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Joe Rogan Accused of Being an Anti-Semitic Nut for Saying That Jews Love Money
As a perpetually persecuted people who can’t catch a break no matter where they wind up after being kicked out of the previous country that learned to dislike them, Jews have endured way too much suffering to ever tolerate insults again. Or even unsolicited praise. They’ve been through far too much to ever have to tolerate anything, positive or negative, from any non-Jew ever again.
Popular podcaster Joe Rogan is a dangerous, vehement, and sometimes even virulent anti-Semite who might as well just call himself “Jew-Hatin’ Joe.” Who knew?
On a recent episode of his podcast, Rogan mentioned Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of Rep. Adam Schiff — a JEW — for California Senate. Schiff is a descendant of Jewish financier Jacob Schiff, who was so flush with cash that he financed Japan in the Russo-Japanese War. Rogan mentioned the irony that a pampered child of intergenerational Jewish wealth was pictured sitting next to Rep. Ilhan Omar, who in 2019 faced scorn for writing that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was “all about the Benjamins, baby,” which is a ghetto-slang reference to money, seeing as how Benjamin Franklin’s homely face is on the $100 bill.
At some point shortly after Omar dared to defame the entire Zionist project, someone clearly dragged her behind a shed and gave her a stern talkin’-to, because she started desperately apologizing for not realizing what a problem anti-Semitism is, especially when it involves making preposterous statements such as the idea that Jews love money.
Rogan speculated:
It’s crazy. Did you see [Schiff] sitting next to Ilhan Omar, where she’s apologizing for talking about ‘it’s all about the Benjamins’? Which is just about money. She’s talking about money. That’s not an anti-Semitic comment, I don’t think that is. Benjamins are money. . . . The idea that Jewish people are not into money is ridiculous. That’s like saying Italians aren’t into pizza. It’s fucking stupid. . . . My point is, she’s sitting right next to Adam Schiff and no one says shit.
Oh no, he didn’t!
Goofy-looking British Jew and reputed comedian David Baddiel scurried to Twitter to defend international Jewry against the shameful and easily debunked notion that the Jews, hoo-boy, they sure like themselves some money:
For the hard of understanding, “Jews are into money” is not like “Italians are into pizza.” Because unless my history lessons really missed something out, no-one has exterminated a large section of the entire Italian community because of their love for pepperoni.
Maybe my history lessons skipped over something as well, but when did a large section of the entire Jewish community get exterminated over the idea that they love money?
Ratcheting up the moral hysteria a notch, Baddiel followed up with a tweet featuring a tantalizingly anti-Semitic illustration from a 1938 pro-Nazi children’s book called Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Toadstool). A passage from that book reads, “Money is the god of the Jews. He commits the greatest crimes to earn money. He won’t rest until he can sit on a great sack of money, until he has become king of money.”
Baddiel, who apparently won’t give up no matter how far he falls behind, then said, well, um, Joe Rogan makes a lot of money, too, so where the hell does he get off insulting Jews by saying they like money?
Who said it was an insult? What Rogan said was clearly more of an affront to Italians than to Jews, because it’s dumb to like pizza more than money.
Some other bold crusader against the global scourge of anti-Semitism dragged up an old Rogan clip where, clearly mocking the idea, Rogan joked about Jewish “puppeteering” and how they’re “pulling all those strings at CNN, Hollywood.”
Wait — Jews don’t pull strings at CNN and in Hollywood?
In the same episode where Rogan made light of Jewish “puppeteering,” he also went full-blown KMac Separation and Its Discontents about the idea of Jewish exclusivity:
The other thing is that they stick to themselves. So like when people stick to themselves, they get discriminated against. . . . A friend of mine described it really well. He said you create a walled garden and other people can’t get in and they automatically hate those inside the walled garden, even though they don’t really hate you. One of the things they hate is that they can’t be there.
Implying that Jews, despite all that they preach about “inclusivity” and “anti-racism,” might be the most exclusive and actively discriminatory racial group of all seems like a much more damning indictment of All Things Jewish than merely to say they like money. Yet no one made a big stink about that statement of Rogan’s. Why, it’s almost as if they don’t want you to consider that there are worse things about Jews than the idea that they like money and wield power over the media.
