An elderly Pakistani UberEats driver was murdered by black teens in DC last week. Sixty-six-year-old Mohammad Anwar died after he was thrown out of the vehicle two black girls carjacked in broad daylight, right in front of National Guardsmen. The black teens survived the car wreck, unlike the hapless Anwar. The Pakistani driver lay dying on the sidewalk while one of the carjackers demanded the Guardsmen retrieve her phone from the wrecked vehicle. No remorse, no pangs of guilt, nothing besides the desire to retrieve the precious phone.
Video of the event went viral, drawing a wide array of outrage at the cruelty and senselessness of the crime. This one event captured modern America in all its stupidity. Here’s how.
Brazen Black Criminality
The two carjackers were black teenagers aged 13 and 15. They deployed a stun gun to steal a car in the middle of the day without any care in the world. When confronted with the gravity of their crime, they were completely unmoved. All they cared about was their own property. It didn’t register that this carjacking was wrong or anything to apologize for. The media is adept at portraying black crime as motivated (or justified) by poverty and systemic racism. Black criminals just made an honest mistake they feel very, very bad about. The DC carjacking shows the true nature of black criminality. It’s vicious, it’s senseless, and it’s extremely common. These aren’t good kids who made a mistake. Life in modern America means existing with the Black Undertow and pretending it’s not a serious problem.
Asian Attacks Are Always Committed by Blacks
This was yet another case of blacks attacking Asians — albeit a South Asian. Anti-Asian “hate” is all the fuss right now, and the government and media blame white America and Donald Trump for it. Reality shows it’s actually their favorite pets who are behind it. The carjacking reaffirms this uncomfortable truth.

You can buy It’s Okay to Be White: The Best of Greg Johnson here.
The Chaos of American Cities
The carjacking occurred in broad daylight in a relatively safe area of the nation’s capital. The good times brought to many American cities by gentrification seems to be on the steep decline. The murder rate now stands close to the highs of the early 1990s. Carjackings and other dangerous crimes are way up. It’s no longer guaranteed you can avoid trouble by staying in the “nice” area of a major city. Any place can be the setting for an assault or robbery. America’s cities are returning to the disorder of the late 20th century.
Joke Leaders
Much of the crimewave is the result of joke city leadership. The DC auto theft highlighted the clowns who run our major urban areas. Mayor Muriel Bowser tweeted that carjacking is a “crime of opportunity” and listed ways for DC residents to avoid this unfortunate event. The list treated carjacking like a natural occurrence, similar to a rainstorm. There was of course no call for tougher policing or laws to combat the crime wave in the city. City politicians want to pretend systemic racism is a far greater threat than black criminality.
The Immigrant Gig Economy
Let’s go back to one of the basic facts of the case: Mohammad Anwar was a 66-year-old Pakistani immigrant working for UberEats. That describes much of our economy right now. People from all over the world immigrate here and take menial jobs. Many old people, native or immigrant, can’t retire, and they work until they die. Do we really have a healthy economy when it depends on megacorporations importing old foreigners to deliver Chipotle for serf wages?
Incompetent Military
The entire carjacking was witnessed by National Guardsmen. . . who did nothing besides call the cops and help the black teens out of the wrecked vehicle. The Guard is still in DC in order to protect Congress from imaginary white supremacists. But they can’t even stop petty crime, much less actual threats. America may have the strongest military on paper, but our troops are often no better than the average citizen. They will stare and gape at crimes, and do nothing. It’s only the police who will stop crime.
Liberal Refusal to Ever See Black Criminality
As is the case whenever black crime is noticed, liberals refused to see it as black criminality. They even condemned those who dared mention the race of the suspects. Yahoo White House Correspondent Hunter Walker tweeted: “There are a lot of far right commentators sharing this horrific story and highlighting the fact the perpetrators are Black.” He complained that conservative media is copying “videos taken directly from the far right explicitly racist voices including popular Gab and Telegram accounts.” According to Walker and his class, the only way to make sure “Anwar’s life mattered” is to not notice the black criminals. These are the same people who spent the previous days blaming all whites for the Atlanta spa shooting. Liberals can be mugged by reality and still retreat to fantasy.
