More than a year has gone by since I began submitting articles for Counter-Currents and I have thus far intentionally avoided revealing too many personal details in my writing. There are two reasons for this. First, I know that all of you are far more interested in nationalism than you are in my personal life. Second, there is always the risk of doxing. I stand by everything I have written, and most of my immediate family and close friends are aware of what I believe. I simply don’t want to take the risk that antifa types will try to make trouble for me and those I care about. Therefore, I’m not going to reveal things like my hometown or my place of work. As you may have guessed, Dave Chambers is a pseudonym. You are free to imagine me however you like, but I would prefer that you think of me as an extremely handsome millionaire genius who is married to a supermodel. How much of that description is true, I prefer not to say.
I have greatly enjoyed reading the “Why I Write” articles and Ondrej Mann’s interviews with writers here at Counter-Currents as well as the first-person accounts published at American Renaissance. Since I have been writing here for thirteen months now, and plan to continue doing so as long as Dr. Johnson will have me, I figured I ought to formally record an account of my path to White Nationalism.
If asked to give a one-sentence explanation as to why I became a White Nationalist, my answer would be “because of the events of the Summer of 2020.” As we all know, one death in Minneapolis ignited a nationwide firestorm of civil unrest. It happened during the heart of the COVID-19 lockdowns. I was in high school then, though I hadn’t been able to spend the final weeks of the school year with my friends. There were no parties to attend. Prom was canceled. Every day the death tolls rose, and the governor would give his daily address in the afternoon. Was he going to announce that businesses could finally re-open? Or would there be yet more restrictions and regulations for us to follow? The days and weeks dragged on. Things were so unimaginably different than they had been just a few months prior. It was like a never-ending nightmare, but then I would wake up and turn on the TV and there would be the governor. One thousand new cases in the state today. Fifty new deaths to report. Day after day, the grim news kept on coming.
And then came the riots.
As May turned to June, I was staying awake into the early hours of the morning, captivated by videos of the angry mobs sweeping through various cities. At 8 PM I would tune in to see Tucker Carlson give his take on the events of the previous night. He seemed just as stunned as I was. While I wasn’t yet a White Nationalist, I had recently familiarized myself with the relevant facts about race, IQ, and crime and knew that the narrative about white policemen murdering blacks en masse was not supported by any data. I readily concede that if there truly were a campaign of widespread murder perpetrated by white police officers against innocent blacks, then it would be entirely appropriate to demonstrate against it. However, many of these cases trumpeted by Black Lives Matter activists turned out to be mere hoaxes. The people marching in the streets, as far as I could tell, had fallen for a lie. But it wasn’t just them.
Many of my classmates began to fill my social media feed with hyperbolic posts about the evil of our supposedly “white supremacist” society. A friend who lived in my white, suburban neighborhood had posted a message defending the arson committed at several of the protests. “What if a mob had come to burn down our neighborhood”, I asked her. “Would that be justified?” She replied that it would be. I was astonished.
Still, it was hard for me to blame her too much. This white guilt business was a top-down operation, with politicians, celebrities, and corporations all getting in on the action. With one voice, impressionable white teenagers like myself at the time (along with kids even younger than that) were being told that we owed a collective moral debt to nonwhites. Moreover, it was stressed repeatedly that we had a duty to become actively “antiracist”, which really just means anti-white. White silence, as the slogan went, was violence.
That July, retired University Professor Robert S. Griffin ably summarized this disturbing state of affairs for the Occidental Observer:
The campaign against whites sets up a demonic category—white— and puts every last white person in it, whether they be from Silicon Valley or rural West Virginia, are a janitor or corporate head, old or young, liberal or conservative, or from the distant past or alive now. They are all the same, and they are all bad, bad, bad.
What does that accomplish?
It replaces reality with a narrative. What white people actually did, or do, or are—the incredible complexity of that—becomes a simple, and negative, story. Now, the basis of truth isn’t facts or logical inference; it is the story. All you need to keep the story going is a single instance that seems to affirm it. A police-related death in Minneapolis—ah yes, the story is true. [1]
But if so many of my peers were duped into believing such destructive lies, how come I wasn’t?
