1,593 words
Erstwhile actor, would-be political activist, and aspirant transracial icon Michael Rapaport might be the dumbest Jew who ever lived.
He grew up in a wealthy Ashkenazi family on the hard, hard streets of Manhattan’s Upper East Side, but to hear him speak, you’d think he was auditioning for the movie role of a crack baby born in a South Bronx shopping cart.
Although I doubt anyone on the planet would consider him one of the 1,000 top living actors, Rapaport’s fake-black trash-talking has managed to annoy several actual blacks, among them the world’s two best basketball players — both of whom, unlike Rapaport, are genetically and effortlessly black.
I met the lumpy potato head in the green room when I was a guest on an episode of ABC’s Politically Incorrect back in early 1998, and no one on the show that night — not the smarmy dwarf host Bill Maher, nor the yam-stuffing shrieking cunt Karen Finley, nor the mentally disabled obese mulatto rapper Heavy D — irritated me nearly so much as the walking wiggery herpes rash that was Michael Rapaport. While Finley was in the make-up room getting pounds of cosmetics shoveled onto her bitter mug, I sat silently in the green room watching Rapaport trying to impress Heavy D with his encyclopedic knowledge of hip-hop and his fawning embrace of All Things Black.
Including the host, I faced three Jews and one black person that night, and they all seemed convinced that white people were unfairly advantaged in this society. When the cameras started rolling and I tried gently suggesting to the panel that what so-called “rednecks” — Maher called me a “scary-looking redneck” — share with many black Americans was poverty, Heavy D and the Three Jews began barking that I was suggesting all black people are poor, which is apparently an insult to black people despite the fact that they seem to love complaining about being poor and getting free things as a result.
As someone who avoids all Hollywood movies after 1975, at the time I was unaware that Rapaport had recently starred as a skinhead school shooter in John Singleton’s 1995 anti-white film Higher Learning. To this day, Rapaport insists that he was acting against type, but it sort of clicks when you realize he was merely playing Hollywood’s New Ultimate Villain and was therefore facilitating a narrative.
Michael Rapaport’s estimated net worth is $12 million. Anyone who’s remotely sane and intelligent can take one gander at him or listen to one sentence out of his mouth and realize he does not possess $12 million worth of talent. The fact that no-talents such as him, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill have careers in Hollywood suggests that our nation sorely needs a Congressional inquiry into ethnic nepotism in the entertainment industry.
In the intervening quarter-century since that Politically Incorrect episode was taped, everything I’ve ever seen or heard about Michael Rapaport suggests that he would have been perfectly cast as the lead in a screenplay idea I had about 20 years ago called Black — Like a Nigger. Although it never got past the “screenplay idea” phase, it was to be a pseudo-documentary about a phenotypically white man named Randy who was mentally impaired and didn’t realize that it might not be the greatest idea to put on blackface and attempt to hug random black strangers in public to demonstrate his compassion for their plight. Randy knew his intentions were noble, so he had no idea why he kept getting punched.
But that’s Michael Rapaport’s entire world — he doesn’t understand why black people hate him for talking black and for even scolding actual blacks for not being black enough. And when white people mock him for being a walking kosher minstrel show, he accuses them of hating blacks rather than of hating Michael Rapaport:
The term WIGGER is what white people call other white people who they accuse of actin black, the USER of the word really dislikes black peeps
No, see, it means I really hate non-blacks who use words such as “peeps.” And apparently, so do many blacks.
“Michael Rapaport Is the Worst Kind of White Man,” writes Michael Harriot in the Root, slamming him as “the half-chewed marshmallow center of a racism s’more” and a “phlegmlike fuckboy.” He notes Rapaport’s tendency to start social-media wars with black women and quotes his comments about Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kenya Moore’s feet:
I didn’t wanna say it on live TV, but Kenya’s feet are ashy as fuck! Them shits are ashy. I didn’t wanna say it on live TV ’cause I’m a gentleman, but pan down to them shits. She can cut glass with them shits.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
If I were king, I’d make it illegal for anyone with less than 95% sub-Saharan African ancestry to use Moorish slang terms such as “them shits.” Such spectacles are a disgrace to both the black race and the white race.
