Mohamed Noor, the ex-Minneapolis cop whose murder conviction for the killing of a white woman, Justine Ruszczyk Damond, was just overturned.
1,732 words
College: No Place for White Males
In both the United States and England, white males are seeing their college enrollment numbers drop while women and racial minorities are making gains.
An analysis by the Pell Institute says that poor and working-class white men are enrolling in college at lower rates than poor and working-class black, Asian, and Hispanic men.
According to The Wall Street Journal, women currently outnumber men in American universities three to two. If the trend continues, a researcher from the National Student Clearinghouse says that over the next few years, two women will receive a college diploma for every male that graduates. This is despite the fact that women only comprise 49% of the college-age population.
As you would reasonably infer from his name, Jerlando Jackson is black. He works at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Education and says, “As a country, we don’t have the tools yet to help white men who find themselves needing help. To be in a time when there are groups of white men that are falling through the cracks, it’s hard.”
Does that mean everything being hammered into students’ skulls about America being a white-male patriarchy is a lie?
In England, white-male enrollment in universities has dropped by 10% over the past seven years. White males are the only demographic in the country to see their raw numbers drop in college enrollment — every other group has seen gains. Only 13% of white working-class English males go on to higher education.
Peter Edwards, a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford, says:
I have seen the real distaste and disdain of academics for the mores of the white working-class male. These young people have much to contribute and their ambitions must now be rekindled. My concern is that their sense of feeling forgotten at the expense of other groups will lead to grave societal problems.
He speaks the truth, so he will probably be forced to resign. After all, he works at a prestigious university.
Don’t Call Them Gangs: African Teens Frolic Through the Anglosphere
In 2018, when an estimated “100 rampaging Sudanese youths gathered ‘for war’ and bragged authorities ‘can’t touch us’ as they hurled rocks at the riot squad” in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, police told locals to “stay inside and lock their doors” but insisted that the rampaging youths were “no threat to safety.
In 2019, when “African youths” committed at least 20 smash-and-grab robberies at stores throughout Sydney, Australia, in one incident dislocating an elderly woman’s pelvis as they fled, police described it as “shoplifting” and said “I would not describe them as gangs.”
In 2020, attempting to pooh-pooh reports of “African gang crime,” an Australian newspaper published an article titled “African-Australian youths crushed by the weight of daily prejudice and stereotyping.”
Recently in the Dublin suburb of Balbriggan — whose population consists of at least 11% African immigrants — “about 30 youths of mainly African origin” shut down a local shopping center by brawling outside in an incident that necessitated a police helicopter to help quell it.
Naturally, the Irish press had to step in and tell the local yokels not to believe their lying eyes. An article in The Journal claimed that “the far Right” was trying to “ignite racial tensions in the town” and “stir up division and hatred against members of the black community living in the area” by deftly using “conspiracy theories” about “roaming African gangs.”
What are the citizens of any self-respecting nation to do when their media, government, and press have declared war on them?
Black Woman From Africa Crowned Miss England
Last week, I wrote about a black woman from South Africa who was named Miss Ireland for the upcoming Miss World Pageant. This week, I bring the news that Rehema Muthamia, a black woman from Kenya, will represent England in the same pageant. She replaces the former Miss England, the India-born Bhasha Mukherjee.
Ireland is but a wee 1% black, whereas England is a far more robust 3.5% black, but then again, the newly-crowned Mr. England is also black.
Somalian-Born Cop Who Shot White Woman Dead in Minnesota Has Murder Conviction Dropped

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
In 2020, when white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin somewhat gently knelt on a fentanyl-addled, banana-swinging, convicted black armed robber named George Floyd, the nation burned and Chauvin received a 22.5-year sentence for murder.
In 2017, when a Somalian-born rookie Minneapolis cop named Mohamed Noor shot dead a white woman who’d called police to report the sounds of a woman screaming, he was sentenced to third-degree murder based on the idea that he put “others” in danger for his hasty decision to squeeze the trigger.
Apparently, those “others” did not include the woman he killed.
Last week, the Minnesota Supreme Court overturned Noor’s murder conviction and ordered his resentencing. Noor had already served two years of a 12.5-year sentence. The maximum sentence he can receive now for second-degree manslaughter is ten years.
There is no minimum sentence. He may be a free man soon.
Black-on-White Murders You Didn’t Hear About This Week
Fred and Peggy White are a pair of white senior citizens who were shot and killed in their homes last week in Twiggs County, Georgia. Charged with their murder is a sourpussed black fella named Charles Rowland, who had already served ten years for armed robbery and eleven years for forgery and assaulting a police officer. He is allegedly seen in this video lurking near the Whites’ back door before busting into their house and killing them.
In what appears to have been a domestic dispute between interracial lovers, 28-year-old Megan Gustafson was allegedly shot dead in Grand Forks, North Dakota last Sunday morning after an argument with 26-year-old Ahmed Abdullahi.
Until last week, Michael Bishop was a 29-year-old white man from Latonia, Kentucky, but now he’s a corpse after being shot several times in the chest. Keyshawn McCoy is the 18-year-old black male charged with shooting him. If you look at the comments section in the article about the murder, it consists almost entirely of spam about how you can get rich working from home.