Like countless other traits, one’s political views are a product of both genetic and environmental factors. Genes play a critical role in shaping intelligence, personality, and the way that an individual’s mind approaches complex problems. The recent internal poll of Counter-Currents readers found that a remarkably high 46.3% of respondents scored in the INTJ category on the Myers-Briggs personality test (only 2.3% of the general population falls into this group). INTJ types are known for an ability to analyze problems dispassionately, for being unmoved by appeals to emotion, and for possessing an insatiable urge to uncover the truth. As one website puts it, “They tend to prioritize rationality and success over politeness and pleasantries – in other words, they’d rather be right than popular.”[2] I find this to be a fairly accurate description of how my mind works and, indeed, my test results placed me into the INTJ category. It is no coincidence that those who would “rather be right than popular” would be overrepresented among the ranks a dissident political movement like White Nationalism. In light of this, I am convinced that my genetic makeup is partially responsible for my willingness to consider, and ultimately embrace, White Nationalist ideas.
As for environmental influences, I was not raised to be particularly conscious of my racial identity. However, my parents came from large families, and from a young age I had internalized the message that lineage was important. Both sides of my family are descended from multiple European ethnic groups, and I have ancestors from Western Europe, Central Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, the British Isles, and the Balkans. I cannot remember a time when I did not know the names and ethnicities of all eight of my great-grandparents, most of whom were already deceased before I was born, and also the names and ethnicities of several of my great-great grandparents. My mother and father made sure that I knew this information, and they were always glad to answer any questions that I had about who my more distant relatives were and what they were like. Back then, it never occurred to me that there were people who did not know the names and origins of their forebears. Today, I have friends who are unaware of their own ethnic backgrounds; their parents evidently never bothered to tell them, and they never bothered to ask. This strikes me as sad and bizarre. Perhaps my early appreciation for genealogy made me more open to racialist thinking.
I have long taken an interest in politics and government, as well as American history. I especially loved reading about America’s presidents. My beliefs up until my junior year of high school were in line with the mainstream of the Republican party, with a bit of libertarianism sprinkled in. I would watch Fox News, Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro (yes, I know, it’s embarrassing). I fully bought into the ideology of “colorblind conservatism” and revered Martin Luther King. Why should race matter when we’re all just individuals? America was, after all, “a nation of immigrants.” Or so I mistakenly thought.
The schools I attended were mostly white. Typically, if a class I was in had twenty-five students, perhaps three were nonwhite. I never thought much about race as a child. I noticed patterns (the Asians tended to be studious and quiet, the blacks always seemed to be athletic and outgoing) but I didn’t think too deeply about them. After all, who has time to worry about racial differences when there’s a big math test next Tuesday and an important basketball game on Saturday? In my eighth grade English class, we spent several months reading about the Jim Crow era in the South. We were assigned both To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help, and were shown a documentary about lynchings. I felt sympathy for blacks, but never any guilt. The way I saw it, segregation was wrong, but those “bad” laws had all been repealed, so there was no reason for whites to feel guilty about it now. Furthermore, I did not live in the South, so not only did those bad things happen in the past, they also happened somewhere else. Hadn’t my state fought a war to free the slaves?[3] Hadn’t America twice elected a black man as its president? The important thing now, I thought, was to treat people equally regardless of race so that everyone would get along, and Martin Luther King’s dream would finally be realized. Surely, I reasoned, only “bad” people could be against that.
One spring afternoon when I was home sick from school, my mother brought me a book she had checked out from the library that she thought I might like to read, since it was about a former Republican president. The book was The Greatest Comeback by Pat Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan had worked for Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign in 1968, and this text provided an engaging account of life on the campaign trail. Not long after, I checked out another book by Buchanan, Suicide of a Superpower which dealt with very different subject matter. It was through this volume that I was made aware for the first time of the demographic decline of white Americans and the principles of ethnonationalism. I didn’t quite know what to think; these ideas were so different from anything I had been exposed to before. Suicide of a Superpower was definitely “radical”, perhaps even “racist.” Yet, Buchanan’s reasoning appeared to be perfectly sensible. It had not occurred to me that whites would lose our majority status in the United States during my lifetime. The idea disturbed me.
