February 2, 2020
Remembering A. R. D. “Rex” Fairburn:
February 2, 1904–March 25, 1957
Greg Johnson
Today is the birthday of New Zealand poet, essayist, Social Credit advocate, and social reformer Arthur Rex Dugard Fairburn, another Artist of the Right. In honor of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this site.
By Fairburn:
- “Dominion”
- “Europe, 1945”
- “Good and Ill”
About Fairburn:
- Kerry Bolton, “Rex Fairburn (also included in More Artists of the Right)
- Denys Trussell, “Kerry Bolton on A. R. D. Fairburn as an Artist of the Right“
- Kerry Bolton, “Fairburn and the Right: Rejoinder to Dr. Denys Trussell”
- Kerry Bolton, “Breaking the Bondage of Interest,” Part 2
Remembering A. R. D. “Rex” Fairburn: February 2, 1904–March 25, 1957
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