(((Hollywood Types))) Upset They’re Not Included in Academy Awards Diversity Quota
Beau AlbrechtThis year, a quota system by the Academy Awards took effect for the benefit of disadvantaged minorities, and you know what that means. If a film doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, it’s ineligible to be nominated for any golden dildos. (Since I’m neither gay nor a film industry worker, I hardly could give a toss about the Oscars, though the principle is inherently snotty.) Then there are many among a very special group in particular who are taking far greater umbrage, since they can’t cash in on the new diversity quota.
Are the Oscars antisemitic?
LOX News weighs in with “Debra Messing, David Schwimmer, others call out Academy for excluding Jews from Oscars diversity standards.” The subtitle is “Mayim Bialik, Julianna Marguiles, Josh Gad were also among the open letter signatories slamming the antisemitism.” Is it just my imagination, or isn’t calling Hollywood anti-Semitic rather similar to calling the Vatican anti-Catholic? The author is Joseph A. Wulfsohn, who I assume is Irish. (Well, maybe on St. Patrick’s Day.) It begins:
A large group of Jewish entertainers have signed an open letter calling out the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for excluding Jews from its recently-implemented Oscars diversity standards in the wake of growing antisemitism following the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks against Israel.
Such chutzpah! By the way, note that the hyperlink underlining “Jewish entertainers” goes to https://www.foxnews.com/media – that’s unintentionally funny, if you ask me!
In 2020, in the cultural reckoning following the death of George Floyd, the Academy announced that it would require films to have more members of different races and ethnic groups as part of their cast and crew among other criteria that elevates women, the LGBTQ and people with disabilities. 2024 marks the first year films will have to abide by the standards in order to be eligible at the Oscars in 2025.
So a career criminal dies in police custody from heart failure complicated by a fentanyl overdose, therefore the Academy Awards needs a racial quota system, QED. Somehow I’m not following the logic here; I’m just a dumb blond from Flyover Country who just can’t figure out this stuff. The details are a rather fuzzy too, but other articles flesh it out a bit further. Does this mean it will now be impossible for a movie set in pre-globalist Europe to get an Oscars nomination, unless it features absurd levels of racial miscasting? I take it that this is so now. Or could an epic about the Napoleonic Wars pass muster if Josephine is played by a Chinese lesbian in a wheelchair?
Of course, the usual film cognoscenti of the Cinematic-Industrial Complex never denounce non-whites playing white historical figures, or criticize movies for having too many minorities. Obviously this Academy Awards quota system will disadvantage white actors and actresses. This latest kerfuffle by the 260 chutzpahniks who signed the open letter is because they realized that they will be disadvantaged too. Oy veh! Instead, they would rather cash in on the “diversity standards.”
But despite being roughly 2% of the U.S. population and just 0.2% of the world population, Jews were not included among the minority groups highlighted by the Academy.
They could’ve gotten what they wanted by quietly lobbying to be classified as Middle Easterners, who are already one of the protected classes in the weird Academy Awards Affirmative Action system determining which films merit a golden dildo. Since GLBTQQIAOMGWTFs are a protected class too, they also could’ve declared themselves to be nonbinary thesbians. That’s not how it worked out, though. The chutzpahniks want it their way – “my way or the highway” as usual.
Anyway, they should be careful what they wish for, since quotas can cut both ways. Depending on the details, a quota system may be a minimum (which is what the chutzpahniks want to get on board with), some attempt at exact representation, or a maximum. Jews are already overrepresented as actors and actresses, so would they be happy if they got a 2% cap instead? That’s not about to happen, but it makes for an interesting thought experiment. (Imagine the scene in a producer’s office: “Your screen test for the Otto Frank role was very impressive, Mr. Bagelberg. Unfortunately, our Anne Frank biopic already has one Jew on the cast. So drop your drawers; I need to be sure the tip ain’t clipped.”) As for management, how many of the ten Hollywood studios aren’t Jewish owned and operated? What are the chutzpahniks kvetching about then?
Unz also has a hot take on this, “Actresses Are So Bad at Math That Even Jewish Actresses Don’t Understand ‘Per Capita’.” It quotes much more chutzpah from the original letter. My fave is this:
The absence of Jews from “under-represented” groupings implies that Jews are over-represented in films, which is simply untrue. There are very few films about Jews, aside from ones about the Holocaust.