The one interesting thing to note, as evinced by Walker’s meltdown, is that ordinary conservatives noticed the racial angle to the story. Many of the commentators blamed timeworn factors, such as “postmodernism,” “teen culture,” and “bad schools” — but most of their readers got the real message. It’s too hard to ignore the color of crime when cell phone footage shows you the suspects without the media’s filter.
For the first time in many years, crime is a top concern for American voters. Our leaders are doing everything in their power to facilitate rising lawlessness, from neutered police to jailbreaking criminals. More Americans will come face to face with the ugly reality of the current state.
Our new America isn’t Mount Rushmore, the Jefferson Monument, or anything grand or impressive — it’s the D.C. carjacking.
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It’s a shame those two little bunny boilers will face nothing worse than juvie for whacking an old guy.
These girls may be the result of some one night stand(s) where the would be ‘parents’ rightly thought that the American (((State))) and its various organs were there to happily entertain the consequences of reckless Black intercourses, and, therefore, there was no need to wear protection or use contraceptives.
It is no surprise that they had no shame. They must have seen how their elders behaved last summer after the death of St. George Floyd, and how their actions received widespread endorsement at the end of the day.
It has nothing to do with whatever they saw their elders doing. It’s their elders’ DNA that’s in action.
Yes, this carjacking perfectly encapsulates PoXed America. And I view it the same way I view the eternal ‘Middle East conflict’ – A Plague on Both Their Houses.
No Pakistani belongs in America. Not his land, not his people, not his culture, not his religion. Totally aside from my lack of interest in UberEats or Chipotle, there is no job that a White man could not do equally well or better than any non-White immigrant for a decent wage. And, contra Robert Hampton, I doubt Anwar was working at his age because he was in great need of the money. Who paid for his car? How many children of his are living here who filed for him to come (and, in so doing, lied by promising they had the intent and means to support him and keep him from becoming a public charge)? Anwar wanted more money and worked in a way that allowed him to keep and not declare a certain amount of cash. I don’t mourn his death, merely the spectacle of the same on what used to be an American street.
The two black teens – meh. Standard fare. They are an alien subspecies and one, I believe, lacking what most Whites of European descent consider a ‘soul.’ No abstract thought, no empathy, no contemplation, no morals, merely animal appetites. Anyone who is ‘shocked’ by their savagery or flat affect regarding suffering and death still doesn’t truly accept genetic reality.
***|| “No Pakistani belongs in America. Not his land, not his people, not his culture, not his religion.” ||***
***|| “Anwar wanted more money and worked in a way that allowed him to keep and not declare a certain amount of cash.” ||***
Judeophile White Gentiles misused their offices of authority and converted the US into a gigantic trade avenue. Now, anyone who desires profits belongs to this trade avenue whether he is a Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali, Indian, Samoan, Jamaican etc.
Besides, the US doesn’t belong to the White man anymore because if it still did, there wouldn’t be a need to have a platform like Counter-Currents.
The blame squarely lies with those myopic and dishonest Whites who sowed the seeds of subversion and made life hell for their progeny.
***||| I don’t mourn his death, |||***
Has anyone asked you to mourn him?
The deceased has his loved ones to mourn and remember him.
He died for the sake of a used car in a country which was not his. … He would have been happier retiring in Pakistan, playing dominoes in the sun and drinking tea with his friends. …
I take your point about the US and traitorous White gentiles, but greed was ultimately his downfall.
***||| “…in a country which was not his.” |||***
***||| “…but greed was ultimately his downfall. |||***
As I mentioned in my last reply, people now go to the US to make money $$$ and remit it to their homelands. That’s it. Mr. Anwar too was there for that just like any other immigrant. Nobody goes to the US for spiritual purposes.
And all of this transformation from a nation-state with a majoritarian culture to a Global Motel was not accidental but by design.
