It’s not that America shouldn’t get involved in Syria. It’s that we are on the wrong side.
Most analysts of American foreign policy are divided into two camps. On one side are those who believe that the masters of the world’s greatest military are Machiavellian geniuses, brutally crushing all resistance to the American imperium in the name of the greater profits for corporate America and more power for the ruling class.
On the other hand are those who believe American grand strategy is either hopelessly incompetent or simply nonexistent, as the world’s “indispensable nation” blunders from crisis to crisis with seemingly no goal in sight, making new enemies and squandering scarce resources as it goes.
Within mainstream American politics, progressives largely come from the first camp, and non-libertarian conservatives from the second. Even now, as the Minority Occupation Government of Barack Obama moves forward with plans to crush what remain of white communities, liberals, “activists,” and whiny journalists are already protesting another war on behalf of “oil companies” and the allegedly white Christian male corporate ruling class.
Meanwhile, conservative intellectuals (such as they are) are excitedly whipping out their Risk boards and tossing around flowery critiques of Barack Obama’s lack of a “grand strategy” and the risks to American “credibility.” Conservative opposition to Obama from the likes of Dr. Strangelove Charles Krauthammer derives from their belief that Obama is not fully committed to removing the “dictator Assad.”
Both sides miss the point of what Obama – and by extension the United States of America – really is. As Peter Hitchens wrote on November 10, 2008, the election of Barack Obama meant that “America had finally switched sides in a global cultural war . . . the US . . . has begun the long slow descent into the Third World.” Though these tendencies were always present in the American experiment, the American “creed” is now being worked out to its logical conclusions. The United States is a revolutionary leftist power on a scale that dwarfs anything seen since the days of the French Revolution. It funds opposition to all traditional social systems, it openly defies international law in the name of a more primal creed of universal human rights, and it consistently applies diplomatic, economic, and eventually military force against what remains of Western Civilization.
Such a system contains contradictions. The United States of America, in order to maintain its power, needs skillful businessmen and brave soldiers. This means white males will still have a place within the system, however limited and supervised. The superpower still needs to cultivate a warrior spirit within certain elements of the population. The United States Marine Corps, the Army’s elite units, and the Special Forces and Navy SEALs will still appeal to traditional masculine ideals of heroism, even though feminists are increasingly besieging the gates.
The United States also has to attack and occasionally kill though those who openly defy it. Contra some of the more imaginative critics in what passes for the mainstream American Right, there’s no reason to believe that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton are indifferent to the threat of terrorism or that they were hesitant or ashamed to use force to finally eliminate Osama Bin Laden. Many of America’s enemies will still come from the Third World, meaning that the lazy will always be able to chortle that America loves “bombing brown people.”
America will protect its economic interests, meaning that progressives will still charge that Washington DC is simply sending out “Economic Hit Men.” There will still be the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the patriotic cult of the flag, and the appeals to the American past. There will still be exercises of power and calls to duty and sacrifice. While progressives are more suspicious of such nationalist gestures, they will still embrace them or even celebrate them provided they are dedicated to their preferred ideological ends.
However, the demands of self-interest and the remnants of traditional institutions don’t change the logic of the System. The federal government has openly declared its intention to eliminate white communities, exterminate social forms associated with whites (including traditional European Christianity), and persecute hierarchical cultural norms. Incredibly, American conservatives seem to envision their role as protecting progressives from themselves. Rather than thinking seriously about what their country has become, they want to ensure that “we” remain the global superpower, as if the 1950s never ended and “Christian America” was still standing up against “atheistic Communism.”
What conservatives fail to see is where this is all going. The endgame is obvious because it’s the End of History itself. It is a world of deracinated, atomized consumers, with nothing in between the managerial elite of the government and economy and the disenfranchised denizens of a global marketplace who are told they are “free.” Relationships are transitory, gender is negotiable, religion is absent (unless it serves as a safety valve), nationality is abandoned, organic culture is utterly abolished. The only purpose of life allowed is to consume the products of a degraded anti-culture.
