Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “Eating Watermelon Is Hardly the Worst Thing Black People Do,” given that it’s hardly the worst thing they do in public. (more…)
Tag: black culture
Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Image source: Wikimedia Commons
1,583 words / 12:19
As we all commemorate National Watermelon Month and finalize plans to celebrate National Watermelon Day on August 3, it has come to my attention that many black people are terrified of eating watermelon in front of whites.
What a strange thing to fear. I’d think it’s better than being tied to a post and whipped for getting uppity with your slave master, but I’ve never been a black slave, so I wouldn’t know. (more…)
Photo courtesy of GoodFon.
Photo courtesy of GoodFon.
1,762 words
As black violence increasingly plagues American society, even the most milquetoast moderate whites are beginning to concede that something is amiss with blacks. But most are yet unwilling to identify the true source of the problem and instead cite things such as “Democrat-run cities” or “inner-city violence.” Other, more daring moderates argue that “black culture” contributes to the rising violence in our cities and must therefore be addressed. Both viewpoints are wrong. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “A Bold New Level of Stupid: Why the Island Boys are the Future,” on why these social media “influencers” just might be a vision of the Americans of the future, if present trends continue. (more…)
I’ve spent my entire life thinking I’ve found the lowest common denominator, only to find a denominator even lower and more common than the previous denominator. But I think I’ve finally found it — THE lowest common denominator. Actually, two lowest common denominators, because as John Donne famously said, “No boy is an island.”
As my tough luck would have it, I stumbled across a little one-minute video from October 2021 of two imbeciles in a pool crooning with fake Jamaican accents in that awful whiny style of pussy-whipped “singing” that has disgraced the Urban Mating Song genre for at least a generation now. (more…)
It is difficult for people to accept harsh realities after exposure to the truth, but at some point, one must embrace the facts of life. Early in life, I was taught by discerning adults that blacks have a different psychology from other races. Though such arguments were intriguing, I viewed them as sweeping generalizations. (more…)