Putin Goes Full-Blown Antagonistic Toward Satanic Anglo-Saxon West
From the very start of the conflict in Ukraine I’ve made clear that I don’t take a side, because the very fact that a World War is brewing while the world economy is already teetering on collapse will be bad for the United States no matter who wins, assuming that there will be any winners when the radioactive dust settles.
Although I find it hard not to admire Vladimir Putin merely for the fact that he’s one tough, cold eel, I have noticed a tendency among many of the Extremely Online to cheer for Russia in this conflict because they seem to be so myopically fixated on specific issues that they actually think we’re on the brink of a thermonuclear war for no other reason than to decide whether or not it’s acceptable for drag queens to sodomize schoolchildren.
In a speech Putin held on Friday to formally announce Russia’s annexation of four regions in Ukraine, he did criticize the “West” — a term he seemed to use at least ten times for every time he mentioned Ukraine — for foisting “degradation” and “perversions” on “children in our schools.” He even referred to it as Satanism:
Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquiring the features of a “reverse religion” [the opposite of what the religion is] — outright Satanism.
Okay, so far I can comprehend how this is all juicy red meat for that cloistered contingent of people whose daydreams are filled with thoughts of Satan and pedophilia. I get it, I swear I do.
But everything else in Putin’s speech signals that while these types of people consider him a natural ally, their love is likely unrequited. I doubt this former KGB officer cares if you like him or think he’s “based.” If you’re a proud Western Christian nationalist, he seems more likely to view you as an archenemy than a friend.
First off, while Putin may claim to be a Christian, he clearly does not see Russia as a Christian nation. In his speech he made sure to note the tremendous influence of “the great moral values of Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism” on “Russian culture.” A purely Orthodox culture would not accept Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism, much less give them equal billing.
He claimed that “Russophobia” is racist and that it’s “now spreading all over the world.”
He reminded the world that only the US has actually dropped nuclear bombs on countries, and that despite the Western media’s insistence that Russia is the imperialist aggressor in this situation, it is actually America that has held a unipolar military and financial stranglehold on the rest of the world since 1945:
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West decided that the world, all of us, would forever have to put up with its dictates. . . . The profits from World War II allowed the United States to finally overcome the consequences of the Great Depression and become the largest economy in the world, to impose on the planet the power of the dollar as a global reserve currency.
He implied that “Anglo-Saxons” — he mentioned them by race, not by country — were behind the “sabotage” of the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
Claiming that Russia “led the anti-colonial movement” in the 1900s, Putin then dragged “the West” — yes, all of it — all the way back to the Middle Ages and essentially bitch-slapped us for all of the same unpardonable sins that your typical far-Left college-geek Poli Sci major blames us these days:
It is worth reminding the West that it began its colonial policy back in the Middle Ages, and then followed the global slave trade, the genocide of Indian tribes in America, the plunder of India, Africa, the wars of England and France against China, as a result of which it was forced to open its ports for trade opium. What they did was put entire nations on drugs, purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of land and resources, staged a real hunt for people like animals.
These are the words of someone preparing to justify the wholesale slaughter of an irredeemable group that he’s marked and tagged as evildoers. It doesn’t seem to matter whether or not you think he’s cool.
Writer Pushes for Virtual-Reality Children, Theoretically Opening the Door for Virtual-Reality Child Molestation
Catriona Campbell is a hag-faced British woman who writes with unrestrained glee about another kind of “Great Replacement” — not of white Europeans with browns, yellows, and blacks, but of actual human beings with virtual-reality simulacra of human beings.
In case you are fortunate enough not to know what a “Tamagotchi” was, it was a “virtual pet” toy first marketed in 1996. Shaped like a little keychain, the crude digital device had a touchscreen allowing you to press buttons to act like a parent to the little catlike creature that appeared on the screen. You had to “feed” it when it was hungry, give it “medicine” when it was sick, and “clean up” after it digitally excreted waste products. You could “raise” the virtual-reality beast to adulthood, at which point it didn’t need your constant “care” anymore, or you could neglect it until it died. Unlike an actual parent of a real child, you could even “pause” the entire process, essentially freezing the little being in time until you decided you wanted to continue pretending to nurture a non-existent creature.
In her new book AI by Design: A Plan for Living with Artificial Intelligence, Catriona Campbell heralds the advent of a “Tamagotchi generation” where adult human beings opt to raise startlingly realistic but fully digital “metaverse” children rather than suffer the pangs of setbacks of raising an actual child:
Virtual children may seem like a giant leap from where we are now, but within 50 years technology will have advanced to such an extent that babies which exist in the metaverse are indistinct from those in the real world. As the metaverse evolves, I can see virtual children becoming an accepted and fully embraced part of society in much of the developed world. . . . We’re already well on our way to creating the Tamagotchi generation which, for all intents and purposes, will be “real” to their parents. On the basis that consumer demand is there, which I think it will be, AI children will become widely available for a relatively small monthly fee. Make no mistake that this development, should it indeed take place, is a technological game-changer which, if managed correctly, could help us solve some of today’s most pressing issues, including overpopulation.