Yes, but you seem to be unwilling to attribute personal agency to Mr Anwar. I understand your affiliation for another muslim brother, but the fact remains, Anwar died from making a poor decision; one involving money and greed. It’s a tough world, and no-one owed him anything. As I mention previously, he would have been happier in Pakistan with his family.
@Stephen Phillips
*** ||| “I understand your affiliation for another muslim brother… |||***
The loss of an innocent life is tragic regardless of whether one is Muslim, White, Brown, Yellow or Black.
Moreover, there is no equivalence here. It was not a gang war. A law abiding man was minding his own business while these shameless girls were committing a crime.
Lastly, I fully agree that he would’ve been much happier on his own soil.
A modest and organic life amongst your own is and should always be preferable to a materially ‘prosperous’ mechanical existence overseas.
<I?" . . . The two black teens – meh. Standard fare. They are an alien subspecies and one, I believe, lacking what most Whites of European descent consider a ‘soul.’ No abstract thought, no empathy, no contemplation, no morals, merely animal appetites. Anyone who is ‘shocked’ by their savagery or flat affect regarding suffering and death still doesn’t truly accept genetic reality."
/\ This.
I don’t care about the Pakistani (or any non-white for that matter), but if the jews make a movie about this incident, the perpetrators will be white. Remember the incident in which a black, female drug addict ran into a white man, then drove home with him sticking through the windshield of her car? The jews made her white in the movie!
What is the name of the movie??
Yes please, I want to know what movie that was!
For those unaware, this is the incident in question
She left him stuck in the windshield for several days while he slowly bled to death. He begged her for help, but she did apologize to him. The way she was caught is the best part. She bragged at a party laughingly,”I hit this white guy in my car…”. At least they reported her. But the good news is that the son of the victim forgave her and is praying for her family. I will pray for her too, lol!
Holy COW
You are right!
They cast Mena Suvari for that fucking role and even did her hair up in cornrows to make her look like a white trash female Wigger!
Let’s look at a more underhanded way of doing this. “Law & Order”. A pretty well-written show, but actually just polished-up agit-prop. Think about all the L&O shows you can remember. Now, the reality is that every year the number of whites who commit murder in NYC is about 3-4% of the total. How does this compare with the stats for murderers in L&A? That’s not even to mention the percentages of NYC murders committed by Christian priests and ministers, pro-life activists, millionaire stockbrokers, doctors, and Rightish Congressmen. The whole show is a lie. An unbelievably outlandish lie that’s the opposite of the truth. It’s a tribute to the son of the Father of Lies, Edward Bernays.
Horrific video. I hope this gets more attention to wake even more people up, but at the end of the day, if this was a country of Whites as intended, we wouldn’t even be in this position.
The event doesn’t surprise me anymore, I’ve already seen my share of black criminality both in real life and on video. The same goes for the life of the Pakistani, I do not care. He is of alien origin, he doesnt share my culture, my genetics, my wants and he probably was against my people and our self-interest.
Uganda right after the Brits got out.
Shameless nig-noggery in DC.
“Liberals can be mugged by reality and still retreat to fantasy.”
Brilliant! 👏
Having seen this video, and that of the young lady of colour responsible for the death of a white grandmother, I can confirm to Tolkien fans that female Orcs do indeed exist (and even have their own language).
In related news….
From msn dot com.
One injured U.S. Capitol Police officer is dead after being hit by a suspect who then rammed their car into the north barricade of the Capitol complex Friday afternoon and exited the vehicle with a knife, Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said at a press conference.
Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman. Of the US Capitol Police.
It was also noted that this comes after the whole Washington DC area has been in tension mode for weeks since the January 6 attempt by a mob of armed insurrectionists to invade the Capitol and the Senate as it carried out its role of validating the election of President Biden.
What a clownshow my homeland has become.
I see a lot of “Doordash” commercials lately, and they enrage me.
They depict a bubbly young White lady who says she “needed to make some money” so she signed up and now she ABSOLUTELY LOVES working for Doordash.
Then she loads her INFANT CHILD into the back seat of her car, and drives off to deliver food to some hellhole ghetto address.
