, anyway. I hope at some point, if you are so inclined, you will take the time to do a more extensive “debriefing” of what you learned in the trenches. No point in reinventing the wheel.
I think Matt Parrott should take up Trainspotter’s suggestion that he should “take the time to do a more extensive ‘debriefing’ of what you learned in the trenches.” That could be very instructive and useful given Parrott’s experience and qualities as a thinker and writer. The best time for Parrott to make a detailed analysis of his activism would be soon.
Activism is a matter in which we need to have a good collective memory. As Jacques Ellul wrote:
“There is no politics where there is no grasp of the past, where there is no continuity (let us remember Dupont White’s remarkable statement: ‘Continuity is a human right’), where there is no analysis of errors or capacity to understand the present through that analysis and in that capacity.” (The Political Illusion [New York: Vintage Books, 1972], p. 62.)
This is profoundly true of activism.
The subject of activism is very large and complex. What strategy and tactics should we use? What forms of organization and activism should we use? What opportunities and resources are available to us? What priorities should we observe? What timeframes should we use? What paradigms, heuristics, and measures should we use? By what terms can and should we measure and analyze performance? These are questions that we should address with greater seriousness, persistency, and rigor.
I’ll admit that I find many of these questions mind-boggling, and that I may find it difficult to understand or accept some of the answers to these questions. The learning curve in these matters is very steep, and realism can be an bitter medicine.
We should stop searching for “the way” conceived as a single, simple, prefabricated, and nicely packaged solution. “The way” is a paper plan that history will tear to shreds. We should remember the military dictum that “no plan for battle survives contact with the enemy” as well as Clausewitz’s emphasis on the role of friction in warfare. As Clausewitz remarked, everything in warfare is simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.
If there is a solution, it will be created through the aggregation of many solutions to the manifold tasks and challenges before us, through the development of problem-solving skills in all areas and at all levels.
Perhaps a great deal of activism is ineffective because (a) it is done incompetently, (b) is done in the wrong place or at the wrong time, (c) is ephemeral and sporadic, (d) is overly focused on doing one thing, and (e) is done by people who expect more of their work than is realistic and who demand less of themselves than is responsible.
As I’ve indicated in previous comments at Counter-Currents, I think it would be useful for White nationalist organizations to have structures like those of the Front National’s Délégation Générale, which has sections responsible for (a) producing propaganda, (b) organizing events, (c) educating and training members, (d) producing media for educating members, (e) public relations, and (f) developing and promoting ideology at a high intellectual level. I intend to think about how rudimentary structures performing such functions could be created by White nationalist organizations. I think structures like these are indispensable for conducting and supporting effective activism.
The point is that ideas must spread before the street activist can get anywhere. And then, as if out of nowhere, you start getting good results. But it wasn’t really out of nowhere, but rather out of the hard and often thankless work of those, laboring in obscurity, who were preparing the foundation [for libertarianism] years before.
Maybe I’m mistaken, but your comment seems to imply the early activism that was poorly received was irrelevant and wasted effort. This is not true because the on-the-ground activism and the nuts-and-bolts politics played a major role in how they spread the ideas in the first place. They didn’t limit their activities to books, essays, seminars and think tanks. If that’s all they had done the last 35 – 40 years, there would have been no libertarian groundswell in this decade, and Ron Paul would not be a household name. By this measure, “idea spreading,” the libertarian groundswell shows practical activism, politics and running for office are indispensable.
If education and “idea spreading” are among the primary goals of meta-politics, then I see there no room for doubt on this point. The ground activism, running candidates for office, campaigning, flyers, handouts and other conventional political activities were part of their formula for success and extremely effective meta-politics for them.
I’d speculate one reason they didn’t stop to look at their approach is that their activities are not de facto illegal. They’re not constantly attacked, assailed and harassed. Thus, I’d venture a guess that it just isn’t as clear to the libertarians as it is to people in these circles that American national institutions won’t ever allow meaningful change unless the change is destructive (we have the ideal system in place for mass destructive change on a moment’s notice).
It will be interesting to see if and how they adapt. If they don’t, 2008-2012 might be their high watermark.
Lew: “Maybe I’m mistaken, but your comment seems to imply the early activism that was poorly received was irrelevant and wasted effort.”
You are mistaken. Sort of. I kid.
But seriously, you raise an important issue. It’s sort of like the old line about the businessman who says, “Half of my advertising is wasted. Problem is, I don’t know which half.”
Either something is effective for a given purpose or it isn’t. So sure, if activism that is poorly recieved in fact aided one’s cause by spreading the message….then in fact it is better described as “effective” rather than “poorly received.”
But can’t poorly received simply be, well, poorly received? As in, not effective at all? In fact, can’t activism be a negative, by showing us up as weak, despised clowns?
The worst treatment the libertarian activist would get was the Space Alien from Mars routine. Aren’t you guys Larouchies or something? The white nationalist, on the other hand, will be actively demonized, and quite possibly worse. It’s tough to come across with strength in a situation like that. Golden Dawn seems to be managing it in Greece, but that’s the best example I’ve seen in quite awhile. Of course, our situation in the states is quite different, but there are still lessons to be learned.
Apparently, Glenn Miller used to be able to get hundreds of white men marching in the street. That’s pretty impressive. But for what? What was the goal? Ethnically cleanse the entire United States? Return to segregation? Or get rid of anti-white laws so that we can live in a fair and just multiracial utopia (said with strong sarcasm)? What?
I don’t know. Do you? It’s this aimlessness, or trying for too much or nothing at all, that resulted in even impressive activism of former years coming to naught. And history shows again and again that, without strong intellectual support, grass roots activism is ultimately defeated or deflected. I worry that this will happen with Golden Dawn, though perhaps the intellectual climate isn’t as bad there as it is here.
Miller, impressive organizer that he was, never got this. He contemptuously refers to white nationalist intellectuals as Valuable Intellectual Properties. Well, Glenn, it’s true that we can’t win without people like you. It’s also true that you can’t win without people like us. I’m sure that’s a bitter pill.
Good activism is an art, and beyond that it needs to operate in a coherent and meaningful context (Who are we? Where are we? Where are we going?). Getting out the message, on the other hand, is an obvious value. We can spread the message today, and we are. Whether we can do real activism today is another question, at least activism that has a positive result.
Re my comment: They didn’t limit their activities to books, essays, seminars and think tanks.
I hope this was understood, but just in case: I wasn’t disparaging books, essays, theory, etc. or dismissing the importance of scholarship and intellectual work. Obviously, the intellectual output is necessary, t00. That goes without saying. I tend assume everyone this audience understands and appreciates this without in being said in every discussion about what to do or not do.
One problem is there is no very close analogue to our situation. We’re de facto illegal and under relentless organized attack; libertarians and GD are not. GD also benefits from a Greece’s different political structure, proportional representation, and an having an utterly simple yet compelling case on their side: Greece for Greeks. Plus, well, they’re Greek. They share kinship, language, historical, and a cultural ties with each other and with the whole nation. A distinct advantage over us Americans.
Incidentally, I don’t know why Euro nationalists need any argument for reclaiming their nations that does not ultimately reduce to Germany for Germans, Poland for Poles, France for the French and so on, but I digress.
Our environment is totally different. As nice as it would be to get a GD org going here, even assuming the necessary funding for it existed which it doesn’t but let’s assume it, our environment is so different it doesn’t seem possible. So the question of what to do arises. Everyone agrees “something” needs to be done; I perceive broad agreement there are two main prongs: theory and organization. But when you try to articulate an answer on what to do beyond the broadest generalities, especially on the organization/political side, there doesn’t seem to be no clear answer. Hence, the point of Matt’s article. Do nothing rather than something ineffective, wasteful, etc.
Lew: “One problem is there is no very close analogue to our situation. We’re de facto illegal and under relentless organized attack; libertarians and GD are not.”
This is correct, but there are still lessons to be learned. I use the libertarian example a lot simply because I have first hand experience with it, seeing an idea permeate through the culture while getting real world feedback. The take away isn’t that we can do things exactly like the libertarians did or get exactly the same results, but rather that ideas can in fact be spread, and that the better they are spread the more fertile the ground for other projects. I don’t think we disagree on that. This stuff is pretty obvious, or should be.
The fact that we are suppressed changes the activism dynamic dramatically. Since the worst that would happen to a libertarian street activist is that he would be mistaken for a Larouchie, even ineffective activism would not be terribly costly. More than likely, it would just mean that he was ignored. Maybe he didn’t gain much, but he probably didn’t lose much either.
The white nationalist calculus is quite different. Not only does he face the potential of personal loss without any compensating gain for the cause, he can also actively harm the cause. No wonder we don’t have the infrastructure that the libertarians do. As the libertarian would say, if you tax something you’re going to get less of it. White nationalist street activism is nothing if not heavily taxed. Very heavily, in fact.
In the end, the form of our infrastructure will follow its function. Right now, our infrastructure is almost entirely online, which is appropriate given its function of education and message spreading, and the suppressed nature of our cause.