According to an article about Campbell in the Daily Star:
An AI expert has predicted that “virtual children” will become the norm in the next 50 years — you’ll be able to raise them in the metaverse without having to change a single nappie . . . Virtual kids born in the metaverse could become more common in the next 50 years. . . . Author Catriona Campbell believes parents will want to care for digital children in virtual reality, using a headset to feel like they’re really there with a CGI kid. . . . These virtual kids would be just like the real thing but could be switched off at the touch of a button, and Campbell argues they’ll help the world deal with “overpopulation.”
An article from May, replete with terrifying stock photos of real human women interacting with phantom ghost babies, explains how “virtual parenting” will work:
Parents will see and interact with their offspring through next-generation AR glasses and haptic gloves. These devices allow users to experience a realistic sense of touch when handling virtual or holographic objects. . . . They will cost nothing to feed, take up no space, and remain healthy for as long as they are programmed to “live.” And they could be accessible through a Netflix-type subscription service for as little as $25 (£20) per month. . . . Digital children will look, sound, act, and even “feel” like real humans. . . . They will be capable of speech and simulated emotional responses — like a baby’s coo, a child’s giggle, or a teenager’s backchat — and possess a form of digital memory and other cognitive abilities.
It all sounds like a horror movie. But it’s not. This is all really happening. The “children” won’t be real, but this is really happening.
Armed Blacks March Against Wetbacks in Austin
For all the caterwauling we hear about white supremacist terrorism, the only racially exclusive groups I’ve seen marching in public hoisting rifles and chanting racially supremacist slogans are black these days. There’s the Not Fucking Around Coalition (NFAC), who bait “rednecks” to meet them in the streets and vocally encourage the murder of police officers. NFAC largely evaded the sort of federal harassment and bad press that “patriot” groups get until their leader actually pointed his rifle at FBI agents.
The Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club is similar to NFAC in that they love marching in public with assault rifles, their membership is exclusive to blacks, they encourage their members to shoot at police officers, and the mainstream press hardly ever mentions them, much less works itself into a tizzy over them.
Named after Elmer Pratt, a Black Panther who, in the fashion of black activists and black people in general, had a penchant for giving himself silly alternative names such as Geronimo Ji-Jaga and Geronimo Ji-Jaga Pratt, the group marched in Austin last week along with other “black self-defense” groups such as the Black Riders Liberation Party, demanding that Joe Biden immediately “close the border” and start doling out heapin’ helpings of reparations to America’s eternally disgruntled Negro peeps.
When one member shouted, “We don’t say, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot!’,” other members reportedly chanted, “Guns up! Shoot back!” in response.
One member explained that Mexicans take the jobs that we’re supposed to believe black people would take if actually given the chance. Although it’s unclear whether he was yelling at specific illegal Mexicans or merely the concept of illegal Mexicans, another shouted, “Take your ass home!”
One proudly proclaimed that he’s a racist and drew an analogy between a racist and a pianist: Just as a pianist practices the piano, “I am a racist. I practice my race. I practice hard, too. Get good at it.”
I like that definition. I also suspect that all the practicing racists who are reading this like it, too.
Black Man Who Punched Elderly Asian Woman Over 100 Times on Camera Pleads Guilty to Hate Crime
Remember last year’s prolonged high-profile moral panic regarding anti-Asian violence in America? Remember how it was blamed on Donald Trump calling COVID-19 the “China virus” and how this implied it was his followers who were randomly beating the poo stuffings out of hapless Asians on our nation’s streets and subway cars? Remember how the press, almost as if it was deliberate, left out the fact that in nearly every case, it was blacks rather than whites who were targeting the slants?
Tammel Esco is a thick-browed, dumb-looking black man, but I didn’t have to tell you that. All I had to say was his name, and your brain would have auto-filled in the rest. He served three years in prison for stabbing the mother of his child in 2010. Among multiple other arrests, he threw a woman through a store window just last year. He was charged only with misdemeanor arrest. Despite his history of previous convictions, he served no jail time for the latter crime. Instead, he bravely endured five months of “treatment.”
On March 11 of this year, in the vestibule of an apartment building in Yonkers, New York where he was freeloading on his mother’s generosity, Esco was filmed by surveillance cameras attacking an unnamed elderly Filipino woman from behind, calling her an “Asian bitch.” He knocked her to the floor with the first blow, then hunched over her and proceeded to punch her with both fists over 100 times. Just to make the entire grisly scene more vulgar, his fat ass crack was exposed for the latter half of the assault. He then stomped on her face and spat upon her. Merely for its slow, plodding deliberateness, the footage of the attack is perhaps the worst of all the videotaped anti-Asian assaults by blacks that I’ve witnessed over the past year. Yonkers Police Commissioner John J. Mueller called it “one of the most appalling attacks I have ever seen.”
