Next month will mark the 25th Anniversary of the airing of a PBS Frontline documentary called The Lost Children of Rockdale, which originally aired on October 19, 1999. The documentary concerns the outbreak of syphilis among teens and even preteens as young as twelve in Rockdale County, Georgia, a suburban area east of Atlanta. (more…)
Tag: Georgia
One of Tom Wolfe’s most celebrated books, A Man In Full, concerns the nature of masculinity. Of course, that remarkably brief take is rather like saying that Crime and Punishment is about the practical limits of utilitarianism. There’s quite a lot going on in it, which is to be expected since it’s a little longer than Dostoyevsky’s classic. Therefore, I won’t get too far into my usual blow-by-blow. I’ll proceed after the premise with a thematic analysis of this classic from 1998. (more…)
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Corruption can be funny. This is especially the case when someone is bad at it, because then it ventures into the realm of comedy. Ultimately, however, it isn’t funny. It is the rust that corrodes civilizations. It rewards the lazy, the selfish, the cunning, and it punishes and demoralizes everyone else — especially if the perpetrators get away with it.
I once knew an Indian woman who said that she admired the fact that politics in the United States lacks corruption. (more…)
The American Regime is gradually slipping in European-style totalitarian speech restrictions through the back door due to the climate of repression around so-called “anti-Semitic” speech. The latest example is the arrest of a Georgia couple, Philip and Hilary Jacobs who were arrested for “littering” after distributing political literature critical of Jewish power. (more…)
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A Detroit reporter resigned when she allegedly used a racial epithet while in conversation with a colleague in 2016. The allegations against her were dodgy at best, but it nonetheless prompted her to hang up her microphone in favor of less violent pastures. It was alleged by a notorious black agitator named Sam Riddle that the reporter, Lauren Podell, an attractive blonde journalist for an NBC local affiliate, WDIV-TV in Detroit, said, “I’m tired of reporting on these niggers killing one another in Detroit.” Even in 2016, that was a taboo statement to make — albeit the allegations against her were never substantiated. (more…)
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As of May 9, 2023, the Ukrainian military controls less than 2% of Bakhmut. It is only a matter of time before the city is entirely in Russian hands, barring a miraculous Ukrainian counterattack which turns out to be wildly successful. Reports of minor counterattacks are mostly hype. (more…)
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SPLC Lawyer and Billionaire’s Son Among 23 Arrested for Attack on Atlanta’s “Cop City”
As someone who’s lived in Georgia since early 2007, one thing I can tell you is that it has a lot of trees. You might be shocked to learn that it has twice as many trees as it does black people. Georgia suffers no lack of trees or black people. If you’re looking for a state that’s chock-full of blacks and trees, come on down to Georgia. (more…)
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Joe Rogan Accused of Being an Anti-Semitic Nut for Saying That Jews Love Money
As a perpetually persecuted people who can’t catch a break no matter where they wind up after being kicked out of the previous country that learned to dislike them, Jews have endured way too much suffering to ever tolerate insults again. (more…)
After nearly 20 years of exile in New York City, I recently returned home to the South. I went to New York for a job and arrived full of hope, delighted at the prospect of a new life in “the greatest city in the world.” My preconceptions about the city were almost all positive, and, as I later discovered, heavily romanticized. (more…)
Herschel Walker Announces He’s Transitioning from a Werewolf to a Vampire
Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker is so stupid, it’s fair to call him a genius at being stupid. The existence of Herschel Walker as a legitimate senatorial candidate is a testament to the absolute state of American democracy. It’s also evidence that Donald Trump selected some Grade-A morons to back this time around. Their only requirement to get Trump’s backing seems to consist of speaking well of Donald Trump, even if they are incapable of speaking well in any context. (more…)
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Next week down here in Georgia, a state that is just under one-third black, we’re expected to choose between two black men for US Senator. I’m also supposed to pretend that either one of them will adequately “represent” me in the Senate.
The Democrats have farted forth the incumbent Raphael Warnock and his shiny coffee-bean head. Warnock is the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where some fellow named Martin Luther King, Jr. used to be the pastor. Warnock has cited Dr. James Cone as his “mentor.” Cone has said things such as “If God is white, kill God.” (more…)
Nina Jankowicz
How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News and the Future of Conflict
London, New York, Dublin: I. B. Tauris, 2020Pilate saith unto [Jesus Christ], What is truth? — John 18:38 (JKV)
Since 2016 Americans have been bombarded by a steady stream of accusations related to Russian disinformation. For the most part, these accusations were hysterical, dishonest upon its face (like the Steele Dossier), and ill-defined. (more…)
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If you read the mainstream media, it’s all over for white America. The forces of the Great Replacement are unstoppable. Our cities are forever destined to be “revitalized” by refugees. COVID-positive illegal immigrants will be flown from the border to the interior by the Biden regime in midnight flights via Crooked Hillary’s Central Soviet of Multiculturalism. Cultural objects that have been destroyed will not be remade. Books by dead white males will be thrown into bonfires while Obama-sons dance around it, wielding their assegais. Martin Luther King’s dream will haunt our sleep forever. (more…)