My God. Is this what the working world now looks like? Is entry-level employment now so scarce that a young person, who in the commercial speaks as if she has SOME intelligence and education, now is forced by economic terror to risk her AND her child’s life to “Make some money”?
How long will it be before the real-world counterpart of this young lady – and her child – are found slaughtered on some trash-strewn ghetto side street?
The only good that might possibly come from this insane “gig” economy is that, from the thousands of daily brutal exposures to urban negroid hell that young White people are getting by working for these outfits, tomorrow one such perceptive and energetic young White person will see through it all, and in their rage he (or she??) will lead us out of darkness.
We recall that four hellish years in the trenches was enough to inspire one young person.
Surely the deliveroo economy is bad and innefficient. And dangerous…
White Privilege and racism is always the excuse as to why the prison system is full of blacks. This episode shows the real reason. Whites are better at even crime. Blacks pull stuns like this or just walk into a bodega with no mask on for all survalliance cameras and witnesses to see. They act on instinct. You would also think blacks would be scared to make such moves given the liberal narrative they could be shot by police at any given moment, “just for being black”. But no, they carjack, sucker punch and attack whites and the elderly in broad daylight. At this, I think what really prevents white liberals from speaking the truth is they simply do not want to admit those “Racist” white people are right. It’s a refusal to accept American Society is based upon lies. But they know it. The most liberal white ass kisser always resorts to white flight the second the wonderful diversity they claim we need more of starts to make them feel too afraid. This is what really makes me despise a lot of them. Their policies and idealogies cause areas to go down the drain and once down it, they leave. Often to an area experiencing gentrification. The guilt of which they feel in the eyes of agitated non whites they help push out of their communities, they throw off on the white people who have zero to do with it.
Every Black-worshipping Equality-loving White Liberal I know, including one who has worked her whole life for an extreme SJW org, lives in a White neighborhood, as upscale as they can afford and sends their (few) kids to All The Right Schools.
It pains me every day because, outside of politics, they are very nice folks.
But they give aid and comfort to Satan.
My brother-in-law is the same. He is wealthy with a good paying job, and lives in a very expensive White gated community. Yet he lectures me on the benefits of diversity. There is no hope for these individuals. …
I wonder what the guy’s relatives back in Pakistan thought when they got the news that their relation went to America only to be randomly killed by two black female teenagers that the Americans just let run around like stray dogs.
Are these two girls still in jail, awaiting trial, I should hope? Or, were they ‘bailed out with a heavy bail amount? Or — don’t tell me — were they ‘remanded’ to the care of their ‘parents or guardians’, and are now out walking our city streets freely while awaiting trial. Or, God forbid, were they not even arrested and charged? Probably the latter, under our so-called “Democratic” administration, which is held in the vise of street justice getting even with White Supremacy — the complete overturn of Law and Order.
Did you see the National Guard looking absolutely confused as to what to do with the two teenage primates or the situation in general? The ironic part is they are most likely the vetted ones Biden had sent there to protect DC from those vile White Supremacists.
In the audio you can hear them mutter Trump Did This!
Did she ever get her cell phone out of the car? I can’t seem to find any updates on this. I don’t believe the way no one even helped her to recover her cell phone.
They can’t help it, it’s in their blood. The state surely has enough money to simply send them back where they came!
I’ve been a movie fan for ages and never heard of Stuck. What is shocking is it is from Stuart Gordon, who made Re-Animator which is a personal favorite. I had no idea at all he made that film. I also read that it was produced by Amicus Productions, who were a rival to Hammer and made many of my favorite 70s horror films.
Another example of white washing in film is River’s Edge. That was based off a true story of a black male who killed a white class mate. In the film he was of course depicted as white. I still love that one too unfortunately.
I mean, I can rationalize these decisions perhaps with the excuse that white audiences at then simply didn’t want to see a black lead in such a role. Even repulsive stories are more interesting with whites, with blacks they are just another example of mundane negro criminality and thus not really worth a film.
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