By the fall of 2019, my positions had changed. I read columns by Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin. I became an “America First” civic nationalist, and questioned the merits of mass immigration, even legal immigration. I also adopted an antiwar stance. Race realism was still a foreign concept to me, but I was beginning to notice anti-white messaging in the media. Most importantly, I had become one of those uppity white folks who knows that whites need to start organizing politically on behalf of their own interests, just as all other races do. I started watching what was then called “alt-right” content and found the points made by these commentators to be compelling[4]. However, I was deeply disturbed by their insistence that there were genetically-based differences in intelligence between races. I had been told in a psychology class that any racial gaps in IQ were due to environmental factors, and that contrary views were nothing more than “pseudoscience” or “scientific racism.” [5] Yet, here were these otherwise reasonable, thoughtful people who were adamant that this was not so. Therefore, I resolved to find out where they were getting these strange ideas about race and learn exactly why they were mistaken. After that, I reasoned, I could engage race realists in online debate and convince them of the error of their ways.
Two organizations that were often mentioned as hubs of race realism were American Renaissance and the now-defunct VDARE, so I started frequenting their websites and evaluating the arguments they presented. To my considerable surprise, the articles and videos I found were of exceptional quality and backed up by scientific data. I would check the sources of the claims that were made and invariably find that the race realists had the facts on their side. Additionally, contrary to my expectations, it was the race deniers who showed a pattern of dishonest and shoddy scholarship while the race realists demonstrated the ability to pick apart their adversaries’ claims time and time again.
By the time school was canceled in early March of 2020, I was thoroughly convinced that race was indeed a biological fact rather than a mere social construct, that the races differed in intelligence and behavior in addition to physical traits, and that the ongoing Great Replacement could only spell disaster for whites. Even so, I was hopeful that the problems facing white people could be addressed without having to discuss directly the reality of racial differences. This was wishful thinking, but keep in mind that most teenagers don’t want to espouse political positions that are not only unpopular, but widely perceived as downright evil. So, I held out for a few more months until I finally reached the point of no return.
In the end, it wasn’t so much the riots themselves that radicalized me, but the reaction to them by the political, media, and corporate establishment. I saw clearly that if white people stuck to the anti-white script that was being so fervently promoted, then we would have no future. Any political outlook that did not involve whites organizing on the basis of race would be woefully inadequate.
It is one thing to fail to act because one is unaware that a danger exists. That can be forgiven. It is another thing entirely to know of an approaching danger, but to stay silent out of selfishness or cowardice. It was not enough to for me to know that the narrative being propagated about whites was incorrect. It was not enough for me to know that whites were being displaced, and in danger of becoming a hated minority in this country, which our forefathers carved out of the vast wilderness. Simply knowing is not enough; I needed to act. My life changed the moment I realized that I had a responsibility to actively oppose this wicked assault on my people.
For whatever reason, be it Providence, fate, genetics, or random chance, we are among the few who are currently aware of the magnitude of the threat facing our race. If people like us do not take up the cause, then nobody will. Our ancestors, and our descendants, are relying on us.
I am determined not to let them down, and that is why I write.
[1] Robert S. Griffin, “Competing with the Negative Story About Whites, Part 1”, The Occidental Observer, July 10, 2020.
[2] “INTJ Personality (Architecht)” 16Personalities.
[3] In fact, my home state did not fight the War Between the States in order to “free the slaves”, and neither did any other Union state. The proof of this can be found in the Emancipation Proclamation itself. As I wrote in a footnote to my review of Kirkpatrick Sale’s book Emancipation Hell, “If one examines the full text of the Emancipation Proclamation, they will see that individual Southern counties which were under Union occupation as of January 1, 1863 were exempted. These counties were to be ‘left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued.’”
[4] The first alt-right content creator that I regularly watched was James Allsup, who sadly has not been active for several years. Allsup had a very popular channel on YouTube in the late 2010s. The deplatforming of Allsup, and many others, shows just how important it is that online free speech is preserved. Additionally, only began watching Jared Taylor’s videos in the final months that he was allowed on YouTube. Had the big tech crackdown on pro-white content creators taken place a short time earlier, I might not be writing this today.
[5] Funnily enough, for all of the fervor with which my high school psychology teacher condemned race realism, she never provided any convincing evidence against it. I took notice of this, and momentarily questioned the egalitarian thesis for only the second time. The first time was in early 2017 when I watched a news story about the physical suppression of a scheduled speech by race realist Charles Murray at Middlebury College. If his views are so ridiculous, I wondered, why the need to use physical force to prevent him from expressing them?