Remarkably, the woman survived after a few days in the hospital.
Even more remarkably, Esco was charged with, and pleaded guilty to, a hate crime for the incident. In late November, he will be sentenced to over 17 years in prison.
Whites Are the Leading Victims of Hate Crimes in Philly, Say Philly Police
Speaking of black people being charged with hate crimes, Christopher Tremoglie of the Washington Examiner writes:
I contacted the Office of Public Affairs of the Philadelphia Police Department to request statistics about the city’s hate crimes. According to its data, white people were more often the victims of hate crimes than any other racial group each year between 2017 and 2020.
Ah, Philadelphia, the cradle of liberty where the American Experiment’s whole shitshow got started.
Tremoglie says that the initial report he received was “sloppy” and that the “office even sent a revised report two weeks later, allegedly because of a typo.” Although it was unclear what the typo was, the hate-crime totals were markedly different.
The first report he received, covering the years 2017-2020, found these totals: 83 white victims, 54 black, 13 Asian, seven Hispanics, and one American Indian/Pacific Islander.
The second report, sent two weeks after the Philly PD said they found a “typo” in the original, tallied 54 white, 45 black, 12 Asians, and seven Latino victims. Interestingly, the totals the second time around were far less overwhelmingly tilted toward white victims, although whites still eked out a “victory,” if that’s what you want to call it. Despite the fact that according to modern dictates it’s almost impossible to commit a “hate crime” against whites, the police department in a city where there are actually more black residents than white ones had to concede that whites are being attacked at disproportionate rates.
This is good news, although it really isn’t.
Black Writer Says It’s Racist for Whites to Try to Save Blacks
In case you haven’t noticed, former “science” magazines such as National Geographic and Scientific American have largely abandoned science in favor of pushing turbocharged amphetamine wokeness. The same applies to Forbes: At some distant point in a now-dim past, Forbes had something to do with business and money. These days, though, it’s focused on employing black females whose beat is “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” and who churn out screeds titled “What Is White Saviorism And How Does It Show Up In Your Workplace?”:
White saviorism can be thought of as the belief that white people are here to save, help, teach, and protect their non-white counterparts. . . . White saviorism propagates the idea that white people’s experiences are the only ones that are valid and that white people must save racially marginalized people — this can show up as white employees thinking that they know better than those with lived experiences of racism. Rather than leaning on practitioners with both the knowledge and the lived experience, white saviorism rears its ugly head and leaders would rather rely on the expertise of white anti-racism educators.
You heard it here: We are no longer required or expected to “save, help, teach, and protect” non-whites. In fact, we’ll be resented and shamed if we even try to help them. So don’t help them. Don’t you dare even try to help them.
At least this week ends on a good note.
* * *
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Superb as always. I’ve finally found Jim’s lookalike. john silohead raymond of the space force, though not from the eyeballs up.
I’m surprised they’re even charging people for hate crimes against whites what with that subversive Jew DA Larry Krasner in charge in Philly.
It begs the question. These people may have been charged with a hate crime against a white person but did Krasner use his tricks to get those charges dropped?
Nobody wants to have a good faith argument on why Russia are the good guys in this.
Offer one.
Putin is becoming more based. He didn’t necessarily start off as an ethnic Russian nationalist, but he has become one. Perhaps not by choice. I have no idea if it’s mostly Western propaganda, but it appears a shocking amount of new conscripts have been nonwhites/non-Russians. This is a strategy the French did against Germany in WWI. He is using all of the resources of an unwieldy empire to the benefit of Russian irredentism, perhaps because he is feeling the pressure from Russian nationalists themselves. Are you against that development? Would you rather Putin continue to send Russian men to their deaths instead? There is no going back after this. If Ukraine somehow prevails then these ethnic fiefdoms will be given Western support like they always have to harm ethnic Russians, which is what you say you’re against.
an overly complex answer deserves a grunt; “huh??”
Oh, he’s becoming more “based.” Next thing you know, he’ll be playing your favorite video games, too. The fact that he views the entire West as a centuries-long enemy clearly doesn’t matter.
Totally owned the Duginists with that rejoinder, Jim. You’ve sold me now that Ukraine its kosher leadership are indeed the good guys.
Judging by how the West has treated Russia for centuries, would he be wrong to consider the West an enemy?
How has the West treated Russia for centuries, exactly?
You’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter if he feels justified for hating the West. The fact is, according to his own words, he does. Therefore, whether or not they like his pectoral muscles or think he’s “based” about fags or religion, he sees Westerners as enemies…which is why it’s dumb and/or suicidal for Westerners to think he’s an ally who wouldn’t gladly turn them to radioactive ash.
In answer to our host, Napoleon’s invasion, Nazi Germany’s invasion, former Warsaw Pact countries enlisted in NATO. These are all belligerent acts against Russia. The 2014 color revolution in Kiev was the most recent.