Real world infrastructure will need to fulfill a specific function – once that function is agreed upon. Right now, there is no such agreement. But once we have clear goals, like an ethnostate for example, the function of real world infrastructure will become much more clear, which will in turn govern its form. Until then, it’s education.
I’ve already predicted what I think the initial form will look like (successful form, that is). It will be small groups that function as social support, mutual aid societies, and ultimately community support groups. Take a page from Golden Dawn and another from Kievsky. It shouldn’t be cutesy stuff like adopt-a-highway, but rather whites helping whites directly – and recruiting. In time, these groups can become an amorphous network that pull in the direction of the ultimate goal, and funnel resources into it.
But for what ultimate goal? To what end? Where are we going with this?
I think the answer has to be the ethnostate, but even I am not convinced as to where it should be. Until we can answer such basic questions, I think it is best for the movement to employ its considerable talents on education and spreading the message. Anything else is putting the cart before the horse, and getting sincere men and women burned (and burned out) when we don’t have the resources to support them.
That points to a pretty good starter metric right there: let’s get big enough where we don’t have to leave our activists twisting in the wind. To me, that’s a training wheels minimum standard, and we aren’t there yet. Which brings me to a shameless plug for Counter-Currents: I’ll be sending in a donation to CC within a few days. I hope others will consider that as well.
I think that online discussions by White nationalists on “what is to be done?” are usually sterile. I propose several reasons as to why this may be the case:
1. The subject is discussed in a superficial spirit. Discussions are largely aimless, ill-informed, and short-lived.
2. People lack relevant experience and historical knowledge. As Jacques Ellul wrote: “There is no politics where there is no grasp of the past, where there is no continuity . . . , where there is no analysis of errors or capacity to understand the present through that analysis and in that capacity.” Analysis is typically shallow and subjective.
3. There is a lack of a common theoretical framework for discussion. As Lew notes above, when one tries to determine what to do beyond broad generalities, there doesn’t seem to be any clear answer. We lack a vocabulary and grammar that allows us to discuss activism productively. We lack the paradigms to make sense of things, we lack the heuristics to judge things, and we lack the measures to measure things.
4. The subject is not adequately subdivided or articulated and thereby made manageable. The question “what is to be done?” has no simple answer and must be divided into many parts. I believe that the answer to this question must be a collective one. As I previously remarked in this thread: “If there is a solution, it will be created through the aggregation of many solutions to the manifold tasks and challenges before us, through the development of problem-solving skills in all areas and at all levels.”
Relatively few people can productively discuss big matters (e.g. strategy), but relatively many people can productively discuss small matters (e.g. tactics, techniques, and tools).
Discussion should be organized so that people can discuss things that are within their area of activity, interest, experience, and expertise. This would make discussion much more purposeful and productive.
Others can advance additional or alternative views and explanations. I’d like to hear from them.
Regarding solutions, it should be understood that (a) it can take a long time before they take real effect and can therefore command widespread credibility and prestige; (b) they are liable to encounter setbacks and stagnation; (c) they should judged in terms of relative rather than absolute success; and (d) a combination of several solutions rather than a single solution is required.
We should focus on working solutions — solutions that we can implement here and now, however imperfect and incomplete these solutions may be, and however short of resources we may be — rather than finished solutions.
Glenn Miller used to be able to get hundreds of white men marching…But for what? What was the goal?…I don’t know. Do you?
No. I don’t know anything about Miller. I’m not sure what his plan was.
If his goal was returning to segregation, that sounds like a good near-term plan to me. If there is a downside to Whites fighting to re-segregate America’s communities based on property rights, free association and legal instruments like restrictive covenants, I can’t think of it.
It’s feasible, would help some White people now as opposed to later, and be worth its weight in gold as metapolitical education on the desirability and necessity of separation.
No massive overhaul of the existing system would be needed. It would just be a matter of fine-tuning already existing laws.
There is nothing wrong with incremental and marginal gain, as long as they’re not confused with a total solution.
You take the incremental gain and keep working toward the real solution, partition, secession, complete separation in a north America context. But, again, I have no idea if any of that is what Miller had in mind.
An additional reason as to why discussions among White nationalists on “what is to be done?” are usually sterile may be that while people may think in terms of objectives and mechanisms, they fail to think in terms of systems. (Regarding this subject, I should read Donnella H. Meadows’ Thinking in Systems: A Primer, which appears to be a good introductory work on the subject.)
An idea that William Ophuls’ Plato’s Revenge has suggested to me is that a combination of teleological and teleonomical thought and action may be what we need for an organic politics. Ophuls writes:
“In technical language, nature’s strategy is teleonomic. Natural systems evolve purposefully toward ends that are implicit in their design criteria, but there is no fixed end toward which the system tends. Nature was quite happy with dinosaurs until an asteroid hit the earth. Yet the outcome is far from random: dinosaurs and mammals both evolved to fill the same ecological niches. By contrast, planning as practiced by humans is normally teleological because it involves movement toward a predetermined outcome.
“As we have seen, the result of nature’s design strategy must be understood dynamically — that is, in terms of positive and negative feedback, oscillation and damping, sensitivity and thresholds, and other identifiable features of systems behavior. Although this is well understood by scientists who study natural processes, it is rare for those concerned with human affairs — social scientists, journalists, politicians, and average citizens — to be even aware that they are dealing with complex systems requiring such sophisticated analysis and rarer still for them to think in a genuinely systematic fashion about polity, economy, and society.”
Teleology relates to predetermined outcomes, while teleonomy relates to a range of organic possibilities. Perhaps we think too much in terms of teleology and not enough in terms of teleonomy. We often project or impose a teleology that favors a particular outcome while neglecting the teleonomy that will determine whether or not that teleology is in the range of possibility. We may want certain things, but we’re not ready to get them or to create them. We may profess a teleology of White revolution and the White ethnostate, but our teleonomy does not support this and may well lead away from it.
A teleological approach is appropriate when one is dealing with general objectives or highly practical objectives. The former is relatively long-term, the latter is relatively short-term. The latter involves working with factors that are more or less understandable, predictable, and subject to one’s influence and control.
We’re currently in an undrivable vehicle: it won’t start or stop, accelerate or decelerate, or turn left or right as we want it to.
Cultural reform among White nationalists is extremely important. As Wendell Berry writes, “Cultural solutions are organisms, not machines, and they cannot be invented deliberately or imposed by prescription.” The task is more complex than one of fitting means to ends according to a mechanical logic.
@ Trainspotter
Your point about self-sufficiency is well-taken, and I think it’s overlooked.
I see the model of fundamentalist Christians or the DIY punk scene as being worth emulating. While white nationalism isn’t capable of entering the mainstream, there’s plenty of room for it to exist outside of the mainstream, and that’s probably where it needs to be at least for now anyway. Like Christians and punks, WN can exist in its own parallel world-like subculture, evolving and growing stronger.
The problem with this approach is that racially aware white people face big risks for publicly coming out. Our versions of Henry Rollins and Pat Robertson have to be squeaky clean and brave enough to step over the line into being some of the most despised people in the country. It’s a tall order. Also, it’s very difficult for us to assemble publicly in groups. Punks and Christians have shows and church – we don’t. So somehow we have to have a space to exist. Writing back and forth on the internet is where the wider “movement” exists for the time being.
So how to move forward with the parallel world subculture approach?
I suggest improving our media. Voice of Reason Radio, Alt Right’s podcasts, Counter-Currents podcasts, The Political Cesspool are all doing great work. Hopefully they will keep working. I suggest a weekly show that is less inwardly-focused on ruminating over big WN questions and more towards applying WN thought to analyzing current events. This is the model that right wing radio (another tremendously successful parallel world subculture) has used over the years. The theory is good and there’s always room for it – but what’s needed now is one or two more radio friendly voices turning out a solid, professional-level current events program, with humor and culture, not just political theory. Perhaps such a show could eventually go daily.
Last, I want to pause on this issue of not being able to assemble publicly. It’s a problem that few other movements face. It’s a big problem for us, maybe the biggest. Seems to me we have two choices. Continue to work in the shadows until somehow, someday, by luck or circumstance, our ideas suddenly become acceptable. Leaving it to chance, essentially. Or, tinker with our message until we find the right formula that appeals to a wider audience and lets us organize publicly without as much threat to people’s personal lives. Yes, I’m suggesting moderating the message, but not sacrificing core principles. I could go on and on about what this might look like, but in short, I think we need a complete break and re-branding.
The truth is we can’t organize publicly because of this country’s past history of racial conflict. Personally, as I’ve learned more about the history of race politics in this country, and especially the “forbidden, unauthorized” history of such politics, I’ve become more sympathetic to the racially-conscious political groups of this country’s past. But there are hurdles in that past history that are just too high to overcome. We need to be clearer and more honest about what we reject from this country’s past and what we embrace. I think there’s a “new” kind of racially aware white person out there who has a legitimate, publicly acceptable point of view. It’s “white nationalism’s” past that’s getting in the way.