All those Woody Allen films, just to name one guy, and they’re underrepresented? As for disregarding the Holobunga genre, that’s rather like complaining that there are hardly any movies about cowboys, other than Westerns. Furthermore, I wonder if they’ve heard of classics like Ben-Hur, Exodus, Fiddler On The Roof, Yentl, and so forth. Another zinger was this:
Unfortunately, many of these founders had internalized shame and self-loathing, which meant that Jews in Hollywood often changed their names and told stories about Jews with caricatures, tropes, appropriation, and self-erasure.
As for the first part of that, a more likely interpretation of the name-changing phenomenon is that it was for crypsis. About the latter, it seems the writers are unaware of the tradition of self-deprecating humor, and also maybe the (((Hollywood crowd))) wasn’t so touchy back then. Still, that was a nice try portraying all these early moguls as cringing self-hatred cases. The truth is that they were very powerful men who had a monopoly on a new and culturally influential medium. (They even got to play grab-ass with the country’s most beautiful starlets, before that fell out of fashion about a century later.) Anyway, all the quotes like these are solid gold. I could go on all night remarking about them.
It seems that the chutzpah memorandum wasn’t the sort of thing likely to win hearts and minds with racial minorities. Lipstick Alley, a forum mainly for black ladies, posted a thread on this story as well. The comments were pretty devastating. They were incensed about Jews trying to horn in on their quota racket! For just one example:
But in the same breath want to say they aren’t White lol. Then they want to attach some made up genetics to being Jewish. It’s an ethnoreligion not a race and certainly nothing genetic about it. Bunch of racist White people hiding behind religion.
Ooh, burn! Like I’ve said before, Jews who declare themselves to be non-white only get taken seriously by White Nationalists, the very last people they should want to convince. I won’t get too far into that debate. My take is that if their ancestors were white enough to get through Ellis Island before 1965, then they need to act the part. Then we’d get along so much better. However, those unwilling to get with the program are welcome to buy a one-way ticket to Tel Aviv.
Non-whites themselves aren’t buying it. Blacks in particular are more Jew-aware than one might expect. (Their noticing skills are far ahead of white evangelical neocons.) When they observe Jews opportunistically identifying as either whites or racial minorities according to what benefits them at the moment, they correctly interpret this as disingenuously wanting to have their cake and eat it. Well, that’s how it looks to us too. Therefore, when Zionists trash-talk white people and rile up minorities against us, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. Maybe they should stop doing that, huh?
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Great article, just a perfect read and hilarious, too.
So the Jews want to make a stink about something?? No way. Seems to me the awards shows made their existence irrelevant for anything other than box checking. You certainly can’t look to them to award a movie or show as a superior piece of art anymore. Just; did we have enough negroes and homos. The circle jerk continues but the circle is getting smaller….
That’s what I was thinking too. The Oscars are supposed to be about excellence in film. However, whenever diversity quotas are applied, then quality suffers. In recent times, the whole pageant is a big virtue-signaling circle-jerk, and now they’ve made themselves even more useless.
Funny stuff! I just have to ask, how the hell did you ever come across a website called Lipstick Alley?
I searched part of the text from the chutzpah letter, hoping to find the original document. As far as I can tell, the entire thing isn’t online so far. On the other hand, I did find an unfiltered Black response to the story.
Oy vey… I take grave offense at your anti-Semitic blood libel. You and Counter-Currents will be hearing from my lawyers!
I was on a sugar high. I plead the Twinkie defense.
Michael Rappaport gets my vote for being among the top 5 annoying Jews.
He still has a way to go before he hits the #1 spot. Somewhere I have a picture of Elie the Weasel, and next to him is the UN Secretary General who is clearly tired of the guy flapping his gums.
Someone described him as a Jew who pretends to be Italian and wishes he was black.
Hilarious! I’m glad that there will be fewer opportunities for White actors to humiliate themselves and denigrate their race onscreen. This only weakens the propaganda machine.
Of course, it’s sad that cinema has fallen so far.