Also at the Root, Damon Young writes, “I’ve Never Met Anyone As ‘Black’ as Michael Rapaport Tries to Be”:
Full disclosure: I’m black. . . . I am a maven of black-person knowing. A nigga-acquainting expert. And I have never met or even seen a black person as black as Michael Rapaport is trying to be. . . . That’s not even blackface. It’s five exits past that. It’s dipping his face in a vat of tar. . . . The only people I’ve ever heard say things like “Will Crack Dat Ass” unironically are mid-’90s black porn stars. He’s a Wesley Pipes cosplayer.
As far back as 2007, a black blogger selected Rapaport as “Wigger of the Week”:
Michael Rappaport [sic] is the stuff of wigger dreams. I’ve never been so thoroughly annoyed by someone I ain’t ne’er met. . . . He’s a clumsy actor who’s always wildin’ out like he’s about to pledge somebody. But Mike is hardcore with his negro dick-riding prowess. He’s always showing up to events in a fitted cap and some Marc Ecko like they giving away free street cred cards. He’s just a fugly, melanin-challenged mess. I know I sound salty like he done stole my favorite puppy but illl. . . dude is a problem. . . . I just wanna punch the paleness off him.”
Rapaport is so cluelessly fake-black that he gets into arguments with three black podcast hosts, two of them rappers, about why Jay-Z’s new album sucks. He’s so fake-black that when he puts his arm around a black NBA player during a TV interview, the player physically threatens him. Even white NBA players wind up physically threatening him. He’s such an annoying Jigger that LeBron James — widely considered the best active basketball player on Earth — routinely mocks him along with friends.
Last week, Rapaport lost a years-old defamation lawsuit against Barstool Sports — an irreverent site that is so obstinately unwoke that record producer Steve Albini, who once recorded under monikers such as “Rapeman” and “Run, Nigger, Run,” says that its owners and pundits should be deplatformed and rendered eternally unemployable — was thrown out of court for lack of merit. Rapaport claimed he’d been defamed by a T-shirt that Barstool was selling depicting him as a clown with a giant red blemish on his chin. The suit claimed the image insinuated he had herpes, despite the fact that no mention of herpes was made, Rapaport routinely appears in public with a giant red sore on his chin, and Rapaport allegedly made herpes jokes at his own expense.
For some reason, Rapaport saw this crushing legal defeat as an opportunity to air some private messages he received last December from NBA star Kevin Durant — widely considered the world’s second-best active basketball player — which touch upon the failed lawsuit and basically mock Rapaport for being a homosexual white boy. Among those messages from the six-foot-ten-inches Durant:
U a bitch. . .
I heard it all before u cunt. Chuck doesn’t need you as security u pale pasty cum guzzling bitch.
I swear Ima spit on your face when I see your dirty ass.
Bet your life on it. . . .
All u do is cock suck other men for attention. . . . Your life is a joke u Fuckin pale cock sucker
Get some sun it’s fuckin with your brain
So despite decades of Rapaport’s shameless sucking-up to blacks, they still see him as a pale-faced devil clown who will face a righteous extinction in the inevitable Melanoma Genocide.
Whites don’t want him either, especially with his blind tendency to refer to them all as “pasty white crackers” in a way unsurprisingly reminiscent of how Kevin Durant demeaned Rapaport.
And I suspect that Rapaport’s unending Jiggery behavior is as mortifying to global Jewry as Tom Hanks’s wigger son Chet is to the Hanks family.
If right-thinking and well-meaning whites, blacks, and Jews can join forces to strike the Wigger Problem at its roots, there may yet be hope for this seemingly hopeless nation.
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Is he dead, though?
BUT he Rappaport made MILLIONS mocking black culture… and many people including blacks dont get IT…making$$$ from his mockery cartoonish view (racist) manipulation of blacks..
“Do it for the white race Remy!”
That’s what is Higher Learning.
There’s no hope for this nation. It’s over. This Jewish kid from the UES represents a whole lot of young White boys. I see these young Whites reciting rap lyrics and supporting blm, making comments about “racism” and the poor darkies. The nation is over, something new will emerge, like the Vikings a thousand years ago, but this nation, as we knew it, is over.
I still mean to see that movie about sports fans with Patton Oswalt (sp?) and Rapaport. I bet he did a great job, Rapaport, because as an obnoxious sports fan, he wasn’t acting.
Rappaport’s abuse of the Covington Kids was particularly vile.
Yes, excellent future evidence.
