Each year, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance names a “White Renegade of the Year,” a tradition begun by Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration. The white renegade of the year is someone who could have used his position to help whites but instead chose to do the opposite. In the same spirit, Counter-Currents is inaugurating a “Non-White Ally of the Year” series, to recognize non-whites who have used their position to help whites.
In 2022, Kanye West — whose popularity and reach came as quite a shock to me — received enormous coverage for wearing a White Lives Matter t-shirt. But that was soon eclipsed by the controversy he created by openly discussing Jewish power and privilege. I was grateful to Kanye for speaking the truth about the regime’s ultimate taboos, at great personal cost to himself. For more on the Kanye controversy, see my article “In Your Heart, You Know Ye’s Right,” a portion of which got me banned from Elon Musk’s new “free speech” Twitter.
Others in the movement had reactions to Kanye ranging from cool to hostile.
- Some people view the movement as primarily a safe space to express racial hatred. I am all for free speech, but politics is more than primal scream therapy. It requires changing minds and building alliances, which require more disciplined discourse.
- Some people claim that praising non-whites for the good things they do is equivalent to adopting multiracialism. I doubt anyone honestly believes this, but it floats around nonetheless. No, I don’t want a multiracial society. But I recognize that some non-whites might also have the same ethnonationalist and separatist goals. Beyond that, some non-whites might promote ideas conducive to white ethnonationalism even if it is not what they themselves want. It is possible for people who are not White Nationalists, or even white, to contribute to our cause. This is why we have concepts like “allies” and “fellow travelers”: to designate people who are not us, yet who are useful for attaining our political goals.
- Others decried Kanye West for being clownish and inarticulate. But that’s hardly the point. The reason Kanye made such a splash is that he’s famous and influential. His audience is far larger than Kevin MacDonald’s, even though MacDonald is far more dignified and articulate. If Kanye’s antics increase awareness of the Jewish Question, that’s a good thing, regardless of his communication skills.
- Beyond that, Kanye West’s statements are far less instructive than the establishment’s reaction. The organized Jewish community, spearheaded by the ADL, declared war on Kanye, and within days he lost more than a billion dollars. That’s astonishing. Indeed, the inarticulateness and clownishness of Kanye’s statements make it all the more astonishing. Jews could have simply ignored or patronized Kanye. “Kanye, bro, are you okay?” But instead, they went “DEATH CON three” on him and knocked him out of the billionaire club. That’s power. Reckless, vindictive, unaccountable power. We’d be better off without it.
Despite all this, Kanye West is not Counter-Currents’ “Non-White Ally of the Year.” Instead, that honor goes to comedian Dave Chappelle for his superb Saturday Night Live monologue of November 12, 2022. I was first introduced to Chappelle more than a decade ago by my friend Mike Van Houten, who correctly saw Chappelle as an ally because he relentlessly mocked political correctness, especially about race.
Chappelle’s monologue surpasses Kanye West’s very real contributions for two reasons:
- Chappelle commented on Kanye’s remarks and the Jewish reaction in an eloquent and genuinely funny manner.
- As Andrew Hamilton discusses in a classic article, “Join the Dance!,” the difference between a lone nut and the leader of a movement is the first person to follow. Now, in the case of Kanye, it doesn’t matter if Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos jumped on board, because they are marginal. It is far more important for another mainstream figure to stand up for Kanye, specifically to amplify his message, criticize the reaction, and affirm the importance of free speech. Chappelle did these things, potentially at great cost to himself.
As a bonus, Chappelle also commented on Trump and Trump derangement syndrome, the Ukraine War, and white discontent in the wake of the 2022 midterm election. You can watch Chappelle’s monologue below. I have also transcribed it, with comments.
Thank you. Thank you very much for being here. Before I start tonight, I just wanted to read a brief statement that I prepared: “I denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms, and I stand with my friends in the Jewish community.” And that, Kanye, is how you buy yourself some time.
