This year, a quota system by the Academy Awards took effect for the benefit of disadvantaged minorities, and you know what that means. If a film doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, it’s ineligible to be nominated for any golden dildos. (more…)
Tag: Jews in Hollywood
I would be lying if I said I try to avoid pop culture, because it really doesn’t take much effort. When you are young, you pick stuff up from being around other young people, and if you are a parent, you pick stuff up from your kids. But I’m old and have no kids, and I find that if you don’t listen to the radio in the car and only watch Turner Classic Movies, it is actually quite easy to completely lose touch with pop culture. I’m perfectly happy having no idea who the latest singers and teen heartthrobs are. (more…)
An Army of Color: Whites Became a Minority of US Recruits in 2023
Henry Kissinger said in 1973 that “military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used” as the sacrificial lambs of American foreign policy. It’s a wonder that no one killed him for saying that. (more…)
Culture-Critiquing Sitcom Mogul Norman Lear Finally Gives Up the Ghost
It took 101 years, but television producer Norman Lear — who probably influenced American culture more than any other single figure in the 1970s — finally decided last Tuesday that it was time to die. (more…)
Each year, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance names a “White Renegade of the Year,” a tradition begun by Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration. The white renegade of the year is someone who could have used his position to help whites but instead chose to do the opposite. In the same spirit, Counter-Currents is inaugurating a “Non-White Ally of the Year” series, to recognize non-whites who have used their position to help whites.
In 2022, Kanye West — whose popularity and reach came as quite a shock to me — received enormous coverage for wearing a White Lives Matter t-shirt. (more…)
Four years ago I reread Gone with the Wind (1936), the bestselling novel about the Civil War and Reconstruction South.
I hadn’t intended to, but I did. I’d loathed it in my teens, and deeply regretted the time I’d wasted reading the 1,000-plus page tome — Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and famous four-hour motion picture adaptation (which I also disliked) notwithstanding.
This strong aversion had nothing to do with race, which was not on my radar screen, or ideology, or North versus South, or slavery, or anything of that nature. (more…)
Mayo Monkeys, Your Time is Up
In a possibly apocryphal quote, Muhammad Ali allegedly explained why he refused to be drafted into the US Armed Forces to fight in Vietnam: “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong. No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.”
Okay, but had he ever spent any time around the Viet Cong? (more…)
We all know that when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But does it follow that when you understand the culture of critique, every Jew looks hostile? Of course not, but, boy, it’s kind of tempting to think that way, isn’t it?
I think Tobias Langdon might have given in to that temptation a little bit in his engrossing essay “The Spinal Solution.” (more…)
3,871 words
All installments in this series available here
If you have ever watched the History Channel for longer than five minutes, you have probably heard this quote from Hitler: “If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!” (more…)
All installments in this series available here
In the last article, I discussed how in the 1930s, Hollywood was reluctant to make any anti-Nazi movies for a variety of reasons — chiefly that the Nazi government might invoke Article 15 of their film quota law to ban the studio that made it in Germany. (more…)
4,606 words
All installments in this series available here
Over the last few years, there has been some controversy about the influence of China over Hollywood. The claim is not that China is secretly controlling Hollywood, as the Alex Jones types have been insisting, but that Hollywood has been increasingly tailoring their films to meet the approval of the Chinese government in order to gain access to the massive Chinese market. Most commentators, especially liberal ones, consider this a bad thing. (more…)
Down these mean streets, a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero, he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. (more…)