I believe that victory requires two things: (1) absolute inflexibility on core principles (provided they really are core principles) and (2) ruthless pragmatism and flexibility about means and tactics, so we can form groups and craft messages that speak to all white constituencies.
I would like to see more development in the podcasting/talk radio sphere. Our own podcasts have been on hiatus for a while but will be coming back in September. Voice of Reason seems to be on hiatus as well. We hope they will return soon.
I would like to see new WN talk radio personalities emerge, especially ones who get big, and I think they will emerge.
Let America decay. It’s beyond saving. Focus on Europe. Nationalism is big in the east and the Greeks are currently deporting thousands of invaders. There’s where you start, where the energy is.
I always find myself disagreeing with various assumptions, so this will be nothing new. To discount the idea that these types of things are staged is quite naive. What cowardice just to avoid being called a name (conspiracy theorist). You would think White Nationalists would be familiar with being called names in the search for truth. It’s so sad that our race/nation/civilization will die off based on the desire to avoid hurt feelings.
Maybe the Chinese will remember us fondly.
My entry into racial awareness was through the HBD/skeptic community. One of my biggest influences as a preteen was Carl Sagan’s Demon-Haunted World. I would argue that I found myself so attracted to KMac’s “Culture of Critique” because it’s the ultimate anti-‘conspiracy theory’. It takes all these pieces which have been framed in a variety of conspiratorial contexts and systematically explains them as an emergent product of human nature and historical processes.
It’s rigorous, testable, falsifiable, and predictive in a way the alternative models are decidedly not.
You mistakenly assume that I am averse to conspiracy theories out of cowardice or naivete. I don’t believe that’s the case. If you can offer some data points to support your hypothesis that Wade Michael Page was something other than a sincere WN who hit a rough patch in his personal life and snapped on foreign invaders, I’m all ears.
Derry, after half a century of third world immigration to america and europe along with elite encouragement of interracial relations, the miscegenation rate is around 7% in USA and less than 1% in Europe. there are more whites than ever before in world history — 200 million in America, close to 800 million everywhere else. the preference for having a partner with similar traits and children that look like oneself is widespread, deep and, I believe, innate.
There are so many more factors than homogeneity that are important to racial/ethnic survival. Japan which many WN’s glorify is a society whose people are truly heading for a demographic cliff, not because of lack of homogeneity, but because most men on the island are so strung out on porn that nobody there wants to have sex anymore.
White race will endure in numbers. Whether it will endure in quality is the real problem, one that fortunately can be addressed mostly outside the realm of politics.
I found this on ABC. It mentions that a “watchdog” group tracked this guy’s Internet comments for two years. It’s the SITE Intelligence Group, an apparent ADL/SPLC type outfit I’ve never heard of. The difference is they put their content behind a pay wall, so you can’t see exactly who they’re taking about or what they’re saying about the “White racists” they track. They give a little blurbs on their site like “White Supremacists propose cultural change” but then to see the rest you need paid access. In addition to tracking White racists, they also follow people who admire Anwar al-Awlaki (killed by a US predator drone in Yemen). I guess we’re in the same bucket from their standpoint. It makes me wonder if everyone’s comments are landing in a database somewhere.
Ernesto -“Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” – Edward Abbey
MOB – “He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.” – William Blake
philwhite made a stunning observation that echoes what some supporters of the Northwest Republic have argued.
If you look at what we have defined as “street activism,” it is one series of remarkably inept failure after another. Flyering cars and houses? Results? Zero. Street walking? Results? Negative; after you have left the emergency room, and get back to work, you realize that what you saw as a powerful act of symbolism was you being used as a powerful example of how disorganized and ineffective you were.
If you got The Lesson.
Did you also notice how the people who ganged you and beat you got away with it? Somehow, the police were always a step behind where you needed them to be. Magazines? Conversion rate of, yes, zero.
You probably see a pattern here.
An alternative history post somewhere proposed an alternative history of The Order, with David Eden Lane and his associates forming a series of small businesses, a credit union, a cooperative, and something like the National Grange. Bob Mathews is a Senator in the US Senate. In time, in one of the pieces, Lane formed a new Church.
Here’s what Covington offered that all others failed to even consider, for whatever reason:
One, something worth living and fighting FOR.
Most WN political adventurism is doomed to the impotence of mere oppositional defiance. As adolescents eventually transcend their oppositional defiance, and grow into Adulthood – that has been the case historically – so do most observers support the face of WNism they see in their version of the oppositional defiance phase. They eventually grow out of it, especially when they realize there is no “There,” there.
Two, a developing comprehensive I repeat COMPREHENSIVE social and economic analytical framework from getting where we are to where we should be, the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model.
That takes us to where philwhite just gets it, and it ties into the Northwest Republic Model perfectly.
philwhite in blockquote:
The missing key to all of our “activism” is the greater political context, which our streetwalkers were never able to provide.
Community organizers – the most effective form of “activism” there is, the one form that has at its very core “apple pie, strict legality” (HT: Jim Giles), and the one form that both political parties will actually teach you how to be effective in.
Full marks to philwhite on this one.
More to follow.
It might not matter what we do or don’t do. The recent Sikh shooting is be part of something that is far outside of the control of this webzine or it’s community of readers. That is to say, the rising lava pressure of white anger and consciousness that is both large in scale and unfocused and disorganized-it runs along a spectrum from the Tea Party to Brevik-including Counter Currents somewhere in-between. That might not be how it looks to you-but to our opposition, they see it that way.
It shouldn’t be that surprising that there is some sort of violent reaction to Sikhs by a lone-wolf white. Sub-Continental Asians are imported as part of a Big Business/Colluding Government cheap labor scam. Indian immigrants are no small part of the system that has so damaged the American Middle-Class. As part of the rising lava, someone a bit out-of-control will do a “John Brown at Harpers Ferry” type of thing.
Sikhs themselves are no peaceful, innocent sect. The faith is basically a warrior creed and Sikhs have engaged in terrorism in Canada and India and they were central to a bloody insurgency in India in the 1990s. In Canada, Sikhs and other South Asians cause a great deal of unrest & influence Canadian politics in ways that harm whites.
With that said, Sikhs, for now, are a harmless bunch of exotic foreigners here in the States. Especially when they are compared to other alien groups. Unfortunately for them, they are visible signs of white displacement sitting atop of a social volcano that continues to build pressure.
Matt, you are an inspiration, and I appreciate all you’ve done.
But everyone, please, do something!
In our world, money is power. Keep as much money as possible in your own hands, and in the hands of your brothers, and put as little as possible in the hands of enemies or competitors.
1. Boycott Hollywood. Cancel your cable subscription, cancel your netflix subscription, stop going to the movies etc. More money in your own pocket, less money in the pocket of your worst enemies. Persuade others to do likewise.
2. Cancel your subscriptions to all liberal, neocon and libertarian publications. More money in your pocket, less money in the pockets of liars. Persuade others to do likewise.
3. If you go to college, major in science/technology/engineering/medicine or some other vocational field, not social sciences or humanities. Don’t go into debt subsidizing the predominantly leftist social sciences and humanities departments. If you are interested in these fields, do independant reading. Persuade others to do likewise.
4. If you are unemployed, go to the local recruiting place for illegal immigrant day labor wearing a T-shirt that says “Hire America” I bet the contractors hire you first. More money in your pocket, less money in the pocket of an illegal. Persuade others to do likewise.
5. Only shop at White owned, not Asian owned stores. The Asians receive government assistance, the Whites do not. Its up to us to level the playing field.
6. If you plan to purchase a house, save and buy with cash. Live with your parents, or with as many roommates as possible, while you save. You save big on interest payments, your enemies on Wall Street lose.
Think of what the Religious Right has accomplished in the Chick-fil-A affair. A business which the left wanted to damage was instead bolstered, because right wingers for once decided fight back, and use their money as a weapon. That is the way to conduct politics in the modern world.
If you want to “do something.” Go to the website “Bob’s Underground Seminar” (aka BUGS) and learn about a consistent message. Also, create pro-White art that inspires people. Better yet, create art that spreads the consistent message at BUGS. Here’s the link:
I’m nobody but I’ll offer my two cents anyway.
The premise of Jared Taylor’s White Identity provides us the argument we need to appeal to moderately conservative whites. That is, since everyone else is doing identity politics, we also must do so to in order influence issues that are of particular concern to white people. This is the thin edge of the wedge.
I see either the A3P party or CofCC as the logical organizations for semi-explicit whites to fight for numerous issues that may be winnable for whites. First, we need birth control as a requirement for TANF, food stamps, Section 8, HIV drugs, and even parents whose children are in foster care. This alone would turn the demographic tide in our favor. Increasingly put-upon taxpayers will find this appealing as the debt spirals further out of control. I actually advocated for this at a recent church gathering, and I am still a member in good standing, though I certainly raised some eyebrows. The argument must be couched in terms of what is best for the children.