The rote manner in which Chappelle reels off the statement smacks of duress, implying from the start that Kanye and others in the same position are victims of coercion.
I gotta tell you guys, I probably been doing this for 35 years now. And early in my career, I learned that there are two words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence, and those words are “the” and “Jews.” Never heard someone do good after they said that.
This makes one wonder: What bad things happen to people who speak about “the Jews”? Who makes those things happen? To be specific, Chappelle has been in show business for 35 years. What’s the connection between “the Jews” and show business?
Kanye’s gotten into some scrapes before. Normally when he was in trouble, I pull up immediately. This time I was like, “You know what, let me see what’s gonna happen first.”
Why would Chappelle adopt a wait and see attitude at this particular juncture? Obviously, the suggestion is that there is something especially dangerous in talking about “the Jews.”
Can’t remember how it started. Vaguely I remember it started with a tweet, strange tweet. It was like uh, “I’m feeling a little sleepy. I gonna get me some rest. But when I wake up, I’m gonna go DEATH CON three on the Jews,” and then he just went to bed. I was up all night worried. What is he gonna do to the Jews?
I grew up around Jewish people. I have a lot of Jewish friends. So I’m not freaked out by your culture. I know a little bit about it just from hanging around. “Yo, let’s go out after school tomorrow.” But, like, “We can’t go out. It’s ‘Shanana’ tomorrow.” I’m like, “What? What is ‘Shanana’?” Like, I had so many questions. “Why do some of your people dress like Run DMC?”
When Kanye woke up from that nap, he went right to work.
A year ago, I’d seen him on a podcast called Drink Champs. Great show. And it was it was an amazing appearance. Noriega and them were there, the rappers that I love. And they all had their gold chains and stuff on, and Kanye said, “Only millionaires wear chains.” They said, “What?” He said, “I’m a billionaire. Billionaires don’t wear their money on their body.” I tucked my chain, and I said, “Oh, snap.”
It was a good appearance. It was fun and funny.
But when he woke up, he went on Drink Champs again. This time he was on one. He was mad about something. He said, “I can say anti-Semitic things. And Adidas can’t drop me! Now what?”
Adidas dropped that nigger immediately. Ironically, Adidas was founded by Nazis, and they were offended. I guess the student has surpassed the teacher.
It’s a big deal. He had broken the show business rules. This is a rule. You know, the rules of perception: If they’re black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence, and you should never speak about it.
I will be quoting those last three sentences for the rest of my life. They memorably sum up “the rules of perception” that extend far beyond show business. Of course, those rules work to the benefit of the people who created them: Jews. According to these rules, it is permissible to notice when lesser peoples work together in groups for their own interests. But when Jews work together as a group for their own interests, we must take no notice. We must pretend that it is just a coincidence. They’re just individuals. There’s nothing to see here. Hey, look over there . . .
Kanye got in so much trouble, Kyrie got in trouble. Kyrie Irving posted a link to a movie that he had seen on Amazon. No caption on the post or nothing like that. But apparently this movie had some, I don’t know, “anti-Semitic tropes” or something. It was some weird title like From Hebrew to Negro or something. And the NBA told him he should apologize, and he was slow to apologize, and then the list of demands to get back in their good graces got longer and longer — and this is where, you know, I draw the line. I know the Jewish people have been through terrible things all over the world, but you can’t blame that on black Americans; you just can’t. You know what I mean? [audience member whoops] Thanks to the one person that said “whoo.” A fair punishment would be he should just post a link to Schindler’s List, and y’all write your own captions. Because Kyrie Irving’s black ass was nowhere near the Holocaust. In fact, he’s not even certain it existed.
This is brilliant, too. Chappelle puts his sympathy for victims of anti-Semitism right on the table, then he says that it is not an eternal excuse for bullying people who had nothing to do with it. But that’s precisely the role that anti-Semitism, especially the Holocaust, plays in Jewish power today. It is a weapon of ethnic aggression, wielded under the cloak of ethnic victimhood.