Either way, the Jews really need to take a chill pill, lighten up, and let it go. Everybody loves a winner, but nobody likes a whiner. Get a life, Jews.
Black Woman Shoots 12-Year-Old White Boy Dead for “Rummaging” In Her Yard
The Columbus, Georgia Statistical Metropolitan Area is a seedy and generally charmless little pocket of nothingness smack-dab in the middle of nowhere. It includes the nearby military base of Fort Benning, Georgia, as well as the college town of Auburn, Alabama. Across the Chattahoochee River from Columbus sits Phenix City, Alabama, which up until the 1950s was an infamous hotbed of gambling and vice but of late has turned toward more noble pursuits such as anti-white homicide.
Tywoana Anderson-Jakes is a 50-year-old black woman from Phenix City who exhibits no signs of shame or remorse for the fact that her first name is “Tywoana.” Last September, she shot a 30-year-old man in the leg in what a local ABC affiliate described as a “trespassing dispute.” Jakes claimed self-defense and was not charged.
On Wednesday evening, February 1, in another apparent “trespassing dispute,” Jakes shot and killed a 12-year-old white boy named Connor Mullins. According to local District Attorney Rick Chancey, Jakes confronted Mullins and two other boys, who were “apparently doing mischief and rummaging through stuff” on an abandoned lot belonging to Jakes’ family that sat across a five-lane highway from Jakes’s residence. When Jakes — apparently, the bitch is a trifle trigger-happy — confronted the three youths with a gun, two of them fled the scene while Connor Mullins froze in place, only to be shot dead.
Chancey said:
She said she shot, and I have a dead 12-year-old boy who was doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. It’s hard to digest. . . . I hope we’re not in a society now where this is going to be the thing. I don’t want us to turn into a society where we take the law in our own hands and if somebody’s on our property, we shoot them or if we think it’s self-defense, we shoot them.
According to the victim’s mother, her son was merely passing through the abandoned lot en route to Dollar General to buy some potato chips. There were murmurs that a car window was broken somewhere on the abandoned lot, so perhaps initial reports of “rummaging” and “doing mischief” were valid. But does that justify shooting someone dead in the neck? It seems far more egregious than what happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
Why aren’t white people rioting? Oh, right — white people don’t riot.
In 2021, a 39-year-old black man from Columbus, Georgia was arrested after embarking upon “a 20-hour, two-state shooting spree that wounded five strangers.” After interviewing the suspect, a detective stated that the motive was racial revenge: “Basically, he explained throughout his life, specifically white males had taken from him, and also what he described as ‘military-looking white males’ had taken from him.”
During 2020’s Summer of Floyd, 19-year-old Jayvon Hatchett was arrested for stabbing an employee at a Columbus, Georgia AutoZone. Hatchett explained to detectives that he “felt the need to find a white man to kill” after watching non-stop loops of anti-black police brutality all summer. Hatchett later found that “white man to kill” when he beat his white cellmate to death.
My oh my, there seems to be a little bit of a problem with black-on-white violence down there on the Georgia/Alabama state line. Why does the national news refuse to report on this epidemic of white kids wantonly rummaging through abandoned lots?
Study Concludes that Black Children are Being Sent to Schools Where Test Scores are Low
A while back I wrote about a public-education crisis in Baltimore, a city where an “average” student received passing grades in only three total classes throughout all four years of high school.
Well, the state’s math scores just came in and, ooh-doggy, it does not look good for Baltimore. Only 7% of third- through eighth-graders were able to do math at grade level. And at a whopping 23 schools, no one could perform math at their grade level. An additional 20 schools could only cough up one or two students who tested proficiently at math.
Holy smokes, whatever could might be the problem?
Well, a recent state analysis of Louisiana – which, like the City of Baltimore, has this mystifying problem where children in predominantly black areas score abysmally on standardized tests — may finally offer a solution. Apparently the problem is racial discrimination. They’re sending black students to schools where people score “D” or “F” on most tests, while they’re sending white students to schools where people score an “A” or a “B” most frequently. According to Gina Brown, who operates as a “Performance Audit Manager” in Louisiana:
White students make up 74% of those schools for your “A” schools, and Black [sic] students make up about 16% in your “A” schools. Whereas Black [sic] students make up about 81% in your “F” schools, and white students make up about 3.2% In your “F” schools.