In this world, the role of whites is to serve as the kulaks, the high functioning slaves, the despised rich peasants, who if they utterly sacrifice everything within themselves may be rewarded with a small taste of material prosperity, before they can die to the relief of those who rule them. And while there may be some economic opportunity, the instant a white man or woman shows signs they are thinking above their station, they will be utterly destroyed. Ever increasing amounts of supervision, regulation, and media sponsored hysteria against dissenters will ensure that there is no escape. As is already occurring, real romantic partnerships, families, a spiritual life, and community are becoming more and more difficult, and will gradually become impossible. We are driving towards a world of consummate meaninglessness.
America is the engine behind this global transformation, the iron fist in the velvet glove of liberal democracy. While other nations see liberal capitalism as either an inevitability or a reluctant necessity, America sees it as a sine qua non for its existence. Whatever the country once represented, whatever the United States of America could have been, today America is defined by multiculturalism, materialism, social decadence, egalitarian quasi-religion, anti-white bigotry, and the willingness to kill anyone who stands in opposition to this System. Syria is so important because it reveals like no other issue the utter bankruptcy of the arguments for American global domination.
First, there is the argument for democracy. Like the Spaniard in The Princess Bride, one is tempted to say of the media’s use of “democracy” that “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” The overwhelming majority of the American people do not want any part of military intervention in Syria. A Pew Research Center Poll released on September 3 shows that 48% of adults are against military strikes, with only 29% in favor. However, Eric Cantor, John Boehner, and the GOP’s 2004 standard bearer John McCain all have come out in favor of military action in Syria. Needless to say, the Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, have also all fallen in line.
The public’s response is a mixture of apathy and amusement. There is a broad popular consensus that a broad popular consensus simply does not matter on the critical issues of the day. As John Derbyshire has observed, on the really important issues, such as war, immigration, or core issues of government responsibility, the public’s input really, truly, does not matter. On the more transient issues, “public opinion” is easily manipulated by controlled media, push polls, phony publicity campaigns from large donors, and “astroturf” activists of the type backed by financiers like George Soros.
In a deconstructed nation, the idea of democracy as the “people ruling themselves” is more than a joke, it is a nauseating, self-conscious lie. However, this doesn’t mean that “democracy” is meaningless. Democracy, in its real contemporary usage, is a regime, a system of control whereby “marginalized” communities are mobilized or sometimes even created out of whole cloth in order to break apart traditional institutions. It is the use of “Egalitarianism as a Political Weapon,” in Sam Francis’s phrase, in order to strengthen the power of the managerial elites.
Witness the prissy hysteria (the default mode of the American media) over Russia’s campaign against homosexual propaganda. The law in question prohibits the kind of permanent activist campaigns that in America enjoy millions of dollars in government and tax exempt funding and employ thousands of the top graduates from American universities. Rather than seeing this as an attack on homosexuals, the law should be seen in the same context as Putin’s earlier efforts to ban foreign nonprofits from organizing on Russian soil. Russia’s real agenda is to prevent the “color coded” revolutions that swept Eastern Europe and the social engineering campaigns that dominate the lives of Western populations.
As Paul Gottfried has shown in works such as After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State, the kind of invasive social conditioning we take for granted in the West goes beyond anything even the Bolsheviks attempted. However, Western populations are so trained to associate the feel-good word “democracy” with empowerment of “minorities” that questions about the power of the state, control over the economy, or rights of free speech, freedom of association, or cultural autonomy are simply dismissed as irrelevant.
Democracy simply means empowering those dependent groups that can be relied upon to destroy anything that stands in the way of the Last Men. Thus, Western politicians can without irony speak of banning popular political parties as a necessary step to “protect democracy.” The word “tyranny” is used to refer not to acts of extreme government intervention, but expressing opposition to homosexuality, anti-white racial preferences, feminism, or whatever other sacred cause is being promoted this week.