Second, we need a stricter criminal justice system. This will reduce minority political power and demographics and at the same time give whites breathing space to have more children in safer communities. The beauty of this argument is that it can be sold as beneficial for whites but even moreso for minorities themselves. Just imagine how moral we can sound carrying on about these poor minority children feeling frightened in their own neighborhoods. Asians will be allies on this issue.
Third, fight for ability tracking in schools. This is a race-neutral proposal that we can sell as a necessary measure to ensure our competitiveness in the future against rising China. Asians will be allies on this issue. As the black undertow and brown tide encroach on every more neighborhoods, pressure for this will grow.
Fourth, we fight affirmative action. This is a battle we may be able to win, because doing away with it would be helpful for businesses and they have power.
Fifth, obviously we fight immigration. This will be more realistic as the economy continues to fail. The authorities will feel threatened by throngs of unemployed “youths” and will finally have a vested interest in border security.
Now, if these reforms succeed, whites can move forward and compete on a level playing field with other ethnicities as a cohesive tribe with a will to survive. If they fail, which is almost certain, then our people realize that the system opposes their legitimate interests at every turn and become radicalized. Issue-oriented advocacy is win-win for whites. I do not think it is possible to move whites directly from color-blind universal politics directly to radical separatism.
Every day, the establishment hands us fresh insults that are so outrageous we can easily oppose them in polite company, such as the disciplinary quota scheme impicit in Obama’s recent executive order on education.
None of this is to say that education is not also important. I absolutely believe it is. One of the greatest advantages our movement has is that we are now fighting the establishment. Our insights are the forbidden fruit. An active intellectual scene will capitalize on that.
You know, it is really good that you have discovered this and that you are thinking about it. I do however have to ask just what you think the people on this site have been talking about?
More women do need to think about this. It is pretty scary to realize that ‘they’ want to remove the white race from the planet. That means our children. Unfortunately, everyone has to figure out the ‘they’ for themselves. That is how we learn to fight for ourselves and our kin — on the psychological level.
I really appreciate this site for everyday I learn something, either in the posts or in the comments. Then I follow up by doing alot of reading. (see the sidebar) I would rather be an asset to the race than a liability.
You are a good writer.
I have 3 objections to this article:
1) I dont like the title. Doing something is almost always better than doing nothing. Failure is essential on the road to success. Each failure brings you closer to success. When you dont try, you guarantee you will not have success. Henry Ford led a spectacular string of failures before he found the recipe for outstanding success, and likewise with just about all successful people.
2) The audience for this site, and for WN in general, consists of 97% sane people, who are law-abiding and moral. Its unnecessary to tell us to not commit homicidal crimes. The maniac who killed Sikhs has nothing to do with us. Had he been a Democrat, his actions would certainly not be a sign that Democrats are prone to homicidal behavior, or that the Democratic party should apologize for his actions.
3) I don’t know the details about what happened with your endeavors as a political activist. Obviously there were some difficult events. But to say that it was all for nothing (or worse), is probably incorrect. Everything is a learning experience. Your motives were undoubtedly the best. It sounds like you were attempting to do what was in your power to enter the world of political activism and influence the situation. Perhaps it didnt work out the way that you had hoped, but I am confident that you learned a great deal, both about what works and what does not. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that there is a purpose behind your project. Successful activists on the other side, like Saul Alinsky, battered their heads against the establishment struggling to force a breakthrough, and eventually they found it, and were able to transform the system dramatically. While we wish this had not happened, this does tell us that its possible for small groups to transform the political situation. Its happening now in Europe, with Nationalism on the rise in many nations. Its about persistence, trying new things, learning, growing and improving. I wish you would write an article about your experiences, particularly what you found to be effective, and submit it to TOO for the benefit of others, and with a more positive attitude (not warning others to not do anything for fear it might not help or be counterproductive).
For your efforts, you deserve commendations. You certainly shouldnt be down on yourself or denigrating your work.
The greatest stock trader of all time was Jesse Livermore and he would agree implicitly with Matt Parrott; that there is a time to do nothing.
Today’s lesson from “the master” come in the two following quotes and all you have to do is substitute Wall Street and trading for whatever you want. (Emphasis in quote was inserted by me.)
Chapter II) … “The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money every day, as though they were working for regular wages.”
(Chapter V) … “And right here let me say one thing: After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight! It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and early bears in bear markets. I’ve known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying and selling stocks when prices were at the very level which should show the greatest profit. And their experience invariably matched mine – that is, they made no real money out of it. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money. It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.”
Has anyone tried passing out literature on the USS Liberty at Memorial Day events, veterans’ gatherings, Sunday morning at Christian Zionist churches, etc. ?
White Americans have been programmed to react with paralyzing fear and/or anger to claims that the white race is being genocided-but how do they react to irrefutable evidence that US sailors and Marines were murdered on the high seas by Israel and that USG has been covering up for Israel for decades ?
I didn’t sufficiently clarify the important point that I’m not “giving up” or literally “doing nothing”. Sandy summarized my point better than I did in his recent comment…about the futility of being busy just to be busy.
Andrew makes a good point about the value of failing at things as a way to gain knowledge.
As for the requests that I offer a debriefing, I suppose I do owe that to the community and will start working on that. Pivotally, I’ve rejected the very notion of generic “White Advocacy” as a sufficient and singular organizing principle. We cannot simply plug our “issue” module into this political operating system. As such, simple single-issue advocacy will only expand the number of people who share our frustration and impotence.
That’s a good thing, but it’s not enough.
Hypothetically (if optimistically), we could reach a critical mass of them necessary to achieve the tipping point and crash this system, but this system is gradually succumbing to its internal contradictions and external pressures, anyway. And even if a tsunami of White Advocates did topple this regime, what would they do afterwards? Instantiate Linder’s cowboy libertarianism inside with a militant force of ruthless militants standing vigil on the perimeters? Add a constitutional amendment enshrining the right to Freedom From Association and carry on with business as usual? The Fourth Reich? Confederate States of America 2.0? LDS theodemocracy (don’t laugh, it’s more likely than the others I listed…)?
I’m working on answers to those questions, which involves reading, pondering, and occasionally throwing an idea or proposition out here or there for feedback and perspective.
What’s been really startling to me, more than the (entirely expected) resistance to the very taboo ideas I presented…was how many people who were capable of verbalizing the stuff about our impending oblivion/genocide would then blink and…do nothing.
Most people are rather risk-averse, unintelligent, and lacking in curiosity. I get that, and I never got frustrated about that. Most people don’t think. That’s just how it is. What’s crawled under my skin and frustrated me is the inaction and indifference of those who allegedly got it. Of course most people are going to dismiss you when you claim that the sky is falling, but what about those who fully agree with you that the sky is falling and can repeat the assertion as clearly as you…and yet are not motivated to act or seek a solution?
That’s what baffles me. It seems to be the result of some deeper spiritual or psychological problem and getting to the bottom of that mystery, rather than engaging in street activism, will be the focus of my work for the meantime.
Analyzing the witches’ brew is an impossible task for the moment. It will take future scholars and intellectuals in an already established ethnostate to understand the different components of the brew—from altruistic punishments and universal altruism apparently inherent in the white psyche (hardware) through the big psychotic breakdowns of the last millennia (Christianity and secular Christianity’s taking such ingrained altruism to deranged levels of ethnomasochism). All of these components of the brew mixed with the Jewish problem and how capitalism drove economics over race in the last centuries make analysis virtually impossible in the present.
And that’s not all. Practically all nationalists I’ve met in the internet ignore the history of their race. Aristotle was right when he said that if you want an in-depth analysis (of the witches’ brew) you need to delve deeply into the past. William Pierce’s Who We Are and Arthur Kemp’s Complete History of the White Race demonstrate that whites have been losing their genetic heritage everywhere since the first Indo-European (“Aryan”) conquests of Sumer, Babylon, India, Egypt and more conspicuously, Greece, Macedonia and Rome (let alone the racial suicide committed by the Spanish and the Portuguese in the American continent).
I myself have ventured to contribute with my grain of salt to analyze the brew. I refer to a single ingredient: cases of deranged whites who seem to abhor their race with all their might (cf. my interpretation of Psychohistory).
No analysis of the current predicaments can be profound enough without further elaborating on the central thesis in both Pierce’s and Kemp’s books: Whites have been behaving suicidally because they have placed economics over race, which has always led to miscegenation and eventual mongrelization. This has happened throughout the rise and fall of their many originally Indo-European civilizations with their imperial attempts to gain some mileage from the conquered instead of complete segregation (or even better, elimination of every conquered ethnic group, as Joshua and others did).
By the by, I have started to quote a few excerpts of Pierce’s unpublished book on white history here and plan to do the same with Kemp’s once I finish reading it.
“What’s been really startling to me, more than the (entirely expected) resistance to the very taboo ideas I presented…was how many people who were capable of verbalizing the stuff about our impending oblivion/genocide would then blink and…do nothing.”