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Thank you, Dave Chambers, for an outstandingly stunning article. The hope of the White race lies in young people being aware of our dire situation. I wish I had been as smart as you are when I was as young as you are, and I wish millions of other Whites had been as well. If that had been so, our Race would not be in its current precarious position.
Please research the National Alliance and the writings of its founder, Dr. William L. Pierce, then consider joining. The National Alliance has more focus on building a future for our Race than any other organization.
Dave, thank you for this excellent article. I would not have guessed you are so young based on your earlier writings. You are a genuine asset to CC and the greater movement. I can hardly wait to see what you write next.
Mr. Chambers,
This is a great account. There are many here who have a similar transformational process. This process is true of generations varying from Boomer to Gen X to Millenial … …
Your disposition and sense of duty are admirable and the mark of a true nobleman. One thing you touched upon that is critical is discovering our identity. We are not just White, we are a people with an incredible legacy. The system, as you and I prove, made a mistake and radicalized once committed color-blind civic nationalists into Americans (White people), needing to discover that they are part of a single race that we can call Occidental Man.
You are entering into a part of a hero’s journey. We are in a perilous position, but we have everything we need to work with and lay the foundation for a multiple decades period of renewal and centuries of a new flourishing that will be the best of any of our prior periods since survival will mean rather than the Roman vs. Gaul or English vs. French or Greek vs. Roman squabbles must be put to an end. We are Occidental Man. United as such the power that will unleash for us to flourish and thrive as a distinct pan-European people that respect our local particularities is almost unfathomable.
I would say that for you and for all of us, the system is radicalizing more people. The pogrom is only intensifying. This makes understanding our full past, which is now transparent thanks to DNA, anthropology, linguistics and archeology essential. The system is pushing Whites to awaken. We must not be concerned with saving everyone. It is the men and women of quality whose healthy instincts we must be ready to captivate as they are slapped awake with the malevolent forces moving against us. In short, just having the positive story of our people from 10,000 years ago until now is very powerful. All of us must understand that positive identity and wear it with pride not in competition but as a pillar and a bulwark of the temple that houses the soul of our people.
This will inspire those who come our way and once they are filled with this positive identity they will defend it and promote its future through any trial.
Thank you for sharing your story. One more thing if I may. Writing is great and you have a gift. Be biased toward action. Build a mannerbund. Connect that mannerbund with sister organizations so that our men and women have a future together that is intentional and deeply rooted. Take up action that is constructive and is of service to yourself as a leader and a man of heroic action and with that cup full take those creations and make them of tangible service to our people.
Thank you for sharing your story. You are not alone. You are of an age, a spirit and hold a consciousness that is blazing a trail to Our collective glory.
Thank you for that wonderful comment!
Great comment, especially this:
We must not be concerned with saving everyone. It is the men and women of quality whose healthy instincts we must be ready to captivate
After a lifetime forging an intellectual path through these issues (and how I wish I had had Chambers’s understanding when I was his age!), that is the main conclusion I’ve reached. I always recognized (and reveled in) the greatness of whites as a race. Never for a second was I any kind of racial egalitarian, and most especially not in terms of assessing the comparative moral worth of the different races. I saw from a very young age that whites were the best people (in the Christian ethical sense of my parents and grandparents). And I instinctively opposed immigration from literally as far back as I can remember (I actually have proof of this assertion in the form of a grade school essay I wrote in the early 70s condemning immigration, and which thankfully my mother had kept in a small folder of some of my childhood “work”).
But where I erred until age 40 was in thinking that whites as a whole were salvageable. I believed that most whites were simply brainwashed by the Jewish + liberal-controlled mass media (though the racelessness of some college-age European students I’d interacted with in the early 80s had made me uneasy; did they have the same media problem we had?), and that it was just a question of “the truth breaking through” the media blackout.
I became more frustrated with the failure of Pat Buchanan in the 90s, by which point I had already long been reading Instauration and AR and was thoroughly awakened (in an intellectual sense; I was always embryonically prowhite). I didn’t understand why more Republicans couldn’t grasp the dangers of mass immigration, at least to the GOP, if not to themselves as whites and Americans. I was made especially uneasy by the failure of the internet to ignite a broader implicitly prowhite and civic nationalist electoral tide. I had been so hopeful of the internet’s possibilities in its first few years.