Syria, like its protector Russia, stands for something different. It stands for autonomy – a responsible governing class that identifies its well-being with that of continued survival of the state and the national population, not just some economic system or abstract creed. It holds that traditional social forms and cultures have a right to survival. It is under the “dictator” Assad that marginalized but longstanding groups like Middle Eastern Christians or minority Islamic sects can survive in relative peace and security. It is under American-backed “democratic” regimes that such populations are either persecuted or destroyed.
Finally, as suggested by the founding Baath ideology of Assad’s government or the “sovereign democracy” of Russia, dissenters from the American world order value national independence and the freedom of peoples to govern themselves as peoples, rather than collections of victim groups or individual consumers. It is the nation as an idea and the nation as an autonomous form of political organization that cannot be tolerated by American foreign policy. The argument for “democracy” is in reality, the argument against the nation itself.
The second argument being raised for intervention is the specific charge that Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons. The facts here are still in dispute. What is clear is that Assad had no motivation to use chemical weapons, as his forces had the strategic advantage at the time the supposed attack took place. Both Syria and Russia have demanded that the United States produce its supposed proof of the attack, but the American government has so far demurred. What evidence has been produced suggests the possibility that if Assad’s forces did indeed use chemical weapons, it may have been a mistake or the action of a rogue military leader, rather than a deliberate choice by the national leadership. It may also be the case that chemical weapons were used not by the Syrian regime’s forces, but by the so-called “rebels,” who have so far been associated with killing civilians, persecuting Christians, and even cannibalism.
Either way, the rationale for American intervention is confused and unclear. President Barack Obama arguably blundered into a “credibility trap” when he stated months ago that use of chemical weapons would constitute a “red line” for American intervention. Thus, even if bombings are pointless and ineffective, America must be seen to do something in regard to Assad’s actions if American credibility is to remain intact. However, if this is the case, it is unclear why the American government is so insistent on military action without determining the facts, especially when the rest of the world is right to be suspicious about supposed American evidence about “weapons of mass destruction” in the wake of Iraq.
Furthermore, the United States of America is simply incapable of taking military action without turning it into a moral crusade. Thus, they lured Secretary of State John Kerry away from his role as an extra in The Walking Dead to make the moral case for intervention in Syria. Kerry pronounced that President Bashar al-Assad has joined the likes of “Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein” for his use of chemical weapons.
Of course, this historical analogy is literally the exact opposite of the truth. Adolf Hitler never used chemical weapons, probably as a result of his own memory of being gassed and temporarily blinded during World War One. Hitler was also an opponent of deliberately bombing civilian population, only allowing the Luftwaffe to begin the “Blitz” of London after Winston Churchill adopted the strategy of targeting German civilians. Had the Allies lost the war, Churchill, Curtis LeMay, and the other butchers of Dresden would have been tried for war crimes. However, we can’t expect John Kerry to know basic history. After all, even possessing a rudimentary knowledge of the facts of World War II is to confess dangerous revisionist tendencies, justifying either professional retaliation or outright criminal penalties in the name of democracy.
As for Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader was a de facto ally of the United States of America at the time he was using chemical weapons. More importantly, the United States knew Saddam was using these weapons and still continued to support his war against the Iranians. And yet, only a few decades later, an American official, one actually in government at the time when Saddam Hussein was an ally, can stand before the world and claim America stands against the absolute evil of chemical weapons.
A third rationale for military action is the supposed humanitarian cost. Of course, just as in Iraq or Libya, the most likely outcome of American military intervention is to increase the number of refugees and displaced persons. Furthermore, Western governments see these helpless and dependent non-white immigrants as valuable weapons in the war against their core populations. The government of Sweden has already agreed to take as many Syrian refugees as possible. This provides no benefits to Sweden – indeed, proponents don’t bother to make any arguments. Instead, it is a duty imposed on the Swedish people for their crime of existing.