I don’t think that this is necessarily a sign of deep spiritual or psychological problems. I think its pretty much the way its always been. People are people. Each person has a lot of concerns and responsibilities, and we naturally concentrate on our immediate and most pressing ones, such those involving family and kids, school and work. The soccer game this evening or the test coming up at the end of the week are immediate and tangible concerns, which occupy our attention. The more abstract and intangible concern about being displaced and disenfranchised by immigration lies somewhere “out there in the future”. Yes, the long-term planning part of our mind can register that this is not good, but its more of a nebulous concept. For you, your brain structures have a greater ability to grasp the import of this, and envision the consequences vividly, making the connection with Whites’ future here and with what happened in Zimbabwe, and its crystal clear to you. For most people, the image they get is very fuzzy.
The average person is designed by nature to mostly react to what is facing them now. This is not license to now go ahead and disparage and belittle them. Nature built people in the most efficient form possible to survive, and this model of human, European Man, has survived for at least 100,000 years, which is a pretty good track record. This is an awesome sub-species. The fireman that has trouble envisioning America of 2060 will, without regard to his safety, run into a burning building to save your youngster when you are away on a business trip. And there are many, many millions of other Whites who are outstanding, amazing and even heroic in their own way.
I would say that in modern-day America, the problem does not lie with common Whites, although their public schooling and cultural indoctrination hasn’t helped. There are various problems, but the main one, in my view, is the media. It is our society’s collective brain, alert system and command and control system. If the media outlets began broadcasting today about the dangers facing Whites, in a few months even your average caring soccer mom would be busy relentlessly and mercilessly chasing out the invaders in their hair curlers, armed with rolling pins and swiffer sweepers.
Fortunately (?), the multicultural dystopia will slowly destabilize and destroy this society over time, to the point where the commons are forced to react. The economic decline, crime, discrimination and so forth will be such a burden and an immediate “in your face” reality that Whites will be compelled to organize. That’s more of the slow, natural route.
If you are impatient, and want to start the ball rolling sooner, I have a crazy idea from beyond the Pale that I will leave here for consideration.
In nature’s design, the masses go about their pressing daily business, and this is their focus, according to nature’s master blueprint. It is the role of the elites, the talented, gifted and intelligent people, to lead, alert and motivate them (or control them, according to the regime), and get them to react to long-term “bigger picture” concerns such as impending invasion or future crisis.
We have these elites today, but they are unfortunately mostly not on the team. One of our past elites that I mentioned in my previous post was Henry Ford, who I will use as an example of a true European elite, with the potential for greatness. Raised as a farmer, he decided to dabble in engineering, fiddled around with that a bit and became HEAD ENGINEER of Edison, then had the idea he wanted to fart around with the brand new idea of the automobile, and then DESIGNED HIS OWN AUTOMOBILE in his spare time, started a company, it didnt work, so he DESIGNED AN EVEN BETTER AUTO BY HIMSELF, finally created a working company, but saw he could be more efficient, so he REVOLUTIONIZED WORLD MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES, and then BUILT A MASSIVE COMPANY and became fabulously wealthy.
I put some things in bold to sort of highlight his capabilities. He was obviously incredibly intelligent and capable, far more so than you or I. These are the type of people that can transform a society. They think differently, they have capacities far beyond normal, to the point of being “supermen”, in certain ways. They have been the critical, transformational people through European history, responsible for the lion’s share of great achievements and defense of our homelands. They are essentially people with amazing genes (primarily high intelligence) combined with high levels of character, education, motivation and purpose. In my view, they are a necessary ingredient to a full-scale program of successful activism. They can achieve incredible things that normal people cannot.
Now, its going to be pretty hard to convince elites such as Jack Welsh or Warren Buffett to join the team, even if you could get an audience. But all is not lost, because it is within the capacity of your average Joe to create them. Yes, I am talking about artificially inseminating women with high-quality seed, and raising them sort of like the Duggar family, with homeschooling and so forth, with an education designed to raise skilled leaders. The idea undoubtably sounds crazy at first glance, but I would submit that it is the most effective thing that a White activist could do to contribute to the effort.
Andrew hit upon three critical ideas, one of which is continually perverted by our Enemies to point us in the wrong direction, the direction of ineffectiveness.
First, his example of Henry Ford is very telling. Ford literally ushered in the foundation of a new phase of Civilization. Yes, he worked for Detroit Edison, and, when he gave notice to Thomas Edison, Edison hand-wrote him a letter wishing him well on this “gas-auto thing” of Ford’s.
The larger issue is, THIS is what was meant by “free enterprise,” and this, in large part, is a secret of American economic power. The foundation of the American political system is freedom to contract; the foundation of the American economic systemic is mobility of resources. Ford was “free” to be enterprising, and set up his own “enterprise.”
This system allowed for incredible personal and social mobility. We were the leader in this, and remain so. Strategists will tell you our internal transportation infrastructure, from canals and rivers, to railroads, to airports, is still the best in the world. It is this infrastructure that allows mobility of resources, and our information networks, starting with the telegraph, made this possible.
Thus, the transcontinental railroad allowed or true economies of scale in farming, and distribution. It moved the settlers across the prairies, and the harvest back to the cities. The telegraph, the Victorian Internet, created the information foundation for the mass markets to operate.
All the while, freedom to contract, and mobility of resources – freedom of enterprise – operated invisibly in the background, making a new Industrial Age possible.
Freedom to contract and mobility of resources are at the core of the political and economic foundations of the Northwest Republic.
Second, intelligently restoring the family with a focus on social eugenics is mandatory. THIS is the pattern used by our Opposition. Social eugenics is also eminently feasible. Home schooling, of course, networked by a Church as the social facilitator.
Third, color television is the most efficient and most effective social control system in the history of the world. In one example I used earlier, the Chinese are changing Tibet socially in one generation, and it will never go back to the theocratic orders of Yesterday. With the Tibetan women mating up (literally) with the big, powerful, gainfully employed Mongolian men imported into Tibet with, and to build, the railroad, a new Tibet is formed, forever. All of this in one generation – color television, and Mongolian men.
One generation transformed a nation.
Think of what we can do.
Jack Welsh and Warren Buffett are the products of this system which has rewarded finance capitalism for its deindustrializing America and off shoring White jobs to Asian lands. They are not Ford’s equivalents. They have profited from destroying and wrecking. Do not expect them or their sociopathic brethren sitting in boardrooms to engineer a White revolution and homeland. Our heroes will emerge– perhaps, somewhere they already have — but not from among them!
A lot of whites are concerned about where things are going. A lot of “elites” — folks with money and children educated in expensive/exclusive schools — know the anti-white agenda. They can NOT stick out their necks without risking their livelihoods. It is suicide to go public with concerns and dangerous even when among friends. The system’s spies are many. every institution has a “diversity officer”.
I am not sure what is to be done either to further the work of achieving a white state with the fear that permeates Whites who still have a lot to lose.
Reality, There is no need to stick your neck out. Just be as harmless as a dove and as cunning as a serpent. Your well off friends could buy books from Counter-Currents and donate them to their favourite charity shop. Your well off friends could donate money to Counter-Currents either directly or through a third party.
No one expects the well off to wreck their lives but if they are smart enough to afford a family and send their children to private schools they are smart enough to figure out how to help without jeopardizing their families.
The sad fact is that if the Whites who still have a lot to lose don’t find a way to help the front runners then they really will lose a lot; or rather the children and grandchildren that they are pretending to be helping will lose the lot.
Here is one easy legal avenue for those who might wish to pursue White separatist organizational activity – it is wholly optional (to ignore for those who perceive it as dangerous or just not for them):
This is an excellent example of constructive activity that can be done now. To follow that suggestion, no one needs new organizations, infrastructure, or a finished abstract theory of WNism. The same is true for most of JustAMom’s suggestions.
James Bowery’s idea does have theoretical implications, however. The idea depends on the free association principle and on the idea that free association is a right. This principle, in turn, depends on the more basic principles that 1) “rights” exist and 2) that rights properly understood can be a useful ethical concept for advancing White interests and organizing society.
Rights imply autonomy and freedom, including the freedom to choose associations, or not choose them. Furthermore, since these ideas are ultimately derived from Enlightenment thought, the ideas show that even though many Enlightenment principles have been corrosive some Enlightenment principles do in fact have long-term value for Whites on a theoretical level.
Thanks Lou, good observation.
Thanks Lew, good observation
“I think the answer has to be the ethnostate, but even I am not convinced as to where it should be.”
The answer to where it should begin is the same as where it should end – our D.N.A.
Once having achieved critical or tactically placed mass, we can instantiate and expand upon various locations.
Euro-DNA Nation
A blurb for Ernst von Salomon’s Histoire proche: essai sur l’esprit corps franc has this pertinent comment: “The nation knows no limit except the force of its men.”
@ Fourmyle of Ceres:
I agree with you that we are not going to be able to stop immigration short of an explosion of racial consciousness among whites. My guess is white racial consciousness will become effective when we pass the 50% level of the population, as Chittum said that’s when the Soviet Union broke up. Then we will either have civil war like Yugoslavia or peaceful partition as in the Russian Federation. My optimism is that whites will become fully conscious. Then we can organize communities in the millions of population.
