White Americans are the System’s Number One Enemy
Robert Hampton
Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death while unarmed in the US Capitol on January 6, probably had no idea when she joined the US Air Force in response to the 9/11 attacks that 20 years later she would be described as equivalent to the hijackers by her own Commander-in-Chief.
1,204 words
George W. Bush makes great fodder for Counter-Currents articles. Any time he makes a public pronouncement, it’s worth writing about. We last saw him condemning “White Anglo-Saxon Protestantism” as un-American back in May. Last weekend, he condemned his own voting base as equivalent to the 9/11 hijackers.
Bush spoke at a 9/11 commemoration ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania last weekend. In the speech, he repeated the lies about the “white supremacist” terror threat — without actually using the term:
We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders but from violence that gathers within. There’s little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard of human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them.
He also praised post-9/11 America for embracing Muslims and open borders:
At a time when religious bigotry might have flowed freely, I saw Americans reject prejudice and embrace people of Muslim faith. That is the nation I know. At a time when nativism could have stirred hatred and violence against people perceived as outsiders, I saw Americans reaffirm their welcome to immigrants and refugees. That is the nation I know.
The message from Bush: “White Americans, not Muslims, are our real enemy. You should also praise me for resisting nativism and welcoming the people who did 9/11.”
Bush’s speech was loved by his former detractors and hated by his former supporters. The ex-President probably knew this would be the reaction and wanted it. He didn’t care that many of the people he denigrated were the very same people who had fought in his stupid wars. Ashli Babbitt signed up for military service right after 9/11 at age 17. For the crime of crawling through a window, she’s now the same “foul” person as the 9/11 hijackers.
Bush’s speech is a good reminder that the elites haven’t forgotten who they really hate and fear following the Afghan debacle. Many people warned that the Taliban takeover would spur a growth in Islamic terrorism and that we could soon face a serious attack. This was a popular stance among President Biden’s critics. Bush was one of Biden’s critics and opposed the withdrawal even before it turned into a disaster in August. Like most liberals, Dubya lamented how women’s rights would suffer without American troops to enforce liberal values. It’s unlikely that most of the troops who fought and died there did so in the belief that they were fighting for NGO-run girls’ schools. But Bush believes that’s all their service amounted to.
The cries and lamentations about Afghanistan still pale in comparison to the anguish over homegrown terrorists. Bush didn’t bother making veiled references to how a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan will lead to more terrorism. That’s only a problem because the new government doesn’t respect women’s rights. The real threat is right at home; CNN told Bush so.
This is the standard regime position, and Afghanistan hasn’t changed that. FBI director Christopher Wray made sure that his 9/11 op-ed in the Washington Post emphasized that “domestic terrorists” are the real problem now:
An expanding array of radical beliefs is increasingly inspiring domestic terrorists. Racial and ethnic ideologies, anti-government and anti-authority sentiments, conspiracy theories and personal grievances — the extraordinary range of dangerous narratives circulated online compounds the challenge of identifying and stopping violent extremists.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.
Wray laments the loss of a common purpose after 9/11, and says America needs to revive that in the face of “domestic terror.” Countering this alleged threat requires gleichschaltung from the American people, according to the FBI director:
As we learned after 9/11, collaboration is essential. Increasingly, that means law enforcement partnering with private citizens and companies. Interrupting fast-moving threats such as lone actors requires individuals to share information with the authorities when something seems amiss. Countering sophisticated cyberattacks requires companies to work with the FBI and not go it alone. Developing such relationships necessitates a joint commitment to building trust and improving communication.
The effects of this focus are already playing out in the real world. Fencing went up around the Capitol again in response to a peaceful rally scheduled to protest the barbaric treatment of the January 6 demonstrators. This will now be a regular occurrence any time a conservative protest takes place in the nation’s capital. No precaution is too great to counter this terrifying menace.
The threat from alleged terrorists even justifies outright treason. Reports surfaced this week that General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was secretly in contact with Chinese military officials during the latter days of Trump’s term. The purpose of this communication was allegedly to prevent Donald Trump from unilaterally declaring war against China — a distinctly unlikely possibility, yet one that Milley apparently felt was a real one. The General claims it was up to him to assure the Chinese that the American military would not go along with this (imaginary) threat.