One can expect the American government to follow course shortly, as they did with Iraqis and other peoples. These populations serve as government assets in the regime’s plan to destroy white communities, as the federal government did when it imposed parasitical Somalians on towns like Lewiston, Maine, and Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Instead of waging war in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, one could suspect that Western governments want to bomb Syria in order to create one, so they can impose the costs on the hated whites in their own countries.
A fourth rationale may be so powerful that it could explain the whole thing – organized Jewish power. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is now aggressively lobbying for bombing Syria, and as even mainstream commentators are pointing out, this is simply an obvious gambit for eventually expanding the war into Iran. The Anti-Defamation League, which hyperventilates about internet postings and activists who are supposedly linked to “extremists,” now demands that Americans kill and die in order to help zealots who literally eat the organs for their enemies. In the game of “links” and connections the ADL loves to play, the ADL is now openly linked to terrorists, to the indifference of the(ir) media.
Though the last few years have seen the collapse of neoconservatism as a mass political force and the rise of non-interventionism within the Republican Party, public policy has gone almost entirely unchanged. Liberals have, if anything, become more pro-war. The Republican leadership may tolerate a few grumbles from the base, but when it comes time to deliver, the GOP leadership is eager to let President Obama do what he wants, and the Beltway Right only criticizes him for not doing enough.
GOP puppet-master and major donor Sheldon Adelson, who supports border security for Israel and open borders for America, is now aligning himself with President Obama over Syria. Even supposed non-interventionists like Senator Rand Paul, in the name of “playing the game,” declare that “an attack on Israel is an attack on the United States.” The assumption that American forces must defend the Jews’ ethnostate is now so deeply internalized that it passes without comment, and open recognition of it is a confession of “antisemitism.” Thus, to prove you don’t hate Jews, you are required to support the United States becoming, as Senator Ted Cruz put it, “Al-Qaeda’s air force.”
The final argument is little stated, but may be a key motivation – the war is about oil. It is not about securing the raw material per se, but about securing key routes for pipelines that remain under American control. The goal is to undermine Russia, which depends on control of pipeline routes for a great deal of its geopolitical sway over Eastern and even Western Europe. It’s no exaggeration to say that the regime of President Vladimir Putin is more dependent on securing Russian oil revenue than it is on the outcome of the various Kulturkampfs Putin is waging in regards to Orthodoxy, homosexuality, or Russian patriotism.
This raises the real question of what side Americans – real Americans – should be on. The system of free trade, international finance, and the debt driven economy powered by the Federal Reserve is dependent on the outcome of geopolitical struggles such as the war in Syria. That system powers (and is simultaneously dependent on) the politics of open borders, white dispossession, and egalitarian agitation.
The Russian (and Syrian) alternative is not perfect. It is highly dependent on raw materials, is open to cronyism and corruption, and is at best only a partial exception to the global economic order being pushed by Washington. It is not the kind of system we should seek to emulate. However, it is an exception, and it is tied to hierarchical social systems, a renewal of Tradition, and at least leaves open the possibility of a renewal of patriotism and white racial identity.
Americans are as much victims of “American” economic and foreign policy as anyone else. They have their jobs exported, their homes ruined by mass immigration, their culture and families deliberately deconstructed, and their children sent to die for the system that hates them. The culture that demands their genocide is dependent on a political and economic system reliant on American hegemony. For that reason, just as the Germans under Napoleonic occupation had a duty to resist their “own” supposed governments, American patriots have to think critically about which side they are on.
For Westerners, for Christians, and most importantly, for whites, which system is more likely to allow you to survive? Which System uses the power of the state to destroy you? Which System offers even the possibility of a future?
The choice is obvious. For whites and the civilization they created to survive, the current system must die. That means, as a first step, it must be resisted. Right now, the same System that attacks American whites is attacking Syria. We have to break that System before it breaks us – and right now, it can be broken on the battlefields of Damascus.
Non-intervention isn’t enough. He’s not perfect, but Traditionalists should stand with Bashar al-Assad.