The idea that Russia has been more aggressed against than aggressor in its history is ludicrous. So I am not surprised you can’t come up with better than this.
Barbarossa preempted Stalin’s invasion of Europe.
Eastern European countries joining NATO are not belligerent acts. They are acts of self-defense.
There was no 2014 color revolution in Kiev.
Only an intensely stupid person afflicted with late-stage Dunning-Kruger would infer that I’ve implied there are any “good guys” in this conflict. All I’ve ever said is that the war will be bad for Americans. It’s there in the first few sentences of this column.
You are indeed implying that though. Putin does not ‘hate the West.’ That’s so childish. He tried to join NATO/EU in 2000, but pro-Ukrainian Democrats would not allow it. I would like to know the real reason why a sizable minority of American dissident rightists support Ukraine. We all know why, but we will never hear it outright. It has nothing to do with white nationalism. I see the same towing the line here for Ukraine as I see in TRS towing the line for Russia and other disagreeable issues. It is so forced.
Putin floated the idea with Clinton. I doubt that it was just “pro-Ukrainian” democrats who were not warm to the idea.
I think a solid majority of Dissident Rightists support Ukraine. The reason is of course White Nationalism.
I don’t know why you think this division is forced.
Come on, Greg. Pro-Ukraine rightists is a tiny minority. That’s why all of these articles are pumped out. Meanwhile, no pro-Russia articles are published anywhere in the West because it is banned as propaganda. Really says it all. The vast majority of the Normie right, including the Boomers, support Russia. They have finally shed their Cold War priors. I don’t think any of you realize what an accomplishment that is because they finally stopped calling everything ‘communism’ and ‘socialism.’ We finally have a united front, almost like a ‘vast right wing conspiracy,’ and you guys just won’t get with the program for some bizarre reason. It’s just some backwater territory between Slavs that’s holding us back now. Ukraine winning this war won’t help us whatsoever. It will only embolden its paymasters. We all know this.
Now you are shifting the goalposts to the normie Right. I doubt seriously boomer Republicans are pro-Russian. They are, however, ferociously bourgeois, so their support for the war will flag as its costs rise. The idea that support for Russia represents progress is laughable. Indeed, it is a manifestation of muddle headedness. On GAB people shill for Putin because they think this ex-KGB officer is a Christian (KGB officers had to be atheists) and a social conservative (Russia has astronomical rates of abortion, AIDs, and drug addiction). They think he is Right wing, even though he makes speeches that sound like Noam Chomsky could have written then. They think he is anti-Jewish even though he is quite cozy with Jews. They think he somehow is pro-white, even though his recent speech confirms that like Bolshevik Russia, Putin sees Russia as the leader of the revolt of the non-white world against the white world. Russia is a multiracial empire with aggressive pro-diversity and anti-ethnonationalist propaganda. Russia’s white population is perishing due to low fertility, higher-non-white fertility, and open borders to the non-white Central Asian stans. In 200 years, the average Russian will be a Muslim with slanted eyes. They also love Putin because he is illiberal, and on that they are correct, which is why it is illegal for white nationalists and historical revisionists to operate in Russia.
Only extremely muddle-headed people would embrace an anti-white figure like Putin because they think he’s somehow Christian and conservative, as if those things would save us anyway. A Putin-like regime in America would be the death of the white race in North America, because we would lose our ability to advocate for white interests. Meanwhile, mixed-race civic nationalists like Nick Fuentes and Gonzalo Lira would flourish, and of course Jews would always have the leader’s ear. The fact that some people on the Right would embrace this represents an extreme danger to our movement. I will fight it till the end.
I am not moving the goalposts. I’m looking at this holistically. I don’t care about Putin, Dugan or Zelensky because it is clearly bigger than any of them. The Boomer Right has indeed embraced the Russian side. Read any comment section on Breitbart/Gateway Pundit etc. That doesn’t mean they are flying Russian flags. It just means they see it all tied to Hunter Biden. They have dropped all the Cold War rhetoric, which is a victory in itself. But it sounds like you have changed your economic views so perhaps you’re not for that anymore.
I don’t understand why you’re so emotionally invested in this because you aren’t even Slavic and you still never said why you care about it so much or what it has to do with American WN. All of this talk about Central Asians is fiction. They are growing more nationalistic and Russophobic, while Russians discriminate against them. But none of that has anything to do with Ukraine. Please focus on geopolitics.
I’m approximately 3/16ths Polish, so my stake isn’t much more than yours yet I’m entirely dispassionate because it is a geopolitical proxy war. I don’t know how else to articulate to this you because you keep bringing up things that have nothing to do with my logic. This war is clearly bigger than the Semitic politburo in Ukraine or the ‘Eurasianist junta’ in Russia. That’s why I leave it out.