Good point – Hollyweird’s rock bottom point hopefully won’t be long, after which the only way to go is up.
This is the second petition condemning the Oscar’s horrible antisemitism this year. There was one in March after Jonathan Glazer criticized Israel during his acceptance speech for an Academy Award for a film about the Holocaust.
Ooh, heresy! I bet that ruffled some feathers!
“Therefore, when Zionists trash-talk white people and rile up minorities against us, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. Maybe they should stop doing that, huh?”
For the reason why they won’t stop doing that see the Russian fable The Scorpion and the Frog.
Yes, they really seem unable to stop themselves. It’s a game they have been playing since their Babylonian exile ended, 600 years before Christ. Some of them returned but many of them stayed by the streams of Babylon, where life was cushier and they could play the role of victimized spoiler. Even after they got their homeland after 2000 years of begging God for it, the majority of them refuse to leave the awful lands of the anti-semitic goyim. I think by now it’s genetic.
I’m not sure blacks are aware of the JQ, or would even care if they found out. Some are, but collectively as a group, they ooga booga to whatever tune the pied piper plays for them to dance to. Whites have a collective problem of a different kind.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Kamel Face, and they are the most vocal anti-white resentful dullards on the electric rabbi. Also, the sheer volume of crimes that they ‘done did didn’t do – he goin to skool’ disregards them from co-existing with our peoples.
You might be surprised. According to polling data I’ve seen, Blacks are twice as likely to have naughty views about Jews as we are. That said, Blacks are very ethnocentric and quite unapologetic about it. (I can hardly fault them for that much, since Whites would be a lot better off if we felt the same way.) Although they’re easily manipulated, back in the late 1960s, they started figuring out that the Jews were pushing their buttons, and they’ve resented it ever since.
This is not to say that we should try to peel them away from the bioleninist coalition and get them on our side, of course. In general, they’re too dysfunctional and overall incompatible with us. The best answer for them is that they need to be in their own country where they can run things according to their sensibilities, quit blaming us for their problems, and stop being a burden on our society.
One conman recognising another.
In 2020 The Academy announced that it would require films to have more members of different races and ethnic groups as part of their cast and crew among other criteria that elevates women, the LGBTQ and people with disabilities.
What self-respecting White loyalist gives a flip about what The Academy dictates for films, or about what anti-White slop is being dished out these days to movie-goers by Hollywood for that matter?
In two weeks the new Hollywood anti-White blockbuster The Order will be released into theaters starring A-list actor Jude Law, playing a crime-fighting FBI Special Agent who goes after Bob Mathews, a name many White loyalists are familiar with. See the trailer for the movie, here: The Order | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical – YouTube
Allegedly “based on a true story,” but adapted to conform to The Academy’s PC requirement for more cast members of different races, Jude Law’s assistant FBI Agent character checks a couple of requisite boxes as she is played by half Jew/half Negress Jurneee Smolett — yes, the sister of that infamous mongrel queer actor/”hate crime” hoaxer, Jussie Smolett.
Douglas Mercer preview The Order for us, here: (181) The Order – White Biocentrism
If the reader thinks that a movie will be coming out of Hollywood any time soon where passionate White revolutionists are protagonists — the good guys — then read a few of the 278 comments under that trailer to see just how propagandized fans of Hollywood fare are.
Saturday’s American Dissident Voices broadcast (11/23) will address The Order movie since Dr. Pierce’s notorious 1975 novel The Turner Diaries is featured prominently as the inspiration for the real-life Order group, led by former NA member Bob Mathews. Though Turner book is widely banned, it is available from the publisher, here: The Turner Diaries (Third Edition) – Cosmotheism
Written by Dr. William Pierce, The Turner Diaries asks us: “What will you do when they come to take your guns?” Earl Turner and his fellow patriots face that question and are forced underground when the US government bans the private possession of firearms and stages mass gun raids to round up suspected gun owners. The hated Equality Police begin hunting them down, but the patriots fight back with a campaign of sabotage and assassination. The struggle escalates and becomes an all-out race war. Turner and his comrades suffer terribly, but their ingenuity and boldness in devising and executing new methods of guerrilla warfare lead to a victory of cataclysmic intensity and worldwide scope. If the government had the power to ban books, this one would be at the top of the list. As one reader says,”Always read a book that someone else wants banned.” The Turner Diaries is a dramatic, violent page-turner that will keep you up at night and probably change your life.