Compare Milley’s views on China with that of ordinary Trump supporters. He told his subordinates that Trump supporters were the enemy. They were brownshirts following Trump’s Hitler-like Gospel. Lethal force was implied as the ultimate solution to thwart these thugs. Meanwhile, China, a hostile power that has the ability to devastate America in a nuclear strike, is viewed by the establishment as an ally of American democracy. No one is talking about allying with China against Islamic terrorists, however. In fact, we’re suspected of supporting Islamic terrorism against China.
The regime outlined its terror concerns over the summer. In a memo released in June, the Biden administration said the “most persistent and lethal threats” are “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (principally those who promote the superiority of the white race) and militia violent extremists.” The memo entirely ignored Islamic extremists, and only contained one ambiguous reference to Antifa.
The memo shared Wray’s enthusiasm for gleichschaltung and called for greater censorship and control over the public space. It also demanded a purge of wrongthinkers from the military and government, as well as terrorist classification for the “worst” offenders. This is the same government that allowed an open radical Islamist to hold a high rank in the US military. This radical went on to kill 13 soldiers in 2009 in the name of jihad. Maybe if he had tweeted about the Great Replacement, officials would’ve paid more attention to him.
The fact is that the regime doesn’t care about Islamic terrorism anymore. It’s unlikely that even new attacks will change this. It’s more suitable for their interests to consider white Americans as the enemy. They don’t have to make any concessions to the religion of peace for whites, or restrain their hatred in any way. They can unleash their full fury on white Americans because no one wants to defend them, even if they still make up the majority of the country. And a program of oppression targeted at whites aids their mission of attaining total control. They can impose hate speech controls and more brainwashing if they convince the people that there’s some huge white supremacist threat.
The enemy is no longer a cave-dwelling jihadist overseas. According to George W. Bush, it’s you and me.
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Now you know how the Serbs felt during the 90’s wars, (still, they were far more demonized by the Western media than ISIS and they are still considered a pariah state even though NATO destroyed a good part of their infrastructure and killed 2000+ civilians.) or the South Africans and Rhodesians did when everyone turned against them and isolated them. What is the way out of it? I don’t know. We don’t have anyone representing us. The GOP is useless.
In the UK we are enjoined to think of jihadist attacks as inevitable like the weather (if minor) or as an opportunity to come together as a community (if larger). In no case is a connection with any minority group to be made, nor need one dwell on the perpetrators. On the other hand ‘white supremacist hate crime’, which could encompass disrespecting a BAME celebrity on Twitter, posting an IOTBW sticker somewhere public, or simply downloading nationalist material, is always greeted with wailing and gnashing of teeth. Harsh custodial sentences are mandatory and the guilty (always young lads) are thoroughly and gleefully character assassinated on the BBC and excoriated by the harpies of The Guardian. Freedom of political expression, which reached a maximum just before the Satanic Verses affair, has declined precipitously in recent years, to an extent that scarcely would have seemed credible at the fall of the Berlin Wall, when we all thought the Left defeated forever. But it was not so.
Yep. A young man, Ben John, was just convicted for downloading (i.e., viewing) “repellent” right-wing material. Even the Prosecution agreed he wasn’t planning a terrorist attack. Just reading “extremist” opinions (“70,000 white-supremacist documents”) can get you anathematized in today’s Britain – and no-one objects!
The Guardian, and liberals generally, are furious he was only given a light sentence. What is funny is that he was ordered to read Dickens (who salivated over the cruel treatment meted out to the “wretched Hindoo” after the Indian Mutiny, and who was also a committed supporter of the Confederacy!), Jane Austen (a conservative icon) and Bill Shakespeare.
If somebody made me read Dickens and Shakespeare, I would take up the extremist cause! What extremist cause? ANY extremist cause! Reminds me of the Australian comedian Jim Jefferies (now thoroughly deballed by the hyper-PC crowd) talking about how he could never be a Muslim, cos they hate bacon and beer (chuckling):
I wonder what “The Guardian” has to say about ‘Wuthering Heights”, which to my mind is a blistering indictment against mixed marriage (or love affairs even), and bringing a total foreigner, as a street urchin, into one’s family and raising him as their own. I was horrified by this whole novel, which I read about 5 or 6 years ago, as part of an English Lit assignment. I never discussed it with anybody, and it was several years ahead of my discovery of White Nationalism. However, I understand that many women weep over this poor misguided soul and his love affair with the daughter, as well as the disputes with the other children. How is this book looked upon in England? I wonder what our Leftists here in the U.S. would read into it. If any of our literary commentators here have a view, it would be an interesting discussion.
“we all thought the Left defeated forever.”