This country is doomed.
Painting the Schools Black
Josh Thompson looks gayer than a sprig of mistletoe on a festive winter’s vest. He teaches English at a Virginia high school and insists that school guidelines called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports [PBIS] that ask kids to sit still, listen to the teacher, and stop stabbing one another in class constitutes “white supremacy”:
I stated that PBIS [Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports] is white supremacy with a hug and a lot of y’all wanted to know more about that . . . so if PBIS concerns itself with positive behaviors, we have to ask ourselves, “Okay well what are those positive behaviors?” And it’s things like making sure that you’re following directions, and making sure that you’re sitting quietly, and you are in your seat and all these things that come from white culture. . . . The idea of just sitting quiet and being told stuff and taking things in, in a passive stance, is not a thing that’s in many cultures. So if we’re positively enforcing these behaviors, we are by extension positively enforcing elements of white culture. Which therefore keeps whiteness at the center, which is the definition of white supremacy.
You heard it, black students of Josh Thompson. There is no need to behave in his classroom. If you pay any attention to him at all, you are enabling white supremacy. If he doesn’t award you the highest possible grade, you possibly have grounds for suing him based on racial discrimination.
Crystal Duncan Lane is a fat, grey-haired teacher with no sense of style and possible bad breath. She teaches a class on disabilities at Virginia Tech and recently apologized for being white in the course syllabus:
I am a Caucasian cisgender female and first-generation college student from Appalachia who is of Scottish, British, and Norwegian heritage. I am married to a cisgender male, and we are middle class. While I did not “ask” for the many privileges in my life: I have benefitted from them and will continue to benefit from them whether I like it or not. . . . I am and will continue to work on a daily basis to be antiracist and confront the innate racism within myself that is the reality and history of white people. . . . I want to be better: Every day. I will transform: Every day. This work terrifies me: Every day. I invite my white students to join me on this journey. And to my students of color: I apologize for the inexcusable horrors within our shared history.
How about you apologize for your haircut and those stupid beads you’re wearing instead?
Robert Jensen is a retired journalism professor from the University of Texas at Austin. If the picture of him in the linked article is any indication, he appears to be in the late stages of AIDS. Jensen is also the author of books with self-gelding titles such as The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men and The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege. In a recent essay called “‘A Certain Terror’: A White Male Perspective on Being an Ally,’” he talks about being a white male feminist struggling with his “allyship”:
I have found that my life improved once I began to learn about the history and contemporary practice of white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism. That knowledge led me to yearn for something more than being a white guy. I saw the negative effects of those systems not just on women and people of color but on me. The argument from justice that I already understood, but rarely acted from, was bolstered by a new argument from self-interest, the pursuit of a more fully human self. . . . I am in this to save my own life. . . . But that raises another thorny question: Given all the excellent books by women and people of color, why am I writing at all? . . . Because it is the right thing for me to do. Because it is in my self-interest. Because I want to love and be loved. Because I want to touch and be touched.
I would like to think that in a truly equitable world, women and black people would hate him this guy as much as I do.
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It is one level of stupid to import surly violent 60iq Somalis. Giving them a badge and a gun is a level of stupid so rarefied that when I read about it I did not believe it.
Goad mined a rich vein of modern insanity this week. Reporting facts and hypocrisy illuminates the way.
White men in college: It would be interesting to see some sort of return-on-investment analysis comparing the different groups. E.g. dollars spent on their education vs. salary 5, 10, 20 years post graduation.
Noor vs. Chauvin: Maybe not all bad. Perhaps this will lead to a similar re-evaluation of Chauvin. But is equity a river or a street? Does it go in one direction or two?
Paying attention in school being akin to ‘white supremacy’: Objectivity again may be the solution. This teacher probably can’t be trusted to fairly assign grades either. With his new dictum let’s see how the class scores on standardized tests. If he’s right then he’s right, if he’s wrong let it be an albatross around his neck.
The psychotic self-flagellating gibberish from that teacher was so deranged and impenetrable I couldn’t get through it. These people are genuinely insane. They should be selling hotdogs on streets, if the colour of the meat does not mean they are reminded of selling black people, not teaching others.
On the ‘useless simpering narcissist genetic shite you wouldn’t wipe on your Jimmy Choo’ front:
‘Saturday Night Live’s Bowen Yang, meanwhile, pushed the boat out for gender-neutral heels. Yang’s Rancho Silver shoes were inspired by “vintage disco and white trash” according to makers Syro.’
White trash, eh? Fucking racist cunts. It’s funny. This hateful, casual-racism shite is just riling white working class people up more and more. The anger and hatred I am hearing from a lot of people is not pleasant. Or, if you look at it another way, under the constant, disgusting provocation it is EXTREMELY pleasant. If these useless racist media cunts are looking to piss off white people and cause racial division and strife…they’re doing a bang-up job. And this WILL explode eventually.
