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Five Black Cops Beat Black Memphis Motorist to Death As a Confused Nation Decides Whether It’s Appropriate to Riot
At least since the 1991 beating of Rodney King, Americans have been clubbed over the head with the idea that cops are simply Klansmen in blue uniforms rather than white sheets. Mitigating circumstances never mattered for those who blindly swallowed this narrative.
Even in Rodney King’s case, most Americans never saw the full videotape in which King kept getting up and attacking police. They were told that King was beaten by “four white policemen,” despite the fact that one of the four cops was Mexican by blood. Americans were not informed, at least not in any of the narratives I heard — and I had the misfortune of living in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots — that King had two partners with him on the night he was beaten. Those two partners obeyed police orders to stay down on the ground and, as luck would have it, were not beaten. As a result of such deliberate mangling and withholding of information in the service of a fraudulent narrative, 63 people died in the riots, and American race relations took a permanent turn for the worse.
Every subsequent high-profile case where a black criminal suspect either died or suffered a few lumps while in police custody was also marred by such inconvenient mitigating circumstances. From Eric Garner to Mike Brown to George Floyd and all the rest, the media carefully sidestepped the fact that the alleged victims had at the very least resisted arrest. Reporters also tied on their ballerina slippers and carefully pirouetted around pesky facts such as that George Floyd was zonked out of his mind on fentanyl, and that Mike Brown had just robbed a convenience store before attempting to snatch Darren Wilson’s gun from him. It seemed as if the media actually wanted riots — and riots they got.
A recent case in Memphis, a town that harbors some of the nation’s orneriest Negroes, also involves a black criminal suspect resisting arrest and temporarily being able to flee custody on foot. But on the night of January 7, when police caught up with Tyre Nichols — pronounced “Tyree Nickels” — video footage from bodycams and a nearby light pole shows them giving him a vicious thrashing involving multiple kicks to the head and at least five unanswered sucker punches. Nichols was hospitalized and died three days later from “extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating.”
Bodycam audio reveals the police gloating after Nichols was finally subdued, saying things such as “That was fun,” “I hope they stomp his ass,” “I was hitting him with straight haymakers, dog,” and “I jumped in, started rocking him.” I’m aware of no similarly sadistic and triumphalist comments from any of the police in the King, Brown, Garner, or Floyd cases.
So do we finally have a case which snugly fits the Official False Narrative?
Nope, we don’t, seeing as how all five cops who are now being charged with second-degree murder for beating Nichols to death are inconveniently black. Say their names: Emmit Martin III, Justin Smith, Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, and Desmond Mills. Say “Tadarrius Bean” multiple times, if you wish. I did, and doing so brightened an otherwise bleak January afternoon. The fact that a black cop named “Tadarrius Bean” is charged with beating a black motorist to death is as funny to me as the fact that a white cop named “Stacey Koon” was charged in the Rodney King incident.
Current Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “CJ” Davis is a black woman who, a source in Atlanta law enforcement tells me, was formerly employed as an Atlanta cop but was demoted for allegedly covering up sexual misdeeds by an Atlanta police sergeant. The source also says that Davis was eventually promoted to her current position due to the ruling regime’s demand to cram as many underqualified black chicks into top positions as possible. Davis has wasted no time rushing to judgment and standing before cameras to announce that the five black cops’ behavior was a “failing of basic humanity.” She insisted that the officers’ original alibi for stopping Nichols due to reckless driving was not supported by any available evidence. She even said that what happened to Nichols was “about the same, if not worse” than the Rodney King beating.
Well, sure. Rodney King wasn’t beaten to death. I’m no mind-reader, but it did occur to me that Chief Davis may be making a public display of condemning the five Brothas in Blue not due to any innate sense of fair play, but to spare her own head from the guillotine.
Racial ambulance-chaser Tim Wise seems certain, though, that the culprit was, but of course, “white supremacy”: “Anyone who says the killing of Tyre Nichols can’t be about racism because the cops were also Black [sic] really doesn’t understand how white supremacy or anti-Blackness [sic] work.”
Please, dearest Uncle Tim, enlighten us about how white supremacy really works, because white supremacists clearly can’t figure out how to make whites supreme in this society.