New in this third edition is an Afterword in which Dr. Pierce explains what motivated him to write The Turner Diaries.
It’s weird. The imdb note about the movie has a picture with the mulatto agent prominently displayed. Yet she is not listed among the top cast members. I guess equity only goes so far. This book was prominently featured in the Waco series in the episodes about white supremacists. I’d not heard of it until then. Sounds like a good story.
Flel: November 21, 2024 ...The imdb note about the movie has a picture with the mulatto agent prominently displayed. Yet she is not listed among the top cast members…
Jurnee is not your run of the mill mulatto Negress. She’s half-Jew and has been a TV and movie “star” for nearly 30 years. WikiJews give her full bio: Jurnee Smollett – Wikipedia.
Expect to see more of her queer brother Jussie now since the corrupt Illinois Supreme Court just overturned his five-year-old “hate hoax” convictions: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/illinois-supreme-court-reverses-actor-jussie-smollett-s-conviction/
This book was prominently featured in the Waco series in the episodes about white [sic] supremacists. I’d not heard of it until then. Sounds like a good story.
Which book, The Silent Brotherhood or The Turner Diaries?
I never heard of the Waco series, but, again, WikiJews tell us this: Waco (miniseries) – Wikipedia
On August 30, 2016, it was announced that The Weinstein Company, through their Weinstein Television arm, was developing a television miniseries based upon the 1993 Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas…
On October 9, 2017, it was announced that following reports of sexual abuse allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein, his name would be removed from the series’ credits as would The Weinstein Company. On January 15, 2018, Kevin Kay, president of (((Paramount Network))), clarified that Waco would not have The Weinstein Company’s credits or logo on them, even though that company was involved in the production, with Harvey Weinstein also serving as executive producer. Furthermore, he stated that they intend to replace Weinstein Television with the company’s new name in the show’s credits when available.
If that’s the Waco series of which you speak, I say it’s not a “good story” at all but simply more Jewish anti-White propaganda.
I was referring to the Turner Diaries as being a good story. The Waco series were not bad for a contemporary presentation. The feds were not always portrayed as perfect and it showed some empathy for David Koresh and his followers. A lot of stereotypes but not horrible. The acting was pretty good too. I’m sure there was a lot of dramatic license taken. I don’t feel like it was anti white.
Flel: November 22, 2024 I was referring to the Turner Diaries as being a good story.
When Amazon.com bans TTD, the FBI wishes it could and the anti-Defamation League of B’ad B’reath tells us it is the “most dangerous book in America” 50 years after Dr. Pierce wrote it, there must be something to it. David Sims, who served on Pierce’s staff as one of his editors, explains why it is a “good story” for long-suffering Whites: Why the Attacks on The Turner Diaries? | National Vanguard
Why does The Turner Diaries receive so much pointed, strident, and unctuous criticism, when most of those other samples of war fiction do not? Because the story involves a struggle between the Jews and their non-White allies on one side and the White race on the other side, and in the end the White people win. Because the justification for the war actually exists in the real world, whereas as yet the war itself does not. The Turner Diaries essentially tells the White reader that resistance is not futile, and the Jews who control the media don’t like that narrative at all.
Available here: The Turner Diaries (Third Edition) – Cosmotheism
Or as an audiobook, read by the author, here: The Turner Diaries Audio Book narrated by William Pierce. – Cosmotheism
Ah, this brings me back to the good old days. One of my friends has illustration skills and was intending to make a graphic novel out of The Turner Diaries. (I was looking forward to the scene with the jar of kosher pickles, but it never got that far.) I’d like to see us starting to do more of our own movies. We do have some impressive shorts and a few full-length documentaries so far.
The Turner Diaries is much more than a fiction book. It sets guidelines for the effective mindset for all those who want to gain real independence.