We here in the U. S. thought that as well. Yes, the Left has been incredibly tenacious. Like locusts, they have burrowed themselves into our Western institutions and waited for decades to re-emerge. And re-emerge they certainly have, more numerous than ever.
I must conclude that the Left will only be defeated when their proponents are all dead. We must face the grim reality that if we actually win our political objective of Western Recovery, all of these tenacious locusts within our societies will be acting as partisans against us, and will need to be dealt with. Rivers of blood indeed.
I want to take this moment to note a certain very brave Englishman with a YouTube channel called “History Debunked”. Everyone here should watch his videos, he tells the story of what is really going on in Britain.
The Left’s deepest motivation is resentful envy, that is, spite. Macchiavelli (Discourses, 30) has this opinion about who they are and how to defeat them:
Such envy is extinguished in another way when, either through violence or the natural course of events, those men die who have been your competitors in attaining a certain reputation and a certain level of greatness; such men will never be able to acquiesce or remain patient, seeing you are more highly esteemed than they. Furthermore, when they are men accustomed to living in a corrupt city, where education has produced no good in them whatsoever, in order to fulfil their wishes and to satisfy their perversity of mind, they will be happy to see the ruin of their native city. (Bolding mine) To conquer such envy, there is no other remedy than the death of those who feel it.
I, of course, eschew all violence.
“Tax the Rich” — a motto of Socialism at its very base — and recently emblazoned in red ink on a white satin evening gown worn by the ‘Queen of the Woke’ in WDC, Ms. AOC. The Left simply hates anyone who is in any way successful and/or rich. Even if they have achieved that rank finally for themselves, they still can’t put away their Socialist mindset. The very originator of Socialism, Karl Marx, was born into a well-off Jewish family, with nearby cousins who were really rich factory owners in Germany and England. I can only assume he had a ‘father complex’ which he carried with him for the rest of his life, while he railed against ‘The Capitalists’ in three massive volumes, as well as numerous newspaper and literary writings. He never worked a day in his life in any office, factory, or other wage-employment, and borrowed throughout his life from his own family and his wife’s family to feed himself and his children. Yet — he ‘hates the rich’. Go figure.
Imagine if Babbitt had just had children 20 years or so ago. Fine sons. What a fucking waste of a life she ended up having. Decent looking, probably clever enough to manage an office. Shot in the neck by an incompetent stupid nog. What a fucking sick joke.
The only ‘domestic terrorism’ I’ve seen in the U.S. in the past two years has been ANTIFA rioting in our cities, composed of mostly stupid Whites with a sprinkling of every other mongrel nesting in America now. But Antifa is OK with this administration, because it is fighting alongside BLM, the other most prevalent ‘domestic terrorist’ I’ve ever seen on TV. I watched TV from February 2020 until now, while staying 90% at home because of the ‘out of territory’ virus which has just mystically fallen out of the sky — by terrorists, might you believe? Corona Virus or ‘Chinese Bat Flu’ as I call it, is the one thing that the Democrats haven’t blamed on White Supremacists — yet.
Disagree. The only true domestic terror threat is the U.S. government…
All this “General Miley calling China” bullshit is easy for me to understand. As 2020 regime change operations were underway in America and China was thus at risk of being “attacked” by President Trump for their criminal acts of biological war against us…and against him and his Presidency, treasonous military brass aligned with the colluding DNC, were in “secret” communication with the CCP to tell them, hey, don’t attack America with military force, not yet anyway, nah, we got this Get Trump Out thing under control (thank you for your help by the way, we got it from here, oh and nevermind 1/6), he’s out, so there’s no need to bomb America or conduct decapitation strikes on its POTUS in his second term of verbally and economically tormenting those evil gook bugs, the Chinese Communists. That’s what it’s all about.
The gleichschaltung being foisted on us by the antiwhite oligarchs is White erasure coordinated through 24/7 propaganda promoting antiwhitism. The solution is for us to adopt White Wellbeing as our highest value and to reject absolutely everything that is antiwhite.
As Gregory Hood put it, White Americans are a stateless people.
The definition of ‘terrorism’ is getting quite interesting these days on this side of the pond. Of course, no mention is ever made of female violence against men. Cos us men deserve everything we get, of course.
Is George W. Bush vying against Biden for a lowest IQ award? It was Anglo-Saxon Protestants that largely founded this country. And they want to know why we wanted Trump instead of another boring clueless Republican like him and his father! After Reagan, Trump was the first interesting President in over 25 years.
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