Since our last update, we have had 7 donations ranging from $10 to $100 dollars, totaling $238. That brings our grand total to $43,951.94. This means that we are only $6,048.06 away from our goal of $50,000. Thank you!
As I have noted, this fundraiser has been even more of an uphill battle than usual because of the Trump campaign, which has been claiming all of our attention, and a lot of your donations. For instance, three of the recent seven donations are from the US, two are from Canada, one from Switzerland, and one from Ireland.
That’s is why this fundraiser ends on November 9th, the day after the US presidential election. Whether out of celebration or defiance, I am hoping our American readers will finally put us over the top.
Because, as I will never tire of repeating, no matter who is elected in that race, White Nationalists will have to get up on November 9th, 2016 and keep pushing for our goals. And we need your help to keep you in the fight. Please make your donation today.
If you want to send a non-tax deductible donation to Counter-Currents Publishing, you can make two different types of donations:
- A single donation of any size.
- A recurring donation of any size.
Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We have several levels for recurring donations. Please visit our Donations page for more information.
We can also customize the amount of a monthly donation.
There are several ways to make one-time donations:
- The easiest is with PayPal. Please click here.
- You can send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word or PDF.
- You can make a secure credit card donation direct from our Donation page.
Also, as we first announced in October of 2015, you now have two possible destinations for your donations: Counter-Currents Publishing and the Counter-Currents Foundation. The Counter-Currents Foundation is a US 501c3 educational corporation. Donations to it are deductible from US federal income taxes. The purpose of the Counter-Currents Foundation is specifically to promote scholarship and translations connected to the European New Right and allied movements. If you wish to earmark a donation to the Counter-Currents Foundation, or to discuss a particular project you would like to support, please contact me in advance at [email protected]. Please give generously!
Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your loyalty and support.
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right
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