The special achievement of Dr Pierce is that he had completely broken the mental chains of American conservatism. He rejected this stupid allegiance to the “flag and constitution”. He charted completely new path for the state based entirely on racial identity. The official state borders and citizenship mean nothing; the racial identity means everything. This revolutionary approach was totally incomprehensible for conservative blockheads but fascinated the best part of the worldwide NS movement. The new worldview formulated by Dr Pierce relates to traditional conservatism in the same way as differential calculus relates to primary school arithmetic.
The majority of mainstream people live like hens in a barn; they are fed and housed for free but an owner can come any time and cut off head of any hen; simply because he needs it to make soup. The mainstream hens prefer not to think about this; they enjoy the quietude and predictability of measured lifestyle under the governmental protection but the axe-time always come for any hen.
The main prerequisite for restoring the natural position of our race is to become independent ourselves.
1) we must avoid work in governmental agencies; the state service spoils human character. To work for the state is the shortest way to become a lap-dog.
2) We must not live in cities. The farther away from the densely populated areas the better.
3) We must be able to provide for ourselves (to know all kinds of peasant skills). Self-reliance is the key quality on the path to independence. I don’t mean that all of us must become peasants but to be able in case of necessity to produce food for ourselves. The great majority of modern people are unable to live this way.
4) We must prepare for collapse of organized society because it is inevitable. It can happen in a few decades’ time or in a year’s time or next month. No one knows when the hour X comes; therefore, we must be ready at any moment to fully disengage from wider society and act on our own.
5) All those who want real action must understand the main factor: 90% of work in any struggle is logistics, training and acquiring useful skills. It means that 90% of the work can be done absolutely legally. We don’t need to confront the system in the situation when it has absolute superiority. It would be utterly unproductive. We must not give our enemies a convenient pretext to repeat Waco massacre.
The real potential could be acquired only through creating independent communities. People living separately (both territorially and spiritually) from a wider society. The system can hardly do anything about it.
We must not hope for some rapid political solution. It is impossible for many reasons. First of all because the modern society is so thoroughly rotten that it will not accept any idea of orderly traditional life. First, there must happen some catastrophic event that would eliminate the greater part of this bipedal dead-weight. The surviving few will be compelled by circumstances to change their lifestyle and mindset. These people will be much more receptive to our ideas.
The violent phase described in “The Turner Diaries” is inevitable at some point. But the resistance must grow organically, not mechanically. It can’t be created instantly from a rag-tag group of formerly mainstream people. The process of mental transformation requires years; and it can be achieved only through separation from decadent society.
But when the independent community exists and consists of people who have completely different set of values and lifestyle, there will be no need to urge them for action. The new generation of healthy White people will themselves seek this action.
Thank you, Mr. Stoner, for bringing your excellent and irrefutable ideas to Counter Currents. This is one of a few places on the internet where thinking White people gather, and you are one of those who can tell them how to steer their course through what is sure to be several long and stormy years ahead of us. Your writings are a great asset to our Race, and the more widespread they become the better.
C.E. Whiteoak: November 23, 2024 Thank you, Mr. Stoner, for bringing your excellent and irrefutable ideas to Counter Currents. This is one of a few places on the internet where thinking White people gather, and you are one of those who can tell them how to steer their course through what is sure to be several long and stormy years ahead of us. Your writings are a great asset to our Race, and the more widespread they become the better.
Wolf does have an amazing grasp of our race’s dilemma worldwide, and for the solutions. He expresses these expertly, considering English is not his first language. As an experienced ethnic Russian nationalist, he has folks worldwide who count paying attention when he says, “The National Alliance is the template for all racial nationalist groups worldwide.”
C-C is a rare gathering place for race-thinkers where we can express ourselves like Wolf just did without fear of being edited, blocked or banned. As I prepare the November issue of our NA Members BULLETIN, I will republish in it what Wolf wrote, above, and encourage other members to participate here. As I wrote in an earlier comment under this essay, the movie The Order and The Turner Diaries, that is said to have inspired the titled group, will be featured in this morning’s weekly American Dissident Voices radio show.
Thank you very much for your appreciation. Yes, CC site is exceptionally important for our worldwide struggle. It allows all conscious White people of wide spectrum of views to have a common place where they can find plenty of materials on all kinds of issues. Greg Johnson and his team do a great job. The informational aspect of our struggle is exceptionally important. It is like an intelligence service for a military force.
