There were many factors that decided Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 Republican primary and general election: his panache (both figurative and literal), his appeal to independents, and his anti-establishment and national populist attitude all set him apart from the other candidates. But what also stood out and magnified those other aspects were his new ideas, or at least ideas that both sides of the political establishment had tacitly agreed to avoid. (more…)
Tag: Yuval Noah Harari
First the good news: 2022 is over. Now the bad news: 2023 is just beginning.
I am an incurably irascible person who wrote roughly 100 articles for Counter-Currents last year. (more…)
C. R. Hallpike
Ship of Fools: An Anthology of Learned Nonsense about Primitive Society
Kouvola, Finland: Castalia House, 2018C. R. Hallpike’s Ship of Fools should prove to be an embarrassment to the scientific community — the most fascinating, righteous, and gratifying embarrassment there could possibly be.
Armed with his many years of hands-on experience as an anthropologist, Hallpike thoroughly refutes a number of popular scientific theories about primitive societies. (more…)
219 words / 53:18
Greg Johnson did a new solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:33 Thoughts on envy and Bronze Age Pervert
06:46 On Yuval Noah Harari (Jim Goad on Harari; Greg Johnson’s “Money for Nothing“) (more…) -
September 19, 2022 Jim Goad
Koukejte na všechny ty nepotřebné lidi . . .
1.265 slov
English original here
Potrhlý Izraelec Yuval Noah Harari je rasista v tom nejryzejším slova smyslu: jako cestu kupředu vidí eliminaci celé lidské rasy.
Zatímco se řada z nás do roztrhání těla snaží zastavit velkou výměnu, Harari s málo skrývaným uspokojením hovoří o náhradě rozsahu nesrovnatelně masivnějšího – tedy druhu Homo sapiens přístroji a algoritmy, které je uvádějí do pohybu. (more…)
1,399 words
Czech version here
The squirrelly Israeli named Yuval Noah Harari is a racist in the purest sense: He sees the elimination of the entire human race as a sign of progress.
While many of us busy ourselves fretting about the Great Replacement, Harari speaks quite fondly of an even Greater Replacement — that of Homo sapiens with machines and the algorithms that drive them. (more…)