Thanks for a good laugh about the evil circus dwarf, Bill “Maher,” and his guests. Years ago, behind the research desk in the main reading room of the NY Public Library on 5th Avenue, behind the half dozen or so scowling Jew librarians, there was a professionally printed poster that read, “Jews Are Soul People Too.”
This pandering to schvartzes by the Jews in a place where the only schvartzes are probably cleaning the Jews’ toilets is priceless, like Marcus Garvey visiting the NAACP office in 1917 for the first time, only to find an office full of Jewish lawyers, probably flipping a nickel his way thinking he was there to shine their shoes.
As disgusting as this pandering homo Rapaport may be, however, he’s a piker compared to the Republicans in Congress whose only use for the American flag may be wiping off their chin after meeting with their Jewish handlers behind closed doors.
Now that he is in hell, I wonder what John McCain is using for his chin. Hopefully Lindsay Graham will be there soon to help.
I’m going to disagree about Jonah Hill. He was a lot of fun in War Dogs. I highly recommend it; it’s better than Goebbels or Streicher ever made.
Re: Rappaport, I didn’t know he’d done anything after Beautiful Girls.
I’d never heard of Rapaport until this week, while scanning the headlines at the Daily Mail online. Doesn’t seem that I missed much. But Goad’s pithy characterizations of Bill Maher and Karen Finley were worth the read.
@ Goad: Karen Yams Finley, yes I caught that act….Performance Art. Remember the guy who had hooks stuck into his back and legs to hang like the Injuns of the sun dance? Then there was another who wore only a harness and work boots suspended with ropes and pulleys, whilst greasing up various tools (hammers, sickles, etc) to stick in his arse. Performance art.
As far as Rapaport, a photon torpedo of Acyclovir aimed at his face would do some good.
Posting before reading this…
Man what I would pay to see a UFc fight between Rappapport and Goad.
Now to read and enjoy.
No contest–Goad would have him flat on his back in less than a minute.
I’m going to call out one detail here. In the UK peeps has been used as slang for a longtime. The Harry Enfield Character Stavros used it. “Hello Everybody Peeps” Stavros was a Greek Fish n Chip shop owner who would give his wacky wisdom outwith serving Kebabs and burgers with those greasy chips. So yeah nogs actually stole that phrase off a White Comedian making fun of Greeks and Turks who run greasy spoon cages in 1970s 1980s UK. It’s not black culture at all. Hell Everybody Peeps!
Sadly these stupid blacks think Rappaport is white. How annoying.
Hilarious. This guy has one of the most punchable faces on earth. It would be great if Rappaport was a bigger name and everybody could see his dumbass get humiliated, but the only people who really pay attention to him are the ashey blacks he annoys. Wiggers peaked 20+ years ago. Now that they’re gone I realize how much fun it was to mock them.
Glad I’m not alone in hating this jigger fag. He’s so over the top with his black schtick. These are the “whites” I can’t stand. They’re always so down wif da blacks dawg.
He produced a 30 for 30 episode for ESPN about Randy Moss. That criminal terrorized his small portion of West Virginia. Rappaport attempted to make it look like “Red Neck Alley” persecuted poor Randy. Randy and his buddy gave some poor kid brain damage from a beating for no other reason other than the color of his skin.
Bravo Jim! Any thinking American can see through this creep.
If I could see one person punched on video, it would be him. I also find it hysterical that it appears blacks hate white people who worship them almost more than they do an openly racist white.
Here is another fun fact about this generic mishap. I watched a video of Spike Lee taking him to task for defending Gentrification as something good and just change. Turns out, he’s a landlord who owns a building in Manhattan. So when it comes down to it, he really is a typical jew. That is where the vast amount of his wealth has to come from.
Oooo! That’s a terrible looking fever blister he’s got in that photo. Somebody needs to put some ointment on that. You guys miss the elephant in the room. Where is your human compassion?
That red spot looks perfectly cancerous. My diagnosis – Either too much cocaine or too much putting his mouth where the sun don’t shine. A tell-all of his life choices.
Thank you for this article Mr. Goad. I’ve despised this modern day Al Jolson “chosen people” goof for a long time. He’s like the Inception of ethnic groups, a jew pretending to be White, pretending to be black. He and his people are the herpes bump on the face of the world.
