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There’s Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and now White Wednesday.
In coordination with our friends at other pro-white businesses, we present White Wednesday. Strategically use your gift-giving resources for the cause! (At a discount!)
We are offering 20% off our entire stock, including new titles.
Use the code “WHITEXMAS24” at checkout.
Featured New Titles for 2024:
- Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market by Alain de Benoist
In Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market, Alain de Benoist shows the inadequacy of liberalism’s philosophical premises: individualism, self-interest, progressivism, human rights, capitalism, market values, and “economic man.” He shows that liberalism in practice is incompatible with genuine diversity and with democratic, communitarian, and conservative values. He suggests that society can have a market without being a market. It turns out that the best society is one in which not everything is up for sale.
- Being & The Birds or: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Heidegger (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock) by Derek Hawthorne
Philosopher and film critic Derek Hawthorne draws on the thought of Martin Heidegger to illuminate Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 classic The Birds, about a series of savage and inexplicable bird attacks on Bodega Bay, a sleepy California fishing village. Hawthorne argues that The Birds depicts a Heideggerian “event” (Ereignis): a sudden and fundamental transformation of the meaning of everything. Modern men believe we are masters of our own destiny. Heidegger calls this “humanism” and rejects it completely. The Birds is an anti-humanist film. In the space of one weekend, all pretensions to the understanding and mastery of nature are shattered, and man is reduced to helplessness in the face of unfathomable mystery.
- Imperium: The Philosophy of History & Politics by Greg Johnson
In mid-1947, the authoritarian Right was at its absolute nadir, crushed in the pincers of liberal democracy and communism. But Francis Parker Yockey dreamed of its rebirth. First, the Right needed a Das Kapital, then a Communist Manifesto, then a militant political party. Thus Yockey withdrew to Brittas Bay, Ireland, one of the few places in Europe untouched by the most destructive war in history. There, in a blaze of inspiration, he wrote Imperium.
Drawing upon the ideas of Oswald Spengler and Carl Schmitt, Imperium offers a philosophy of history, culture, and politics, as well as a synoptic overview of the Second World War and the post-war world. Yockey argues that the destiny of Western Civilization will be realized only by the creation of a pan-European imperial order.
Although Imperium was reviled by many on the Right for its Spenglerian rejection of biological race, it was praised by such figures as Julius Evola and Revilo P. Oliver and has exercised a profound influence on the imperialist strand of the post-war European Right, including such figures as Jean Thiriart and Guillaume Faye.
The month of December is our busiest time of the year, so please take advantage of this opportunity to get your picks in now so you can rest and enjoy the things that matter most: family, friends, and traditions.
Check out our Telegram channel here to see sale news and updates from other participating businesses, including:
Antelope Hill Publishing
Imperium Press
Will2Rise Shop
Dissident Press
Above Time Coffee
White Papers Policy Institute
Act now since Christmas is closer than you think!
Merry Christmas and Happy Yuletide everyone!
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 620
Эаметки о суверенитете и международном порядке
Millenniyule 2024
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 615
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 600: Derek Hawthorne’s New Book Being and “The Birds”
True Christian Nationalism
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