Problem solved! Start sending more white kids to the “F” schools and more black kids to the “A” schools.
According to “educational advocate” Dr. Cathy Banks:
We can’t blame it on the parents, we can’t blame it on the teachers, you know some of it is a system and we just have to fix it all. This is the reason why we have so many “D” and “F” schools. And the only thing in the audit it doesn’t tell why this is happening. So we have to start working together; parents, teachers, administration, school boards and we have to work together to find out how we can get so many “D” and “F” schools off the list. . . . The majority of minority students in the state of Louisiana are in failing schools, either in a “D” or an “F” school. We need to get to the why.
Who’s failing these poor, underserved chilluns? You’ve ruled out blaming the parents and the teachers. Has anyone paused to consider that maybe the kids are just dumb? If we could just admit, across the board, that black people suffer severe mental handicaps in the aggregate, we may have finally taken the first step toward racial reconciliation.
250+ Anti-White Slurs Found on Leaked Document from Auburn University’s Black Student Union
Over ten years ago, a friend of mine suggested that “imagine if the races were reversed” should just be made into an app. That way, none of us will ever again have to trot out some blatant example of racial double standards and type out the phrase “imagine if the races were reversed.” You just paste the story into the app, and — voilà — it’s imagined for you. It would be a tremendous time-saver, and I’d still like to partner with someone to make this app a reality.
Alabama’s Auburn Black Student Union — which is a university-funded organization — recently found itself immersed in a teacup of tepidly warm water when a Google Doc was leaked containing over 250 anti-white slurs, along with shared messages exulting in the slurs’ alleged hilarity. The document was titled “CREAKER NAMES,” with “creaker” being a modified form of “cracker” referring specifically to older whites.
Among the featured slurs:
People of colonial complexion, cheese skins, bleach demons, flour monster, sour cream salamanders, yeast maggots, snow pigs, plaster people, snow roaches, unedited google document, pale lice, failed abortions, semen skinned, mayosapiens, Sour Cream Citizen, Walking corpse, Sugar sardines, Dandruff demons, elbow crust, dried cum, Neanderthal monkey, diseased Neanderthals, deformed DNA, plaster people, walking napkins, albino pigs, not meant to exist, white “people” was just god experimenting, decomposing form of humanity, stinky smelly white roaches, years [sic] worth of dirt caked up that you can’t see, saggy white beasts, sun like monsters, pale freaks, cousin lovers, Cotton I wouldn’t pick, 2 week old Greek yogurt, fresh tampon, Unflavored Monkey, Albino Lizard, and Cum cookie.
I give credit where it’s due: Some of those were mildly creative.
In turn, here are some anti-black slurs from the invaluable Racial Slurs Database:
Antique Farm Equipment, Banjo Lips, Bingo-Bongo, Bix Nood, Buckwheat, Burnt Cracker, Chain Dragger, Charcoal Briquette, Cocoa Puff, Donkey Kong, Gatorbait, Ghetto Hamster, Hambone, Jackamammy, Justin Igger, Knuckle-Dragger, Lawn Jockey, Leprecoon, Lincoln’s Mistake, Moon Cricket, Mud Duck, Nonswimmer, Oil Slick, Patio Primate, Pube Head, Schwoogie, Shadow-Smurf, Shitskin, Southern Windchime, Toilet Swimmer, Tree Ornament, Unemployus Africanus, Whale Turd.
Now, imagine if Auburn’s White Student Union — just kidding. Auburn doesn’t have a White Student Union. They tried to have one there, but the university officially disavowed it.
I think the unbridled use of racial slurs in the public square would lead to a saner and more functional society. I know that sounds like a joke, but I’m dead-serious. The current climate of insane censoriousness is not helping us all get along. Maybe we’re not destined to get along, anyway, but free access to racial slurs and jokes is a fundamental human right. A society’s mental health will improve in direct proportion to its increased use of racial slurs. Racial slurs are what God gave us to keep us from killing each other.