There was a smattering of riots and “unrest” in Memphis and other American cities over the weekend after the bodycam footage was released on Friday. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, in response to both the Nichols beating and a local crisis involving a police training center, has summoned 1,000 National Guard soldiers to patrol the state until at least February 9.
This may mark the first time in American history that the summer riot season started in mid-winter.
Project Veritas: Gay Black Pfizer Employee Chimps Out After Being Recorded Trying to Impress a Date by Bragging that Infecting Monkeys with Mutated Viruses Is a “Cash Cow”
James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have pulled off what is likely their most impressively damning and far-reaching coup yet by recording a gay black Pfizer employee boasting about how his company is fuckin’ around with COVID variants to preemptively manufacture new vaccines and make a bundle of cash in the process.
The employee, a fruity black man with a dolphin’s forehead named Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations, was filmed on the evening of January 24 at a restaurant in New York City. In one video, in an apparent attempt to seduce his male date with juicy details about how he’s a bad boy doing bad things with a big bad company, Walker eagerly dishes about how Pfizer is allegedly doing things they are not legally empowered to do:
One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that, though, there’s a risk of, like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating fucking viruses. . . . Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them. . . . You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullshit. . . . Because some of the times there are mutations that pop up that we are not prepared for. Like with Delta and Omicron. And things like that. Who knows? Either way, it’s going to be a cash cow. COVID is going to be a cash cow for us for a while going forward. Like, obviously. . . . It’s pretty good for the industry, to be honest. It’s bad for everybody else in America.
Another video depicts Walker flippin’ the frick out after Veritas head honcho James O’Keefe saunters into the restaurant and confronts him with footage of his boastful statements. Walker immediately cries foul, starts flailing around like one of those inflatable balloon men you see at used-car lots, demands that the restaurant owners keep O’Keefe and his crew locked in the restaurant as he calls police to inform them that five “white men” are making him feel unsafe, insists that he was lying only to impress his date just like all “normal men” do, desperately tries to seize O’Keefe’s iPad and destroy all evidence by smashing the device on the ground, and then rushes outside to block a vehicle that he mistook as carrying Veritas crew members.
His reaction to being outed as a possible enabler of one of the most sinister corporate schemes in world history was so egregiously dramatic that it suggests he was not only panicking about losing his job — he was terrified of being suddenly made to look as if he’d committed suicide.
Walker had fled the scene by the time police — two black police — arrived to inform Project Veritas members that if Walker had remained at the restaurant, they would have arrested him for assault.
His mama could have told him that bad things happen when monkeys monkey around with monkeys.
Pfizer released a statement denying all of Walker’s allegations, forever settling the controversy.
Podhoretz: Jews Have Too Much Power to Be Cool Anymore
John Podhoretz looks like a gay egg with glasses. He is the aggressively Jewish son of the aggressively Jewish Norman Podhoretz, who wrote the landmark 1963 Commentary magazine essay called “My Negro Problem — And Ours,” which was commendable in that it challenged a narrative that was prevalent even back then: namely, that blacks are the helpless victims of white-supremacist violence. In the elder Podhoretz’s experience, blacks were the one group in New York City who weren’t shy about beating the shit out of all the other groups in New York City.
In what has to be at least the partial result of his tribe’s lauded nepotism, the younger Podhoretz is now the editor of Commentary. He recently published an essay in Sapir, which describes itself as “A quarterly journal for a thriving Jewish future,” titled “‘A Swinging Bunch of People’ No Longer.”
The article’s subhead is “When and how did Judaism change from Sammy Davis Jr.’s cool to Kanye’s antisemitism?” Podhoretz traces the arc of Jewish cultural ascendancy in America, citing a 1948 essay by James Baldwin in Commentary about how “the Negro identifies himself almost wholly with the Jew” because both groups shared an identity of having been excluded from mainstream American life by those gosh-darned self-centered white supremacists.
As Jews wormed their way into power during the 1950s, several prominent celebrities such as Sammy Davis, Jr., Elizabeth Taylor, and Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism, all of them proclaiming that they personally identified with the alleged suffering that American Jews were forced to endure. Jews’ perceived outlaw status back then led Sammy Davis, Jr. to christen them as “a swinging bunch of people.”