Of course, Chappelle defends black Americans in particular, but the list of victims of Jewish bullying is far longer than that. Really, it encompasses the whole planet.
Jews were apoplectic, but why should they be? Aren’t we all equal? Don’t we live in a multicultural society, under conditions of equality? Shouldn’t there be rules? Shouldn’t we feel comfortable taking our own side when other groups bully us? Of course, there is no equality between Jews and other groups, as we have seen with the “rules of perception” outlined above.
Chappelle’s last line is a real punch in the gut, because it makes clear that he’s defending “Kyrie Irving’s black ass” even if he had denied the Holocaust. Is nothing sacred? No. Not to Chappelle. Not to a genuinely free society.
I saw one news pundit screaming about Kanye. She said “Mental health is no excuse for that type of language.” Yes, it is bitch. You can kill somebody if you’re mentally ill. Listen, okay. I don’t think Kanye is crazy, at all. I think he’s possibly . . . not well.
I’ve been to Hollywood. I don’t want ya’ll to get mad at me. I’m just telling you. I’ve been to Hollywood. This is just what I saw. It’s a lot of Jews. Like a lot. But that doesn’t mean anything. You know what I mean? There’s a lot of black people in Ferguson, Missouri. Doesn’t mean we run the place.
This too is very effective. Chappelle states the truth about what he has seen in Hollywood: a lot of Jews. Once that is out there, you really can’t take it back. But then he does the Tim Fool thing, the Alex Jones thing: He declares it doesn’t mean anything. But of course it means something. It isn’t just a coincidence, after all. The analogy between Ferguson and Hollywood is transparently lame. We’ve already seen that the rules of show business privilege Jews over blacks. Who makes the rules of show business? Obviously, the people who run the place.
I can see if you had some kind of issue, you know what I mean? You might go out to Hollywood, and your mind might start connecting some kind of lines, and you could maybe adopt the delusion that the Jews run show business. It’s not a crazy thing to think. But it’s a crazy thing to say out loud, in a climate like this.
Again, this is brilliant. Chappelle is saying that if a sane person observes the movie business and connects the dots, he might conclude that Jews run the place. It isn’t crazy to think that. Why, then, is it crazy to say it? Because the people who run the place, namely Jews, might take things away from you.
Now the midterms are over, in this crazy climate, and I gotta tell you, I feel like this midterm, like all of humanity depends on it. And it’s an ominous sign. The most ominous sign of the midterms I believe would be Herschel Walker, who I don’t want to speak badly of because he’s black. But I have to admit. He’s, umm . . . he’s observably stupid. And even when he’s not talking, his mouth be open a little bit. He’s the kind of guy who looks like he thinks before he makes a move on tic tac toe.
If you are the kind of person who needs permission from a black celebrity to call black people stupid, Dave Chappelle has now written you a pass.
Watching the news now, they’re declaring the end of the Trump era. Now, okay, I can see how in New York, you might believe that this is the end of his era. I’m just being honest with you. I live in Ohio, amongst the poor whites. A lot of you don’t understand why Trump was so popular, but I get it because I hear it every day. He’s very loved. And the reason he’s loved is because people in Ohio have never seen somebody like him. He’s what I call an honest liar. I’m not joking right now. He’s an honest liar.
That first debate. That first debate. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never seen a white male billionaire screaming at the top of his lungs: “This whole system is rigged,” he said. And across the stage was a white woman, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama sitting over there looking at him like, “No, it’s not.” I said, “Now, wait a minute, bro, it’s what he said.” And the moderator said, “Well, Mr. Trump, if in fact the system is rigged, as you suggest, what would be your evidence?” Remember what he said, bro? He said, “I know the system is rigged, because I use it.” I said “Goddamn!”
And then he pulled out an Illuminati membership card, chopped a line of cocaine up, and did it right at the podium.