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I doubt if it is the End of History but certainly America is the engine behind this global transformation, and without the terrorists (sorry, freedom fighters) of 1776 there would have been no French Revolution and its spirit of equality and brotherhood would not have swept Europe. The struggle against the old order goes on and as Mr. Hood suggests the war is about oil. For America to lose this war is for the Petro-Dollar to collapse and with it our standard of living and then the system that is ruining our homes and our lives will move into high gear to protect itself.
The spirit of Liberté, égalité, fraternité is ingrained in us and it would be far better for America to win this war in Syria so as to buy us time for our meta- politics to take root and give the White Man of tomorrow a fighting chance.
Excellent article!
He’s not perfect, but Traditionalists should stand with Bashar al-Assad.
I have never had any doubt that Bashar al-Assad is a truly good man. He is exactly the kind of intelligent and strong leader that a stable and well-ordered state needs. He is certainly not the kind of Western-style liberal democratic weasel like Obama, Cameron or Hollande, and this is why Western liberal democratic types despise him so much.
One thing that truly confounds me is that many in the alternative media who vehemently oppose the possibility of military strikes against Syria will often quickly add that Bashar al-Assad is a really bad person. This of course is due to the fact that most alternative media types are Western liberal democratic types no matter how much they might despise their own Western liberal democratic leaders.
I agree with the author’s conclusion, though his traditionalist approach to the Syria crisis is quite novel. I’m particularly glad that he drew the link between imperialism and immigration – the citizens of the Arab countries ruined by ‘humanitarian intervention’ today will become the refugees in Europe tomorrow: a tragedy for both the Arabs and the Europeans.
There are two points that I think deserve further elaboration. The first is the Sunni-Shia conflict, (in some respects, a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran with Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Syria being the main theatres); there is the argument that Riyadh has played a major role in influencing (manipulating?) American foreign policy in this regard. (Secretary of State Kerry’s remark that some Arab countries are willing to finance an American-led overthrow of the government in Damascus, has provided credence to this view.)
The other is the very dubious nature of that chemical weapon attack, which is widely suspected to be a ‘false-flag’ operation. Respected terrorism expert Yossef Bodansky has added his voice to the growing concern:
Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?
I wonder if the US Senate will emulate the British parliament in rejecting the drive to bomb Syria? I’d be interested to know what others think on that subject.
“The federal government has openly declared its intention to eliminate white communities, exterminate social forms associated with whites (including traditional European Christianity), and persecute hierarchical cultural norms.”
This is exactly correct…the elimination of existing white communities, and the related social forms, is going on daily, and none of the diverse white American office holders will speak out about it.
“What conservatives fail to see is where this is all going.” They can’t even see the evidence for a repetitive campaign of defamation, moving from outrage to outrage. We’re an organization devoted to one slice of the attack on the diverse white Americans, namely the anti-white narrative meaning the vast accusatory apparatus of the media/entertainment complex that swings into action anytime a white person attacks a person of color or a hoax is developed around the same idea, but maintains silence in the face of attacks on white persons. The inflammatory outrage about hoaxes (the March on Skokie, Duke University athletes, etc.) is evidence that the campaign of defamation is both opportunistic and discriminatory to the point that we label these trials-by-publicity with the old label of tableaux vivants — dramas created to point to with shock and hatred to distract and silence.
But conservatives fail to link these repetitive outbursts by media/entertainment to a “campaign” or “narrative” against the diverse white Americans as a demographic affinity group, preferring almost any other label for this media/entertainment outburst. They need to get honest.
