This year, a quota system by the Academy Awards took effect for the benefit of disadvantaged minorities, and you know what that means. If a film doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, it’s ineligible to be nominated for any golden dildos. (more…)
Tag: Academy Awards
I finally saw this year’s Oscar winner for Best Picture, Everything Everywhere All at Once, by directing duo Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, and enjoyed the film. Like many of you , I think it’s a shame Tár didn’t win, and note that The Banshees of Inisherin also didn’t win — but I think many of you are glad about that. Nevertheless, Everything Everywhere All at Once hits all the bases for this year’s woke base — but it’s also a fun movie, very fast-paced and a visual delight. (more…)
One of my first memories of Will Smith is him decking the alien in Independence Day. I liked that film, with all of its subversive elements and even its anti-white moments. Before my red-pilling, I considered it a fun diversion. (more…)
Hollywood never expected such behavior from Will Smith, who was the black man who persuaded white Americans that he’d never rape their daughters. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Hollywood never expected such behavior from Will Smith, who was the black man who persuaded white Americans that he’d never rape their daughters. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
2,162 words
Last Sunday night, the world witnessed a black man being assaulted at the Academy Awards.
He was assaulted by another black man. Hopelessly complicating matters is the fact that the assailant was Will Smith, widely regarded as one of the most wholesomely antiseptic black celebrities on Earth.
In the late 1980s, when Smith, performing as part of duo DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, won the first-ever Grammy for Best Rap Performance in honor of their almost toothache-inducingly corny song “Parents Just Don’t Understand,” there was an unspoken cultural consensus that when it came to blacks and whites, there were very fine people on both sides. (more…)
Four years ago I reread Gone with the Wind (1936), the bestselling novel about the Civil War and Reconstruction South.
I hadn’t intended to, but I did. I’d loathed it in my teens, and deeply regretted the time I’d wasted reading the 1,000-plus page tome — Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and famous four-hour motion picture adaptation (which I also disliked) notwithstanding.
This strong aversion had nothing to do with race, which was not on my radar screen, or ideology, or North versus South, or slavery, or anything of that nature. (more…)
So far this year there has been a lot of chatter in the mainstream media about how, for the second year in a row, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences did not nominate any blacks for its Academy Awards.
Zero Dark Thirty is not propaganda. Argo is. Zero Dark Thirty lost the Oscar for Best Picture. Argo won.
Argo is not one of the flag waving, guns and glory cinematic tributes to God and Country of yesteryear. (more…)
Zero Dark Thirty, once this year’s favorite to harvest a whole crop of Oscars, was instead dropped down the memory hole at Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony. (more…)