The ideologues of the White identity movement are well known: Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, David Duke, Mark Weber, Henrik Palmgren, Frodi Midjord and others. They make exceptionally valuable input into educating our people about racial reality of life. It is especially important for those people who only recently were awakened to these issues.
But what should happen after those awakened people ask: “what next? What I must do in order to advance our cause, in order to change the dire situation?” Here the informational field ends and starts the area of practical work. And this field requires the different kind of people; the ones with strong grasp of hard reality of life, extensive practical experience and ability to make things happen; to put theory into practice.
It is the case in all kinds of human activities. An architect creates a blueprint but it is the work of a construction site engineer to put this project into reality. Both parts of this work are equally important and indispensable. Even the best project would remain useless if there is no one who is able to realize it.
Those people who have learned enough theories and absorbed plenty of good ideas, at some point start to crave realization of those ideas.
My advice to all those people who don’t content to be mere listeners and unconcerned observers of the events is to contact National Alliance. The main purpose of the National Alliance is to engage in real activities, to put theories into practice. Chairman Williams is concerned mainly with real work. It is not as glamorous as organizing conferences and making videos but it is real. Any theory is worthy only if there is someone who is ready to put it into practice.
There are many of those people who are easily raised for instant political action but there are very few who have enough persistence, hardiness and self-discipline to engage in a long-term productive work for the sake of great ideals and the common interests of their race. These few are the essence of the race. Even the small real deed is worth more than multitude of words. The work with spade and axe (be it in a White community or in the trenches defending your nation against Asian horde) is immeasurably more noble than any high-flung noise from parliamentary rostrum.
Those, whose calling in life is to enlighten our race and to spread the message, must do their work. But this work is only the starting point.
Mark Weber once said that, “being defeated in the Second World War, we must hold our expectations low”; we must not expect easy and speedy victories. It is precisely the mistake committed by many nationalist organizations. I warn the young generation of White nationalists against joining those populist organizations that promise rapid and easy victories. It isn’t going to happen. We have a long struggle ahead; the struggle spanning decades and even generations. In order to be successful in such a struggle, we need to have a different set of qualities. We must elaborate the long-term goals. In the same time, we must formulate and achieve small real goals here and now. Step by step we must grow into something real.
Instead of going to mass rallies or making any kind of attention-catching political declarations, we must do small practical steps that increase our real potential. It is like growing a garden. Not a glamorous job but the long-term results are exceptionally impressive both in their beauty and usefulness.
Wolf Stoner: November 24, 2024 at 2:36 pm The main purpose of the National Alliance is to engage in real activities, to put theories into practice. Chairman Williams is concerned mainly with real work. It is not as glamorous as organizing conferences and making videos but it is real. Any theory is worthy only if there is someone who is ready to put it into practice.
There are many of those people who are easily raised for instant political action but there are very few who have enough persistence, hardiness and self-discipline to engage in a long-term productive work for the sake of great ideals and the common interests of their race. These few are the essence of the race.
Thank you, Wolf. We’ve veered off the subject of Hollywood Jews wanting more Academy Award recognition for members of their Tribe, but in an important direction. You address the question:
[W]hat should happen after those awakened [Whites] ask: “what next? What must I do in order to advance our cause, in order to change the dire situation?”
When I first began commenting on C-C last year, it’s safe to say that a very small percentage of readers here had heard of the National Alliance. Some thought NA no longer existed. That has changed, thanks in large part to your commentary, first in explaining firsthand the situation in Russia, and now in explaining that racially conscious Whites must put what they have learned into practice organizationally. One should join with and commit to a real-world organization whose long-range strategy he agrees with and will support.
Now, when Mein Trumpf has been elected and antisemitism is menacing them everywhere, they can finally leave America. I am sure that this time trillions of coastal Jews would realise their threats and depart to ζ Reticuli or where they came from.
I think there is merit in reminding people that Judeo-Christian is a longstanding overlap. There are Jewish scholars who amusingly claim that the term is a type of “great replacement” of Judaism, that is, that the addition of a New Testament is a new and improved version of Judaism. But, harsh criticism of God’s chosen people gets nowhere. Emphasizing that if the Judeo side of the hyphen gets protections and quotas, then the Christian side should also receive the same.