The video where he calls the other guy a cracker is too much but good inside into his mental disorder and stupidity. Blacks call him a pasty white bag of shit who looks like mashed potatoes left out in the sun for too long, so he projects that on the guy. Notice how he equates Texas with Racism and voting for Trump. Oblivious to the fact Trump is from New York.
I saw that little snippet. Rapaport was acting like a tough guy. Was that acting, or real? Because this dweeb is looking to get himself seriously hurt.
My all time favorite column here. Some much needed levity to end the week.
If one of my white sons went “wigger” on me, here is what I would tell him: “Son, you will never be black no matter how hard you try. But, if you stay away from drugs and alcohol, work hard, practice self-discipline, have a little imagination, have a little courage, love a white woman and raise children with her – there is a chance you can be white.” Spread the word….
Best advice in one sentence ever. We all need to do the above. I’m a bit ‘over-the hill’ to make use of all of it, but I did work all my life and marry White.
It all started with the Beatniks, the original Wiggers / Jiggers, aping the Black slang of Jazz, and the characteristics of them, in the mid-late ’40s. Little by little, the propaganda and mindset, that “White Is Square,Black Is Cool / Hip” began to accumulate, exploded in the late 196660s, and has been a plague ever since. As usual, The Jews, more than any enthnicity, have always been the evil masterminds behind the entire thing.
Rappaport never plays just ANMY type of Wigger; he always White squares that try to be Black, or just White nerds, and always get brutally humiliated – by Blacks , naturally – it.
Or, in the case of the ultra-anti-White “Higher Education”, killed by them, as the ultra racist , mr. singleton, believed Black racists should have all the right to trample on Whites, and Whites have no right in return, to fight back against them( Burn In HELL, singleton!!!! ).
He’s far more anti-White than he is as obnoxious as Blacks see him. And never assume he DOESN’T know it.
The White aping( Yes, that IS the right word ) Black slang and characteristics, goes back to at least the mid-1940s, with The Beatniks and when Jazz was #1. Then, little by little , the hideous mindset of “White = square, Black = cool” propaganda began to gather steam, exploding in the late 196660s, and the plague has been implanted at every level, consciously and sub-consciously, ever since. And masterminding the entire mindset / propaganda? You guessed it: THE JEWS!!!!
Looked up the Albini interview—what in the fuck happened to him???
It’s been a few years since I watched the sometimes great TV series ‘Justified’ – and I remember this guy having a recurring role in that series. Another case where a whitish looking jew plays the part of a low IQ, moonshine slurping, sister humping, White Southern racist redneck – which as we know, seems to really give a tremendous amount of delight to jewish hollywood actors because they love to depict White Southerners as negatively as possible.
Rappaport played a particularly degenerate character in Justified – and I am trying hard to remember whether or not Raylon Givens ever got around to euthanizing the guy. Raylon did euthanize a sizeable number of the other White Southern redneck drug pushers in the series, but I can’t remember if he ever got around to Rappaport.
If not, they need to reboot the series and give Raylon another shot at this chore.
This pathological jew is having you all on, and making a fortune at the same time.. he’s chuckling at you all as he swans round hollywood mocking negro imbeciles..
it’s all classic marx brothers, even down to the scabby face and more than passing resemblance to harpo..
I’ve never heard of any of the people in this story, and don’t ever care to know them, but this is a fascinating story. How far down’ our Western Civilization has fallen by associating with any of these sorts. We cannot even allow ourselves to compare any of our so-called ‘Rednecks’ with them, though they are millionaires and therefore, idolized by far too many of our own people. I now change the channel of TV shows on Public Broadcasting stations which depict any of the sob-stories of Blacks, past or present, or heaven forbid — interacting or intermarrying with English aristocracy, etc. I understand someone is attempting a TV drama of King Henry VIII which features a Black Anne Boleyn!
Thanks for pointing out how far this idiocy has penetrated into our contemporary society, and who has taken its insanity the furthest, as has Mr. Rapaport. And it’s all supported by Jews — who knew! I thought they considered themselves ‘the Chosen People’.
Ohhhh, God, does it never end??! Karen Finley is a Jew? Yep, via Wiki, she’s got Semite in her. Incredible. I always instinctively thought of her as revolting, but a possible Chosen angle simply never occurred to me (the last name again fooled me). I have so much more to learn.
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