At Resisting Defamation, we believe conservative failure to adhere to reality have two causes. (1) They don’t understand how to talk about this stuff properly…namely, attackback at the person or institution promoting the anti-white narrative, and do not return racially-tainted speech with opposite racially-tainted speech. Conservatives are terrified of being derbyshired, something easily avoided. (2) They are genuinely supportive of a unified America, but they fail to recognize that it was undermined at the beginning of the 20th century with the odd and unAmerican doctrine of “pluralism.” That was accomplished by one of the most virulent and hateful verbal campaigns against those resisting the notion. Then pluralism in the Sixties & Seventies was morphed into “multiculturalism” with the same attack on individuals and institutions who resisted. In the late Eighties and Nineties, multiculturalism was morphed into “multiracialism,” and conservatives so want to oppose it that they oppose all of the white efforts to respond to the notion by forming white associations (but no opposition to associations by people of color) in an effort to head it off…but that won’t work and has rendered conservatism as irrelevant to the facts on the ground as is possible.
The hard left, on the other hand, is entirely willing to assume that we are a highly-motivated, highly-cohesive demographic group…we have a couple of links to articles that make this point on our Facebook page:
If we have a voice in future policy-making, we hope it takes the shape of a modified Monroe Doctrine, and leaving ships and drones around the globe in case some hideous empire arises to take the USA down…or whatever communities & state structures we will have evolved into.
“In this world, the role of whites is to serve as the kulaks…” We agree completely although we just say that the diverse white Americans are destined by our alienated overlords to be serfs, soldiers, and taxpayers…the new caste system.
The essay by Mr. Hood would provide an excellent basis for discussion about almost every sentence. Thanks for this positive message….after all, a reality-based message is always positive.
Gregory, that that is one of the best articles that I have ever read. Thank you.
GH says it better than anyone on the scene. When can we hear him on a podcast?
This is one of the best articles I have read on counter-currents because it is honest about the future of United States and the western civilization, still it infuse some hope in our bleak future. It is naïve to believe that the masses will rise against the political, financial and media elites. You see some friction and political opposition against the elites in Europe because of high immigration, financial collapse and unemployment but it is just manageable fractures. Even in a country like Greece, on the brink of collapse – alternative political parties on the extreme right and extreme left do not even grow beyond ten percent.
Ordinary people, even people that are very bright, creative and has a deep political insight do not see through the lies of the political and media elites. Even starving people in deep poverty do not challenge the political system. Not even in Greece that in 1974 was a far-right military dictatorship and has a strong ultra-right tradition and now is on the brink of social and economical collapse can we any resistance.
It is obvious, even for a child that Syria is an Israeli and Saudi driven war. Even the liberal and Zionist contra-jihadist like Robert Spencer and David Horowitz opposes the war because it is so absurd and dangerous. United States now openly take the sides with fundamentalist Muslims so they can crush Assad and pave the road for a massive war with Iran. The Israeli lobby does not even hide the causes for the war. The moral and factual basis of the coming American intervention in Syria is so bizarre that even the Fox News neoconservatives are confused.
The elites are so convinced that they own the game so they can just make up some simple erratic lies. They do not even need to play a tight game because they have all people that matters on their side. Yes, the mainstream media can even report honest about the agenda because the opposition is so weak.
The system cannot collapse because regular people of all races, classes, ethnicities and people with mainstream political ideologies has internalized the system values of global capitalism, dept-driven economies, Zionism, multiculturalism and liberalism.
The cultural war has never been about to destroy western civilization or replace white people. It has been about to build white people into dumb and poor materialists and a recruiting base for intellectual capital when it is needed. The western civilization is no more than a tool for Israel, faceless corporate regimes and international banksters to continue expand the colonial Israeli empire and make a few people and their puppets rich. Israel and the brown royal families want a war – and United States goes along with it. White people and all ordinary people on earth are just forced to go along with it. Russia and China try to stop the madness but they do not because they cannot fight United States. She is too powerful and too dangerous.
The only people that can actually stop this are white people and all the ethnicities within but sadly they are too weak. In United Kingdom – the military and the non-political government seem to be critical of a war and they temporarily convinced the Labor party no to reckless vote yes for an intervention in Syria. It just forced David Cameron and his neoconservatives a few weeks or months to postpone British support.
