This year’s election has already featured political violence. Haitian migrants running amok in Springfield, Ohio is part of that arsenal of weapons the establishment is using. Over the last nine years, different types of political violence have occurred in the United States. (more…)
Tag: political violence
A revelation which I had in prison (in some ways a relatively high-strung, low-trust, violent environment) is that violence is transactional. This lesson from prison politics is especially relevant to real world politics. (more…)
President Donald Trump is the avatar of white America — its embodiment — and any attack on him is an attack on the historic American nation. The only way that this ends without an explosion of political violence and a second civil war is if Trump survives the campaign and goes on to win the upcoming election against the most corrupt system in the history of modernity. (more…)
The following was translated by Greg Johnson from the original French with permission from Breizh-info. The interview was conducted by YV.
We asked Alain de Benoist for his views on the recent European elections in France, as well as the French legislative elections, Macron’s dissolution of the Assembly, the nation’s current political theater, and of course the “two weeks of hate” that we are currently experiencing under the impetus of the Left. (more…)
- Only 23.1% of all respondents and 30.2% of Republican respondents can think of a concrete example of Israel aiding American interests off the top of their heads.
- 68.4% of respondents oppose direct intervention in the Gaza conflict with airstrikes or boots on the ground.
- 25.7% of respondents aged 18-29 would oppose a draft through peaceful protest, and 16.9% through non-violent civil disobedience.
- 4.4% of respondents aged 18-29 said they would oppose a draft through violence against government property, and 4.4% through violence against government officials.
December 5, 2023 David M. Zsutty
The Homeland Institute’s Third Poll
Part Two: Is National Divorce a Solution?Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
25.4% of all respondents and 32.2% of Republican respondents agreed at least a little with the concept of a national divorce. Only 19.5% of all respondents, 8.6% of Republicans, and 36.3% of Democrats at least somewhat agreed that the federal government cares about their interests. (more…)
On August 20th, Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian geopolitical thinker Alexander Dugin, was killed when her vehicle exploded as she was leaving a festival where her father spoke. (more…)
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A Trumpeter, prisoner made,
Hoped his life would be spared when he said
He’d no part in the fight,
But they answered him “Right,
But what of the music you made? (more…) -
You’ve seen these films, haven’t you, my man? — Manhunter
The sovereign is he who decides on the state of exception: If there is some person or institution, in a given polity, capable of bringing about a total suspension of the law and then to use extra-legal force to normalize the situation, then that person or institution is the sovereign in that polity. — Carl Schmitt, Political Theology 5 (more…)
Kyle Shideler, ed., Gabriel Nadales, Erin Smith, Matthew Vadum, J. Michael Waller
Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat
Washington: Center for Security Policy, 2020A menace stalks America: Antifa. While this menace has rampaged across the country since Donald Trump’s inauguration, very little information has circulated about the movement’s origins, means of support, or ideology. (more…)
This year’s US Presidential contest is between the Republican Party and the Banana Republican Party, formerly known as the Democrats. As I write this, the Democrats are trying to destroy American democracy because the people have disappointed them once again. Donald Trump is the rightful victor of this election, and if Biden ends up with more votes, it is only because he cheated. Trump should not concede under any circumstances until all challenges have been exhausted. (more…)
Detail, Pietr Bruegel the Elder, The Triumph of Death, 1562-1563.
Detail, Pietr Bruegel the Elder, The Triumph of Death, 1562-1563.
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It feels like a slap in the face when you think you are living in interesting times, but then you realize, no. No, you were not. Those times, or really, our memories of those times which slowly evaporate even as they cling more tightly to the fear centers and emotion hubs of our minds, were not terribly interesting at all, were they? (more…)
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I am a creature of habit. One of my daily morning rituals, after snoozing my alarm at least twice, is to check my phone for the morning headlines and to have a look at trending topics on Twitter. The viral meme du jour this Monday morning was that of “Ken and Karen McBoomer,” (more…)