No one had ever heard someone say something that true.
And then Hillary Clinton tried to punch him in the taxes. She said, “This man doesn’t pay his taxes.” He shot right back, “That makes me smart.”
And then he said, “If you want me to pay my taxes, then change the tax code. But I know you won’t, because your friends and your donors enjoy the same tax breaks that I do.” And with that, my friends, a star was born.
No one had ever seen a thing like that. No one had ever seen somebody come from inside of that house outside and tell all the commoners, “We’re doing everything that you think we are doing inside of that house.” And he just went right back in the house and started playing the game again.
This is brave, true, and genuinely hilarious.
The Democrats were sore losers. I’m a Democrat. I’m telling you as soon as he won, they started saying all that “He’s colluding with Russia; he’s colluding with Russia.” It was very embarrassing as a Democrat. But as time went on, we all came to learn, he was probably colluding with Russia. I even look at his wife different now. His wife is beautiful, no question about it, but she looks like the kinda chick that James Bond would smash but not trust.
Why he got all them documents at his house? What is this? This guy is famous for not reading his press briefings. Now all the sudden you get 10,000 documents in his house, gonna catch up on his reading list.
I’ve been fired from jobs many times in my life, and I will be very honest with you. Sometimes when I was fired, I stole things from the office. Staplers, computer mouses, all kinds of stuff. You know what I never stole from work? Work!
It is nice to have a Democrat on record saying that the Russia collusion accusation was simply Democrats being sore losers. But the rest of this bit is incredibly lame. Maybe Chappelle actually believes it. Or maybe he’s just giving the audience a rest from having their dogmas challenged.
War in Ukraine brought it all into focus, and lucky for everybody in the Western world the Ukrainians are way better fighters than we thought they’d be. These guys, God bless’em, they’re doin’ good. They killed 10,000 Russians the first week of the war. Even the Vietnamese were like, “Goddamn, them some good numbers.”
This is before they had weapons. Before we started sending weapons. They was killing Russians with things you can find around the house. That whole country, Ukraine, is littered with traps like Home Alone. They was stepping on rakes. How is Russia losing to the Ukraine? That would be like America losing a war to Colorado.
This is genuinely funny, but it is calculated to appeal to the New York audience. Again, I think Chappelle might just be letting them relax a bit. He’s lulling them into a sense of security before delivering a knockout blow.
Now the midterms are over, and everybody’s awake. These new whites, man, they’re like newborn babies. Just woke up. Everything white people mad about, we’ve been on that. “Man, I can’t feed my family.” Black people like, “We been on that.” “We can’t trust the government.” “We been on that!” “Man, we should dismantle the FBI!” Word to Martin Luther King, Bro. “We been on that!”
Dave Chappelle just offered social validation to whites awakening to the idea that that the system is no longer theirs. I guess we can forget about white privilege. This is subversive, but it is treated as a bit of a throwaway before the final assault, where he returns to Kanye:
Nobody listens to me when I tell these jokes. You know what I mean? My first Netflix special, what did I say? I said I don’t want a sneaker deal, because the minute I say something that makes those people mad, they’re gonna take my sneakers away, and the whole crowd’s like, “Ha ha ha ha ha.” Now you see Kanye walking around LA barefoot with his chain out. A billion and a half dollars in a day. A billion and a half dollars in a day. I said, “Put your chain on, nigger. Welcome back!”
Corporate sponsors are enemies of free speech. But, of course, none of this would have happened to Kanye if he had not spoken about Jewish power. As if to prove Kanye’s point, Jews flexed their power and knocked him out of the billionaire club. The line “Put your chain on, nigger” is pregnant, because before black millionaires wore chains, black slaves wore them. Jews have reduced Kanye West to a barefoot “nigger” in chains because he spoke up about Jewish power. This is very provocative rhetoric, especially for blacks in the audience.