I side with Russia because I see it as a prologue to WWIII similar to the Spanish Civil War, which featured a titular nationality on the side of fascism, and ethno-nationalist separatists on the other, who were allied to the same Western coalition of today plus-minus transposed Germany/USSR. Spain winning did not undermine any other country besides a few colonial possessions with France. Just like Russia winning would not affect anything outside the Russian sphere.
Can you imagine what would have happened had Franco been toppled in 1939? It would have changed the entire calculus of pre-WWII in favor of the Allies. Well, that’s what would happen here too. Russia, Belarus, North Korea and China are the last remaining bulwark against neoliberalism, which apparently you now support. Let me remind you that you did not have the free speech you pretend to have in neoliberal Norway a few years ago. That’s every single Western country. Ask Jared Taylor in Poland, Richard Spencer in Hungary, Le Pen in France, Daily Stormer writers in Spain, Mr. Bond in Austria or anybody in Australia/New Zealand/Canada.
I’ve been denied entry into Canada, searched (phone clowned), handcuffed snd detained for hours on north side of the border because of WN phone notes.
I’ve also been denied entry into a cathedral in Strasbourg by the mulatto guarding it. I’ve been stopped by nondescript FOB African ‘security guards’ leaving a grocery store in France. I’ve been denied tenancy in Southern French hotels by Arab hoteliers who are compensated nonetheless by the state for lack of full occupancy. I’ve then been kicked off park benches by African park rangers and told to sleep on the street closer to the city center.
In America you can’t have a career with your views. At least you won’t go to jail…Actually, ask James Fields about that.
So forgive me for not being so enthusiastic to support ‘the West’ (whatever that even means anymore) in its latest geopolitical maneuvering.
But anyway, can we please focus on the go geopolitical angle instead? I never pretended Russia is some utopia, while you are saying the West is worth defending and expanding. That’s where we disagree. I have distilled all of the external influences like the nonwhite politburo of Ukraine leading the ‘resistance,’ so it would be nice if you could do the same.
Focusing on geopolitics? Whenever I hear the word “geopolitics,” it is usually followed by a 5D chess scenario explaining how it would be politically advantageous to whites to cheer along something that it blatantly immoral, like the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Sorry, I don’t buy it for two reasons.
First, exactly how would my cheering on the Russians in Ukraine change politics in any appreciable way? I don’t have any political power or influence. Nobody is even going to ask for my vote on this war. Sports fans imagine that they can affect the outcome of games by cheering in their rec rooms. Is this something similar?
Second, the only influence on politics I can hope to have is in the very long run, by setting forth and upholding a consistent political philosophy, universal ethnonationalism, and showing that it is superior to its rivals, globalism, multiculturalism, imperialism, etc.
Apologists for Russian imperialism would have me abandon the principle of ethnonationalism and cheer on an imperial war of conquest because, they say, cheering on Russia will somehow help the cause of white people. I think that’s ludicrous: I would be betraying my principles and sacrificing my credibility based on the essentially magical idea that if enough people cheer on Russia, she will win.
I’m aware that you or I won’t change the outcome of this war because we are Lilliputians, which is my point entirely. Why invest so much in it and slander so many as Kremlin shills just like Democrats and the media have done the last 7 years? What is that accomplishing?
All it does is divide the Dissident Right so needlessly like so many other inscrutable factions have emerged since Charlottesville. The lasting division is what I’m worried about because it has clearly become way more than geopolitics for some reason, which I have no idea how geopolitics equals ‘5D chess.’ I spelled out exactly why I root for Russia. It was the same reason I wanted Trump to win the 2016 nomination. I didn’t expect a ‘savior’ because I knew it wasn’t possible since I knew what both entities were for the most part.
As for ethno-nationalism vs imperialism, it gets right back to the Spanish Civil War. Fascist titular nationality vs ethno-nationalist separatist (and not a healthy one either because it is neoliberal, which is the antithesis of stability, if you’ve ever been to Barcelona). I’m not against ethno-nationalism at all. That’s what Russia is tentatively doing with annexing Russian-speaking territory. It is debatable whether these are Russified areas or not, but that is irredentism.
This is a disputed region for many decades, especially the last one. I support Russia annexing ethnic Russian territory in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, maybe Transnistria and perhaps Kazakhstan, but not really that one since it is a losing cause in Central Asia. It is the only way for lasting peace as was done after WWII, even if imperfect, and even with aggressive alliances like the American missiles parked in Eastern Europe.
But those EU imperialists would not be happy about it either since they rather retain dominion over these ethnic Russian fiefdoms, which goes against what you say unless you’re for that too.
So I am not Russian, nor am I Russian imperialist. Nor am I a Putin shill. I am for irredentism (homogeneity). I think Ukraine should annex Ukrainian-speaking land in Romania and Belarus, and Hungary should annex Hungarian-speaking land in Romania, Ukraine, Serbia etc and Serbia should annex Serbian territory in Bosnia etc.
I would say the same for Germany, but that problem solved itself through a voluntary repatriation program from Eastern Europe/Central Asia called Aussiedler/Spätaussiedler.
