Revilo Pendleton Oliver was born in Texas on this day in 1908. He received his undergraduate degree at Pomona College in California and his doctorate in classics at the University of Illinois under William Abbot Oldfather. He was Professor of Classics at the University of Illinois for many years.
Revilo Oliver was a man of remarkable erudition: he read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for more than half a century wrote scholarly articles in four languages for leading academic publications in the United States and Europe. His first book was The Little Clay Cart, an annotated translation of the Sanskrit Mrcchakatika, published by the University of Illinois in 1938.
During World War II, Oliver was Director of Research in a highly secret cryptographic agency of the War Department in Washington, DC, and was cited for outstanding service to his country. After his work for the War Department, Dr. Oliver was awarded a Guggenheim Post-Service Fellowship, and during the years 1953 and 1954 he traveled to Italy on a Fulbright Research Fellowship to study Italian Renaissance manuscripts.
In 1954, alarmed by the ongoing political subversion of the United States, Professor Oliver threw himself into conservative activism. He participated in the creation of National Review magazine; he was one of the founders of the John Birch Society; he made numerous speeches before patriotic groups; he wrote hundreds of articles and reviews. His disillusion with the conservative movement is chronicled in his book America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative. Eventually, he abandoned conservatism and became an avowed racial nationalist.
Counter-Currents sells the following books by Revilo Oliver:
We have also reproduced these essays and reviews by Revilo Oliver on this website:
- History and Biology
- William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?
- After Fifty Years
- Beyond Good and Evil: Bill Hopkins’ The Divine and the Decay
- Lawrence R. Brown’s The Might of the West
- The Shadow of Empire: Francis Parker Yockey after Twenty Years
- Spengler: Criticism and Tribute
For more work by and about Revilo Oliver, see Kevin Alfred Strom’s web archive Revilo P. Oliver: The Life and Works of a Great American Writer and Thinker,
See also Margot Metroland’s “The Professor and the Carnival Barker.”
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Dr. Oliver recognized, as did Dr. Sam Francis, as did Joe Sobran, that conservatism is simply a tool to dupe the ignorant, one side of the same Team, working towards the common goal, each doing his part in the political kabuki that kept the American people believing that the choices they were offered were real choices.
Dr. Oliver recognized something wasn’t quite right when he saw the Race Issue as being more than us versus the Coloreds. He saw the Hidden Hand, and how it worked to geld him within the Birch Society, by reducing his voice through “dynamic silencing.” Suddenly, papers were misplaced, meetings were mysteriously rescheduled or cancelled, without notifying him, and, to his enormous credit, Dr. Oliver saw the Common Thread underlying all of this Enemy Action. As long as he stayed with The Line, and criticized the Communists, the Internationalists, the Bolsheviks, all was well and good. When the intellectually honesty Dr. Oliver saw the Hidden Hand, he dealt with it as gracefully as he could.
There’s an important lesson for all of us in this. Dr. Oliver originally sought validation through the System. When the System systematically, softly, with relentless effectiveness invalidated him, he realized it did not good to go directly at them. That was the Path they would have preferred, as they could then hide behind the cloak of victimization – “These are all coincidences! Nothing more!” – and slowly drive him to madness. (I suspect this was an issue with the late Dr. Sam Francis, as well.)
He left the field where he could not win, and shifted to a field where he KNEW he could win, intellectually honest intellectual analysis. That’s why his work on the JQ is so important. He simply describes what happened, and how it happened. He describes it clearly, concisely, and accurately. He implies we could well learn from this, if we chose to do so, either in opposition to their efforts, by not being victims ourselves, or in support of our socially eugenic efforts, by using the same techniques for ourselves, and our Posterity.
He chose not to be a victim, and that made all of the difference.
We can learn from this. Let’s be honest. The Jews mastered the techniques, whether it is surgery, or physics. They then applied them to the fulfillment of THEIR metapolitical project. It’s that simple. What stops us from doing no less? Fear? Cowardice? Lack of “imagination?”
Our Racial Enemy could not be happier when some fool puts on a brownshirt, a red swastika armband, and spray paints (misshapen!) swastikas on their property. They claim victimization, and score points in public opinion. Let us learn to do, for OUR Race, what they do, for THEIR Race, and there will be no happiness at all for them.
Dr. Oliver would like that.
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