Podhoretz writes:
Three generations later, we American Jews find ourselves facing a new cultural model of antisemitism. There’s an argument to be made that Kanye West is a 21st-century version of Sammy Davis Jr., but while Davis joined The Chosen, West has become the most nakedly antisemitic cultural figure we’ve seen in American public life in a dog’s age. . . . Sammy Davis Jr. was attracted to Judaism; West has been seduced by the oldest and most enduring hatred on earth.
Jeepers, why would that hatred be so enduring? It’s one of the world’s great mysteries.
While acknowledging that at least for marketing purposes, Jews are much more appealing when they are perceived to be victims rather than bullies, Podhoretz argues that their gradual accumulation of power is a sweet thing indeed and shouldn’t be tossed away simply to appear “cool” to their inferiors:
Therefore, whatever we are and whatever we can be, we cannot be cool. Cool has a transgressive aspect, and Jews are the ultimate A students who want to please the teacher and get in good with the administration. Nor can we hope to win over the likes of West with efforts to convince him that Jews also have a history of oppression, and that Jews today are under a new kind of threat – a threat that he himself represents in part. . . . Instead, we need to capitalize on the century of Jewish-American achievement as a form of cultural self-defense – and use, on our own behalf, the very power that the West and others are so disgusted by. We don’t need to be cool. We need to be self-confident and angry and unashamed about using whatever power we have accrued to ensure that the demons of history do not emerge here.
I doubt it was his intention, but he sure makes those “demons of history” sound cool.
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The Man Who Cried Monkey
His Name Is Doug Emhoff, But You Can Call Him “Mister First Lady”
The Worst Week Yet: August 18-24, 2004
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The Worst Week Yet: August 11-17, 2024
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Suppose They Planned a Riot and Nobody Came
The Worst Week Yet – July 28-August 3, 2024
We wouldn’t want the Tribe With Tiny Hats to appear transgressive in any aspect, especially while engaging in transgressive acts.
This week’s column presents three amazing news stories.
1- Tim Wise claims that White Supremacy is to blame for five Blacks murdering an innocent, harmless person. With White victims, he shows no concern. He approves.
2- Pfizer is deliberately creating COVID-19 variants, in order to sell more vaccines. Who knew? Good for Project Veritas for exposing this, in a very funny video.
3- John Podhoretz celebrates Jewish Supremacy. He admits it openly. I thought you couldn’t do that. He should get the same treatment as Kanye West.
Every week, I learn something new from Jim Goad.
Poddy is delusional if he thinks Jews were ever “cool.” Those examples he cites are Hollywood celebs who wanted to benefit their careers by joining the rising (or at least increasingly visible) power in their industry. Same reason Madonna “studies” Kabbalah, and Tucker wears a Kabbalah bracelet.
More recently, Scientology has become something of a rival: a way to rise in Hollywood without sucking up to the Jews. I bet Scientology’s animus against psychiatry and the pharma industry is a new version “anti-Semitism,” displacing the more traditional “Christ-killers.”
I always got the impression that Scientologists have something to hide. The “church “ then uses that information to blackmail them. John Travolta and Tom Cruise are prime examples of this.
Could be, at least in some cases, but I tend to stick with the idea that it flatters idiots — such as Hollywood celebs — by telling them they are better than the rest of us — literally superhuman, in fact. There’s a concerted effort to snag celebs, with outreach centers actually called “Celebrity Centers.” Celebs provide both money and respectability.
“Recruiting and retaining Scientologist celebrities and getting them to endorse Scientology to the public at large has been important to the Church of Scientology since its early days. The organization has had a written program governing celebrity recruitment since at least 1955, when L. Ron Hubbard created “Project Celebrity”, offering rewards to Scientologists who recruited targeted celebrities.[1][2] Early interested parties included former silent-screen star Gloria Swanson and jazz pianist Dave Brubeck.[2][3] The Scientology organization has a particular interest in international focus on wealthy businesspeople and influencers to help promote its ideals. A Scientology policy letter of 1976 states that “rehabilitation of celebrities who are just beyond or just approaching their prime” enables the “rapid dissemination” of Scientology.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_and_celebrities
Thanks for responding. The Wikipedia entry looks like it was written by a Scientologist.