It shouldn’t be this scary to talk — about anything. This is making my job incredibly difficult, and to be honest with you, I’m getting sick of talking to a crowd like this. I love you to death, and I thank you for your support. And I hope they don’t take anything away from me . . . whoever they are.
Dave Chappelle is a strong defender of free speech. Chappelle is a comedian, and comedy is the first casualty of wokeness. But Chappelle ends by pointing out that there are people behind political correctness. Somebody wrote the rules of wokeness. Somebody enforces the rules of wokeness. Somebody benefits from the rules of wokeness. And Kanye West’s fate shows that calling them out is dangerous business, whoever they are.
Because Dave Chappelle has spotlighted the issue of Jewish power and privilege with intelligence, wit, and courage, he is Counter-Currents’ Non-White Ally of the Year for 2022.
* * *
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Dark horse Dave comes through to snatch the title. A few weeks ago it would’ve seemed crazy to say anyone but Kanye, but after things have seemed to die down (for now) with Mr. West, I think Dave is the clear choice. That monologue will go down as one of the all time greatest in SNL history and the entire content of it is just Dave basically naming them.
Honorable mentions:
Andy Ngo
Pedro Gonzalez
Tulsi Gabbard
Andy Ngo and Tulsi Gabbard are definitely in the running for future years.
Chappelle, no. None of these black renegades are defending white nationalism. I am a libertarian, but I am sensible enough to appreciate the genetics of tribalism. Elizabeth Wright was impressive and there is this person named Zinah Issa on medium. But most black writers are not that revolutionary on race. Harold Cruse was exceptional
Is that an exact quote? “I know the system is rigged, because I use it.”
I think that part of Chappelle’s monologue is a good foil to explain to Democrats why people like Trump.
The right man has been awarded this annual honor. Great article and analysis! Watching that monologue (not live on TV, but still) was exhilarating.
The power of words; no wonder we’re barred from the Arena of Ideas.
Thanks. I want this to be an annual tradition.
Kanye was sharing memes crafted in our corner of the internet. Ideas do matter. Memes do matter. We are having an impact.
Once again I fear the rank absurdity of Mr Kanye West’s views on subjects such as African history only detracts from counter-signalling on ‘white lives’. To put it baldly, the endorsement of a lunatic or an ignoramus is no boon at all.
Agree, the only good I can see coming from this is the usual suspects may marginalize or exclude rap from the mainstream. But we must be grateful for small mercies.
This is a good idea for a recurring award!
This is a good article – and a clever award. Dave Chapelle, Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock are three black people who I think are genuinely brilliant. Chappelle’s development methodology of studying mediocrity in order to understand how to become great was a useful and brilliant insight.
Despite his tremendous success, Chappelle still clings to black victimology. Since 2008, black victimology has been turned to 11, then 13, then 19, then 21 and counting. At a certain point I shut him and all black people out, because I just don’t think any of it is funny anymore. I am not going to pay money to go and have some good laughs interrupted when invariably at some point whitey gets the oppressor talk and blacks get the victim of white racism reinforcement hit – no matter how briefly or cleverly he inserts it into his bit. We now live in a time when the Whites Need Not Apply sign is hung out. I am not having it any more. It is insufferable.
Notice how he uses his victim status to extend an olive branch to the other victim group. You can’t blame the holocaust on black Americans . Dave, what about white Americans? We defeated Hitler. Our grandparents white asses were near it – ending it. We forged their nation and pay to expand it, develop it and defend it.
Oh yeah. You see. He’ll leave out blacks, but whitey is on his own. Whitey be throw’d under the ole bus. This is telling:
” I know the Jewish people have been through terrible things all over the world, but you can’t blame that on black Americans; you just can’t. You know what I mean? [audience member whoops] Thanks to the one person that said “whoo.” A fair punishment would be he should just post a link to Schindler’s List, and y’all write your own captions. Because Kyrie Irving’s black ass was nowhere near the Holocaust. In fact, he’s not even certain it existed.”
