The Haitian National Centre for Geospatial Information (CNIGS) is the closest thing Haiti has to a space program. Possessing no spacecraft launch facilities, satellites, or even telescopes, its sole purpose seems to be to collect satellite data that is donated to it by the French Space Agency which is then used to help Haitians to cope with the many disasters which strike their country. Compare this to NASA’s achievements and you’ll see why Haitians may be less capable than Ohioans at space exploration. (Image source: Recovery Observatory Haiti)

The Haitian National Centre for Geospatial Information (CNIGS) is the closest thing Haiti has to a space program. Possessing no spacecraft launch facilities, satellites, or even telescopes, its sole purpose seems to be to collect satellite data that is donated to it by the French Space Agency which is then used to help Haitians to cope with the many disasters which strike their country. Compare this to NASA’s achievements and you’ll see why Haitians may be less capable than Ohioans at space exploration. (Image source: Recovery Observatory Haiti)
1,969 words
55 years ago, almost to the day, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of the Moon. This event is not discussed nearly enough. As I see it, the Moon landing is one of the greatest achievements in the 300,000-year history of the human species. No earthly life form had ever traveled to another celestial body until three brave, white explorers completed their daring journey on July 20, 1969. That iconic date should be counted among the most glorious in the history of White America.
Not one of the great powers of past ages can claim to have sent the first man to the Moon. For myself and my fellow white Americans, that is an achievement that can be claimed by us and us alone. The moment Armstrong stepped onto the Moon’s surface, a new, uniquely American chapter was contributed to the epic, ongoing tale of the white race and its exploits. (more…)