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Although most of the slurs on the list were pretty lame, I got a pretty good chuckle out of “no-purpose flour.”
I liked that one, too, Lee.
My favorite for blacks is “Antique Farm Equipment.”
Although most of the slurs on the list were pretty lame, I did get a good chuckle out of “no-purpose flour.”
Apologies for the repetition. I wasn’t logged in when I submitted the previous comment.
I’ve heard better.
Con air frequent flyers
C-block regulars
Pickup, pump, and dump artists
Certified mail recipients
Evolutionary chart guys, third from the right
Austro abo, premium version
Copper tippers
A willing-or-unwilling–ladies’ man
1/4 of a neocortex
Welfare check-gripping tar babies
6 million dollar girlie man
Victomhood hoarder
Poor little rich boys
The world’s most vulnerable billionairs
Faces only Grendel’s mother could love
Hairdryer-addled wax figures
God’s gag gift to women
Homo parasiticus
Examples of inversely proportioned brains and looks
Sexually dimorphic hermaphrodites
Empathy addicts
Angelic dust sniffers
Diversitian cultists
A Jew’s bleached doormat
Fundamental racial truths: Chinamen will eat anything that moves; blacks will f#ck anything that moves; Jews will scam anything that moves; Hindus will worship anything that move; and whites . . . will adopt anything that moves.
^^ Humorous comment of the YEAR — Bravo!!
We shouldn’t let that Jew stop us from having a good time. What did Rogan say that brings us to the Holocaust? He brings shame on Shecky and Henny and Buddy, et al. Not to mention hepcat Jews like Jerry Wexler at Atlantic Records. Fine Jews like Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, for that matter. Not the unhappy and unhep ones we see today.
Brought to you by Jews:
“My Tywoana” is that rarest of things, a black marksman. Not only did she hit her target, she killed him. If she gets sick of owning vacant lots in desolate areas, she can head north and name her price to inner city youth who need help shooting at partygoers whose host dissed them by denying them entry or kicking them out. “Ah shoots niggas daid” is her slogan. No longer would there be the scourge of infants being hit while sleeping in their cribs a quarter mile away from the intended target.
I thin Tywoana is a black person’s spelling of Tijuana
Got to love KMac’s Norm MacDonald style deadpanning. Rogan should have had Jamie pull up this doozy that’s straight from the horse’s mouth. That’s right, Johnathan Greenblatt, the head ADL spook himself, admits that Jews are a) a community b) have power c) are institutional investors and d) should use a, b, and c to further their values.
Call me cynical, but regarding the black lady she’ll probably get away with it because she’s black.
It’s time to break out the (rhetorical) big guns in this metapolitical war. Next time you hear someone is advocating for race-mixing, point out to them the harmful power imbalance between the races. (Because power imbalance=basically rape in left wing orthodoxy) Also point out that it deprives the other minorities of partners, and that especially with black men that the carceral power of the state is ready to crush them should the huwhite hussie even feel uncomfortable. If we meme this hard enough, I think it should put the woke on the defensive.
They trotted out a no-name comedian to throw a few rocks at Rogan because they’re a little afraid of him. Guy has a huge audience and when some other group, I forget who they were, tried to get him kicked off the air, they failed. You know they’re not going to touch him, at least right now, because the media attacks have stopped. If he slips a little, the jackals will be right on him though.
Which comedian was this?
It surely can not have been meant the revered Cambridge-educated British broadcaster, humorist and cultural commentator, David Baddiel (*) ?
(*) Author of the widely-praised top-seller Jews Don’t Count, a timely and excoriating analysis of The New Anti-Semitism. Indeed the very tropes that Baddiel urgently cautions us to suppress (with legislation) sprout afresh in the increasingly problematic Joe Rogan Show —veritable Giftpilzen indeed!
All those pathetic slurs against whites that couldn’t raise the ire of a single white man, and yet all we have to say is ‘f**k off nigger’ and the whole stinkin lot of them have a collective headburst. And 94% of white people agree with whites marrying the nasty things.
