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It was five years ago today that the Counter-Currents Publishing/North American New Right website went online.
In Year Five, we published online 815 articles and reviews and more than 10,000 comments.
In Year Five, we averaged around 80,000 unique visitors/month.
In Year Five Counter-Currents published six books: Jonathan Bowden’s Western Civilization Bites Back, James J. O’Meara’s The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others, Son of Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies, Collin Cleary’s What is a Rune?, F. Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power, and now Savitri Devi’s long-awaited The Lightning and the Sun. We have published six books/year since our start.
- I did 16 “real world” meetings, which is twice what I managed in Year Four. I spoke twice at The London Forum, once in Stockholm, and did 13 US events in Seattle, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and New York City.
- We inaugurated our H. P. Lovecraft Prize for Literature. The award bust is by world-renowned porcelain artist and thought criminal Charles Krafft. Our first laureate is novelist Tito Perdue. (We presented the prize at a dinner in Atlanta on March 7, 2015.) We will present a new Lovecraft Prize each March to a literary artist who challenges the dogmas of political correctness.
I want to thank our writers, readers, subscribers, and generous financial donors for making all this possible.
Here is what to expect from Counter-Currents in Year Six:
- As far as our online and print publishing are concerned, we will of course strive to improve matters of execution, but realistically the quantity of our output will remain the same. The reason is simple: Counter-Currents is a one-man operation, and I am working at full capacity. I could do more, if I could hire others. But I do not have the capital to do so.
- Our website has been showing its age over the last month. We are working to improve the performance of the existing site, but later in the year, we will roll out a new site. Indeed, we may split our webzine and our publishing/bookselling operations into two separate sites.
- I will continue to do at least one speaking and networking event per month in the United States and Europe. Eventually, I hope to make it to Australia and New Zealand as well.
- Near the end of Year Four, the tax-exempt Counter-Currents Foundation was approved by the IRS. This allows US donors to deduct from their federal income taxes contributions in support of research, writing, and translations related to New Right metapolitics. If you would like to make donations to the CC Foundation, please use the Paypal address: [email protected] or: Counter-Currents Foundation, PO Box 22638, San Francisco, CA 94122.
- Whether or not your donations are US Federal Income Tax deductible, we still need your help. Like metapolitical publishers and periodicals on the Left, Counter-Currents/North American New Right simply cannot function without donations from our supporters. Thus each year on our anniversary, Counter-Currents kicks off our annual Summer Fundraiser campaign, which ends on October 31
This year, however, we started our fundraiser early because the SPLC pressured to drop Counter-Currents from their affiliate marketing program, which was a major blow to our meager income. To make matters worse, the SPLC is actively trying to get PayPal to stop doing business with us, which would also be a blow. Beyond that, now that Amazon has dropped us from their affiliate program, the SPLC’s next logical goal to to get them to stop selling our books, which would be a catastrophe.
Sensing blood, a website called Care2petitions — which appears to be a sinister data-mining operation which collects information on Leftists who sign their petitions because it is a really easy and risk-free way signal how virtuous they are — has been running a petition to get Amazon and PayPal to boycott us as well.
I look at these attacks as opportunities to gain publicity and support. So we started our Summer Fundraiser early, and our readers immediately sent in more than $6,000 — enough to make up for the first year’s losses from losing the Amazon affiliate program. Our grand total so far is $6,242.88.
I also vowed to let the Social Justice kittens at Care2petitions to set our Summer Fundraiser goal, and as of this moment, there are 120,331 signatures. I am drawing the line there and setting this as our 2015 fundraising goal, which means that we are now $114,088.12 (there’s that number again!) from our goal.
That’s a huge increase over last year’s goal, but if we can reach it, I can hire another person, which will dramatically increase our effectiveness and productivity. Which would be a poetic comeuppance to the SPLC and their ilk.
We won’t make this goal, though, without generous donations. In particular, I urge you to contact me if you wish to make a large donation (either with or without tax deductibility), particularly if you wish to offer a matching grant.
You can make two different types of donations:
- First, you can make is a single donation of any size.
- Second, you can make a recurring donation of any size.
Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We have added several new levels for recurring donations. You can use Paypal or our secure credit card processing service to make recurring donations. Please visit our Donations page for more information.
There are several ways to make one-time donations:
- The easiest is through Paypal. For a one-time donation, just use the following button:
- You can use our secure credit card processing service on our donate page.
- You can send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word or PDF.
Please give generously!
Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your support.
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right
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Happy Birthday indeed! I have learned so much valuable information from this site. Probably one of my most visited and read sites since I stumbled upon the Alt-Rightosphere. God speed!
Happy Birthday CC!
Happy anniversary from all of us at Arktos! It’s not many of us in these circles who actually survive for 5 years, so such an achievement is indeed worthy of praise!
Happy birthday CC. If you are upsetting the SPLC you must be doing something right.
Happy Birthday! Keep up the good work!
Happy 5th! Here’s to another 5 and then some!
Happy Birthday and I wish I could send you a birthday present but alas, no cash to spare.
Happy Birthday, CC!!!
I had arrived at many of these conclusions on my own after abandoning my libertarianism years ago but, being what Greg calls a West Coast White Nationalist through and through, I was dissatisfied with the state of White identity movements.
I had yet to develop my thoughts in a systematic way and not to the same degree of depth as on CC. I can honestly say that CC has changed my life. I will be forever grateful. Stumbling upon this site five years ago was revelatory.
This is by far the best White Nationalist website and publishing house around today and I know it will go down in the history of the White race as a major project and a turning point.
All the best to you Greg and to all of your authors. Keep fighting!
Thanks a lot. I hope we will meet up in the Bay Area some time.
Congratulations Greg. A very fine operation you are running here at Counter-Currents. The emphasis on the meta-political and philosophical aspects of our movement elevates the discourse beyond mere masspolitik and materialism. In particular, it is crucially important for WNs to realize that race is only one aspect of the struggle. We require a holistic and three-dimensional view of life itself that is not expressed in any of the mass movements of the age. I look forward to many more years of brilliant and thought-provoking material here at Counter-Currents. Thank you.
CC will always have a special place in my intellectual life. Over the years its authors have solidified my youthful reaction into principles that guide my actions. For that I will always be grateful and support CC in any way I can.
Thanks, you are one of my favorite readers.
Happy birthday! Counter-Currents is the new standard bearer for the white nationalist movement; out with the old right, in with the new right. I too wish I had more money to spare, someday I will.
Happy Birthday, CC! When do we get to hear the rest of those philosophy lectures?
Thanks. Just having some technical difficulties.
Happy 5th Birthday, Counter-Currents ! And best wishes for many, many more !
Counter-Currents is my favorite website because it has the artistic sensibilities to illustrate this article with Charles Demuth’s “I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold” instead of some clip art birthday cake and because it isn’t afraid to engage in long form journalism. I mean, 4,625 words on “The Gilmore Girls” ! Well, James J. O’Meara is a genius, so the more words the better.
Looking forward to year 6 !!! And many, many more to come !
Thanks. We are bringing out a new book by James on Mad Men alone.
I can’t believe it has been 5 years already. Congratulations. My unsolicited advice is just keep doing what you’re doing. Be sure to rest. Don’t burn out.
Thanks Lew. Fortunately, I find this work more energizing than depleting.
Happy 5th , CC. Since websites cannot run on good wishes alone, I will be sending a donation before the month is out. Good wishes are nice but money is essential.
Thanks Frank!
Onward and Upwards!
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