Video of the Day NXSchell’s “The Victim Industry”
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Can a white man who is denied admission to a university
or job or promotion in spite of better qualifications claim to be a victim?
This is very depressing, If everyone is a victim, then no one is. We are all the same and slaves and we all get to go live with Charley Manson and he can preach to us. This would be my definition of hell.
There is in this victim game one creature that by definition can never be a victim and is for ever doomed to remain a victimiser. That creature is : 1) male, 2) heterosexual, 3) white, and 4) Christian. If on top of that he is also intelligent, creative, hardworking and successful then he is GUILTY.
Are you not a victim of cultural marxism which says you are guilty for the reasons given? Who gave them the authority to assign blame?
It is the dominant system of inverted values that gives the cultural Marxists the authority to assign blame to the strong and righteousness to the weak. If moral values are biological then there is no reasonable escape from guilt, ergo a white man is always guilty simply for being white. There is however “hope” for him. Since his guilt is existential he can absolve himself from guilt by ending his own existence, i.e. by committing racial suicide. That can be achieved by accepting mass-immigration of non-Whites and by practising miscegenation. That is the “salvation” the gospel of multiculturalism offers.
Greg, do you know what happened to this Schell fellow? His videos are excellent.
I have no idea.
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