What really destroyed my faith in inevitable white mass-awakening was the failure of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the 2002 French Presidential race, not only to win, but to at least secure a much larger percentage of the vote. Finally, a true racial patriot had broken through to a final election round in a European country. Barring electoral fraud, something which almost certainly happens only at the margins in still-First World nations (there will be more fraud, of course, as our Third World transformation intensifies), this was a real opportunity to gauge prowhite sentiment.
Yet, after all the horrors the indigenous French had endured at the hands of nonwhite invaders – outrages and problems (like massive welfare parasitism) that were perfectly observable to any Frenchman – Le Pen could not even garner a fifth of the total vote. Basically, only 1 in 6 French voters (say, maybe 1 in 5 if we’re referring only to white voters; possibly 1 in 4, if referring strictly to native French) gave a damn about halting the demographic and cultural transmogrification of the great nation of France into a savage Third World shithole. That was truly MY awakening.
Only a minority of our race can or deserves to be saved. Today, racial disloyalty is rarely due to simple ignorance (and this ever less so as the antiwhite assaults pile up; to be a race-liberal you have to make an effort not to see). Sometimes it is caused by malice, other times, selfish opportunism. But mostly it is caused by deep genetic factors. Most whites won’t stick their heads out. Why should they? People just want to live their own lives. I have friends who are prowhite politically, but are much more pro-family (their own), or pro-making money, or pro-skiing or sailing.
But in the privacy of the voting booth, what would cause any blood-French man or woman not to vote for Le Pen? One is not being asked to take a public stand, or to do anything difficult. It’s just voting! And yet, we repeatedly see the true racial character of modal whites (and since 2002, we see it everywhere; of course, we can also see it retrospectively: if whites weren’t so innately racially unsound, we would never have reached this abyss).
As I keep reiterating (and to which sentiment no one here or anywhere responds), the only way we can prevent white extinction is to create sovereign nation-states where prowhites are the electoral majority (and, being so, where we can create prowhite educational and cultural systems to counteract that global media antiwhite moral brainwashing to which whites are uniquely susceptible). The issue is, how do we achieve these ethnostates? I have suggested that the only solution is prowhite territorial ingathering within foreseeably electorally “conquerable” sovereign nations. I think we could take over Australia or New Zealand (we could certainly take over Tasmania – and then work to make it a sovereign country over time). Perhaps Uruguay. Why couldn’t a few million prowhites emigrate to and politically conquer Ireland, or a Scandinavian country?
I’m open to other suggestions re the mechanics of how to save our race. But we have to start acknowledging the genetic limits to possible white-to-prowhite conversions.
There are still 850,000,000 of us give or take. The intensity of the pogrom against us is very high and only increasing. At the same the controlled demolition of our nations reduce the one offering of the system that holds it together – mass affluence that is the reward for striving. That is going to shatter people awake.
If 30-40% of our people are healthy and self saving that seems a reasonable figure maybe even on the low end. Probably 60% of Americans have this instinct. They have just that badly disenfranchised by the majoritarian system and demographic replacement. In any case, that is still a sizeable number. For now, we need to focus on positive identity formation and building things that are of service to our people as the pogrom continues. That solves the problem of recruitment and persuasion. In the meantime, a war amongst the elites is heating up. The winning elite always needs the support of the people. So, it isn’t hopeless.
Some day, it may well be that 300,000,000 of us have no other option but to gather on a contiguous piece of territory and take it over. I like that number’s chances of success. In order to do that, we’ll still need a shared pan-European identity, a positive vision and messianic/Sorellian myth or set of myths and a well run organization mechanism. I suspect what we saw in Ireland/England with adjacent flags in recent weeks is going to happen more and more. They are driving us together by replacing us with their toilet paper and vape purchasers. We start by making those forces work in our favor quietly and diligently. Ideally, that sole in-gathering can be avoided after many decades of a long, difficult process of reclamation. If not, the struggle will forge us into something capable of the great amassing in forming IndoAryaEuropa where our thunder bolts will rain down from the heavens to forge it anew.
Focus on who and what we have and what we can build, not who is lost and can’t be saved.
