Perspectives change in the weirdest ways. Who would have thought a mere week ago that I would find myself defending Klaus Schwab? Certainly not me. (more…)
Tag: World Economic Forum
A new trend has emerged in the country where I live. Maybe it has been going on for quite some time elsewhere, but it’s advent in my neck of the woods is recent.
I am, of course, talking about the sudden (for me at least) prevalence of bottle caps which are attached to the bottle. Milk, juice, pop, energy drinks . . . all now come with caps that cling to the bottle with a stubborn fortitude. (more…)
Millennial Woes (official website here) did a solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Hall monitors are students, usually found in American schools, who eagerly volunteer to patrol the corridors of their campus or building and ensure that their fellow students aren’t breaking any rules. Essentially, they do the petty work so that the real authority figures at school can focus on other things.
Is there a better metaphor to describe today’s mainstream media class? (more…)
Although we’ve been through worse, 2023 was one of those years I’m happy to see in the rear-view mirror at last. Since the plandemic began, Clown World mutated into Scary as Hell Clown Like John Wayne Gacy World, and it hasn’t improved much. Throughout the past year, my browser’s start page never failed to bring in digital flotsam proving the point. There’s much clowning to be had, but it’s not so funny anymore. (more…)
December 5, 2023 Mark Gullick
The Fear of Writing
1,994 words
I was carrying out a literary exercise of quite a different kind: this was the making up of a continuous ‘story’ about myself . . . — George Orwell, “Why I Write”
Litera scripta manet.
(That which is written, remains.)
— John Dewey (more…) -
The French-language news portal Breizh-Info has published a long interview in French with Hungarian Member of Parliament László Toroczkai, who is the leader of the opposition nationalist parliamentary group Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. The following is an English translation.
László Toroczkai has been a leading figure in Hungarian nationalism for 25 years. His biography has few equals in this political milieu. He began as a young parliamentary assistant working with the Hungarian Justice and Life Party, or MIÉP, in the late 1990s, which was a nationalist party that had parliamentary representation between 1998 and 2002. (more…)
Scott Howard
The Plot Against Humanity
Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022Scott Howard’s third book for Antelope Hill is an examination of the push by hostile globalist elites to bring about a transhumanist-informed, bio-digital age. This will be a new era of nightmare in which humanity will be wired into a vast, interconnected, AI-managed system that will see us sorted, surveilled, monitored, and controlled — and that’s if we’re lucky. (more…)
An Anonymous January 6th Prisoner
The American Regime
Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022With its striking cover and the mystique of having been written by an anonymous January 6 political prisoner, Antelope Hill’s latest book, The American Regime, was immediately intriguing. Books cannot always be judged by their covers, but I am happy to say that it exceeded my expectations. (more…)
1,799 words
We, a select group of human beings . . . — John Kerry speaking at Davos
In this life, one thing counts.
In the bank, large amounts.
I’m afraid these don’t grow on trees,
You’ve got to pick a pocket or two.
— Fagin, Oliver! (more…) -
I’m a proud tree-hugger, but even I have my limits. It’s about time to send some friendly-fire flak at Greta Thunberg, arguably the most public face of the global whining movement. Even the Goddess Herself thinks the Swedish Doom Goblin is a twit. (more…)
September 19, 2022 Jim Goad
Koukejte na všechny ty nepotřebné lidi . . .
1.265 slov
English original here
Potrhlý Izraelec Yuval Noah Harari je rasista v tom nejryzejším slova smyslu: jako cestu kupředu vidí eliminaci celé lidské rasy.
Zatímco se řada z nás do roztrhání těla snaží zastavit velkou výměnu, Harari s málo skrývaným uspokojením hovoří o náhradě rozsahu nesrovnatelně masivnějšího – tedy druhu Homo sapiens přístroji a algoritmy, které je uvádějí do pohybu. (more…)