Actually, maybe I should calm down, check my honky privilege, maaaaan, and pay £1079 for a ‘You are a racist white cunt’ correctional spinfotainment course online taught by some racist wackjob called fucking ‘Nova.’ As a melanin-deficient world-destroying cunt, it’s all I deserve, really. For some reason, the second I see the word ‘activist,’ I now think “Racist, lying, useless, hateful cunt.” I don’t know WHY that might be. Except…
I am confident that women and black people hate Robert Jensen as much as I do. It’s hilarious that he works so very hard to ingratiate himself to them and at the end of it all they hate him just as much.
“An analysis by the Pell Institute says that poor and working-class white men are enrolling in college at lower rates than poor and working-class black, Asian, and Hispanic men.”
Gosh, it’s almost like working class white men don’t really like the idea of spending the next four or more years being told how evil they are by everyone in charge and most of those who aren’t.
What really sucks is that it’s one of those things that is completely understandable but is yet another mark of surrender by us. Giving up on the humanities and social sciences in favor of soulless and empty careers in finance and marketing is yet another reason the right has lost so many battles over the past few decades. I shudder to think of how many otherwise bright and talented men we lost because of the moronic trope that history and literature and philosophy are somehow lesser fields of study. The only good thing is, now that they are dropping out altogether, they will be increasingly open to redpilling due to their isolation, which of course is what scares the bejeezus out of the English professor who was quoted.
Again, I get why it’s happening and it’s hard to blame them but at the same time, this is how we lose a war. The exact same thing happened with our cities–believe it or not, they weren’t always POC-dominates shitholes. But then white flight…
“I shudder to think of how many otherwise bright and talented men we lost because of the moronic trope that history and literature and philosophy are somehow lesser fields of study.”
Exactly. STEM is not the answer to all problems. History and the other humanities in our schools and colleges once inspired a love of good things in many eager students. And the humanities once were filled with brilliant people who loved our heritage. I’m old enough to remember this first-hand.
You’re right about cities too.
Eh, not really. Credentialism has gotten totally out of hand and I’d much rather see the POC’s shouldering that crushing student debt with no job prospects.
I started off in the trades and eventually went on to get a stem degree, the humanities are indeed lesser fields of study. We need people with real, tangible skills that are as outsource proof as possible. I enjoy reading, art, history, etc. but lets be honest, these are luxuries in 2021.
Reading, art and history are not luxuries. Since prehistoric times, people have understood very well how essential art is. The Cro-Magnons sure put a lot of effort into it, when life was awfully precarious. For many people, life can be pretty unbearable without art. And many others who don’t think much about it still would find the world extremely cold and barren without it. Prehistoric people knew that art was sacred.
Without history, a person has no anchor in this world, with very little understanding of what is happening, and no appreciation for what our ancestors have done. The destruction of the statues of Robert E. Lee and Cecil Rhodes and others is a disaster for those who really know history. The librarians who “de-accession” old history books don’t deserve a penny more of support from the community. They are vandals in their own way, like Antifa and BLM.
And we can pretty clearly see the deterioration in society with fewer people who can read more than a crude text or a Twitter tweet.
The attitude that the humanities aren’t essential has contributed a lot to the cultural sewer that we find ourselves in.
Sure. I enjoy them very much for their own sake. But getting a degree (and the associated debt) in any of those fields is just laughable at this point.
“And we can pretty clearly see the deterioration in society with fewer people who can read more than a crude text or a Twitter tweet.”
Are we pretending most of those people didn’t get degrees in some fluff course of study?
“The attitude that the humanities aren’t essential has contributed a lot to the cultural sewer that we find ourselves in.”
I’d argue all this pie in the sky romanticism has blinded people to how things actually work in the real world. This is how you get these leftists movements with absolutely zero basis in reality.
The way you get them is by ceding the arts & humanities to the left. Culture is power. Biggest trick played on white men by Noseburg was that the arts are a luxury. Your enjoyment in the arts as a well-to-do, stem graduate obviously doesn’t extend into patronage or volunteer support. Multiply that by a million “philistines” we got 2020 iconoclasm through literal neglect.
Sure, culture is A power. Keeping the lights on and the wheels turning is THE power. The second things shut down in the cultural centers, those people are going to be food. No, my efforts in patronage and support are going to into addressing the skills shortage in my country. Good lord, blaming the Jews again? Have some agency, white man.
One of the Oxford colleges has introduced what is effectively a quota for ethnic minority students:
This is supposedly illegal in the UK, unlike in the US, but this story ran in the Daily Mail without creating any uproar whatsoever. I don’t think any other news outlets even picked it up.
The “Somali-American Police Association” lobbied to have Noor acquitted. Unbelievable that there even exists such an “Association”.
We must face the fact that our most damaging enemies are our own people within our gates. If it was only a matter of defending against an outside barbarian, the proper defense would be straightforward. But what is the strategy when the enemy is our own crazed people?
For a Western Recovery to ever happen, I now see no other possible path but a complete socioeconomic meltdown of Western societies followed by a brutal prolonged civil bloodbath and ending in a bare Western victory taking generations to repopulate and rebuild from. We will never see better times.
And what will Israel, Russia, China, North Korea, and the biomass of the colored world be doing while the West is enduring this internal war?
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