My racial conscience very much resembles yours, Lord Shang, as I have noticed from your previous comments, Much like you, I quite frankly always have considered White culture obviously superior.
Perhaps it was growing up in a decaying town that had been rocked by “civil rights” era race riots shortly before I entered the public school system. Perhaps it was the absolute “otherness” of the black students in my school system and the fact that they were such a cohesive and overtly hostile group that willingly maintained a separateness from the White students. It was, no doubt, a combination of many factors, including some that I was unaware of. But never did I have any illusions about the reality of race. Like everyone who grew up in that era, and with increasing intensity in every era since, I was subjected to the same totally immersive programming — brainwashing, that is; but to me, it was always so blatantly, demonstrably a lie, as proven by each and every encounter I have ever had with a black person.
Glad to see a fine young man putting out such great content. Don’t be embarrassed about listening to the likes of Dennis Prager or Glenn Beck. I’d say that the overwhelming majority of us went down that road. I’m always look forward to your pieces.
Thank you for the quality article, I enjoyed reading it. I’m glad you like my interviews and writing. We’ll have an interesting interview sometime.
Great article, I agree. I too was activated by Patrick Buchanan’s books, in particular the one from 2008, not sure which was which anymore. Buchanan was key for red pilling normies. The gateway drug is important, I think, and a very tough roll to play. One has to balance on the brink of acceptable discourse, which is constantly shifting.
As for red pilling though, I seem to have been born that way. I wasn’t worth hooking up to the matrix.☹️
Are you referring to his classic book “Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War”? If so, I purchased a copy back in high school, and still have it. It definitely served as a fine introduction to some of the problems with the conventional WW2 narrative.
While I miss reading Buchanan’s columns, I hope he is enjoying retirement. Truly a great man.
No the political one. Although I have that too.
Day of Reckoning, 2007 actually. It was in this little library where I used to sit and have coffee at work and I happened to pick it up. I was like “gee, this is rational, in fact the only political writing that has ever made sense to me!” Within the month I had read Kevin macdonald to butz!
I think I had picked it up expecting to ridicule it, because he had such a bad reputation, but then it all made sense and everything clicked into place. The big issue at that time was the middle eastern wars, of course, and when he laid it all out I was like “oh, so it’s simply that!”
Excellent! Your article, and the personal accounts at AmRen, have been inspiring me to write the story of my journey to White Nationalism. I’ve been putting off doing it for years, because of how long and messed-up it would be, and also because of, like you mentioned, doxxing dangers, but I’m finally going to start on it. What you wrote, “If people like us do not take up the cause, then nobody will. Our ancestors, and our descendants, are relying on us.” is absolutely correct. Thank you.
I welcome this.
Our ‘journeys’ are the same in theme, and in many details as well. I second the comment that Greg wrote. I have been a fan of the ‘first hand accounts’ on AmRen. It’s nice to see myself in other people, but yours resonates with me the most. I’ve become something of a ‘connoisseur’ of these accounts.
It’s brilliant to have gifted young writers joining the fight!
I love reading about people’s red-pill journeys too. The first-person accounts at Amren are so powerful. Whilst I accepted low Sub-Saharan IQ as fact immediately, I had no idea what that level of retardation actually looks like thanks to my upbringing.
Not gonna lie, I just took the test and scored INTJ.
I for one am extremely skeptical of personality tests. Junk science.
Lol, agree, and the questions are leading. You kind of get the sense of what they are asking and how you want to portray yourself. Plus, there’s not much you can do with the info.
They are not proven to be very valid a measure. These assessments are pretty weak psychometrically. Only the IQ tests (a few other exceptions) tell us much.
There are many different versions of the Myers-Briggs tests online. Take them and see if they give you different results. I took four different tests over a number of decades and got the same results. The results also are consistent with other personality tests, for instance OCEAN. I’ve never been tested as an extravert, for instance. Also, the tests I have taken have good predictive power in terms of the kinds of people I like and/or work well with. So I am skeptical.
Something useful would be a reading-movie list for high school students as an alternative to the “Kill a Mockingbird” party line. The challenge is to find material that is both suitable for younger people and not too preachy.
Some ideas…
Reading List:
George Wallace’s “Segregation Forever” speech as a counterpoint to MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” If diversity is our strength ™, then we need to have diverse views on the Civil Rights era. Also available as documentary footage.