Much more important that the eternal Jewish cries is that the Hollywood hasn’t released any films criticizing communists and left-wing extremists for a long time. Only Eastern Europe and former Soviet Asia are now afraid to make such films. Qazaqs, Ukrainians, Poles, Romanians, and Czechs made some good movies, but mostly about history, i.e. about communist dictatorships under Stalin and after him and the fight against them. The Germans make some rare but good films, like “The Lives of Others,” “The Balloon,” and “The Silent Class.” But they did not and don’t make anything about left-wing extremists these days, either, only about “terrible neo-Nazis.”
And there also haven’t been any films criticizing communist China for a long time. Such films existed in the 1990s, like “The Red Corner” or “Seven Years in Tibet” (although the latter was directed by a Frenchman, not an American), but with the advent of the 2000s they became a thing of the past, because the Hollywood is completely dependent on the Chinese audience and is afraid of “offending” the Maoist regime in Beijing.
Kök Böri: November 23, 2024 [T]he eternal Jewish cries is that the Hollywood hasn’t released any films criticizing communists and left-wing extremists for a long time.
Don’t expect any films to come out of Jew-controlled Hollywood that are self-critical. That’s not what Hollywood does.
More anti-White films will be what’s expected, though something pro-White can be produced now, outside of Hollywood and featured through the Internet, bypassing the usual Jew-controlled transmission belts for films. A documentary like this for example: The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A film by Dennis Wise – Cosmotheism
A film by Dennis Wise: This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany, hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. It also reveals the personal side of Adolf Hitler: who he was, his family background, his artwork and struggles in Vienna, and what motivated him to come to power.
The only film I remember seeing with Jude Law in it was in 2003, Cold Mountain. The son of my former mother-in-law’s best friend, Charles Frazier, wrote the novel it was based on. He was paid $1 million by Hollywood movie makers for the rights to make the film. WikiJews tell us all about it, here: Cold Mountain (novel) – Wikipedia
What we should expect out of Hollywood are more anti-White films like The Order. See our side of that story on this week’s American Dissident Voices radio show, here: The Order 2024, part 1 | National Vanguard. Also, here: Coming Soon to a Nearly-Bankrupt Theatre Near You: The Order | National Vanguard
Imagine some filthy rich, racially conscious White man like, say, Elon Musk secretly paying through dummy accounts to the publisher of William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries or his other novel, Hunter, a cool million for movie rights? Whites can use an honorable White hero like Bob Mathews, who expressed why he had declared war against JOG like this just before being murdered by the Feds he had declared war against:
I am doing it so it is only logical to assume that my days on this planet are rapidly drawing to a close. Even so, I have no fear. For the reality of my life is death, and the worst the enemy can do to me is shorten my tour of duty in this world. I will leave knowing that I have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the future of my children.
But Hollywood promoters of The Order put it like this:
The Order, while scrupulously true to the events of 1983 and 1984, presents itself as a cautionary allegory of what’s happening today: the entwined rise of MAGA and Christian nationalism and the racist dog whistles (and, at times, racist sirens) of Donald Trump’s campaign to take over America. The movie goes into detail about The Turner Diaries, the 1978 novel by neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce that became the bible of this movement — it was at once a children’s fable, a handbook of terrorism (with six stages of instruction on how to revolt against the US government), and a piece of hate mythology…
Why do Hollywood, the ADL, SPLC, the FBI, and Jew-controlled media say The Turner Diaries is so dangerous? It’s a 50-year-old novel in which Whites are the good guys and actually win against Jews and their allies, yes. But what is dangerous are ideas Dr. Pierce included in his novel, like this on page 9:
Only by making our beliefs into a living faith which guides us from day to day can we maintain the moral strength to overcome the obstacles and hardships which lie ahead.
Now, that is an idea that is very dangerous to our masters. It must be banned.
A film by Dennis Wise
Wise is a Jewish name, isn’t it?
Kök Böri: November 25, 2024 “A film by Dennis Wise”
Wise is a Jewish name, isn’t it?
Sometimes, but not as often as you seem to think.