“Who’s failing these poor, underserved chilluns? You’ve ruled out blaming the parents and the teachers. Has anyone paused to consider that maybe the kids are just dumb? If we could just admit, across the board, that black people suffer severe mental handicaps in the aggregate, we may have finally taken the first step toward racial reconciliation.”
It’s funny how a largely uncontroversial and fairly well-accepted philosophical principle like Occam’s Razor goes completely out the window when the subject is race. Or, more specifically, black failure at life.
If a White woman shot a Black 12-year-old boy and gave the same flimsy excuse the Black woman gave, it would be national and international news. Marches, political speeches, and much liberal grandstanding would happen. Riots. Predictable hysteria.
Some non-Whites are speaking out about racial hatred against Whites. It’s all so obvious. How can any rational person not see the double standard?
Rogan’s about to learn that it doesn’t matter how many Jews he’s had as close friends, how many Jews he constantly has on his show to spout their Jewishness for free, how many times he’s attacked his own people to defend another. It never mattered. There’s no mutual respect or goodwill possible with the Jews, there’s no buttering them up or staying in their good graces. You are cattle, and there’s to be no back-talk or speaking out of turn. He’s about to learn that old Bougatian adage: with Jews you lose.
One minor correction: David Baddiel is not British. He’s Jewish.
David Baddiel is certainly legally a British subject of His Majesty and a British passport holder. But ‘British’ is a somewhat synthetic term that gained currency after the 1707 Act of Union, originally encompassing the various indigenous ethnicities of Great Britain: English, Welsh and Scottish. And by now so many waves of incomers have been ‘grandfathered in’ that one might view British as a no more than a civic category like American. I should expect that Mr Baddiel views himself as a British Jew, which is perfectly reasonable and indeed the descriptor used in the article, but perhaps not as strictly English per se (*)
(*) Though for example some Black Britons perversely insist they are English, and it may now be a ‘hate crime’ to correct them.
No, he’s definitely a Jew.
And he’s not much of a comedian. Frankly, that bar seems pretty low these days.
As a deaf person, I have NO use of or for podcasters. To the outer darkness with the lot of them. Give us TEXT that we can READ.
Empathy addicts
Angelic dust sniffers
Diversitian cultists
A Jew’s bleached doormat
“Self-Hating taught by Jews”
“Pathological Out-Group Preferers”
“Guilt-Tripped Goys”
“Passively Conquered Ex-Conquerors”
“Our Inside Men”
“Sleazily Led”
“Compulsive Triers”
“Dysgenic Hobby Farmers”
Ok one more:
Anyone else think the Jews are hoarding eggs?
Loving money is not inherently bad provided it is an incentive that leads to a value-add to society, i.e. developing new products, services, etc. that betters the world and creates jobs. This is the foundation of capitalism.
Loving money is bad when it leads to financial crimes or other corruption, such as pyramid schemes and other thefts and scams.
It’s not anti-Semitic to note the disproportionate amount of financial crimes committed by Jews relative to their population. Just like it is not racist to note the disproportionate amount of violent crime committed by blacks relative to their population. Or to note the disproportionate amount of Asians who have trouble navigating a car in traffic or pronouncing words with the letter “L” correctly.
Madoff, Lou Pearlman, Scott Rothstein, Steven Hoffenberg, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell, Marc Dreier, Sam Bankman-Fried, Samuel Israel III, Jordan Belfort, Saul J. Kassin, Mordchai Fish, Lavel Schwartz, Eliahu Ben Haim and Edmund Nahum to name just a few.
Seems like life would be simpler just getting a real job versus risking getting thrown in the pokey and having to give massages to a burly cell mate whilst wearing a mini skirt.
What would Mel Gibson think?
Collective noun for the likes of female Afro-centic conspiracy nuts/anti-white race grifters like Joy Reid, Nikole Hannah Jones, the Black Lesbian Marxists founders and all their dopey followers:
“Racial slurs are what God gave us to keep us from killing each other.”
Yes, indeed; racial slurs are that. The list Mr. Goad composed is just too whimsical to capture the true nature of Basketball-Americans, Upper-Case Americans, Pavement Apes, or — dare I say? — Niggers.
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