With the growing aspirations of woke ‘education’, does anyone ever think to educate the young not to fight with police? They can rally protests on TikTok or Twitter before the court date for their ‘false arrest’. Sadly, there are still those brazen enough to claim such black on black attacks are due to ‘white supremacy’. In Africa, it is a the ‘legacy of white supremacy’.
All this segues to Podhoretz, who says Jewish “power” should be wielded. He didn’t get the memo that even if you notice it, “one must never mention it” to paraphrase Dave Chappell. I’d like to see the left list the things ‘white supremacy’ does not cause. It doesn’t seem like anti-white speech leads to “white supremacist” flexing of power like what happened to Kanye West. Pink haired Sarah Jeong tweeted against whites incessantly and then was hired by the NY Times. Now there’s the power of white supremacy! I feel as strong and manly as Lee Marvin, I could be one of the Sons of Lee Marvin!
White supremacy is so grand it may control the weather too… that December polar vortex was just a White Christmas. Until I heard NPR on Christmas… stories about what it means to be Jewish on Christmas, Chinese American cooking (“Woks of Life”), a Palestinian take on Christmas, and an Asian American Santa. However if a couple of white chicks set up a taco truck, they can expect to be run out of Portland for ‘cultural appropriation’.
I’m not sure out of your many trenchant descriptors which of these two is my favorite: ” last of the Mohicans, because all the other Mohicans died of embarrassment,” or “gay egg with glasses .” Tough call.
Can you imagine graduating from college with a degree in chemistry, landing your dream job at Pfizer, and you get a homosexual, black affirmative action clown as your supervisor? It’s an upside down world.
Who then cries about feeling unsafe around “five White men.” I’m pretty sure this fiasco was at Ignazio’s pizza in Dumbo, Brooklyn where this whinging baby went to be as far from Harlem’s unpleasantries as possible.
Anyone who thinks five black thugs in police uniforms beating to death an innocent black victim and exulting in it is an example of white supremacy just doesn’t understand how black persecution profiteering and professional race-baiting work.
“…a fruity black man with a dolphin’s forehead named Jordon Trishton Walker…”
He even emits a high pitched squeal that reminds one of an ill-tempered Flipper:
Any policing program the gets 6 black men off of the streets of Memphis in one night should be relentlessly promoted and championed.
Keep it up!
Would you believe it Batman, but in the antipodes the narrative has already shifted to put a white man in the frame as the ‘white supremacist’ coach of this badass b. ball team.
For reasons left deliberately(?) unclear Preston Hemphill, who does not look like a stoner although he likely occasionally gets the munchies, has been ‘removed from duty with pay’. This justifies his having top billing in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s article on the apparently senseless killing in Memphis; with an, admittedly friendly-looking, portrait that’s as large as those of all the actual perpetrators put together!
Read it if you dare.
It’s not even safe to visit Graceland anymore. Not because of the gauche decor, but because the disgusting shithole known affectionately as “the ‘hood” comes right up to the other side of Elvis Presley Boulevard now.
We can all hearken back to a time when the only gunfire in that neighborhood was at Graceland.
Oh, yes. I had forgotten about that.
Mr. Presley putting one right between the eyes of his surly television set.
Precisely like we’d all like to do.
Remember, that was before people like Bill Maher and Joy Behar and Don Lemon were even on TV yet. Before horrible shows like Hoarders and 30 Rock. Elvis was prescient.
Is that what passes for banter on a gay date? ‘I’m creating dangerous viruses?’ And this is on a date with a white man? Am I misunderstanding? What a power move. The many psychosexual implications here are such I have to sit down. This is really very confusing. I guess ever since Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor had coked up sex, and then of course we had Lawrence vs Texas, we’ve unfortunately had to reckon with these questions. Lust is really one’s undoing I suppose. I just mostly feel uncomfortable that twinkish gay men are acting like villains in a bad movie.
Dunno if I misunderstood your comment, but anyway: https://vdare.com/posts/would-a-middle-eastern-and-north-african-census-category-be-good-for-the-jews
But that happens to be true. Jews do have higher IQs than whites (esp these days, after more than a century of dysgenics that seems to have affected whites more than Jews), and they are about 100x more ethnocentric. Whites should emulate them in that (as prowhites have been saying since I first started reading prowhite lit, decades pre-internet).
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