If you are saying a graduate of a mainstream seminary will be too P.C. brainwashed to be useful you may well be right. All I’m saying is we have to have religious institutions we control. We need little local churches as one of the core supports of a fully racially conscious white national group that will extend over generations.
Also according to wikipedia Pastor Richard Butler had established a flock of about 200 people in California in the 1970’s. At that time he apparently saw the handwriting on the wall and convinced his congregation of the same. The main thing is A PREACHER persuaded 200 white people to give up homes and jobs and move hundreds of mile to Idaho. That was an as yet unparalleld accomplishment of white community organizing.
So we need preachers, or at least orators as Hitler pointed out. We also need a church so as to have a communal core.
I think long term a fully racially conscious organized white demographic in the Northwest is the way to go. However no one out there has implemented a decent security filter. So the migration movement is hopelessly infiltrated, mostly by Fed agents. It is dead before it gets started.
I feel the reason the Feds have concentrated on Northwest migration infiltration and even set up competing organized mostly white conservative social groups out there is because they understand Covington’s arguments that a Northwest republic is our best option. The Feds I think agree that that is our best chance of success. Consequently they have strangled it in its cradle. What is out there now is a zombie.
I also sense that there are many powerful white men still in the U.S. who are not brain dead and will and probably are doing things to oppose dictatorial policies. But most powerful white males in America aren’t white nationalist or separatist. Mel Gibson is a good example. He will oppose Zionism and a Federal dictatorship but Mel is till basically racially politically correct, or at least appears to be.
There is still a non-Jewish European leadership that is probably well over half the CEO’s.
Most of these will oppose a draconian dictatorship and without the dictatorship white racial consciousness will not be kept under control.
For short I’ll refer to such powerful freedom loving and sensible white men as the Rational Elite.
The Rational Elite run in interlocking social groups, along with Jews of course so the Rational Elite will have to watch their backs.
You may think of the RE’s as a culture within themselves. The RE’s might be considered to be a vast committee. And as such they can have no central plan other than a few basic points. For now the RE’s have probably come to a cultural consensus among themselves on a few action items.
1. The politicians won’t handle the debt crisis so the RE’s must do what they can with what influence they can organize.
2. Wars for Israel are a disaster. Ditto action item.
3. Continued mass non-white immigration will lead to civil war, just as the RE’s witnessed in Yugoslavia and Kosovo. A white ethnic core majority or near majority must be maintained. They will try to stop immigration. They will try.
4. Maybe this is not their last priority, but I think the RE cultural group will try hard to prevent a dictatorship, and that is the key point and where I think they have the best chance of success. If they do prevent dictatorship we can continue to organize whites where ever we feel best, as long as we don’t advocate partition of the country or violence. I think on this action item they will succeed.
The RE cultural group has basically come to a lowest common denominator compromise on what goals to pursue. There are certainly many among them who are much more aligned with our thinking, and as the racial situation and consequently the economic and political climate deteriorates, people among the RE cultural group who are more in agreement with us will have more influence among the RE group.
When that happens we can move our propaganda toward full separation from the rest of the U.S. assuming civil war and/or racial partition hasn’t already occurred.
But for now we just need to start forming communities. And for now in the Northwest, unless someone does it totally under the radar, not Covington style, it’s going to be attacked any way the Feds and their SPLC proxies can. And absent rigorous security they will infiltrate. I can’t go out there covertly on my own as I met Covington a couple of times and contributed a couple of good chunks of money to him. I am a bug stuck on a pin under a microscope. The Feds have my number, and probably they have yours.
phil white in blockquote:
All too true, and we can start where we are, with the functional equivalent of cultural secession. no tv, no cable, home schooling, and kinder, gentler, much more effective organizating.
Could no agree more, and this can all be done out in the open. The larger point regarding seminary graduates is they are all licensed by their Congregation, and are licenses by the State. Constantine would be proud. How do you think “social justice” and the hatred of Men replaced Scripture study as the foundation of the curriculum?
Their instrument of expansion passed peak effectiveness decades ago. This was masked by graciously avoiding the growth focused issues, in line with political correctness. I have argued a new order of Priesthood, based around Masculine Christianity will build the foundation we need. The pagan orders are doing well attracting men, who in turn attract women looking for Real Men. Too much estrogen at the Mainline Church’s “Men Groups,” or whatever the Brotherhood of the Sacred Kotex call themselves these days.
A leader of the Pagan Priesthood told me boys become men while watching the flames of the fire at night in the Presence of Men; they become women in all but name by listening to the men wearing dresses in the pulpit.
Keep that your last sentence in mind as we continue; that is a VERY useful Insight.
It shows it CAN be done, particularly among people with nothing, and nothing to lose. Covington’s t-shirt young men, and their newly dispossessed parents, aunts and uncles.
Did you notice you just mentioned Pastor Butler’s success as (1) a preacher and (2) a community organizer?
THAT is where political effectiveness is developed. Community, and a Youth Movement, go very well together.
You don’t need a security filter. All we are doing, and propose to do, can and MUST be done in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Read the New Testament. Even the Apostles were infiltrated. Some might argue that is why God chose Mary Magdalen as a new Order of Apostle – an Apostle to the Apostles, fallen to deeply into error. Infiltration happens everywhere, all of the time. Right now, absent the Northwest Republic, we don’t have anything remotely worth infiltrating!
That is why we need a new Order of Christianity, as well.
“Zombie” – unDead, Lifeless moving entities that destroy mindlessly – is an apt metaphor for most of what has self-identified as “White Nationalists.” The Northwest Republic is, first and foremost, an Idea, an Idea worth developing new analytical models of governance around. You can’t infiltrate an Idea. You can try to pervert it, but the Truth comes out over time. Perverting “White Nationalism” by linking it with swastikas and unwise references to failed systems has worked spectacularly.
Hence, the organizational lines I have discussed. Note the singular benefit of what has been offered; with no central organization, and no Supreme Leader, a thousand flowers can bloom, all in the open, all in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
A good point, but I think it could fall into the error so many who came before us made. It’s the error of “SOMEONE will come and save us from our selves, and what we have created.” Never happen. It’s up to us, starting where we are, starting tonight, whether it is getting into shape using the Ranger and Marine Corps height weight guidelines, and sending money to counter-currents, each and every month. Gardens require seeds, and seeds require intelligent choice, intelligent placement, and intelligent planning, all part of a long range Plan.
I don’t think so. Draconian dictatorships are only draconian to the Little People. The Big People fit right in, and do just fine. Remember, the Big People threw us over the side already. Why should they stop now? Why should they want to pick up new habits? What is, is working for them.
Good point. Use the example of ecological economics applied to organizational design. Rephrased, “the politicians won’t handle to debt crisis” because, to them, their IS no “debt crisis. The ZERO Interest Rate Regime (ZIRP) has allowed Corporate America and its banks to build cash reserves at an amazing rate. Your RE’s are paying themselves very generous, very tax-favored bonuses from these earnings.
The ones that matter are doing well. The issue is not even framed as a “war for Israel.”
No, the RE are its biggest advocates. Look at the tremendous growth of H1-B visas. They mean, among other things, that your investment in a degree in computer programming just got marked to a market value of zero. Think that will discourage investment in computer science degrees? Bet on it. Think that will spiral down against the American economy? Bet on it. Where will it end? Think of Eddie Williers, at the end of “Atlas Shrugged,” on his knees before the Taggart Comet, trapped on the prairie forever.
Only Covington has a way out of this, and most will not even consider it. That’s fine, for them – their Choice – and creates opportunities, for us.
They gain from a de facto economic dictatorship, if they are on the side of the de facto economic dictators. They will be, or the shareholders/The Owners will replace them with those who will say “Yes!” Ayn Rand got this right.
As I have stated, to quote George Carlin in his great piece on YouTube, “The American Dream,” “They don’t care about you, they don’t give a fuck about you, at all, at all, AT ALL!” Watch in horror as the audience laughs, and see, for just a second, the look on Carlin’s face as he realizes they think it all a joke.
Think about it. What are they going to DO about it? They choose to laugh.
Yes, we can develop the seeds for the communities on all cultural and economic levels.
As for “the feds having (your) number,” I’m glad to talk to an adult about this.
They have everyone’s number, all of the time. Read James Bamford’s books, and know that they know who we are, and all they want to know about us is a mouse click away. They wrote the software for the Internet, they wrote the control sequences for our operating systems, they wrote the anonymous proxy software packages, and, if all else fails – and it doesn’t – they can go to our ISPs anytime and get anything they want.
We use discretion to have nominally private lives, and we know they are professionals. We get to propose Ideas, and discuss how the System works, and how to make it better. They use what they can from that to make the System better, on their terms.
This is how The World Works.
Ergo, the Covington Focus on the Northwest Republic as an Idea, but not as an organization, all done in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
If you want to continue this conversation off line, my email is [email protected].