When is a white comedian or entertainer going to tweet out:
“I know that black people went through terrible things being hunted and enslaved by Africans, and sold off as chattle to Africans, Muslims and Europeans. I know they were systemically castrated and genocided in the Muslim world. But you can’t blame that on white Americans today; you just can’t. Europeans and Americans ended slavery. They handed blacks their freedom in an act of unprecedented generosity at massive cost.
Africans didn’t stop enslaving blacks. They were angry with the Europeans for cutting off their gravy train. Africans had to stop enslaving Europeans at gunpoint. You know what I mean? [no audience member whoops] Why can’t I get a single person to say, “whoo”, to that? Let me say that again. White societies ended slavery of all people. [still no whoop]
Now, I hate complaining and whining. Don’t you? I like solving problems fairly and effectively. Don’t you? A fair solution would be we just go our separate ways. You can go your way, free from the white man, free to build the society you see fit; free from ever needing to worry and complain about the unfairness of white society. We can go our way and pursue our destiny too. We are tired of the ceaseless invocation of the the great ghost of The Legacy of Slavery. You know why? Because our 200 million white asses were nowhere near the savannahs and tribesmen who enslaved your ancestors. None of us ever owned a slave – white or black or jewish. Many of us can point to our great-great grandparents who fought to free you 160 years ago.
So, how can we prove to you once and for all we don’t want to oppress you. How can you prove to yourselves once and for all that you don’t want to be oppressed by us. Let’s go our separate ways. Moreover, let’s be grateful to the Jews and Israel who provide a model for a solution. We helped them obtain their homeland and we continue to help them defend their homeland. We purchased you a homeland in Africa over a century ago so you could be free to live as you please. We never understood why you preferred oppression in America to living in freedom in the land that you were abducted from so long ago.
No matter. Let us leave these mysteries be. We must move forward now as adults and finally resolve our complaints. As the Jews welcomed our help in creating their homeland let them repay us in helping you to escape your great oppression and pursue your destiny in the African homeland we long ago created for you. Can I get a whoop for a distinct and separate homeland for all!?!?”
Chappelle goes on to celebrate that white people are finally sinking to the level of negroes in America. Isn’t it great, Chappelle thinks, that you whites now have these problems – as if whites were never poor or suffering in The Grapes of Wrath or crawling in coal mines so Mama Kitchen Cook could burn coal to stay warm or dying in the Sierras to build the railroad, or building the levees in New Orleans since some of our folk weren’t property and numerous enough to be disposable…
Make no mistake, Chappelle spoke a heresy, but he spoke it on behalf of his people and his people alone. He left us out. That is fine. It is always good to be reminded that we are on our own.
I am all for heresies in this time of lies. I pray that this triple heresy is spoken eloquently by someone white, powerful and prominent in 2023.
Exactly. Chappell is no ally of whites, I don’t understand his thinking here. Kanye explicitly and repeatedly has stood up for whites, on multiple platforms and settings. You think Dave Chappell would ever wear a White Lives Matter shirt?
Kanye is truly inspired by God and love of truth. I know the intellectual wing of the right is largely atheist, so they may miss the truly virtuous deed that Kanye has done here. WHITE LIVES MATTER.
Good points both.
Thank you, you have summarized my thoughts nicely. What Chappelle did was give us a brilliant pull-quote or two. Any suggestion that he gave us permission to call blacks stupid is laughable. He only criticizes Herschel because Herschel is a Republican. Is Greg really saying I can can say some other black is stupid who isn’t a Republican? No, the criticism can ONLY be about political affiliation and never, ever their skin color.
Dave Chappelle is a funny and smart guy. What’s sad is that I’m grateful he stuck his neck out as far as he did, but he did it for his fellow blacks. I’m sure he pities the poor whites he lives so well amongst, but he doesn’t like them.
Not sure he has to like white people to be useful to us.
