Counter-Currents/North American New Right editor Greg Johnson has been interviewed by Matt Parrot at Radio Free Indiana on the Voice of Reason Network. To listen, click here:
Topics include Dr. Johnson’s recent book Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, immigration, diversity, the Ron Paul candidacy, and the potential for radical change in America. (The business about “Cat Lady Logic” is another, unrelated part of the broadcast.) The interview starts about 12 minutes in.
We wish to thank Matt Parrot for this opportunity.
Greg Johnson Interviewed on Radio Free Indiana
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Greg, I have listened three times your long response to Matt after 33:40 to 43:48. This segment that describes the whole meta-perspective deserves an entry on its own (I especially liked the coming “glitch in the Matrix” metaphor). This is the kind of stuff that I’d love to see in YouTube videos, not only audios.
Chechar, funny that you mention that. I too listened to that segment multiple times, in fact I listened to the entire interview several times, something that I pretty much never do. Very good stuff.
Indeed. I listened that segment once more. This is the good stuff that nationalists are capable of if—unlike You Know Who—we leave our egos aside and discuss matters from purely survivalist intentions. Like the first novel of Covington’s quartet, I am concerned about “GUBUs”…
Excellent interview. Greg, you’re quite good on the radio. It might not be a direction that you want to take (and unfortunately it’s a direction that I currently can’t take, though I’d like to), but I think you could build a substantial audience if you so chose. While we need all sorts of media personalities targeting a wide variety of market segments, it would be particularly great to have our own NPR.
And to Matt, it’s great to see that your show is back. No sooner had I become a regular listener – and then hiatus. You put on a very good show, and I’m looking forward to future installments.
I don’t have a lot of time for internet radio these days (though I still crave the good stuff), so I have to limit myself to a few. Yours made the cut. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that one of the few others that I listen to is the kunstlercast, and then a little James Edwards and Sunic. So at this point, even as a rather purist WN, my podcast media intake is almost 1/4 Semitic. Sad.
But the truth is that genuinely good conversation is so rare in the Kwa that any manifestation of it is like pure gold. You and Greg had that in this interview. No shucking and jiving, no gimmicks, just good conversation about serious issues by two intelligent and determined white men. Who’d a thunk it was possible in 2011?
Very interesting point regarding “disturbed nests” theory of demographic decline. Maybe the social upheavals of the industrial revolution had a negative impact on birth rates for the same reason?
Greg, I agree; an excellent interview. As I mentioned the other day, you have a real talent for distilling important ideas and clarifying fundamental points. This applies on the radio as well as in writing.
Great point.
If you find any “WN organizations,” let us know how they are doing, why, and how they could do better.
What’s In YOUR Future?
Focus Northwest
This was a very insightful show and it exceeded my expectations. And I couldn’t agree more about Ron Paul being unworthy of white nationalist support this time around. The only reason I supported him in 2008 was due to his calls for ending birthright citizenship and ending foreign aid to all nations including Israel; positions that are consistent with the white nationalist outlook. Then the media called him the r word and he practically dedicated his campaign to the memory of Martin Luther King, the plastic god of American multiculturalism.
He’s since done an about face on immigration and now says we need a “humane” solution to the problem. Start buttering your backsides anytime you hear a politician say humane in a discussion about the illegal invaders since it’s code for some form of amnesty.
The way out of this mess isn’t through the raceless and materialistic creed of libertarianism or its acolytes like Ron Paul.
A great interview Dr. Johnson; it was direct and to the point As to Dr. Ron Paul: libertarianism is not the key to our racial re-awakening. Mr. Paul’s scope of ‘markets over culture‘ (i.e. our ‘race culture’) will only complicate our struggle.
Our ongoing ‘Silent Majority’ may need the straight arrow of straight talk.
Greg should be a regular guest on one of these shows; if not, host his own.
You’ve got it all: the intellect, quick wits, a healthy perspective, and a tasteful sense of humor.
One thing I liked about this interview was Greg Johnson’s pluralistic viewpoint regarding activism. White nationalists must use several complementary methods of activism rather than use a single exclusive method of activism. Apparently the National Democratic Party of Germany refers to a “three tier model” of activism which combines electoral activism, community activism, and cultural activism. Greg’s interests clearly lie in cultural activism or metapolitics, but he recognises that this is insufficient on its own, and he does not denigrate other approaches.
As individuals, we will find some forms of activism more attractive, accessible, and congenial than others, due to our individual temperaments, skills, experience, and environment. I can’t imagine myself being involved in electoral activism — it’s something for which I lack the tact and the temperament (as Nicolás Gómez Dávila said, “Revolutions are frightening, but elections are disgusting”) — but that doesn’t mean that I can’t participate in other forms of activism, and it doesn’t mean that I would condemn electoral activism on the part of activism. However, I would condemn the belief that only electoral activism or community activism or cultural activism counts, and that all effort and all resources must be channelled into it. Such an approach should be rejected for two reasons. The first is that several forms of activism are necessary for creating and maintaining any effective political, social, and cultural movement. The second is that human resources are not fungible or interchangeable. We have to work with people where they are and as they are, and make effective use of their particular skills, resources, and potentialities.
None of this is to deny that some forms of activism are more important or more appropriate than others, that movements must prioritise some forms of activism over others, and that individuals will often have to work outside of their comfort zones if they are serious about their work.
Jean Ousset’s book, Action (Norfolk, VA: IHS Press, 2002), is well worth reading for its pluralistic viewpoint on activism.
I think that cultural activism of the right kind can play a fundamental role in activism in general by exercising what Antonio Gramsci called “cultural hegemony” among White nationalists and their target audiences. Such cultural activism must, as Guillaume Faye emphasises throughout his works, avoid intellectualism and excessive culturalism. Cultural activism should inspire and guide concrete activism. It should be practiced at many levels using a range of media and organisational forms. It should permeate a movement.
GJ in the interview (34:25) :
“…high-minded White people who think that following their ideas off the cliff is the ultimate proof of the high-mindedness of their ideas. And so, White societies can commit suicide out of high-mindedness. (But we aren’t a White society anymore. The people who rule us are not ‘Whites’….) “
I liked that description of crazy high-mindedness. But those who indulge in fanatical and destructive behavior are usually not so much high-minded as mean-spirited.
For example, White “antifa” thugs are manipulated into working for our enemies. But it is difficult to argue that their typically White high-minded ideals have been hijacked by our enemies. What is really manipulated is their stupidity, their aggressiveness, and their conformism. White plutocrats who betray their low-rank White brothers for convenience are not high-minded either.
I think the apparent crazy high-mindedness is mostly due to the hostile media, the lack of free speech, and the intimidation of whistle-blowers.
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