Now; CEO may have been a bad choice of words, but probably half CEO’s are non-Jews and understand (out side the military industrial/oil branch) that the wars are bad, along with debt and that diversity will breed civil war, which they also see as bad, civil war that is.
Some CEO’s aren’t driven solely by greed. Left wing CEO’s like Ted Turner give a billion away to the U.N. and frankly say their interest in the business game is just that, it’s a big game to them, it’s about power and control.
I didn’t say the RE’s were going to save us. I didn’t say they would stop immigration. I said they would try to stop immigration, twice. That was a hint. I expect they will fail in that but succeed in saving free speech, the right to bear arms. Chuck Hesston was an RE.
As long as we have our political rights we can organize. The RE’s I’m talking about will block guys like Cass Sunstien.
We can even set up communities in the Northwest. But the Feds and SPLC will try to sabotage our Northwest migration by any means available.
Infiltration DOES matter. The neo-cons infiltrated the Republican Party 30 years ago.
The Jews had infiltrated the Council of Conservative Citizens from the get go. I’ve asked the Council to implement the most minor of security measures, like asking prospective national board members were they were born and where they went to high school. I was told that was unnecessary. We used to have attendance of 125 at national meetings. This last meeting had about 30. We were told in 2000 after the first and only SPLC counter demonstration that we had to keep our meetings secret, no advertising to the general public. That flew in the face of every successful political tactic Hitler ever used. If you allow infiltration of your activist group you will be misdirected and sabotaged.
Mel Gibson is a better example of the kind of men I’d expect to see that the “system” is destroying the country. Every successful white male is not driven solely by greed. Don’t turn libertarian on me. Even when they try to cover for their fellow tribesmen, most of the financial scandal you hear of is done by Jews.
Mel had $900 million before his divorce and a lot of box office draw. Look at some of the movies he’s made. “Patriot”, “Brave Heart” and even “Apacalypto”. These are revolutionary movies, although racially correct.
The RE’s aren’t white nationalist; they are for free speech, right to bear arms and trial by jury. They will try to maintain and restore constitutional political rights.
Covington talked like our right to organize political resistance would be done away with in a few short years. That’s where I think events are proving him wrong.
I did some leafleting on my Northwest exploration trips. I’d be a community organizer out there except that the feds practically have a tracking chip implanted in my brain.
I’ll try to organize in the heartland and spend my last few healthy years among my farmer cousins.
My advice to anyone trying to form a cultural basis in the Northwest, with an ultimate goal of political separation is to drop the separation talk other than to say that it may be necessary SOME day. If racial partition and/or civil war don’t occur in the U.S. in the next twenty years then it will be time to push the secession idea among your congregation. And for heavens sake institute some security screening measures. As Covington wrote, “You don’t join us, we join you.”
Talk to young people already in the Northwest. Drop just one line in a conversation like” It’s too bad so many Mexicans are taking jobs in the slow economy.” If the kid is attuned to white nationalism at all he’ll pick up the conversation. If he doesn’t talk to another young person that day. Get a few guys together, have a barbeque. Build a group. Talk to young women too. Re read operation COINTEL.
Now; CEO may have been a bad choice of words, but probably half are non-Jews and understand (out side the military industiral branch) that the wars are bad, along with debt and that diversity will breed civil war, which they also see as bad.
I didn’t say the RE’s were going to save us. I didn’t say they would stop immigration. I said the would try, twice. That was a hint. I expect they will fail in that but suceed in saving free speech, the right to bear arms. Chuck Heston was an RE.
Mel Gibson is a better example of the kind of men I’d expect see that the “system” is destroying the country.
Mel had $900 million before his divorce and a lot of box office draw. Look at some of the movies he’s made. “Patriot”, “Brave Hearat” and even “Apacalypto”. These are reavolutionary movies, although racialy correct.
phil white:
Email is so open as to be transparent. I can’t do that.
Thank you for taking the time to address critically important issues, and correct my misunderstandings. This really does belong in either an “Open Thread” or a “what Is To Be Done” thread. That’s for another time.
You made a few excellent points that deserve comment.
phil white in blockquote:
Great point. The later Klans were no less infiltrated and – this is the key – softly, quietly controlled from Outside the very top of the organizational chart. My God! Who “suggested” wearing bedsheets and pillowcases (satin, for the leadership!) as formal attire?
That the CoCC did not take your excellent idea is all you really need to know. It’s the hobby of a bunch of old, tired men who sit around and moan at their little secret society.
Actions speak louder than words. The CoCC’s actions reveal their words to be meaningless as a political tool for effectiveness. When you showed up and made your excellent suggestions, you were saying, “Let’s stop watching that is happening. Let’s make something happen!”
They were too busy looking with longing at the “Wallace/LeMay” bumper stickers.
They are Men of the Past, Yesterday’s Men. Wish them well, and don’t try to change them. Your challenge only revealed to one and all what they are, and why.
As an aside, I ask one and and to send money to counter-currents, each and every month. A hundred dollars is impressive, for those who have it, and the person who sent in two dollars put one and all to shame. That was probably his/her last two dollars. That is impressive.
I look for What WORKS, and the last century of self-identified White Nationalism has done everything but What WORKS. This Is Not By Accident.
The Feds know EXACTLY who and where each of us are. They own the routers that control the proxy chains we use. They wrote the software for the proxys that make up the chain. They control TOR. Want to see a small example of what they can do? Go to Palantir Software on YouTube, and this is what they are allowing us to see. Like everything you see in Jane’s, the operational capacities are well above what is published.
Hence, Covington’s focus on the Open Secret of the Northwest Republic, an Idea that can not be subverted UNLESS one organization chooses to define it exclusively. This where a thousand flowers will bloom, networked by common beliefs, with common Institutions supporting them.
Organizing is pretty straightforward. Simply preach, and urge the development of home churches. Offer to preach to the home churches. Offer a Church as an organizational framework. Remember what Covington said” The most racially segregated place in America is Church on Sunday.” That is where your RE’s can make a public stand.
Of course, by the time your Church gets formed, admission to the First Order of Priesthood will require you write the story of your life, and answer a few questions. Of course, you don’t join the First Order of Priesthood.
They join you.
All of this is done, of course, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Thus,. when a Church attended opens up at the coffee following your preaching speaks without solicitation of the injudicious, much less illegal, use of force, you know who doesn’t get to join the Priesthood. Period. Metzger has written and spoken judiciously on this, offering us the benefit of his painfully gained experience.
Thank you for your comments.
A quick follow-on to clarify a key point.
The failures of ALL I repeat ALL organizations that purport to support “White Nationalism” reveals they were controlled by their very definition, which allowed soft, effective subversion, from the highest bidder.
They ALL defined themselves in terms of what they were AGAINST Their definition was limited to matters of Form. The Form changed slightly, the Substance did not change in the slightest, and the organization was not only neutralized, their Leaders could claim victory.
The underlying Structure of the situation had not changed. It has only become worse. Yet, by saying, for example, “We are opposed to illegals in America,” the President just issues an Executive Order making them legal. Well, that is certainly that, isn’t it? The Substance has not changed, the Form changed only enough to insure yet another victory for the Other Side.
There are too many examples of this to matter. It Is Not By Accident that the SPLC and its allies refuse to list Whitaker or his associates. THAT is the hallmark of effectiveness.
We must learn from what has been done to us, and we must learn from the Jews, if only as a matter of technics. All that they have done, we can do, and we can do better, as well. They are here because we are here. They are here because of what we can DO.
The most successful preachers, the most successful politicians, all speak in universal terms of what they are for. Only the Losers speak in terms of what they are against, unless they are against (1) “racism” – something only White people can have or (2) Western Civilization.
They are running about ten for ten on the scoreboard.
Covington has it dialed in. “Wise as serpents, peaceful as doves.” THAT is the FOUNDATION of personal and organizational effectiveness.
My above comment at https://counter-currents.com/2012/08/do-nothing/?replytocom=24632#comment-24445 has received precious little response here, particularly the point about David Eden Lane starting a Church. Simply going to a compound interest calculator and plugging the numbers in will take your breath away.
I have also posted a comment on numerous WN boards asking people to describe the view from their bedroom window in fifty years from now. ONE person took a shot at it. ONE.
“Without a vision, the people perish.”
Let’s modify that: “Without a vision, and the Tools to make it happen, the people perish.”
Covington has defined a Vision larger enough so that if it does not fit the vision, it can not be called White Nationalism. He has also defined several useful Tools that we can Form and develop along the way.
AT BEST, before Covington, counter-currents and Bob Whitaker, we had Dreams; vague, loosely defined Dreams that had as their hallmark the vaguely stated belief that Sky God would come down and clean up the mess we have made, the mess we allowed to happen. Capping parking mudsharks and their paramours? Having the US Army come to help weak, helpless us in Southern California? Having “the South” rise again? Having someone make a time machine to help organize things for Uncle Adolf?
See the common themes, before ONE of us, then TWO, and then THREE, saw what WORKED, and paid attention to it as a matter, not of crying like helpless little babies at the Evil they faced, but as Adults who saw the opportunities hidden in the obstacles.