None of this has anything to do with Putin or Dugin. I think it is the only way to solve disputes.
But I want to know just how much of an ethno-nationalist you actually are. Are you against multinationalism like the UK (four separate nations in a union)? It is on its way out because of Celtic separatism. How about the various ethno-linguistic separatists in France, Spain, Italy and Belgium? All of whom undermine the structural integrity of not just these countries but also the European Union itself and its colonial immigration project.
I have said all along, as an irredentist/ethno-nationalist myself that, heaven forbid Russia loses this war (or rather the NWO wins), I would support the breakup of the Russian Federation for the same reasons you suggested Turkey abandon Kurdistan, and for the missives you listed earlier about Asiatic multiculturalism. Russia could secede, just as it did during the collapse of the Soviet Union. But that seems as likely as the Kingdom of England or Kingdom of Spain seceding from their current rump empires.
Titular nationalism is something I have not seen written about much despite its peculiarities in that it seems to express itself as imperial (maintaining assimilationist dominion over its minority fiefdoms) rather than expressly separatist. It is not really civic nationalism because it seems to maintain its ethnic character while also acting as overlords like the English become ‘British’ only relative to the Celtics.
I think you would agree that my beliefs are logical and original.
Going after Kremlin shills is meta commentary. Not so much commentary on the war as commentary on the commentary. I think it is important that people in our ranks stop shredding their credibility in exchange for absolutely nothing out of perplexingly irrational motives. We literally get nothing for rooting for Russia, and we lose a great deal. The people who accuse TRS/NJP of being on the Kremlin payroll are at least trying to impute a rational motive — dishonorable, but rational. The truth is that the Kremlin shills are heaping up their reputations and setting them ablaze for absolutely nothing.
There are two ways to increase homogeneity: moving borders and moving people. Russians who want to live in Russia should simply move there.
I think ethnostates are rights but not obligations, meaning that every people has the right to an ethnostate if they think it is necessary for their survival as a people. It does not mean that every people has to have one if they are content with the status quo, for instance in the UK or Switzerland.
I hope Ukraine beats the Russians and enters NATO and the EU. That would make them both better, more nationalist bodies. Ukraine would become a natural ally of Poland, Hungary, etc. in pushing back against the West. They would also the natural allies of Western nationalist groups.
I completely reject the Russian talking point that any nation that enters NATO or the EU is doomed by “globohomo” or the “GAE.” If that’s true, then some of the very people who utter this claim, for instance NJP, David Duke, Mark Collett, have painted themselves into a corner. If Ukraine is doomed by NATO or EU, what chance does the NJP have to change anything in the US? What chance does Duke or Collett have? Do they think they are doomed? Have they informed their supporters of this? Are they accepting money and status in the movement under false pretenses, e.g., to fight for a victory they themselves think is impossible?
but it appears a shocking amount of new conscripts have been nonwhites/non-Russians. This is a strategy the French did against Germany in WWI. He is using all of the resources of an unwieldy empire to the benefit of Russian irredentism, perhaps because he is feeling the pressure from Russian nationalists themselves. Are you against that development? Would you rather Putin continue to send Russian men to their deaths instead?
You are surely a big strategist and knows much about the traditional Russian/Soviet/Russian art of war. Maybe you know what the SECOND STRATEGICAL ECHELON is? If you do not, I explain this very shortly. The first strategical echelon breaks through the enemy´s defences. With many, very many, very very many casualtises among the attackers. But this does not matter for the Russians (the wives will bear more children). After that the second echelon attacks, with pursuit and exploitation. For example the Soviet Forces in East Germany, so alike in Hungary and CZ were FIRST echelon. And we knew that we were “kamikazes”. We should break through the defences and die in Fulda Gap or on the Lüneburger Heide (East Germans, Czechs, Poles and Hungarians should die together with us, this was their “international duty” as Brother Armed Forces of the Socialist Camp.) And then, ONLY THEN, the Second Echelon would charge, the forces of the Belarussian and Kiev Military Districts (fronts, Army Groups). And those forces, without much resistance of the Western armies, should come to the Channel and then to Lisboa and Gibraltar, to liberate the whole Europe of the Western Imperialism.
Now we see the same situation. Putin lets Kafkasian, Türkic, Mongolian and Finnish peoples die for the Empire, which 100, 200, 400 years long kills and enslaves just those peoples. And he “spares” his Russians for the SECOND ECHELON, for the pursuit and exploitation. That is very simple – the colonized and oppressed Kafkasians, Türks, Mongols and Finns of the Russian Empire will die and kill Ukrainians (who are slavized Türks themselves too, but that does not matter here). And when those both sides will be bleed enough, the Second Echelon will attack and easily come through weakened Ukraine into Europe. And soon the Germans and the French, “liberated” from the American Imperialism by the Russian white Aryan handsome boys will great their “liberators” with flowers.