The most commonly-observed ancestry found in people with the surname Wise is British & Irish, which comprises 47.7% of all ancestry found in people with the surname. The next two most common ancestries are French & German (27.6%) and Ashkenazi Jewish (4.6%).
I’d expect a less ignorant response from you, Mr. Böri. Why not keep an open mind and view the documentary — basically a biography — and judge it for yourself, rather than accept what WikiJews tell you it is: “neo-Nazi propaganda”?
(3) Adolf Hitler : The Greatest Story Never Told [FULL 6.5 HOUR DOCUMENTARY]
It is impossible for Hollywood to produce an honest biography about Mr. Hitler. Jews have invested too much in demonizing him.
Will Williams: November 25, 2024
Kök Böri: November 25, 2024 …Wise is a Jewish name, isn’t it?
Kök, you might find this interesting:
Harry Houdini … began life as Erik Weisz, the son of a Hungarian rabbi. in 1878. immigration to the U.S. transformed Erik Weisz to Erich Weiss… who would become the first international superstar… Erich Weiss became Harry Houdini….
* * * * *
Will Williams: November 21, 2024 …In two weeks the new Hollywood anti-White blockbuster The Order will be released into theaters starring A-list actor Jude Law, playing a crime-fighting FBI Special Agent who goes after Bob Mathews, a name many White loyalists are familiar with. See the trailer for the movie, here: The Order | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical – YouTube
Allegedly “based on a true story,” but adapted to conform to The Academy’s PC requirement for more cast members of different races, Jude Law’s [fictional] assistant FBI Agent character checks a couple of requisite boxes as she is played by half Jew/half Negress Jurneee Smolett — yes, the sister of that infamous mongrel queer actor/”hate crime” hoaxer, Jussie Smolett.
Douglas Mercer preview The Order for us, here: (181) The Order – White Biocentrism
If the reader thinks that a movie will be coming out of Hollywood any time soon where passionate White revolutionists are protagonists — the good guys — then read a few of the 278 comments under that trailer to see just how propagandized fans of Hollywood fare are.
Saturday’s American Dissident Voices broadcast (11/23) will address The Order movie since Dr. Pierce’s notorious 1975 novel The Turner Diaries is featured prominently as the inspiration for the real-life Order group, led by former NA member Bob Mathews. Though Turner book is widely banned, it is available from the publisher, here: The Turner Diaries (Third Edition) – Cosmotheism…
This new Hollywood blockbuster is old news now. Part 4 of the American Dissident Voices series about it was aired this morning, 14 December. Should I be surprised that there has been no further discussion about the now released anti-White movie, The Order, on at least nominally pro-White C-C since this mention on 21 November? Anyone interested can follow news of it here: The Order 2024, part 4 | National Vanguard
National Alliance’s latest counterpropaganda sticker with QR code:
The-Order-sticker.jpg (1650×1275)
Bump with update:
Will Williams: December 14, 2024 … Allegedly “based on a true story,” but adapted to conform to The Academy’s PC requirement for more cast members of different races, Jude Law’s [fictional] assistant FBI Agent character checks a couple of requisite boxes as she is played by half Jew/half Negress Jurneee Smolett — yes, the sister of that infamous mongrel queer actor/”hate crime” hoaxer, Jussie Smolett…
Should I be surprised that there has been no further discussion about the now released anti-White movie, The Order, on at least nominally pro-White C-C since this mention on 21 November? Anyone interested can follow news of it here: The Order 2024, part 4 | National Vanguard
National Alliance’s latest counterpropaganda sticker with QR code:
The-Order-sticker.jpg (1650×1275)
The Academy may now nominate demi-Jew Negress Jurnee Smolett for an Oscar. According to an Alliance member who viewed The Order, she is not Jude Law’s assistant FBI special Agent but his boss and they are involved in a romantic relationship. Nice touch in this film “based on a true story,”
Listen to Bob’s 1983 speech to an NA gathering in real time, here: William Pierce on Robert Mathews | National Vanguard
It was not delivered before a gathering at the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, and the audience did not chant the final four words of Bob’s speech. That is so much Hollywood bullshit that anyone comparing his speech to that in the movie can see for himself.
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