In what has to rank among the least surprising discoveries of 2024, it has been revealed that Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man, is not a populist crusader, but is instead a self-interested globalist in search of cheap labor. Since Christmas, online political debate has centered around the H-1B visa controversy, with Musk loudly proclaiming his support for the program. Musk’s views on these visas could be attributed to greed alone, but I suspect that there is another factor at least partly responsible for his position on this particular issue. (more…)
Tag: Wilmot Robertson
2,665 words
Talk radio host James Edwards interviews lifelong racial communitarian activist and attorney Sam Dickson.
James Edwards: Your journey into political activism began in your mid-teens. Over the years, you became involved with a variety of causes and organizations throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. Notably, you even ran a high-profile campaign for lieutenant governor of Georgia in 1978. Many people romanticize those earlier times. Is it possible that governors like Orval Faubus and George Wallace could have prevented the changes that have occurred in America? (more…)
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Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
On the evening of April 14, 1865, the actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth leaped onto the stage at Ford’s Theater and shouted “Sic semper tyrannis!”, followed by “The South is avenged!” Booth had just fatally shot President Lincoln. He was acting as part of a larger conspiracy to decapitate the Lincoln administration and was the only conspirator to successfully carry out any part of the overall plan — a plot that had been initiated by Booth, not the Confederate government. (more…)
In the early 1980s I was involved with the startup of a “humor magazine” that never went anywhere after its colorful-but-vague pilot issue. Apart from a couple of National Lampoon veterans, we were mostly post-collegiate types, full of quirky, off-the-wall ideas from our own days at colorful-but-vague college humor mags. It was around this time that one of my colleagues mentioned, as a bit of curious arcana, that he had heard that somewhere out there was a racist humor magazine. (more…)
When I was kid I went through a pretty intense Beastie Boys phase. I remember it fondly, but I am sure it made me quite obnoxious to anyone who knew me back then. One of the things I did to broadcast my love and devotion for the first rap group to ever hit #1 on the Billboard charts was to pin the cover of said album on my bedroom wall. (more…)
Hamas fighters attacked Israeli military positions and settlements near Gaza on October 7 and took the Israelis completely by surprise. Around 1,400 Israelis, many of them soldiers, were killed, and hundreds of Israeli civilians were taken captive to be used as barter in the eventual ceasefire negotiations. (more…)
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Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $103,876.48, or 34.63% of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) And now, Peter Bradley offers a few words on why he wishes he’d had Counter-Currents 30 years ago, when he was first developing an awareness of racial issues. (more…)
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Many, many years ago — say, during the Nixon administration — I was peripherally involved with kiddy television. Kiddy TV was very hot just then, particularly up in Boston, where they had at least four “educational” kiddy shows running concurrently. (more…)
Each year, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance names a “White Renegade of the Year,” a tradition begun by Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration. The white renegade of the year is someone who could have used his position to help whites but instead chose to do the opposite. In the same spirit, Counter-Currents is inaugurating a “Non-White Ally of the Year” series, to recognize non-whites who have used their position to help whites.
In 2022, Kanye West — whose popularity and reach came as quite a shock to me — received enormous coverage for wearing a White Lives Matter t-shirt. (more…)
December 3, 2022 Peter Bradley
Wilmot Robertson o konzervatismu
English original here
„‚Old Believer‘ (ten, kdo neochvějně důvěřuje zavedeným pořádkům – pozn. DP), ryzí moderní konzervativec, protože je ve své podstatě i ryzí klasický liberál, je zřejmě tím vůbec nejefektivnějším americkým typem, který většinu udržuje v bezpečném vakuu rasové apatie.“ – Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority
V uplynulých týdnech a měsících jsme byli svědky obnoveného zájmu o konzervatismus, konkrétně o význam této ideologie v moderní Americe a to, jak se jí povede v současné Trumpově éře i po ní. (more…)
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If one is reading this website it is highly likely that one has experienced a disastrous face-to-face racial reckoning event. It could be managing some form of African pathology as a supervisor, it could be experiencing a vicious crime, or it could be some other frustration that brought one here. The sudden realization that we aren’t really created equal, that the dream of Martin Luther King is really a nightmare, and that white Americans are under threat as at no other point in their history might make a person do something stupid, but before taking some rash action, one should calm down and read up on the basics of race realism. (more…)
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Thanks in no small part to Counter-Currents, the writings of Francis Parker Yockey are more popular than ever. The Centennial Editions of Yockey’s works follow upon at least two recent biographies of the post-war anti-liberal thinker. This is part of a trend I noted a few years ago. Yockey was all but unknown in his lifetime, but now is more read and relevant than mainstream contemporaries such as Drew Pearson, a Leftist who was once the most widely-read newspaper columnist in America, but faded into obscurity after his death. (more…)
The following is a commemoration for Willis A. Carto, who was born 96 years ago today.
About a year ago I stumbled across the online Willis A. Carto correspondence archive. It’s a source of never-ending delight. (more…)