Sam Francis’ essay on “Anarcho-Tyranny,” a good starting point for understanding regime policies like defund the police + cancel culture.
The Camp of the Saints. Compare and contrast the future which Jean Raspail projected back in the 1970s to the mass migrations of the 2020s. 1984 for the Age of the Great Replacement.
Why We Fight. Guillamme Faye’s very readable “Manifesto of the European Resistance,” with nationalist doctrine, definitions and tactics broken down into bite sized chunks suitable for all ages.
Into the Cannibal’s Pot. Life under black majority rule in the Rainbow Nation, courtesy of Ilana Mercer. Shows what happens when white people surrender their “privilege” and gives new perspectives on both the anti-apartheid and pro-Civil Rights movements.
The Age of Entitlement. Christopher Caldwell’s take on how the Civil Rights acts usurped the United States Constitution. Perhaps a bit heavy for high school students, but worth a peruse.
The Color of Crime. New Century Foundation’s ground breaking work on racial hoaxes and the race which is perpetrating a disproportionate amount of crime in America. Might also look at Colin Flaherty’s White Girl Bleeds a Lot to understand why pre-Civil Rights policies were implemented in the first place.
Movie List:
The Sound of Fury aka Try and Get Me! (1950). Mass hysteria and mob violence lead to the lynching of a couple of white men, loosely based on a 1933 incident in San Jose (and the topic of the “A Lynching You’ve Never Heard Of” essay on Counter-Currents). Question the narrative of mayhem in America being a solely white-on-black phenomenon. Take it from there to consider that virtually every major urban riot since Watts ’65 was precipitated by blacks (enabled by agitators of other races), peaking out in 2020 and with perhaps more acts to follow in the world of mass psychosis formation.
Guns at Batasi (1964, reviewed elsewhere on C-C). Richard Attenborough as a British NCO facing the chaos created by black majority rule in post-colonial Africa. Would make for an interesting classroom discussion about the contradictions between liberal egalitarian assumptions and the hard reality surfacing when white people hand over their power to a competing racial group.
Network (1976). A film ahead of its time, nailing down corporate news hustlers promoting black militants ala today’s BLM-media-corporate complex, not to mention the supersession of nations by trans-national globalism. Have students question the narrative about the narrative.
The Fall of Minneapolis. Documentary on the Year that American Died, bringing in all sorts of issues of interest to the discerning student. Gives a perspective on six decades of “Mockingbird.”
Any more ideas?
Francis XB: September 6, 2024 Something useful would be a reading-movie list for high school students as an alternative to the “Kill a Mockingbird” party line. The challenge is to find material that is both suitable for younger people and not too preachy….
Any more ideas?
First, your essay is very good, Mr. Chambers. It’s a shame that you’ve had to grow up in multiracial America where you’re required to walk on eggshells so as not to offend Jews, other non-Whites and their collaborators because what you believe is “unsuitable” if expressed out loud.
Whites’, young and old, fear of “doxing” seems irrational to me. Hiding one’s beliefs is like moral cowardice. In these critical times we should/must be proud to be racial loyalists. If we fear losing our jobs or careers for saying with confidence what we believe and owning our words, we’ve probably chosen the wrong career path. Become independent.
What we must do is separate ourselves from the multiracial, anti-White mess and not trying to balance our views with “To Kill a Mockingbird” trash. Half measures will not do.
I’ve never regretted speaking my mind racially and have never been “doxed” for doing so. What’s to fear? It doesn’t take courage. Many Whites cannot believe this incident from my high school days. That’s their problem, not mine: “California ‘Anti-Racism’” at
In the end, it wasn’t so much the riots themselves that radicalized me, but the reaction to them by the political, media, and corporate establishment.
Spot on! Great article.
I cannot remember a time when I did not know the names and ethnicities of all eight of my great-grandparents.
This is beautiful. Your parents lovingly bestowed you something undeniably healthy and irreproachable. This basic knowledge of forebears and origins is key to developing racial identity and self-respect. Kudos to them and to you for sharing this insight.
Nice article. Good story. However, any of you who have read W.G. Simpson’s Which Way Western Man should be familiar with this story. The very last line of Simpson’s book is describing this young man himself.
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