That may have been true then, but it isn’t true now because the Russian Federation is not the continuation of the Soviet Union whatsoever. It is the successor state. Russia does not have endless cannon fodder this time around. Neither does Ukraine. This war is being decided purely by weapons just like the Karabakh War is being decided by advanced weaponry rather than better troops or numerical supremacy because Armenians are far better soldiers than Azerbaijanis, which is why they held onto 7 Azeri districts in addition to the disputed territory for 30 years despite being 3 times as small in population and geography. It appears as if the media is memeing a Ukrainian upset into reality simply because they are lobbying Western governments to deplete their own arsenal. It helps that Slavic (not Turkic, those are called Crimean Tatars) Ukrainians are so ready to martyr themselves for neoliberalism and a neo Pale of Settlement.
But it is time to acknowledge that this war is not going well for Russia or anybody opposed to the NWO. Putin has made several terrible missteps in the aftermath of the memed Ukrainian counteroffensive. The referenda on territory they did not have total control over was a sign of desperation, and even worse was the haphazard mobilization. I’m not sure how much of it is western propaganda, but that minority draft may have just kicked a hornet’s nest because Mongolia is now encouraging the draft evasion of Kalmyks, Tuvans and other Mongolic Siberians to find refuge in Mongolia. The Caucasian, Siberians and other Turkics you listed are also getting rowdy and the men are fleeing. It is nearing disaster. Not sure how any WN is happy about this inevitable outcome if Russia doesn’t win.
So now I believe the Russian Federation is in jeopardy for the first time since 1993 because it will head towards another constitution crisis if Russia does not prevail. They are not losing yet because they still occupy 1/5th of Ukraine, but this is reversing so quickly they may even lose Russian territory. All of this talk about nuclear weapons is bluster because they did not use them when the USSR collapsed and have no reason to do it now.
So Putin invades and kills Ukrainians but if Russia loses, Russians will be harmed and this is the “wests” fault? Makes sense, can’t see where the actions of another could be to blame for that outcome.
The relentless fetishization of Putin in the TRS sphere is a microcosm of the totalitarian Russian state. Dissent, disagree or countersignal the anti-white, holocaust-obsessed, anti-racist “white saviour” or the multicultural Kremlin-run shitshow in the mildest of ways and you will be booted, banned and gulaged from any NJP-adjacent chatroom. It’s 100% organized, inorganic and repellent. It’s too bad, they were beginning to show some promise as a pro-white collective before marching in lockstep with the hammer-and-sickle wielding dwarf.
“White saviorism”
A new “ism” brought to you by Janice Gassam Asare, a woman who clearly makes the second part of her name into a signature of her work.
So, when white saviorism “shows up at work” how does your plucky HR representative handle it? The interview would be amusing:
“It’s reported that you believe that you are a white savior. That’s inappropriate.”
“No. The Lord Jesus is the only Savior I know, and he was (is?) a Jew.”
“But, he doesn’t work here.”
And it goes downhill from there.
‘So don’t help them.’ Very best advice. I would add and don’t help those that do.
I am filled with foreboding, like the Roman. This may be the end of days, and God has given us plenty of warning. When a woman drowns her nephew in lake Michigan, what else are we to think? Or when cities big and small set records for numbers of homicides, and people STILL vote for the Soros candidates? I hope nuclear weapons aren’t used, because I am still young. I would miss this site, among other things. That being said, the surge of humanity coming across the southern border will lead to violence inevitably even if we survive this time. Putin, as a basically blue-pilled boomer, and Biden, barely capable of controlling his bowels, are a fitting pair to usher in apocalypse.
Here I would agree. Now in October we will soon have the 60th anniversary of the Cuban or Caribbean missile crisis (1962). Many books, articles and docu-films are published to the topic. And comparing those old events with the events of today I can only say that Kennedy and even Khrushchov with his shoe were much more adequate politicians than their successors of 2022. They were real statesmen, not crazy evil clowns.
A well balanced selection of important topics. Perhaps most practical is that not matter how much you try to help some groups, in this case blacks singing about DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity), they will not stop complaining. Imagine giving them anything they could ask for. Tomorrow there will be a pundit bringing up something forgotten, another injustice, slight or microaggression. Many whites are on the defensive, preaching leftist sanctimony and hoisting placards they hope may lead the angel of DIE to Passover them. But the black angel is never satisfied till you just shut up surrender your job and your home equity.
The Philly stats on hate crimes probably don’t tell the whole story. Perhaps someone can randomly select the details of a number of cases. Is there equity in suffering savage beatings vs. slurs between the races when it gets called hate crime?
As for virtual reality kids. It will find its audience but I don’t think it will dominate things any more than TV zombies, video game fans in love with their favorite ‘star’ or a chick who introduces herself as a ‘dog mom’.
Black Riders Liberation Party…?
Sounds like the noise one might make while digesting a heaping bowl of Hoppin’ John with ham hocks and chittlins. (Followed, of course, by a basketball sized helping of fresh watermelon then a large slice of sweet potato pie.)
