Last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio was a Thanksgiving weekend all-star extravaganza, where Greg Johnson and co-hosts Gaddius Maximus (Telegram), Cyan Quinn, and David Zsutty were joined by The Ayatollah (Odysee, Telegram), Sam Dickson, Endeavour (Substack, Telegram, YouTube), Friedrich, Jim Goad, James Kirkpatrick (Substack), Tim Murdock (White Rabbit Radio), Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube), Karl Thorburn (Telegram), and Keith Woods. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: ethnocentrism
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
In a 2015 article, John Derbyshire drew a distinction between “Goodwhites” and “Badwhites.” The “Goodwhites” were the well-meaning anti-racist white liberals, whereas the “Badwhites” were those who dared to differ with modern egalitarian orthodoxies. (more…)
There is a growing sentiment, particularly amongst Christian conservatives and reactionaries, that the men of “The West” should — indeed, must — form an alliance with the Muslims who have flooded into our countries. Together we can wage a Crusade/Jihad (a Crusihad? A Jihsade?) against the degenerate drag queens and the libs on TikTok. (more…)
The following is a transcript, video (see below), and audio recording of Kevin MacDonald speaking during a panel discussion at this year’s Counter-Currents retreat on the subject of individualism. The title is editorial. We would like to thank Hyacinth Bouquet for the transcript. To listen to the audio recording in a player, click here or on the player below. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” (more…)
See also: Friendly Debate Advice for Christian Nationalists, Classic Tales, The Good Book, More of the Good Book, Doors & . . ., Malign Social Contagions; also Kevin Macdonald’s Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, here and here, as well as Kathryn S.’s “Fortune of the Field Shall Cast from forth His Chariot.”
In 1995 the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), America’s largest Protestant denomination, voted to apologize for slavery and “lingering racism.” (more…)
2,822 words
To be ethnocentric and white in the West these days amounts to posing a challenge to the corrupt established order. Either as tacit spectators or active participants in our demographic and cultural struggles, such people threaten the purported existential notions of our leaders: those of liberal democracy and racial egalitarianism. (more…)
July 28, 2022 Greg Johnson
Je biely nacionalizmus „nenávistný“?
English original here, French version here
Jedným z najbežnejších obvinení proti bielemu nacionalizmu je, že ide o ideológiu nenávisti k ďalším skupinám. Moja odpoveď na toto obvinenie je: Áno. No a čo?
Áno, pretože nenávisť k iným skupinám je jednoznačne faktorom v bielom nacionalizme. No a čo, pretože nenávisť nijako nediskvalifikuje biely nacionalizmus z dvoch dôvodov: (more…)
1,783 words
Part 3 of 4 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 4 here)
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
Just as it would be vain to oppose to abstract equality a similarly abstract inequality, it would in my opinion be mistaken to try to oppose nationalism or ethnocentrism to the ideology of Sameness. (more…)
January 21, 2022 Greg Johnson
La politique identitaire blanche est morale, Partie 2
Partie 2 sur 3 (Partie 1, Partie 3)
English original here
La plus grande question que nous devons traiter avant que les gens puissent accepter la politique identitaire blanche n’est pas de savoir si elle est inévitable ou si elle est nécessaire, mais si elle est juste. Les gens refuseront de s’incliner devant l’inévitable s’ils pensent que c’est la mauvaise chose à faire. Ils refuseront de faire ce qui est nécessaire s’ils pensent que c’est la mauvaise chose à faire. (more…)
English original here, Slovak version here
L’une des accusations les plus communes contre la Nationalisme Blanc est que c’est une idéologie de haine contre d’autres groupes. Ma réponse est : « Oui, et alors ? ». Oui, parce que la haine envers d’autres groupes est clairement un facteur dans le Nationalisme Blanc. Donc, et alors ?, parce que la haine ne disqualifie pas le Nationalisme Blanc, pour deux raisons : (1) la haine ethnique est un phénomène universel dans les sociétés racialement et culturellement diverses, (more…)
The following is extracted from the book Ethnopluralismus: Kritik und Verteidigung and translated by F. Roger Devlin.
Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744-1803) was one of the outstanding figures of Weimar Classicism, even if spiritually to be counted among the Romantics. He is the most important and genuine ancestor of ethnopluralism. (more…)
1,360 words
The tenacious Nathan Cofnas should be applauded for exposing Kevin MacDonald’s theory of Judaism as an evolutionary strategy to a popular audience. However, though his arguments appear insightful, it is evident that Cofnas has not succeeded in proposing a plausible alternative to MacDonald’s theory. According to the “default hypothesis” promulgated by Cofnas, Jewish involvement in influential movements that are not overtly anti-Semitic is explainable by higher IQ scores and concentration in urban areas. (more…)