THAT is part and parcel of the Mindset was must develop.
Incidentally, note the Russian Orthodox Church was thoroughly infiltrated by the KGB and its successor organizations. The Russian Orthodox Leadership took the opportunity to infiltrate the KGB.
Sending money to counter-currents, each and every month, is a critical part of that strategy.
You should be careful when referring to compound growth. Models of growth often look impressive on paper but are unrealistic in practice. There are many factors that can either prevent or retard growth. As Donella H. Meadows writes:
“Growth in a constrained environment is very common, so common that systems thinkers call it the ‘limits-to-growth’ archetype. . . . Whenever we see a growing entity, whether it be a population, a corporation, a bank account, a rumor, an epidemic, or sales of a new product, we look for the reinforcing loops that are driving it and for the balancing loops that ultimately will constrain it. We know those balancing loops are there, even if they are not yet dominating the system’s behavior, because no real physical system can grow forever. Even a hot new product will saturate the market eventually. A chain reaction in a nuclear power plant or bomb will run out of fuel. A virus will run out of susceptible people to infect. An economy may be constrained by physical capital or monetary capital or labor or markets or management or resources or pollution.” (Thinking in Systems: A Primer [London: Earthscan, 2009], p. 59.)
Proposals for pursuing a particular course of action — i.e. investing in a course of action — should be framed in more realistic and pragmatic terms. They should not be justified by large but empty promises, but by a realistic understanding of what is possible, probable, and desirable, which requires a theoretical framework and information that enables one to make prudent decisions.
It would be advisable to account for what Meadows calls “reinforcing loops” and “balancing loops” in these matters.
One shouldn’t underestimate the sterilizing power of “bounded rationality,” which Meadows defines (p. 187) as “[t]he logic that leads to decisions or actions that make sense within one part of a system but are not reasonable within a broader context or when seen as a part of the wider system.” This “broader context” includes the long term future. The working plans and routines of people are often governed by a short term and particularistic logic that works against their long term plans and interests.
White Republican:
Having read (the late) Dennis and Donella Meadows in the original, I am glad to clear up a misunderstanding.
I’m simply proposing an organizational model, that can be implemented fairly cheaply, and fairly easily.
No one promises compound interest, or the growth of any living system, to infinity. It was an example of what is possible. Change the assumptions to simple interest, but the underlying principle of effective change remains the same. I was also talking more of membership growth than financial growth, and THAT is why I mentioned the importance of pruning the Leadership from time to time. I think Savitri Devi mentioned the importance of that, in that some people who were accused of being ruthless, were “not ruthless enough,” in pruning back their Leadership cadre to a hard, iron core.
THAT is what we are talking about. Developing “nest leaders,” and a manual for them, is obviously a part of this. Maybe someone has done something like this already. Somewhere.
The larger issue is of quality growth, attracting quality members, Covington’s “Type A” people. Churches can do this, because they link the ordinary life to the fulfillment of a transcendent purpose.
That is where the QUALITATIVE element needed for sustainable transformational development will come from. All of this, of course, can be done, and MUST be done, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.”
Street preaching, home preaching, home teaching, home schooling. Church based economic organization, Mutual Aid Societies, cooperatives and credit unions, control of bureaucratic systems, political transformation – all starts with the one person doing what he can, starting where he is.
That is a good opportunity to mention the importance of contributing to counter-currents, each and every month.
Today would be fine.
To someone like me, your previous reference to “a compound interest calculator” demanded a riposte. Simple interest is one thing, compound interest is another thing.
There’s an excellent chapter on usury in Garrett Hardin’s Living Within Limits titled “Growth: Real and Spurious.” I recall that Hardin cited a Rothschild to the effect that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. As Hardin demonstrated, the Jew was lying, for compound interest is not of this world. Perpetual exponential growth is contrary to nature. The numbers may take your breath away, but those numbers are mathematical artefacts, and have no basis in reality.
I think the process of pruning should be understood primarily in terms of formation and selection rather than purging. Quality is something that must be created. Discipline is something that must be applied constantly and equitably, and discipline must increase with rank and responsibilities.
Some cues might be taken from the Venetian aristocracy in these matters, for it seems to have taken an eminently realistic, serious, and severe approach to the formation and discipline of its members.
Among us, selection should be informed by an “unsentimental sentiment” (to use the fine phrase of Richard M. Weaver).
People who are unfit for higher rank and responsibilities should not be able to rise, or to maintain their position for long, or to combine to form a clique or a caste within a movement that is corrupt or incompetent or both.
People who are unfit for higher rank and responsibilities should feel that these are burdens that they should avoid or relinquish. Such people should be made to feel that they are bearing a pyramid rather than climbing a pyramid.
There is no place for communist style purges in which one pile of rotten apples is replaced with another pile of rotten apples. The communist system was an essentially lawless one. It was vicious and capricious, ruthless and indulgent, turning a bloodshot eye towards those it saw as its enemies and a blind eye towards those it saw as its friends. This sounds strangely familiar.
As I’ve previously indicated, I’m interested in putting together some ideas regarding cadres, with a focus on (1) a kind of general staff system to direct activism; (2) cadres performing specialized functions to support activism (like those of the Front National’s Délégation Générale, mentioned above); and (3) cadres at the base. I’m also interested in applying the ideas of systems theory to activism, in identifying what paradigms, heuristics, and measures are appropriate here, as well as identifying relevant entry points, leverage points, and choke points.
@ Fourmyle Ceres
Here is my snail mail address if it makes you feel more comfortable. I think serious people in the movement should start forming real world contacts just incase the net gets taken down, or our web sites.
Phil White
6223 U.S. Hwy 27 North PBM#5.
Sebring Fl. 33870
I also hope to be at the Bugster conference in East Tennessee in mid-September, if you would like to attend we may meet.
I like to stick close to Bob. I think he packs heat. J
I may be leaving for the Mid West soon if I can get some things done here first.
If I do there may be a delay in getting mail.
I may be able to get general delivery mail at Nevada Mo. if I am able to leave for a while.
I mentioned email, as I only wanted to keep from filling up Greg’s threads. I think email is as secure as posting on Counter Currents.
In summary I think powerful white males will save most of our bill of rights and political freedom.
We can then continue to organize in all the U.S.
As the situation deteriorates economically and politically we will get more lee way from the Rational Elites.
Our main thing should be to organize communities SOMEWHERE.
Secession is something people will think of on their own without us proposing it. And little boys will always be born with testicles.
My hope is we will at least have a Balkans type racial enclaves pattern and we can slowly take back most of the continent, possibly over centuries.
The Russian, Spaniards and Serbs all did it.
Yours is the 88th posting in this thread!
Physical limitations stop me from traveling, otherwise I would be in The Homeland.
I wouldn’t worry about tying up thread space on counter-currents. Given the quality of your comments, there is plenty of room for more.
One day, perhaps, counter-currents will open a (moderated) Open Thread, and a What Is To Be Done thread.
I have found your comments both educational and inspirational. I note that the best Idea – White nationalism – is finally attracting the best people, and their best thinking.
Now, if they can just attract some more money, given on a regular basis.
I think the question “what is to be done?” merits its own blog, webzine, or forum, with a particular publishing and editorial model. It’s not a matter of having a thread, but of weaving a fabric.
Discussions of this question are usually unproductive, for reasons I discussed in two comments above, which so far haven’t received any response. I think the fourth reason I gave is particularly important:
“The subject is not adequately subdivided or articulated and thereby made manageable. The question ‘what is to be done?’ has no simple answer and must be divided into many parts. I believe that the answer to this question must be a collective one. As I previously remarked in this thread: ‘If there is a solution, it will be created through the aggregation of many solutions to the manifold tasks and challenges before us, through the development of problem-solving skills in all areas and at all levels.’
“Relatively few people can productively discuss big matters (e.g. strategy), but relatively many people can productively discuss small matters (e.g. tactics, techniques, and tools).
“Discussion should be organized so that people can discuss things that are within their area of activity, interest, experience, and expertise. This would make discussion much more purposeful and productive.”
I’m interested in setting up some kind of blog, but I’m undecided as to what publishing and editorial model I should use for this. I’m also undecided as to what theoretical framework and methodology I should use. But some cues might be drawn from the following ideas:
We need to be able to answer the small questions effectively if we are to acquire the authority, prestige, and ability to answer the big questions.
We need to identify entry points and leverage points for individual and collective activism. By entry points, I mean areas which are open to us, areas in which we can engage in activism here and now. By leverage points, I mean areas where we can work with optimal effectiveness and efficiency.
We need to think and act in terms of multiple and complementary forms of organization, activism, and disciplines. In these matters, we can only understand so much as individuals, but we should have some degree of “peripheral vision” so that we can effectively understand and work with others. If one considers the NPD’s “three tiers strategy” of cultural, community, and political activism, it should be obvious that these forms of activism require different people with different skills, different organizational structures, different economies, different timeframes, and different performance measures. A single logic is not applicable to all of these forms of activism.
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