Historically, when an authoritarian regime takes power, the written law tends to cease to be representative of real-life interaction with the state. I am reminded of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s tales of the Gulag system, where he had no rights and was brutally tortured only to find out years later after his stint that on paper, he supposedly had had a multitude of prisoner’s rights — including the right to know his rights.
Of course, what is written and what is truth are not necessarily one and the same. We face a similar situation today. The institutions we once viewed as legitimate have been kidnapped, raped, and skinned. The current regime is dancing and wearing the skin of the previous institutions like a body suit as we speak. Among the most important of these institutions that has become a shell of what it once was is the very Constitution which the government claims as the basis of its legitimacy. And sadly, adherence to the founding document is not even the regime’s most despicable lie.
Some ideas should be cleansed from the mind of any group the regime targets that wishes to survive to see the day at which the inconsistencies and incompetency catch up to our moronic, pathocratic overlords. The most important thing that should be realized is that you — yes, you — have no rights. If you fit into the following categories: a) White, b) right leaning, or c) all of the above, you should operate under the assumption that your right to free speech, firearms, not to be destroyed by the corrupt courts, and so on is now a complete fabrication. The enemy excels at finding post hoc rationalizations for abolishing our rights.
The right to a speedy trial and reasonable bail are black letter constitutional law. Nevertheless, the judiciary used Covid as a flimsy excuse to deny the white Charlottesville defendants a speedy trial; it has been over four years now. The exorbitant sums that January 6 defendants have had to put up for bail while murderers, rapists, and foreign invaders are allowed to waltz out without posting a single cent should erase any doubts about the reign of anarcho-tyranny. The government is an active, self-avowed enemy of white Americans and a hair-trigger from accusing anyone they wish of terrorism. The military and intelligence agencies are currently preparing to kill Americans. Yet, some are still under the impression that Officer Bag O’Doughnuts will think twice about giving you the ol’ Daren Wilson if you don’t put on the cuck muzzle — or worse. That Australia’s anti-social cops went not merely reluctantly but enthusiastically along with their government’s war of terror against their own people should make this crystal clear.
We can derive a few lessons from all of this.
Lesson #1: Your “rights” can be taken away at any time
Not only have Americans lost their rights, but there are new rules which are of greater hazard to the average American. The first is that there is a new, stringent caste system that must be followed based on the intersectional “progressive stack.” This caste system is based on race, sexual deviancy, religion, and sexual delusions. Imagine the caste system that the Left imagines exists in the United States today, and flip it upside down: That’s the new caste system. “They don’t want equality, they want revenge” never rang so true.
When it comes to race, whites are at the bottom and blacks at the top. In terms of sexual deviancy, normal people are at the bottom and homos at the top. In religion, Christians are at the bottom and everyone else is at the top. In gender, normal people are at the bottom and crossdressers and transvestites at the top. In basically any circumstance – except for politics, where the Left-leaning person always wins regardless of the race of the people in question; see Nicki Minaj, for example — the higher caste member always takes precedence.
Lesson #2: Know your place, white boy!
This leads into a multitude of new sub-laws, one of them being the abolition of the eternal, natural right of self-defense. For decades, the Satanic elites have wanted to disarm their serfs, but to no avail. Then a solution arose. Why abolish firearms when you can do something even more evil: prevent people from legally using said weaponry for its intended purpose. It has become apparent that whites are no longer permitted to use their firearms, lest they spin the wheel in a game of “Will I go to prison forever for blasting an armed black burglar?” Two slots for prison, seven slots for BLM outside your house demanding “just-us,” and one slot for “Scott Free.” No thanks, Tyrone; take the Rolex.
Lesson #3: Self-defense is no longer a universal right
The traditional reaction of the populist and Dissident Right to these abominable breaches of human decency — at least by white standards — is to advocate for taking control of the government, increasing its power, and using it in the short term for our own devices. The Left will increase in size with or without us, anyway, so we might as well get on the bandwagon and squeeze out what little we can. However, as was demonstrated with the Trump presidency, this simply doesn’t work. Without a metapolitical framework and base to build upon, it is all merely hot fumes. Trump was the closest thing that we will ever have to that ideal in the present age. Biden and his successors have and will only continue to exacerbate our inability to fight back through the political system.
Lesson #4: Any law that can conceivably hurt whites will, and any law that can conceivably help Whites will be unenforced or at least underenforced
These are only some of the new unwritten rules and regulations that we have today and will continue to have until something can be done about it. Many more could be listed, though it would be tedious. The main takeaway, however, is simply that your rights are a joke and the new rules are based on an ethno-religio-sexual caste system in which you, dear reader, are the untouchable dalit. In my opinion, the only solutions – apart from Greg Johnson’s idea of building a metapolitic, which has always been the most prescient short-term goal — are to push for white identity, as well as conservative identity, as a separate ethnic group from city liberals and their foreign hordes, a weakened national government (especially the security apparatus and federal secret police), and the devolution of state and local governments, with the end goal of secession, balkanization, or peaceful separation.
Until we are rid of the federal and corporate anarcho-tyranny, we will be unable to live at peace with such unwritten legislation, which has the express intention of soft-genociding the native population via white flight — be it from urban areas or the entire country itself, imprisonment and harassment, allowing predator populations to run free, the destruction of white and conservative habitats via invasive population insertion, and anti-white family incentives.
Know the rules, don’t get yourself into bad situations, and stay safe out there.
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The Constitution did exactly what it was supposed to, centralize power with coastal merchants and allow them to practice imperialist militarism. While the FFs might find modern elite culture bizarre the same goes for what iron age Christianity would think of modern Catholics. You’re not entirely wrong that it’s a bizarre mutation of the culture and forms of the old government, but this is basically working as intended. I don’t really care about the Constitution, or America.