Totally agree with that. But I’d rather give your fine honor to someone who does, like Kanye. Chappelle, in my opinion, stops short of being truly brave. I don’t blame him, either. Just sayin.
I agree he doesn’t have to like us to be useful to us.
I think most will take his point at face value and see it as him defending Kanye and Irving from the Jews. He is sticking up for his guys in a Blacks vs. Jew spat. After all, he says, the Gentiles did horrible things to you guys all over the world, but black people weren’t anywhere near that. That keeps the we are brothers in oppression/victimization at the hands of whitey narrative alive and well.
I don’t see that helping us. If he had brought up the role of Jewish finance and ownership in the Atlantic slave trade, (SC, New Orleans, Brazil …) that would have done something. It would break some moral shackles in our people who think that, “we”, are solely responsible and inspire a lot of Googling that would do a lot of good. That could make people receptive to seeing that maybe, when getting kicked out so many times, well, as they say, where there is smoke there is fire.
@ArminiusMaximus – Just adding my two cents to the pile-on of appreciation: that is one epic comment you made above! Bravo!!
“At a certain point I shut him and all black people out, because I just don’t think any of it is funny anymore.”
Likewise. I enjoyed Greg’s essay and appreciate his transcription because I would not watch the video. It’s visceral.
Hell, I didn’t even like to watch Amos ‘n’ Andy in the afternoon when I was little. But I do like finding out what all the noise was about.
Excellent idea, analysis, and choice of winner. A friend had sent that Chappelle SNL bit to me, and I had really liked it, though more instinctually than analytically. I certainly didn’t connect all the dots as Johnson has done here.
At a certain point I shut him and all black people out, because I just don’t think any of it is funny anymore. I am not going to pay money to go and have some good laughs interrupted when invariably at some point whitey gets the oppressor talk and blacks get the victim of white racism reinforcement hit – no matter how briefly or cleverly he inserts it into his bit. We now live in a time when the Whites Need Not Apply sign is hung out. I am not having it any more. It is insufferable.
Hear hear. I think Original Kings of Comedy was the last black comedy act I was able to stomach, and even that was stretching it. The tribe really has taught them to whine their way to riches.
Notice how he uses his victim status to extend an olive branch to the other victim group. You can’t blame the holocaust on black Americans . Dave, what about white Americans? We defeated Hitler.
A fact I am less and less proud of with each passing day, although to be fair I don’t think Uncle H would think of any American as his kinfolk.
This is a good illustration that the use of humor can get things across in a way that a rant cannot.
An all time great comedy clip that speaks volumes in 15 minutes. The ideas are nothing new, but it’s a masterclass on delivery and careful choice of words where one slipup could send him down the gallows trapdoor. Along those lines, the phrase “Jewish Question” needs to be retired. It is now forever tied to Nazism no matter how many eons the phrase had already been around. Too many people simply see or hear JQ and have an instant reaction of DELETE DELELETE DELETE! They’re moving so fast they cant spell or say it right and any attempt at a nuanced discussion is lost. Maybe Adolf was once a nice name, but its fallen out of favor as a parent will spend inordinate amount of time explaining instead of expounding.
There are a number of comedians pushing back or dancing around the challenges of the woke agenda, and a few doing a great job at it, though I won’t name them here.
The most unapologetically pro-White comment I heard in any corner of the mainstream media was from Jesse Lee Peterson on Dr. Phil. He told a hostile audience that Whites needs to have more babies because the race is dying out. He added that Whites are innovative and creative whereas nonwhites know only how to destroy. Dr. Phil blushed.
Ye and Chappelle have been useful, sure, but Jesse Lee explicitly fights for White folks. His reach is far more limited, however.
Great choice.
Ye frees two American racial groups from anti-White captivity!
Arminius Maximus, add Ron Carter and Anthony Braxton to your genius list.
blacks are eight times more likely to be on welfare. Whites raised working class get to watch blacks in SUVs use their EBT card to pay for groceries.
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