Putin cheers the ‘moral values’ of Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism in the same sentence as Russian Orthodoxy?! Might as well throw in the moral values of Karl Marx and our “Woke Crowd of the West” as well. Good heavens, was he sleeping through third grade catechism (which would have been taught underground during the glorious Soviet Communist rulership from 1917-1991). Putin’s understanding of politics and religion are so garbled, no one can make sense of anything he says or does. I think we now have two world leaders with obvious signs of dementia running the two biggest and strongest countries on the planet and we seem to be helpless against their idiocy.
Well, Russian Orthodoxy is not so Christian as it looks for an outsider. This is not the Orthodox Christianity of Greeks or Bulgars or Roumanians. In all practical terms in the Russian Orthodoxy the Tsar (now it is Putin) is more important than the God. The Russians became finally Christians only in the second part of the 17th century during the Reforms of Patriarch Nicon. Before it the Russian faith was a mix of Christian, Islam and Pagan (Slavic, Türkic, Baltic and Finnish) local religions. On the ceremonial clothes of the Russian Orthodox Patriarch still the Islam Shahadah is written.
I must confess to ‘White Saviorism’ — I once ‘saved’ a nice Black lady I worked with at a Country ‘office drone level’ job. She was a single mom with a year-old baby at home, who arrived as a ‘Welfare to Work’ recipient placement as a ‘Clerk’. I was one step ahead as a ‘Typist Clerk’ (and light years ahead of her since I didn’t have a baby at home). I urged her to increase her typing skills from about 30 wpm (absolute minimum for employment) to 60 wpm, if she wanted an increase in status and pay, becoming a typist clerk like me. I kept at it, she did too, and got a promotion and raise. So, I guess I’ve ‘saved’ one Black soul so far in life. I’m sure glad I didn’t have the Woke ‘Blame and Shame’ Crowd to contend with back then.
BTW, my friend and officemate, Tamica, went on to get into college, worked her way through, and graduated after 8 years of night classes with a BA in Social Work. It can be done and I’m pretty tough on those who say it can’t be done.
I think the point that was worth discussing was not simply the neutrality angle alone, but the likely consequence of the war. It might be that the enormous expenditure of treasure by the NATO to defeat Russia and the economic problems inherent in the blowback of sanctions and so on – may precipitate a recession for the ‘Western’ economies.
It is not a question of liking or disliking Vladimir Putin, but the one part of the war which seems to be working is the Western “elites” which he talked about have become a little more vulnerable.
One doesn’t have to re-read Solzhenitsyn’s Lenin In Zurich to get a grip on where that could go.
Mighty cootie fiyo, James Thaddeus. Happy Worst Week Day, everyone.
Gotta be disputin’ Putin. Ain’t abidin’ Biden, neither.
“Kamala Harris” rhymes with “embarrass.” She’s about the stone opposite of a solid sender.
Come a cow cow yippee, come a cow cow yippee yi ay.
Jockomo feena, jockomo feena hey.
Nice rap.
Well, Napoleon´s invasion in 1812 was a preemptive strike too. The “Russian” Tsar Alexander I, usurper, father-murderer and Britisch stooge, was ready to attack the French in Poland. He got very good money for this from the British Treasure. Alexander had yet more than once attacked the French in Europe, was defeated by Napoleon, but tried again and again. Napoleon did not have any hostility to Russia, moreover, under Pavel I, maybe the most decent and good Russian Tsar of the whole “Romanov” dynasty, Russia almost became an ally of France. Of course William Pitt the Younger gave enough gold, and the coup was arranged in Saint Petersburg, Pavel was murdered and his son Alexander got the power and the possibility to sell Russian cannon fodder. So that was simply a deal, just like between Roosevelt and Stalin in 1930-1940´s.
It is so ridiculous to read that Ukrainians now are fighting for some NWO or for gay-rights. I am sure 99% of Ukrainians do not know what the NWO is and have never seen any transgender during the whole their live. But they have seen destroyed cities and murdered children.
I am for irredentism (homogeneity).
Sure. So maybe Russia will let non-Russian peoples secess? Why should Sahalar/”Yakuts” sell their diamonds through Russia and not directly, and why they could not get money for themselves and not for Russians in Moscow? Why should not Edil-Bulgars (Qazan Tatars) and Bashkorts sell their oil directly to foreign buyers and get money for themselves and not for Moscow? Why should Eastern Finns of Karelia or Ingermanlandia die for Russian imperialist ideas in Ukraine, when no one Ukrainian ever did any harm to any Karelian in the whole history? Why should they finance Russian imperialists and their Armenian and Jewish propagandists and why should they die for some stupid “Russian World”? The same could be said about us Kaukasians, about Kalmuks and other Oyrats, about all Northern and Uralic peoples. They all ARE NOT Russians. Do they have the right for their own statehood if they want to live independently? Or does your irredentism work only in one direction?
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