“…then the end of the Roman republic was at hand, and nothing could save it. The laws were the same as they had been, but the people behind the laws had changed, and so the laws counted for nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 1911
The Civil War amendments and the 1964 Civil Rights Act are second and third revolutions and constitutions which supplanted the old one. Were probably in the midst of a fourth revolution. If there is any conflict, the more recent one usually takes precedent when the rubber hits the road.
A good policy objective would be to have the 1964 Act apply to everyone equally as the NJP has proposed, including Europeans. Even if unlikely to happen, its a strong argument for proving that the government despises the nation.
“The current regime is dancing and wearing the skin of the previous institutions like a body suit as we speak.”
This reminds me of the story of Esau and Jacob from the Bible. In Judaism, Esau is associated with Rome, Europeans, and Christendom–essentially white people–while Jacob is the patriarch of the Jewish people. Jacob puts on the “body suit” of goat pelts to LARP as his hairy brother Esau to subvert him of his blessing. What’s interesting is that Isaac, their Father who is blind, notes that Jacob feels like Esau when he touches his harm but notes that his voice is that of Jacob. I feel the story is in essence a microcosm of the macrocosm of Jewish/gentile relations and what we see unfolding today. Look at the current Jewish attorney general with the very WASP name, Merrick Garland. This is the modern embodiment of putting on the goat pelts. You’d think someone with the name Merrick Garland would make for a fine WASP attorney general but you’re dead wrong. Of course there are white non-Jews who are also to blame for the subversion as well. We see this cynically when people on the left counter-signal for upholding the constitution and rule of law when it suits their agenda. A good example of this is a whole lot of people are upset at Carlson’s documentary because it undermines faith in our institutions. Anne Applebaum, get a load of that Mayflower surname, is so concerned about this documentary sowing mistrust “of the country’s most important institutions.” But I thought our institutions were rotten to the core with racism and white supremacism? Therein lies the conventionalist stratagem: if the left is in power then it’s exactly as you say, they skin alive the institutions we hold dear and put on the pelts just like Jacob in the Bible, if the other side is in power then it’s time to sow distrust–the very thing they accuse Tucker of doing–in our most important of institutions.
Metallica warned us in 89 w/ And Justice For All
You are correct with analogy!
Let me recommend an obscure song, “Dancin in the Ruins” by Blue Oyster Cult. I should have suggested it be the new national anthem last year when BLM and antifa were burning U.S. cities. Even the video is appropriate to the riots that occured.
This is way to blackpilled for the actual situation. Most of the physical country is not under the direct control of our enemies. In fact, they don’t really live outside their urban (and near suburban) enclaves and they have no direct power where they don’t live.
And actual political movement would train community organizers to work in their current locations to develop the organizational infrastructure to prevent implementation of anti-White policies (at minimum), promote race-neutral policies (at medium) or promote pro-White policies (at maximum).
Focusing on ‘the culture war’ without attending to the political ‘ground war’ is not helping Whites win.
If you kill some black who his trying to harm you, even if it’s obvious that it’s self defense, you risk legal problems. The entire legal apparatus, D.A., judge, politicians, etc will side with leftists out of fear of the mobs reaction and because it’s easier to sacrifice a white citizen. If you say the wrong thing, you are out of a job. The military will no longer protect the U.S., no matter how many cities burn, partly because they fear the reaction of there own black troops. You can get canceled for saying the wrong thing. Your first ammendment rights are a joke. Blacks will come up with some obscure reason to prevent you from speaking at a university if they don’t like what you have to say. All of these things can happen anywhere in the U.S. The Bill of Rights have been basically renderd useless. In my opinion, our enemies have a lot of control over us. This is one of the reasons they are for gun control, they wan’t us defensless.
“Freedom no longer frees you!”— AJFA
I’ve seen alot of guys on our side bemoaning the state of self defense in America and I can’t help but wonder if they’re just not fully comprehending reality. I’m not attacking you Bigfoot, just piggybacking off of what you said. I see a lot frustration in our circles with the fact that it is difficult for whites to easily evade criminal charges for (justifiably) killing blacks in self defense in areas where progressives are in power. Well, no shit!
We are in an honest to God civil war and our enemies view us as subhumans who deserve nothing less than to be eradicated from this world. If you live in a city or a county where these people control the government apparatus, it would behoove you to act as though you are already considered an “enemy of the state,” so to speak. You’re not going to get any mercy from your oppressors and the law as it’s written doesn’t mean jack squat when it comes to how it’s enforced. What this practically means is that in places where progressive leftists are in power, your rights will not be recognized. Bluntly: you can’t expect to kill untouchables and just walk away. Fully accepting that fundamental truth and acting accordingly is critical to survival in this age that we’re living in.
I’m going to take this a step further and touch a third rail here: you’re going to have to think like a survivor if you choose to remain in enemy territory (side note, LEAVE places like this) and that means you might have to break laws. Got jumped by a black mugger or have one invade your home? Well, after you ventilate him, you might want to think about getting the hell away from the area or destroying the evidence. If you’ve got a wokeshit district attorney, you’re already screwed and in enormous peril, so you might as well do what you need to do in order to survive. I’m posting this here purely as a hypothetical thought experiment, but if anyone reading this hasn’t already been pondering these concepts then I submit that they need to get more serious about this whole “white nationalism” thing. Acting aghast at the idea that you may have to do ugly things to continue living is a good way to get crushed.
If the collapse happens it may very well come to that.
If the collapse happens you won’t have to worry about being indicted for self defense. Your won’t have to worry about political correctness or the thought police either.
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