The key to a good future for the western civilization is to Americans to rise against the elites but there is nothing on the horizon in United States. In fact, the alternative right and the alternative left is powerless and that is all.
Some Conservatives make much of Obama’s Muslim connections: his upbringing, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett, etc. Is there anything to it? Does you think he has any specific love of Islam or is it just part of his allegiance to all that is Non-White and Non-Western?
The drums of war…the Orwellian dystopia is here now, or at least it seems to be, with wall-to-wall lies 24/7/365 wrapped in moralistic window dressing and backed by the IRON FIST of ruthless power. The media with a few brave exceptions like Mr. Greenwald and his sympathizers isn’t even faking it; it’s just reformatting government propaganda and calling it news. According to the commenters at The Guardian, most of the British is run by British intelligence. It is a sickening spectacle, but I like to believe we’ll get our chance at point. We WNsts can’t be the only ones dissatisfied.
A little real democracy would be helpful right now. If the government were actually responsive to the people, this wouldn’t be happening.
One problem as if there weren’t enough already is the rapid and EXTREME centralization of power that is presently underway backed by total surveillance. If they build 50,000+ drones with up-to-date, real-time information on pretty much everyone at all times, dissent may very well be impossible. It eliminates a weakness in their system of control such as the Edward Snowden’s of the world. As time goes on, power will be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.
In parallel to the day’s Syria developments, new information on the NSA came to light. I highly recommend everyone find time for this article. I think one effect of Snowden is that it forced them to give their coming out party for totalitarianism a little early. The path appears to be toward a merging of government, corporations and international banks.
As I look around, I’m reminded of something William Pierce said in a radio interview. He said something to the effect of American/Western/Jewish elites long terms plans are so horrific we can’t even understand them. What we see around us horrible enough but is probably the tip of the iceberg. His comments, also, represent yet another vindication for WNst analysis. William Pierce was ahead of everyone except maybe Adolf Hitler and the people around him.
Excellent article. You delved into many facets of the conflict with ease, precision, and poise. I too would enjoy hearing you again on a podcast!
Hate to nitpick, but LeMay participated in the aerial decimation of Tokyo, not Dresden. The latter was part of the RAF “area bombing” campaign that was so successful in Operation Gomorrah.
Perfectly stated in every respect.
Lots of great comments, especially the comment by Christian.
This is superb. Quoted, linked, and riffed on here:
I understand what Jews, banks and large profit-driven corporations get out of a globalized world with few white people. What I don’t understand is what the American intelligence-MIC-Deep State get out of it.
Clearly there is government, and then there is government. The former is the tip of the iceberg that the public who watches C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part is the Deep State, which operates on its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power. The Deep State is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies, key nodes of the judiciary (like FISC, the Eastern District of Virginia, and the Southern District of Manhattan); cleared contractors, Silicon Valley (whose cooperation is critical), and Wall Street. – Ex-staffer, GOP Congressman
ex-NSA Insider and Whistleblower Says the Highest Echelons of US Intelligence are the Real Power in America (11 minutes and well worth it)
To sum it up, Obama wants to turn the whole world into a child aborting, homosexual marriage, and non working government dependent begging citizens. Syria has a right to protect it’s culture from the corruption that is being inseminated in the USA.
Tweets from a freshman Congressman who doesn’t mind stepping on toes. What are the odds they move him up the chain of command?
Justin Amash @repjustinamash
Attended another classified briefing on #Syria & reviewed add’l materials. Now more skeptical than ever. Can’t believe Pres is pushing war.
Justin Amash @repjustinamash
If Americans could read classified docs, they’d be even more against #Syria action. Obama admn’s public statements are misleading at best.
Excellent! No other comment required!!!
As of this comment, the polls are through the roof in opposition, and it looks like a deal is in the works to stop the strikes. I think this outburst of populist, anti-war sentiment must have TPTB irritated. I mean, what good is a global propaganda machine if you can’t get the rabble to go along when it counts?
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